The six demon clans looked at the human clan opposite, each with solemn expressions.

The opponent just took action alone and blocked the joint attack of their two masters.

What about the opponent's remaining human strength?

But they did not leave immediately, but looked at the leading female fox demon. Wait for the other party to make a decision.

This female fox demon was wearing a very wide, obviously specially customized long skirt, which just covered her tail, making people wonder how many tails she had.

Not only her, but several other fox demons also did the same, all of them covered their tails.

However, even so, it can be seen that the parts of this female fox demon and the fox demon that attacked before are larger than the other two fox demons. Obviously, they have more tails. .

The female fox demon laughed softly and said, "In that case, we should still thank you, right?"

The crisp voice also has a charming flavor to it.

Cao Zhen suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the female fox demon in front of him. The voice of this female fox demon sounded so familiar! Why does it look so much like Ju'e?

He and Ju'e had been alone together for a long time, so he naturally knew Ju'e's voice.

And this team.

There are four fox demons, obviously the fox demons are the main ones, and the remaining two should be the demon clan attached to their fox demon clan.

In the fox demon's team, the fox demon who attacked before should also be the top strong one in the fox clan, but they were not dominated by the opponent, but by the fox demon in front of them who was obviously much younger.

Is it because this young fox demon is stronger? Or is it a higher status?

Ju'e is the princess of the fox demon clan.

Therefore, the possibility that this female fox demon is Ju'e is really not small. However, even if it is really Ju'e, there is no need for him to recognize her. There are so many people here. After we get to know each other, what should we do if others think there is something wrong with us? What should you do if others think you are a traitor to the human race?

Cao nodded slightly, deliberately showing a arrogant look and said: "You can understand it this way."

"Oh? In that case, I should give you some more benefits." The female fox demon suddenly said, "Are you interested in cooperating again?"


Everyone around them was stunned for a moment. When they met people of various races on the outer battlefield, they almost all started fighting without saying a word. At most, some demon races would leave when they saw them.

This is the first time I have encountered a foreign race that wants to cooperate with them!

Cao Zhen was also stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said, "That's all, we are cooperating with you, what if someone thinks that we have betrayed the human race?

Besides, who knows if you really want to cooperate with us or if you want to harm us? "

When the female fox demon heard this, she shook her head slightly and said, "You said it yourself just now, our fox demon clan is very friendly to your human race, why should I harm you?

Besides, with so many of you here, are you still worried that others will think you have betrayed the human race? Besides, don’t you want to know what we are going to do with you?

I think that when other human races know what you are doing together with us, no human race will think that you have betrayed the human race. "

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, he became slightly interested and asked in a low voice: "So, what do you want to cooperate with us on?"

When the female fox demon heard this, she did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Do you still know that your human race is in this situation now and is being targeted by six alien races. Which race is the root of everything?"

Cao Zhen said directly without thinking: "Celestial Clan!"

It is obvious that the Heavenly Clan wants to continue to maintain their dominance and maintain their unshakable status. Therefore, the Heavenly Clan must be instigating all the tribes to target the Human Race behind the scenes.

"Yes, it is indeed the Celestial Clan!" The female fox demon nodded slightly, "The Celestial Clan must ensure that they have absolute dominance and that they can kill any group of other major clans.

You, the human race, are severely suppressed now, but back then, our demon race was suppressed even more severely. They will never let any clan threaten them.

It can even be said that once the Celestial Clan is gone, the other extremely alien races will definitely not target you, the Human Clan. "

Cao Zhen nodded lightly. Although what I said was very absolute and a bit exaggerated, there was still some truth in what he said.

Behind, Immortal Lord Yunhuo heard the sound with an obvious look of surprise on his face, and said in surprise: "So, you want to join forces with us to deal with the Celestial Clan!"

In the eyes of her, and even in the eyes of many monks from the human race, the six major alien races only followed the Celestial Clan. He had not heard of any master from any race taking the initiative to attack the Celestial Clan.

But now, these demon clans are saying that they will join forces to deal with the heavenly clan. This sounds unreliable!

"Yes, we are going to deal with the Celestial Clan together with you, or to be more precise, to kill a group of Celestial Clan!"

The leader of the fox demon said in a deep voice: "Now, under special rules, those heavenly clans cannot communicate with their families. Even if they die, their families will not know how they died. Not to mention that we were the ones who killed him.

In fact, if the opponent was not too strong and we had no confidence in defeating them, we would have already taken action. Originally, I was planning to give up.

As a result, I met you. With the strength you have shown, if you join forces with us, it is very possible to kill those Celestial Clan! In that Celestial Clan, there is a top genius from the Celestial Clan, who is recognized by everyone in the Celestial Clan as the Tianshun Immortal Lord who can become a Golden Immortal! "

The fox demon paused slightly as he spoke, and then added: "By the way, that Immortal Lord Tianshun also has another identity. The Heavenly Clan, like our Monster Clan, also has royal families and royal families, and Immortal Lord Tianshun came from the royal family and is the current one. The seventh prince of the royal family!

The princes of the Celestial Clan are not arranged according to their age.

The Heavenly Clan Royal Family will only have ten princes. These ten people are ranked according to their strength and talent, except for the strongest emperors among the royal family.

The seventh prince of the royal family, the seventh least talented among the royal family, or even higher.

After all, this ranking is not entirely based on talent. Maybe there are people in front of him who are slightly less talented than him, but their cultivation level is much higher, so they are ranked higher. "

Cao Zhen heard the sound and immediately laughed and said: "If you say this, there is a possibility that there is someone behind him who has a lower cultivation level than him, but his talent is much higher than him, so he is behind him. His talent is also Not necessarily in the top five, maybe still outside the top ten.”

"That's what the theory says, but this possibility is almost impossible." The female fox demon who took the lead turned to look at him and said in a deep voice: "Because, as far as I know, the top five members of the Celestial Clan and the Royal Clan are All the princes are in the golden fairyland!

Among the Celestial Clan, the strength of the royal family far exceeds that of all other branches, including even their royal family. Therefore, the seventh prince of this royal family is one of the two strongest true immortals in the Celestial Clan!

The princes of the Heavenly Clan Royal Family have never existed in the True Immortal Realm.

The fact that he can stand out from all the real immortals in the royal family shows how talented he is! Killing him would be a big loss to the Celestial Clan! "

Are the top five princes of the Heavenly Clan all from the Golden Fairy Realm? Do they have so many golden wonderlands?

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and then realized that this seemed normal. They were in Dongzhou, which was only one of the four continents today, and there were also several Golden Fairyland.

The Tian Clan is the most powerful clan today, and the Royal Clan is the strongest among them. It is not surprising that there are five or even six Golden Immortals.

However, these monster clans are so courageous that they dare to directly kill the seventh prince of the Celestial clan!

All around, everyone was stunned. They also knew that the six alien races were definitely not monolithic, and there were even competitions among the six alien races!

But the problem is, they didn't expect that the relationship between the six foreign races would be so bad, and the Tian Clan is the strongest clan. These monsters are going to kill the Celestial Clan, the prince of the royal family, how dare they!

Immortal Lord Yunhuo couldn't help but ask: "You just told us that you were going to kill the prince of the Heavenly Clan. Aren't you afraid that we would tell you and drag you Monster Clan into the water?"

The female fox demon laughed again: "First of all, as I said, the Celestial Clan has always suppressed those who are targeting the country. As long as they don't know and kill their Celestial Clan's genius in front of many races, they will not be able to attack for no reason. us.

Secondly, if you say it, someone needs to believe it. What's more, if you say this, when the time comes, you and we will kill the Seventh Prince of the Celestial Clan, won't you also be selling yourselves? "

Cao Zhen suddenly said: "We did not agree to kill the seventh prince with you."

"Really? By the way, I haven't said where he is yet." The female fox demon said as if she was sure of winning, "Have you ever heard of a race called the mixed race? It's not the soul of the soul, but the soul of the soul. It's chaos!

It is said that the mixed race is one of the earliest races in the world! Their number was not large, but they were also the strongest race at that time. Because each of them practices the legendary energy of chaos.

At the same time, there is also a saying that the Tian Clan comes from the Immortal Clan, and the Immortal Clan is derived from a branch of the Mixed Clan.

Now, the seventh prince of the Tian Clan has entered a relic of the Mixed Clan. And that relic is in this killing battlefield.

There are two types of ruins. One is that they appear suddenly and then open for a period of time. The ruins will be closed immediately after a period of time.

There is another kind of ruins that exists for a long time. Unless someone takes away the valuable treasures in the ruins or destroys the ruins, the ruins will always exist. You can enter the ruins at any time as long as you find them.

The seventh prince of the Heavenly Clan entered such a ruins that he could enter with him. At the same time, the ruins in the Killing Fields will also be affected by the rules of the Killing Fields!

I don’t need to say more about the benefits of killing this seventh prince to your human race. Now because of the changes in the rules of the world, it is also the best time to kill him.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to kill him again!

As for the treasures in the ruins, we will all have to do our own thing when the time comes. What we want to do most is to kill their seventh prince! "

Cao Zhen was really tempted.

He absorbed a huge piece of Chaos Qi very early, and at that time he thought that this Chaos Qi could be used for a long time, and that Chaos Qi was indeed used for a long time.

But the problem is that, up to now, the energy of chaos has been almost exhausted.

The energy of chaos is not available everywhere. He also needs the energy of chaos.

It's obvious that this mixed race has something to do with Chaos.

Maybe there is an aura of chaos in the ruins of the mixed race! What's more, if the Celestial Clan can be killed, the masters who are the first and second best in the True Immortal Realm, then it will indeed bring only benefits and no harm to the human race.

Of course, the premise is that this fox demon did not lie to himself.

Cao Zhen looked at the others again. Everyone around them also looked thoughtful, obviously considering whether to cooperate with the Fox Clan.

After the female fox demon finished speaking, she slowly withdrew a distance, obviously giving everyone time to discuss.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

"If everything is true, then the relics of the mixed race will probably have a shocking inheritance!"

"That's right, if it weren't for the great inheritance, the Seventh Prince of the Celestial Clan wouldn't be able to go there easily!"

"The question now is, are we sure that we can kill the Seventh Prince of the Heavenly Clan if we join forces? When such masters go out, they will inevitably bring a large number of masters with them.

The other party must also know that the rules in this killing battlefield will change, so they must also be on guard and bring various masters, such as physically powerful masters, such as masters who are good at spells! If we join forces, what are the chances of killing the Seventh Prince! "

"Also, how could that fox demon know so much? This kind of thing is usually top secret. How did the fox demon know about it? This fox demon can't be trusted!"

Immortal Lord Hongyu listened to everyone's words, but his eyes fell on Lord Crimson Fire Sword, and asked: "What does Lord Sword mean?"

Their strength is actually only secondary. If the other party wants to cooperate with them, they are also interested in the strength of the Red Fire Sword Lord. If the Red Fire Sword Lord does not agree, no matter how much they say, it will be useless.

Everyone looked over when they heard the sound, and Huayu Sword Master even sighed softly. It would have been better if they had not separated from the leader of Baifeng. Even if the rules have changed now and flames can no longer be used, it is just the leader of Baifeng. With his terrifying physical strength and sword skills, the leader of Baifeng must be one of the strongest beings in this killing battlefield!

The leader of Baifeng attaches great importance to their entire human race and always puts the interests of their human race first.

The leader of Baifeng will definitely take action, but this Red Fire Sword Lord is not sure.

"I still need to see the sincerity of the other party and distinguish the truth from the falsehood in the other party's words."

Cao Zhen said, got up and walked forward. He wanted to test first whether the other party was Ju'e. If it was Ju'e, he thought he could still trust it. If it was another demon clan, he still had to think carefully.

Several demon clans across the way saw the human clan approaching and looked over.

The female fox demon headed by the other party even asked: "Have you thought about it?"

Cao Zhen did not answer the other party's question directly, but suddenly asked: "I heard that your demon clan has a big pigsty? Do you still have that pigsty now?"

Behind the scenes, Hongyu Xianjun and others were completely dumbfounded. No, didn't you say you wanted to test whether the other party really wanted to cooperate and check whether the news was true or false?

Is this how you test it?

Does this have anything to do with the pig pen?

"Pig pen!"

The expression of the female fox demon opposite suddenly became extremely weird. She stared at the opposite side and asked, "How do you know that our demon tribe has a pig pen?"

"Oh, I just heard about it." Cao Zhen looked at the strange look on the other party's face and felt more and more that the other party was Ju'e. He continued to test, "I heard that the pigsty is a big shot in your fox clan. Give it to her." Prepared? Has she ever gone in?"

When the fox demon opposite heard the sound, a vein suddenly popped out on his forehead, and he said loudly: "Nonsense, that pigsty was prepared for a shameless guy, and all the pigs I prepared there are sows." , are from all over the world, and all kinds of sows are ready!"

As she spoke, the look on the other side became extremely weird!

Although it is not a secret that their Fox clan has a large pigsty, no one knows that this pigsty was specially prepared for Cao Zhen.

And this guy just said that he prepared the pigsty for himself.

He clearly said it on purpose. There is probably only one person who can say this on purpose!

Cao Zhen!

This guy is Cao Zhen!


Cao Zhen looked at the reaction from the other side and felt extremely sure in his heart that this fox demon must be Ju'e, otherwise why would she have such a big reaction.

However, I will check again.

Cao Zhen looked at the other side and said: "I still have some questions that I need you to answer. I wonder if you can lend me a step?"

"Of course." Ju'e nodded and stepped forward.

Behind, the other five demon clans were shocked when they saw her actions, and quickly shouted: "Sir!"

"Sir, I will accompany you."

There was also a demon clan who shouted directly at Cao Zhen: "If you want to ask anything else, just ask."

This is the princess of their Fox Clan, the next leader of their Fox Clan's unofficial appointment, and the human race opposite is obviously a top expert.

They were worried that their princess was so close to that human race.

Ju'e waved her hand gently and said: "Don't worry, the ones who are the friendliest to their human race now are our demon clan. Among the demon clan, the friendliest to them is our fox clan. For the sake of their human race, he also He won’t take action against me.”

Several monsters in the rear were still worried and said, "That's not necessarily true. What if he is a traitor to the human race?"

"Traitor?" Cao Zhen heard the sound and sneered, "If I were a traitor, you would be dead by now."

Each monster clan was so looked down upon by the other party, and they immediately became furious.


"Human race, don't be too arrogant."


Before they could finish speaking, Ju'e had already turned around, waved her hands to the monsters and said, "That's enough. You guys step back, and I will prove to him that I didn't lie to them. And he, if the human race is so talented, They are all traitors, and the human race is not far away from being destroyed, so he will not be a traitor to the human race!"

As she spoke, Ju E strode up to Cao Zhen and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Cao Zhen?"

In order to prevent her voice from being heard by others, her entire body almost pressed against Cao Zhen's body.

Cao Zhen sniffed the faint fragrance and whispered almost at the same time: "Ju'e?"

After saying that, they looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Cao Zhen was still worried and continued to ask: "Under what circumstances did I see you?"

"In our little world, you disguised yourself as our Fox Clan, and then I discovered you. I told you that you can't leave any more. If you leave any further, it will be the forbidden area of ​​our Fox Clan, and then we quickly took action, After that, you tied me up."

As Ju E said this, she rolled her eyes at Cao Zhen and then asked, "That time, you and I encountered danger together. How did we get out of trouble in the end?"

"How did we get out of trouble? Of course I killed the other party. I used a flying knife to kill the other party. Then we went out and found that we were in the Miasma Valley, and then we met two poison quenchers. Tarantula.”

Everyone around looked at the man and the monster, but they felt weird no matter how they looked at them.

"Why are the two of them so close?"

"Aren't they afraid that the other party will suddenly attack?"

Linghu looked at the two people together, who seemed very close to each other. It looked like they were having an affair. His master seemed to have a little lover in the fox clan. No, it was a little love fox.

Ju'e, the princess of the Fox tribe.

The identity of this female fox demon seems to be very high. No, she must be Ju'e, the princess of the fox tribe. What they said before about the pigsty was just a secret code!

It’s broken, I’m definitely broken!

You are really a good master to me. When you met your apprentice, you pretended not to know anything. In the end, I was almost misunderstood, but after meeting your little love fox, you immediately revealed your identity.

And then, in broad daylight, under this clear sky, in front of so many people and so many monsters, where did you start flirting!

Believe it or not, I will go back and tell the two mistresses!

On the opposite side, all the demon clans were also confused. What is going on? Why is my princess so close to this human clan?

The way the princess acted just now, it was obvious that she was not afraid of the other party attacking him.

Why is the princess not afraid?

The princess knows the other person, but it’s hard to say the other person’s name directly!

The princess knows a few human beings, but there seems to be only one she is most familiar with, Cao Zhen, the leader of the Baifeng Sect!

So, this guy is Cao Zhen!

It was precisely because it was Cao Zhen that the princess did not directly say the other party's name.

No wonder this man has such a terrifying physical body and possesses such powerful flames. It turns out to be him!

They had heard that Cao Zhen had a disciple who was good at flames!

If this person is Cao Zhen, then they are much more sure of killing the Seventh Prince of the Celestial Clan!

After Cao Zhen confirmed Ju'e's identity, he did not ask how Ju'e knew the other party's whereabouts, but asked: "Do you know the other party's strength?"

"Clear. In addition to the Seventh Prince, there are eight Heavenly Clans following him. However, among the eight Heavenly Clans, four of them are not worthy of special attention. Among the remaining four masters, among them Having two physical bodies is not particularly powerful.

Even so, the other party is also at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and with the Seventh Prince beside him, his strength will not be too weak.

However, they also have two physically powerful monks who deserve more attention. Among them, there is another one who is physically powerful and also possesses a terrifying flame, a master of the Heavenly Extinguishing Holy Fire.

Of course, the strongest one is the Seventh Prince. Therefore, after I discovered that you are extremely powerful, I thought of asking you to cooperate. "

Cao Zhen nodded slightly: "Based on this, we should be able to win. Moreover, they should not be needed. I will just go with you. But it is agreed that by then, if the rules of the killing battlefield change, we can use If you feel like a fairy, let’s run away immediately.”

Now that he cannot exert his immortal energy, he is confident enough that there are probably few people in the entire True Immortal Realm who are his opponents.

Maybe it would be different if you could use your immortal energy.

Especially since the other party is one of the best in the Celestial Clan's True Fairy Realm. Looking at the whole world, he is probably among the top ten or even the top five True Fairy Realms.

If you don't run away and continue to fight with the opponent, wouldn't you be looking for death?

After that, he looked at Immortal Hongyu and others and said: "I am going to cooperate with the Monster Clan to kill the Seventh Prince of the Celestial Clan. It should be enough for you and me alone, but for you, this area is already somewhat dangerous. Well, you’d better go to a more peripheral place where it’s safer.”

Immortal Hongyu and others are indeed very strong, but this time they are facing a prince from the Celestial Clan, who is one of the strongest true immortals among the Celestial Clan. When they took Immortal Hongyu and the others there, he also It is not certain that Zhou Quan will be able to protect Hongyu Xianjun and others.

The key is that there are still a few people among them who need to be protected.

"What? You want to separate from us?"

"You want to go by yourself?"

Immortal Hongyu and others heard the sound and immediately shook their heads.

"We can't let you go on your own!"

"Don't forget that we are also human beings. At times like this, we naturally have to go together."

"Yes, there is indeed a gap between our strength and yours, but we can also contribute to the human race!"

"Lord Red Fire Sword, if we don't go, you will be with these monsters by yourself. If something unexpected happens..."

"Yes, those are the ruins of the mixed clan. The ruins of the oldest clan may contain their inheritance, and maybe there is the legendary energy of chaos. Maybe this is our chance, Chi Huo Lord Dao, you can't let us give up on possible opportunities."

Cao Zhen looked at the firm eyes of everyone around him, nodded slightly and said: "Since you said so, let's go together, but remember, don't force yourself to come forward. When in danger, protect them first. The three of them are weak. Fellow."

Immortal Fuliu and Immortal Shenghua sighed helplessly. Since they entered the killing battlefield and met Immortal Hongyu and others, they have been protected almost all the way. It has been ten years, and they are still being protected.

They were also helpless. Who knew that in the past ten years, the time they could use immortal energy was so short, and most of the rules were so unfavorable to them!

Immortal Lord Yunhuo wanted to refute, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

She originally thought that she would be able to show off her skills when she encountered a rule that allowed her to cast flames, but in the end, just like before, she still had to be protected.

After everyone was sure, they did not move forward immediately.

Instead, he first collected the remaining fire crystals here.

Cao Zhen was sure that he was with Ju'e, so it was hard to drive him away.

But if he can't drive the opponent away, then he won't be polite. Anyway, he has already shown some of his strength before.

This time, he directly gathered the Samadhi True Fire in his hands and began to take the fire crystals.

On the side of the demon clan, there are two demon clans who practice fire, but they have just driven away the flames on the fire crystal. The next moment, the two of them suddenly widened their eyes and looked at them in disbelief. , that human race’s Red Fire Sword Lord.

"This... just wrapped your hands in flames and took them directly?"

"What else are we collecting at this speed? Apart from the fire crystals in our own hands, won't the rest have to be taken away by him!"

The three people, Yunhuo Immortal Lord, who were closer, were also confused. They guessed that the Scarlet Fire Sword Lord had intended to give in to let them collect part of the fire crystals. However, they did not expect that the Red Fire Sword Lord gave in to him. There are so many!

What speed is this!

After Cao Zhen collected all the remaining fire crystals here, Yunhuo Immortal Lord and the other three people did not finish driving away the flames of the fire crystals in their hands.

On the other hand, the Qingyan Immortal Lord from the Monster Clan who had fought with him before was fast enough. After taking away the two fire crystals, he picked up the third fire crystal. Even just one step behind him, he took this fire crystal away. The flames in the crystal have almost been driven away.

After waiting for a while, the three Yunhuo Immortal Lords completely drove away the flames on the Fire Crystal. She looked at the flames in her hands, with a look of surprise on her face, and whispered: "It's different. What we saw before was the Fire Crystal of Karma, but the Fire Crystal in my hand should be the Fire Crystal of Yanyang True Fire!"

On the side, the Blazing Immortal Lord heard the sound and whispered: "Mine is also the fire crystal of Yanyang True Fire!"

The two of them looked at Immortal Burning Flame at the same time and asked: "Is it yours too?"

"No." Blazing Immortal Lord shook his head slightly and said, "My fire crystal is full of coldness. It should be a crystal covered with ice and hiding fire."

"So, these falling fire crystals are not exactly the same. As a result, it will be much more difficult for us to gather ten kinds of the same fire crystals."

Everyone had seen fire crystals falling in several places before. Although they wanted to find the Seventh Prince of the Heavenly Clan, they were not in a hurry.

Soon, everyone was looking for those places again.

Unfortunately, they were not the only ones who saw the Fire Crystal. They went to three places, and only one place had more than ten Fire Crystals.

After walking through this place, there were no Fire Crystals nearby, and everyone immediately headed for the ruins of the mixed race, led by Ju'e.

As the leaders of both parties, Cao Zhen and Ju E walked at the front together. The people from the human race behind did not find anything strange.

As for the suspicion that this Red Fire Sword Lord, whom they had never heard of before, was a traitor to the human race?

They didn't even think about it.

If this Crimson Fire Immortal Lord is a traitor to the human race, then Zhou Zhang, who is not as big as Red Waste, directly joins forces with these demon clans, and they are no match!

Ju'e originally planned to find the master before going there, so it was not too far away from the ruins of the mixed race.

Within seven days, under the leadership of Ju'e, everyone arrived at the bottom of a high mountain.

When we first entered this killing battlefield, it was an endless plain. Later, as we continued to deepen, mountains, rivers, and lakes also appeared.

Cao Zhen can be 100% sure that the mountain in front of him is definitely the highest mountain he has seen since entering the killing battlefield.

Just by visual inspection, the height of this mountain is definitely more than 5,000 feet.

If they could use immortal energy, they could just fly up the mountain, but now, they can only climb the mountain.

A mountain over 5,000 feet high does not mean that you can just fly up it in a straight line.

Mountains need to be climbed.

Moreover, the places here are extremely steep.

Even everyone, without immortal energy, spent a lot of effort before climbing to the top of the mountain.

When everyone was halfway up the mountain, the mountain road ahead was covered with ice and snow. But when they reached the top of the mountain, they were surprised to find that there was no ice or snow at the top of the mountain, and the vegetation here was unusually lush.

In the center of these vegetation, there is a lake.

Ju'e walked to the lake, raised her hand and pointed downwards. The blow was at the bottom of the lake, and that's when we entered.

As she said this, she grabbed Cao Zhen and jumped directly into the lake.

Although they cannot use fairy energy, everyone is a true fairyland existence. Even the three Yunhuo Immortal Lords, who have the weakest physical bodies, can hold their breath for a long time. The lake is not deep, and they will come soon. At the bottom of the lake.

There is a huge altar at the bottom of the lake.

Ju'e pulled Cao Zhen and waited outside the altar for a while. After seeing everyone and the monsters she brought swimming over, she took Cao Zhen into the altar.

Suddenly, Cao Zhen felt a sense of weightlessness.

However, in just one breath, his feet were already on the ground.

Soon, screams of surprise came from all around him.

"The air here is so special."

"Yes, even though I can't use my immortal energy now, I feel that the air here is particularly comfortable to breathe! There is even a feeling of ecstasy."

"I don't recognize any of these flowers, plants and trees!"

"Me too, what are these?"

"It feels like ancient times!"

Cao Zhen looked around. The vegetation here was indeed difficult to see in the vast world, but they were all ordinary flowers and plants.

Amidst the low voices of the crowd, there was a slight sound like a bell sounding from below.


This sound...

Suddenly his eyes turned and fell on the brown weeds. He quickly took a few steps forward and grabbed the weeds.

Then he frowned slightly.

Ju'e saw Cao Zhen's actions and asked curiously: "What? What kind of precious medicinal material is this?"

Upon hearing the sound, Immortal Lord Yunhuo quickly ran to the nearest brown weed and reached out to pull it out.

"No, as far as I know, this weed can be refined into one kind at most. No, it should be two kinds of Qi-restoring elixirs that can be used at times, and the dosage is not large.

At the same time, there are more medicinal materials that can replace it and even have better effects, so it has almost no medicinal value. "

Immortal Lord Yunhuo had already pulled out a brown weed. When she heard the sound, she flicked her arm and threw the weed to the ground, complaining: "This thing is worthless, so why are you grabbing it?

However, you are quite knowledgeable. None of us know these weeds, but you know them. "

Ju'e couldn't help laughing when she heard the sound, and she was laughing secretly in her heart. If you knew that the person in front of you is the leader of Baifeng, the top alchemy master among your human race, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so surprised.

Cao Zhen pointed at this weed and said: "It's called the ring fern. They have a great characteristic, that is, their roots do not continue to grow underground, but after entering about one foot underground, Then it grew around.

Eventually, their rhizomes will become entangled with each other. Moreover, these ring ferns have extremely strong reproductive capabilities and can grow in even the harshest environments.

Therefore, their ring ferns never appear in small patches, but in large tracts.

There must also be a ring fern in the distance. And they also have another characteristic, that is..."

Cao Zhen raised his leg and stepped on the ring fern. Suddenly, all the ring ferns around him vibrated slightly, and there was a faint sound like a bell.

"See? As long as you step on them, they will make a soft sound, which is also the origin of its name. And just now, we have stepped on them.

Their rhizomes are connected together, so the ring fern in the distance will vibrate slightly.

I don't know how big a small world is, but it is very likely that it will be covered with ring ferns in the future. "

Ju'e immediately understood why Cao Zhen wanted to talk about this kind of ring fern alone, and she said solemnly: "So, the seventh prince of the Tian Clan, they are very likely to know that a monk has entered this small world!

After all, they have already entered this ruins. Even if they don't know these ring ferns, they don't know how long they have been here. Characteristics of the thread fern. "

As she said that, her expression became solemn and she whispered: "We have to be careful, they are very likely to set an ambush in front."

Deep in the ruins.

In the endless plain, nine heavenly tribes were slowly advancing. Beside them, there were four hell tribes and four evil tribes.

Suddenly, the ring ferns nearby began to ring softly.

Among the nine heavenly clans, a man with fair skin and a somewhat feminine appearance suddenly frowned and said in a deep voice: "Some monks have entered this ruins. Moreover, listening to the noise, there are a lot of monks entering, and there should even be Comparable to us.

Prince, what should we do? "

Among the nine Celestial Clan, a Celestial Clan who was handsome, wearing a golden robe, and full of nobility in his movements started to laugh ferociously when he heard the sound.

"There are so many monks. It seems that the little fox finally couldn't bear it anymore and came down with her men. But I don't know which clan she united with this time, the other masters of their demon clan or their mortal enemy the beast clan. Or maybe it’s the human race.”

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