Linghu was very depressed because of his loneliness. Naturally, he wanted to be with everyone, mainly because Lord Yuhua was there.

But the problem is, over the years, I have been able to confirm that as long as I enter those ruins and secret realms, I will definitely encounter danger.

Unless there is a superb master, such as his own master.

Just like the mixed race ruins they just left, if their master hadn't been there, they would have died when they met the seventh prince of the heavenly race.

He had gone to those ruins or secret realms several times before and had the same encounter.

There was even one time when the disciples of their Four Treasure Peaks all returned to the Immortal Realm.

Apart from their master, they have almost no enemies in Guixiang Realm.

And that time, he, Yan Yourong, the second senior sister of Ruoyun Ruins, and Leng Xi, the senior sister, entered a secret realm that they felt was not particularly dangerous. As a result, they still encountered danger.

That time, they really almost couldn't come back.

Therefore, it is too dangerous for him to enter the ruins.

That is to say, entering the secret realm with the master can make him feel at ease.

No, it should be said that there is another person who can make him feel at ease, that is, his third senior brother Xiang Ziyu.

Although, his third senior brother always gives people an unreliable feeling, and he always talks about what kind of protagonist he is, which makes people think that there is something wrong with his brain.

But there were many times when he would really suspect that the third senior brother was the so-called protagonist!

He and his third senior brother would also encounter some dangers when they went out, but they were able to avoid danger every time.

In other words, when he was with Third Senior Brother, the danger would eventually be transferred to Third Senior Brother, and nothing would happen to him every time.

As for the third senior brother...

In the words of the master, the third senior brother's life is really tough. No matter what the danger is, the third senior brother can survive in the end.

Even after the third senior brother came back, he was very excited.

Therefore, if the third senior brother was there, he would naturally dare to enter the ruins.

But without the master or the third senior brother, if he entered with Lord Yuhua Sword, it would harm Lord Yuhua Sword.

Linghu was lonely and depressed. By not going to the ruins, he was actually protecting Lord Yuhua Sword, but he couldn't say this directly.

But when everyone saw his appearance, they naturally thought that he was afraid of danger, so they didn't go!


Linghu Gudu scratched his head hard and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

On the side, another strange monk looked at the actions of several people, but he was stunned. After you talked about Da Luo Jinxian, why did you go to see that guy together.

What relationship can that person have with Daluo Jinxian?

If you want to see it, you should also look at me.

Although I am now the disciple of Daluo Jinxian, I will become Daluo Jinxian sooner or later. No, as the protagonist, how can I just become Daluo Jinxian? I am destined to become a saint in the future!

No wonder I don't know you. With your eyesight, it really doesn't work.

On the side, Immortal Yunhuo no longer wanted to pay attention to Linghu Linghu. She turned to look at the strange monk and asked proactively: "Fellow Taoist, you also want to go to the ruins."

"Of course." Xiang Ziyu said with a proud face, "The ruins are prepared for me, so of course I want to go."

Immortal Yunhuo was stunned for a moment. She had met many people in her long life, and many of them were so confident that they were arrogant. But this was the first time he saw such a confident guy. How confident must he be to be able to do that? Think that the ruins are open for him!

On the side, Linghu Lonely was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the strange monk in front of him. Why did the tone of his voice feel so familiar to him?

Fairy Yunhuo was stunned for a while. Normally, when she met a human Taoist friend, she would invite him to join, but she really hesitated about the guy in front of her. Mainly because she felt that this person was too unreliable.

But in the end she still asked: "I wonder how good this fellow Taoist is?"

"Me? I am the number one Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times!" Xiang Ziyu raised his head and said, of course, if you find it troublesome, you can call me the Yin-Yang Immortal King. "

Xiang Ziyu!

Linghu Lonely finally knew why the tone of this person's words seemed so familiar. This was definitely his third senior brother's fault.

Because of the title of the No. 1 Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times, I had heard it from my third senior brother when I was at the Four Treasures Peak.

It is said that it was very early on. At that time, the master and the others seemed to have not yet condensed the inner elixir. At that time, the master often told the senior sister, the second senior sister, the third senior brother, and the fourth senior brother some stories about the world of the master's previous life.

I heard from Third Senior Brother that Master once said that in their time, there was an extremely powerful being who was known as the No. 1 Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times.

The third senior brother said that this name is too domineering, and that being should not use this name, because the third senior brother also cultivates the energy of yin and yang, and the first yin and yang immortal king in ancient and modern times should be the third senior brother.

Therefore, Third Senior Brother, when speaking to the outside world, uses the name of the first Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times.

With three senior brothers here, wouldn't it be safe?

No, there should be Third Senior Brother here, so what are you afraid of? All dangers will fall on Third Senior Brother.

As for the third senior brother...

In his words, he is the protagonist. The dangers of others are opportunities for the third senior brother. The third senior brother likes such dangers.

Therefore, I can continue to be with Yu Hua Jianjun.

Linghu Lonely was ecstatic in his heart, and his eyes fell on Immortal Lord Yunhuo.

Immortal Lord Yunhuo likes to invite others the most.

Everyone around them frowned when they heard this name. They had never seen anyone claiming to be the Immortal King.

Mainly because this title is too big and too crazy!

Everyone calls themselves Immortal Lord, Demon Lord, and Sword Lord, but no one calls himself King!

Everyone is an immortal, and you yourself are a king. What do you mean? Is it above everyone else?

This honorific title is so respectful!

This honorific title could never have been given to him by others, it could only have been given by him.

They really wanted to ask the Yin-Yang Immortal King in front of them, the opponent's master, how he reacted when he heard his honorific title, and whether he directly expelled this traitor from the master!

Isn’t this provoking all the monks in the world!

They absolutely don't believe that the other person's honorific title is really the Yin Yang Immortal King!

Immortal Lord Yunhuo frowned even more. This person was so outrageous, but after all, he was also from their human race. Let this arrogant guy enter the ruins alone, and he would die without knowing how. dead.

It's better to take this person with you.

She couldn't just watch her fellow humans die.

Sighing in her heart, she took the initiative to invite: "This, Yin Yang... no, ancient and modern Taoist friends, are you interested in joining us?"

She felt that even calling him Yin-Yang Immortal Lord was not appropriate. After all, there were so many people in the world who practiced Yin-Yang Qi, and only the strongest among them could claim to be Yin-Yang Immortal Lord.

And the guy in front of him obviously couldn't be the strongest among them.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to call him the Ancient and Modern Immortal Lord. She can't call him the First Immortal Lord!

"Together?" Xiang Ziyu glanced at everyone, shook his head slightly and said, "Together, forget it, walking with me is very dangerous, I'm afraid you can't handle it.


He glanced at everyone one by one, then shook his head and said: "I suggest you not go to the ruins.

After all, experts from all races would go to those ruins, and they were extremely dangerous inside. You...well, you understand what I mean. "

Yunhuo Immortal looked at the other party's "disdainful" look. How could she not understand what the other party meant? She was immediately very angry. She was worried about this person's safety, so she invited him with good intentions, but in the end, this guy still didn't like him. They even told them not to go!

There were nine people on their side. They had previously killed the seventh prince of the Celestial Clan with the leader of the Hundred Peaks and the Monster Clan, but in the end, this guy looked down on them.

She couldn't believe that this person could be stronger than the nine of them together!

"So, you persuade us to leave, but you are going to the True Immortal Realm battlefield yourself. What level of cultivation are you at? The peak of the True Immortal Realm? Half-step Golden Immortal?"

Although Yunhuo Immortal Lord asked so, she was sneering in her heart. She would not think that the other party was a person at the peak of the True Immortal Realm and a half-step Golden Immortal.

Although it was impossible for her to know the names of all the peak True Immortals and Half-step Golden Immortals in their human race, she was extremely certain that among the half-step Golden Immortals and Peak True Immortals in their human race, there was absolutely no one like this.

"Me?" Xiang Ziyu said truthfully, "I own six Immortal Palaces." He had five Immortal Palaces before, but five years ago, he broke through and condensed the sixth Immortal Palace. palace!

"Six strange fairy palaces?"

Immortal Lord Yunhuo laughed uncontrollably when he heard the sound, pointed at the people behind him and said: "There are nine of us, and two of them have reached the six immortal palaces."

As she spoke, she pointed to the Blazing Flame Immortal Lord and the Burning Flame Immortal Lord who later joined them. Both of them were monks who owned six immortal palaces.

As she said that, she pointed at herself and the Huayu Sword Lord, Yuhua Sword Lord, and Hongyu Immortal Lord behind her and said: "And we are all beings in the late stage of the True Immortal Realm, owning seven Immortal Palaces!"

At this point, his eyes became serious and he said in a deep voice: "I am not telling you this to show off. I am just telling you that there are too many people who are better than you.

We are the same race, we are stronger than you, and we will not kill you, but what about those alien races?

If you encounter a foreign race that is stronger than you, how do you deal with it? If you continue to be so arrogant, you will die easily. "

Xiang Ziyu shook his head helplessly. He could tell that the other party had good intentions, and he also knew that under normal circumstances, what the other party said was correct.

But the question is, is he a normal person?

He is the protagonist!

How can we look at him from the perspective of ordinary people!

Explain to these people that they cannot understand the genius's ideas.

Forget it, I won’t interact with them too much anyway.

Xiang Ziyu didn't want to say more, so he turned around and left.

When Linghu Linghu saw the actions of the third senior brother, he suddenly became anxious. The third senior brother left, how could he continue to be with the Yuhua Immortal?

The same goes for Immortal Lord Yunhuo. Aren't you the best at inviting people? Why did the invitation to Third Senior Brother fail?

Forget it, I still have to take action on my own!

Fortunately, I can now use my immortal energy.

Linghu Lonely quickly sent a message to Third Senior Brother: "Third Senior Brother, don't leave yet. It's me, I'm Lonely... Yes, I'm right opposite you, and the one next to the fairy holding the sword is me."

Xiang Ziyu suddenly heard Linghu's lonely voice and was stunned for a moment. He turned around and looked at the strange figure. He also asked through the secret voice: "Why did you run to the killing battlefield?" coming?

Also, why are you gathered together with so many people? You also don't worry about revealing your identity. "

Linghu Gudu sent a message into the secret and replied: "Third senior brother, they know my identity."

Xiang Ziyu was stunned: "What? Do they know that you are a disciple of our Four Treasure Peak? What's wrong with you? Don't you know that there are traitors in our human race? You are not me. Even if my identity is exposed, those traitors There's nothing I can do about it.

But you are different. You are just me as the protagonist and the junior brother beside you. If there is a traitor from our human race here, you may be in danger now. "

Linghu Lonely quickly interrupted the third senior brother's words and sent a message into the secret passage: "They also know the identity of the master."

He, the third senior brother, is not the kind of person who talks a lot, but when it comes to topics such as geniuses and protagonists, the third senior brother talks a lot, and those words come back and forth, and his ears can feel the cocoon. Now that he's here, he doesn't want to listen to Third Senior Brother's remarks again.

"Master was with us before, but since he stayed in the ruins, he also had an adventure.

Anyway, I will tell you these slowly later. Third Senior Brother, this time I want to ask for your help. This is the female cultivator holding the sword next to me. Third senior brother must have seen it.

What do you think, Third Senior Brother? "

"How about it? I just heard that she owns seven immortal palaces. However, I am the protagonist, and she is definitely not my opponent in a fight with me. After all, I am the protagonist, and I can transcend the realm of cultivation and kill the enemy. Not to mention, she just has one more fairy palace than me.

how? You have been taught a lesson by others and you want Third Senior Brother to avenge you? "

Linghu Lonely found that it was really difficult for him to communicate with the third senior brother. The third senior brother was such a big man, and all he could think about all day long was fighting.

"No, Third Senior Brother, please don't do anything to her, don't ruin my happiness.

You see, Master has found a Taoist partner, and Senior Brother Beiyan and Senior Brother Zhu Peng also have Taoist partners. Of course, I know that Third Senior Brother, you don’t want a Taoist companion. A Taoist companion will affect the speed of your attacks, Third Senior Brother.

But, junior brother, I also want a Taoist companion.

Therefore, junior brother wants to join them. Third senior brother, if you are strong, then come with us. How about taking us with you? "

"Oh. So that's it. Sure enough, I am destined to be the real protagonist. Master, and you all have found a Taoist partner. By then, your attack speed will definitely slow down.

It’s just me, my Taoist heart will not be affected, and my shooting speed is still fast enough! I'm taking you with me, right? That’s fine, who made you my junior brother?

Well, you have pretty good taste. This female cultivator with a sword looks much more pleasing to the eye than the female cultivator in fiery red clothes. "

Linghu Gudu was relieved when he heard the sound, and immediately asked: "Well, what is your identity, senior brother?"

"You can't tell them my identity, just pretend you don't know me. After all, you know, your senior brother I always keep a low profile."

Linghu Gudu really doesn't know how to respond. You keep a low profile. Among our senior brothers, senior sisters and junior sisters, is there anyone who is more high-profile than you?

Look at the title you gave yourself, the No. 1 Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times. Can this be called low-key?

Well, it seems that in the eyes of the third senior brother, this title is indeed low-key. After all, the third senior brother did not say anything about the name of the first immortal king in ancient and modern times, or the first immortal emperor in the world.

"What about Senior Brother, Lord Yuhua Sword? Can I tell her your identity quietly? After all, we may become Taoist couples in the future. I will deceive her now..."

"Oh, that's right. My brothers and sisters can tell me, and others can forget about it." Xiang Ziyu played with the message, and then he looked at everyone and said: "That's all, you are all human beings. I couldn't ignore you when I saw it, so I took you with me. Go to the ruins."

Upon hearing this, Immortal Lord Yunhuo immediately felt unhappy and said, "It's not you who led us. We have four late-stage True Immortals with more Immortal Palaces than you. Why are you still like this? Let me tell you..."

Linghu Lonely saw that the Yunhuo Immortal Lord wanted to say more. He was afraid that she would offend the third senior brother and let the third senior brother say those things again. You are miserable. You dare to mock the protagonist with such words, so he quickly interrupted: "Okay. , let’s not talk anymore, don’t we still want to go to the ruins? Let’s set off first.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Immortal Yunhuo's attention was successfully diverted. He looked at Linghu alone and said, "Didn't you say you won't be with us? Why are you together again?"

"I didn't say we won't go together. I just tried to persuade everyone. Since everyone is going, I will naturally go." Although Linghu Gu was talking to the Yunhuo Immortal, his eyes were fixed on the Yuhua Sword beside him. Jun.

After so many years, everyone around them also saw what Linghu Lonely meant to Yuhua Sword Lord, and they all laughed immediately.

Even Lord Huayu Sword smiled slightly.

At first, he was very worried when he found out that his junior sister had some closeness with him. However, after he found out that Dugu Xianjun was a disciple of the Baifeng leader, his attitude changed completely and became supportive.

He was worried at first because the origin of Immortal Dugu was unknown. What if he was a traitor to the human race, or someone with questionable character?

However, if you become a disciple of the leader of Baifeng, then there will be no problem.

Who doesn't know that Baifeng Cult Leader did a lot of standing up for the human race on the battlefield in Guixian Realm. Similarly, Baifeng Cult Master's disciples also helped the human race when they returned to Immortal Realm.

The people of Baifeng Sect definitely have no problem with their character, let alone traitors to their human race.

Moreover, the other party is also a disciple of the great religion. Although his cultivation is weaker than that of his junior sister, he is after all the direct disciple of the leader of Baifeng. The leader of Baifeng is the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian. It is expected that under the guidance of leader of Baifeng, this Linghu Loneliness can catch up quickly.

The other party is worthy of his junior sister.

Of course, the most important thing is that junior sister likes it.

Through his observation, he felt that the junior sister was also very interesting to Linghu Lonely.

Perhaps, after they leave the killing battlefield, people from the Baifeng Sect will go to their Shijian Sect to propose marriage.

Under the leadership of Xiang Ziyu, everyone quickly moved forward into the distance.

Linghu was lonely and looked around. He thought for a while and followed the crowd as he flew into the distance. He quietly transmitted the secret message to Yuhua Sword Lord: "Yuhua, let me tell you a secret. That In fact, I really didn’t agree with everyone going to the ruins at first.

Actually, to be honest, I don’t know why, but I always encounter danger when I enter the ruins.

However, there are two exceptions, that is, when Master and I are together, there are usually dangers that will be resolved by Master.

Another thing is that when I am with my third senior brother, neither I nor the people with me will be in any danger.

I was worried that you would be in danger if I entered the ruins with you, so I didn’t enter the ruins with you. "

"Ah! It will happen again..." Lord Yuhua Sword didn't think much at all and completely believed Linghu's words alone. Then she asked with some confusion, "Then what you agreed to later was...could it be that this ancient and modern Immortal Lord is your master?

No, Baifeng Cult Master has clearly entered the whirlpool of chaotic energy, and he shouldn't be able to get out for a while.

Moreover, the tone of this Ancient and Modern Immortal Lord's words was nothing like the Baifeng Cult Master.

No, he said he was the Yin-Yang Immortal King, and he must be cultivating Yin-Yang Immortal Qi. You just mentioned your third senior brother, the third-ranked disciple of your Baifeng Sect, is that Xiang Ziyu?

He seems to be the yin and yang of cultivation. Could it be that he is Xiang Ziyu? "

"Yuhua, you are so smart. Yes, he is my third senior brother, that's why I dare to go with you.

However, as long as you know the identity of Third Senior Brother, don't tell others, and it's best not to let Senior Brother Huayu know. "

"I know." Lord Yuhua Sword nodded lightly. The disciples of Master Baifeng are all quite famous, and two of them are the most famous.

One is Immortal Ruoyun, because Immortal Ruoyun is the reincarnation of a powerful person, and at the same time, Immortal Ruoyun is also extremely powerful.

The other one is Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu is even more famous than Immortal Ruoyun. Xiang Ziyu is not the reincarnation of a great power, but the strength and potential shown by Xiang Ziyu are more terrifying than the reincarnation of Immortal Ruoyun!

The place where Linghu Lonely and the others were before was not far from the ruins of the Yin Yang Immortal Lord. Under the leadership of Xiang Ziyu, they flew there in just ten days.

It should be that the nearby monks were flying towards the ruins, and the speed of other monks was not slower than them, so when they did not encounter any monks along the way, they naturally did not encounter attacks, and they flew to the front of the ruins smoothly. .

When the ruins were revealed before, they were a huge Yin-Yang Palace.

At this time, the door of the palace was completely open.

When they came outside the palace, they happened to see a pair of seven orcs entering the palace, and the gate of the palace did not change in any way because of the entry of these orcs.

"So... this ruins has always been open, but I don't know how long it will be open."

Immortal Lord Hongyu looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone, since we have arrived at the place, how about we enter first?"

"Of course I want to enter."

Xiang Ziyu was the first to rush out of the crowd and fly into the ruins. Who knew what was going on behind the gate, so he had better go in first and let everyone investigate.

Seeing his reckless appearance, Immortal Lord Yunhuo couldn't help but shook his head, and said helplessly: "What is the situation with this Immortal Lord of Ancient and Modern Times? He went in so recklessly, and he was not afraid of being attacked.

I even doubt how he cultivated to the true fairyland! "

Even so, she quickly followed and entered the ruins.

Obviously, this ruins is not just a palace as it looks from the outside.

After everyone entered the palace, they soon appeared in a small world.

This side of the world is half bright and half dark. One half is the purest Yang Qi and the other half is the purest Yin Qi.

The two breaths continued to collide in the void, and in an instant, dark cracks were created.

From the cracks, black and white turbulence suddenly shot out, seemingly pouring towards every corner of the world!

"not good!"

"This...this is the turbulence caused by the collision of yin and yang energy!"

Linghu had experienced the turbulence of the void alone, but now he felt that the turbulence condensed by the yin and yang energy was much more terrifying than the turbulence of the void!

The entire void was shattered like a mirror under the impact of yin and yang energy, and the yin and yang energy continued to shoot out from the black cracks.

Some of these yin and yang qi are like sharp swords, some are like huge yin and yang balls, and some are like beams of light, but every yin and yang qi has unparalleled power. It seems that every yin and yang qi can easily It tears apart mountains and rivers, like the sun and the moon.

Moreover, these yin and yang energy flew down without any pattern, and at the same time, they were as fast as lightning.

The most terrifying thing is that there are so many yin and yang energies that they fill every inch of space.

From a distance, everyone could see that there were many monks ahead, moving forward, and the yin and yang energy in the area where those monks were located was even denser!

However, further away, there is no yin and yang energy.

Before they could fully see this side of the world, streams of yin and yang energy had already fallen beside them.

The yin and yang energy has not yet fallen, but the cold breath has already made their cheeks hurt, and the protective spells around them are shaking crazily!

Everyone looked solemn, and they released their immortal palaces and quickly dodge to the side.

Immortal Lord Hongyu even dodged while pointing in the distance: "Everyone, rush over. Although the further you go, the more Yin and Yang Qi there are, but there is no Yin and Yang Qi in the front. We just need to rush over, and we can It's safe.

These yin and yang energies are the first test of this ruins. Of course, if there is that fellow Taoist who cannot resist, he can withdraw now! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of Immortal Lord Yunhuo rang out: "Why retreat? It's not easy to have such a peerless ruin. We have all entered here, and we must try our best no matter what!"

Although her physical body was not strong, a look of determination appeared on her face, and seven fairy palaces appeared behind her. Each fairy palace was a burning flame fairy palace.

Among her seven fairy palaces, four are visionary fairy palaces!

She had been depressed for too long before, unable to use her immortal energy for such a long time. Now that she was finally able to use her immortal energy, she let out a long roar, and balls of flames flew out from the seven immortal palaces behind her. The top of her head condensed into a cloud, and then she used all her strength to fly rapidly towards the distance.

All around, the other people also used their methods and quickly sprinted forward.

Even the weakest ones, Fuliu Immortal Lord and Shenghua Immortal Lord, did not choose to leave.

This may be the relic of Daluo Jinxian, and there is the inheritance of that powerful person here. Even if they are not strong, even if they do not practice the yin and yang energy, it is possible for them to obtain the inheritance of that powerful person. After all, all It is possible for monks who enter the ruins to obtain that inheritance. Although this chance is very, very small, there is still a chance no matter how small it is.

They had heard that a relic once appeared in the Earthly Immortal Realm, which was the relic of a golden immortal who practiced the art of thunder.

At that time, many monks at the peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm also entered it.

But the one who got the inheritance in the end was one. In the early days of the Earthly Immortal Realm, there were no monks who practiced thunder spells.

If other monks can do it, why can't they?

This is the inheritance of Daluo Jinxian. Now that they have entered, how could they leave immediately when they see danger!

The two of them moved forward together. Behind them, on the Immortal Mountain, in the four Immortal Palaces, the mighty Immortal Qi surged crazily, and streams of pure aura flowed into their bodies. Suddenly, their auras rose rapidly.

In an instant, it climbed to its peak state, and suddenly a green willow tree flew out and entrenched itself above the head of Immortal Floating Liu.

And a blooming flower appeared on the body of the Flower Immortal Lord!

At the same time that the willow trees and flowers appeared, streaks of yin and yang energy fell down from the void.

In an instant, the willow trees and flowers on their bodies began to tremble crazily.

But they can still persist.

And two shields appeared in Xiang Ziyu's hand, one shield blocked the top of his head, and the other shield blocked the head of Yuhua Immortal Lord.

Behind him, Xiang Ziyu saw his junior brother's actions and shook his head with disdain. He, his junior brother, has not yet become a Taoist companion. How can he still do this in the future?

Think about it again: Xiao Zhupeng was beaten into a pig's head just after the ceremony for becoming a Taoist monk.

Sure enough, your own idea is correct, and you must not find a Taoist companion!

Immortal Yuhua felt the shield emerging above her head, and a warmth suddenly rose in her heart, but she still whispered: "No need to help me, I can handle the attacks of these yin and yang energy.

This is just the beginning. The yin and yang energy will be obviously more terrifying later on, so you should keep your breath first. "

As she spoke, she stretched out her long sword and stabbed at the yin and yang energy that fell towards the two of them. At the same time, she has been prepared. If Linghu Gudu can't hold on for a while, she will immediately help Linghu Gudu. After all, her fairy palace is more than Linghu Gudu's.

At the same time, she also looked at Xiang Ziyu with some curiosity. She wanted to see how powerful this famous disciple among the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak was.

At the same time, Immortal Lord Yunhuo also looked over. She also wanted to see what kind of tricks this boastful guy had.

At first glance, she was stunned for a moment, six strange fairy palaces!

That guy said that he owned six Immortal Palaces, but he did not say that he owned six Immortal Palaces of Visions!

Unexpectedly, such an arrogant person did not directly say that he owns six vision palaces! All fairy palaces are visionary fairy palaces. This is not something ordinary monks can do!

Although many true immortals will choose to turn their ordinary immortal palaces into fantasy immortal palaces when they are unable to move forward in their cultivation.

However, it is almost impossible to turn all fairy palaces into fantasy fairy palaces.

In this case, they almost all have a fairy palace that is an ordinary fairy palace.

Generally, all the monks in the Immortal Palace are the Immortal Palace of Immortals. They are the monks who condensed the Immortal Palace in the beginning.

Of course there are exceptions, like the Immortal Lord Jue Zhen.

I don’t know what is going on with this ancient and modern Immortal Lord. Moreover, she discovered that there was nothing special about the other party.

It is to condense the yin and yang energy on the top of his head to form a yin and yang fish, blocking the attack of yin and yang energy.

This kid is the yin and yang energy of cultivation, and it is normal to condense the yin and yang fish.

Even the weakest ones, Fuliu Immortal Lord and Shenghua Immortal Lord, can block the attack of the current yin and yang energy, so everyone will naturally have no problem.

Everyone continued to move forward and quickly rushed to the middle position. At this time, the turbulent flow of yin and yang in the void became more powerful! At the same time, the amount of yin and yang energy falling around almost doubled!

This change is like changing from rain to heavy rain all at once!

Immortal Fuliu felt the terrifying yin and yang energy falling in the void.

In just a moment, the willow tree was split open from the middle, and the petals on the blooming flowers were completely shattered.

The yin and yang energy fell and directly bombarded the two of them.

A ray of yin and yang energy passed through, easily cutting through the immortal monarch's protective spell, and scratched a deep bone-visible scar on her shoulder.

Beside her, the Flower Immortal Lord was also covered in flesh and blood.

In front of the two of them, the fire cloud above Immortal Lord Fire Cloud was vibrating crazily, and it looked like it would break at any moment.

This yin and yang energy was so terrifying that even she, who owned seven immortal palaces, couldn't hold it any longer.

And the Blazing Flame Immortal Lord and the Burning Flame Immortal Lord, who are even weaker in cultivation, have also begun to be injured!

This yin and yang energy is more terrifying than all of them imagined!

Even Immortal Hongyu, Linghu Gudu and others were having a hard time blocking it at this time. Linghu Gudu didn't even bother to hide his identity at this time. He used all his abilities, but it was still difficult to stop the yin and yang energy!

At this time, they also saw, in the distance, monks one by one, whose defenses were penetrated by the yin and yang energy, and were directly bombarded into powder, including many monks who owned seven immortal palaces!

There was even a monk among them who owned eight immortal palaces!

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