There was a loud bang in the void.

Red blood rose into the sky.

Elder Tongdie and the disciples of the Baifeng Sect, under the impact of the Yin-Yang Pearl, turned into a sheet of blood and sprinkled the ground.

All around, the monks from the Celestial Clan and the Hell Clan, as well as the disciples of the False Sect, were all stunned.

"This...they committed suicide like this?"

"These crazy people."

"They committed suicide just to prevent us from threatening their leader?"

Immortal Lord Xuyi's face instantly turned extremely ugly. These people from the Baifeng Sect were all dead, so they could no longer threaten Cao Zhen, and he could no longer perform meritorious deeds.

"What a waste of time." The Heavenly Clan monk was silent for a moment, then pointed to the distance and said, "Let's go and kill those great sects that should be killed!"

Looking at the blood spilled on the ground, he sighed in his heart. If all human races were like these people from the Baifeng Sect, then even if they could destroy the human race, they would still suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, not all humans are so proud. Fortunately, there are many traitors among the humans, so they can feel more relaxed.

Soon everyone flew away into the distance. Now, not only the False Sect, but also some major sects, some sects, and some casual cultivators have also betrayed the human race when they can survive.

For a time, the entire Dongzhou became extremely chaotic.

At the border between Dongzhou and Zhongzhou, Cao Zhen and others were already fighting with a group of monks from three tribes who came to support them.

In this world, powerful energy shock waves exploded in the air, instantly turning the entire battlefield into a hell. In the void, flesh and blood are flying everywhere, and life is not guaranteed here. The twin rays of light intertwined in the air, blooming like flowers, but at the same time they carried endless killing intent.

For a moment, the world seemed to fall into silence, and only the sounds of battle continued to sound. The figures of the monks sometimes disappeared into the smoke and dust, and sometimes reappeared next to each other.

On the ground, rivers of blood flowed, broken limbs and blood filled the air.

At the same time, all the alien monks noticed Cao Zhen’s existence!

"That...that's the human Cao Zhen!"

"Destroy the murderous Cao Zhen first!"

"Killing him will be a great achievement!"

At the beginning, whether it was the Heavenly Clan, the Evil Clan or the Prison Clan, they all issued orders to kill Cao Zhen!

What's more, everyone knows that Cao Zhen is the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian. If you kill Cao Zhen, you will definitely receive a heavy reward when you go back!

Although the foreign Golden Immortal Realm Master is here and is blocked by their Dongzhou Golden Immortal Realm master, there are still more true Immortal Realm masters on the other side.

In an instant, countless spells poured towards Cao Zhen, and Cao Zhen quickly dodged in the distance, but no matter how fast he was, there were too many spells, and many of them were at the pinnacle of the True Fairyland, and the Great Realm of True Fairyland. Perfection, even the existence of a half-step golden immortal.

He only felt that waves of spells were rushing towards him like a torrent that burst a dam, and his whole body was so shaken that he flew backwards like a kite with its string broken.

Before he could recover, attacks were coming down from the side again.


"Master Cao!"

All around, a group of humans saw Cao Zhen being targeted by a foreign race. The immortal energy in their bodies surged crazily, and spells surged out to resist the attacks of the foreign races. However, there were too many of these foreign races.

Now the entire human race is facing the joint attack of three alien races. They were able to persist before because the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation could also block attacks from Central Continent. However, these alien races suddenly flew from behind them, and the Jiuqu Yellow River formation The large formation cannot stop these attacks.

Even though there were many people blocking him, there were still spells one after another that broke through the defense line condensed by everyone's spells and bombarded towards Cao Zhen.


Cao Zhen opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood. Looking at the aliens from the real fairyland in front of him, a rare look of madness appeared on his face.

There are too many of these alien races. Even if they want to escape, they probably won't be able to escape.

These alien races, we want to kill them all!

Want to kill them?

Okay, then even if it means death, these aliens must pay the price and let them know that not everyone can mess with the human race!

The next moment, the seven vision palaces behind him surged crazily, and at the same time, a huge formation diagram emerged above his head.

Picture album of prosperous times!

If this situation continues to be delayed, he will only be injured more seriously. At that time, even if he uses the Illustration of the Great Age, he may not have much power.

Now, before his injury is serious enough, he can maximize the power of Shengshi Tulu!

This is not the first time that he has used the Illustrated Record of the Prosperous Age, but this time, it is the most decisive time that he has used the Illustrated Record of the Prosperous Age, and it is also the time that he has borrowed the spirit of the Prosperous Age the most!

As the catalog of the prosperous age rose, a stream of mighty immortal energy crazily poured into the catalog of the prosperous age in his body.

In just an instant, the catalog of the prosperous age was completely unfolded.

For a time, the entire sky was covered by this catalog.

At the same time, in Dongzhou, which had become chaotic, waves of prosperity gathered.

At this time, Dongzhou has become less powerful due to the attacks of these alien races. Many monks have even died, and some monks have rebelled against the human race. They will no longer provide the spirit of the prosperous age, but when he displays the prosperous age chart, After the recording, the aura of the prosperous age exuded by the prosperous age catalogue was stronger than ever before!

Indeed, Dongzhou is not as powerful as before, and there are fewer monks in Dongzhou!

However, in this East Continent, the rebellious human race is only a minority. The more human races, they still put their entire human race in the most important position. They have not rebelled against the human race. They are even more hostile to Dongzhou because of the attacks of these alien races. Many monks, their brothers, their masters, and their disciples have been killed by these alien races. Now they only have one thought in their hearts, to kill these alien races!

In the past, they only regarded it as a temporary foothold in East Continent and only used part of the spirit of the prosperous age. But now, in their eyes, there is no distinction between Central Continent and East Continent!

They only know that they are human race, and they want to kill these alien races!

At this time, they provided a prosperous age far beyond what they had before!

For a time, in the entire Eastern Continent, every great religion, every great god, every monk, and even every mortal was filled with endless hatred and the aura of a prosperous age filled with determination!

Whether it is the destroyed Baifeng Sect, the Jiuqu Yellow River War that seems to be about to be broken now, or other great sects that are resisting!

Each of the monks who were fighting against the alien race had countless auras of prosperity, and these forces crossed the space, gathered together, and rushed into the catalog of the prosperity.

Cao Zhen even madly activated the prosperity catalogue, gathering all the prosperity spirit of the entire East Continent into it.

This is the first time for him to borrow the spirit of the prosperous age so crazily!

So much of the spirit of the prosperous age has entered the catalog of the prosperous age. Even now, he can't hold on. He feels that his whole body and the catalog of the prosperous age are about to explode.

And because of the influx of the spirit of the prosperous age, the catalog of the prosperous age became more and more terrifying, and the terrifying pressure fell from the void, causing all the aliens present to feel involuntarily deep in their hearts. When he came out, he felt terror and the approach of death.

"This... what kind of power is this!"

"What a terrifying power, how could this be the power of a real fairyland!"

"This...even the power of the Golden Fairyland doesn't seem to be so terrifying!"

"No, these forces are coming for us!"

"Quickly retreat!"

One by one, the aliens felt the terrifying power that seemed to be locking them, and they instinctively retreated into the distance!

They are already in the true fairyland, and they have seen a lot of power. Some of the monks among them have even seen the rumored power of chaos, but they have never felt such a special power. .

Although they don't know what kind of power this is, they can feel the terror of this power!

Suddenly, they remembered the previous rumors. It was rumored that the emperor of their heavenly clan sent a large number of masters to kill Cao Zhen.

At that time, twenty monks from the True Immortal Realm ambushed Cao Zhen, but under Cao Zhen's blow, he was either killed or seriously injured!

At the beginning, among the twenty true immortal realms, there were not only those at the peak of the true immortal realm, but also half-step true immortals!

No matter how Cao Zhen was reincarnated as Daluo Jinxian, he would never be able to cause such a horrific scene with one strike. They also always thought that Cao Zhen used a secret method!

Now it seems that what Cao Zhen used at the beginning should be the secret method in front of him!

"Still want to run away? Let me bury them all!"

Cao Zhen looked at the group of aliens who wanted to retreat, and used all his strength to smash down the Shengshi Picture Book, which was almost uncontrollable due to too much Shengshi Qi.

In an instant, the energy of the endless prosperity surged out, and a huge shadow also emerged. In this shadow, there were mountains, rivers, large churches, cities, flowers, trees, and even silhouettes of people. Some of these figures are monks, and some are ordinary mortals.

But whether they are monks or mortals, whether they are flowers, trees, or mountains and rivers, all shadows exude an aura of boundless terror.

At this moment, these phantoms no longer seemed to be ordinary phantoms, but real existences.

In fact, the entire catalog is no longer a catalog at this time, but a world, the entire East Continent. At this moment, all the power of the entire East Continent seems to be gathered on the catalog!

In an instant, this world could not bear this terrifying power, and it tore apart crazily, and the whole world changed color at this moment.

The void shattered, the earth shattered, and the clouds instantly dissipated!

Boundless power that seems to be able to destroy the entire East Continent is coming!

One by one, the alien monks had just made a move to escape, and this terrifying force that they had never felt before was already falling down!

This power has taken over the entire world, leaving them with nowhere to hide!

They were already in the true fairyland, but facing this power, they felt a sense of powerlessness deep in their hearts.

It seems that no matter how they resist, they can't stop this terrifying power!

At this moment, they even felt that they were not facing one person, but all the human monks and the power of all human beings in the entire East Continent!


There was a loud bang and a terrifying loud noise.

Even though almost all of the people present were monks from the True Immortal Realm, they had never heard such a terrifying and loud noise!

This sound was like a thunder that shook the heaven and earth, shattering the heaven and earth in an instant and making the whole world tremble.

The sound was like billions of ferocious beasts galloping past. The sheer number caused the mountains to collapse and the earth to crack, which made people frightened.

The sound was huge, and it was as sharp as a sharp blade, piercing directly into the eardrums of all the monks. Many monks had their eardrums pierced in an instant, and some even bled directly from their orifices!

The entire space began to become distorted under this loud noise, as if it was about to be destroyed by the sound.

The void collapsed and the ground shattered!

The monks even felt that their own hearts were instantly shattered into powder by the loud noise!

At this moment, it seemed that the entire Dongzhou made a loud noise and roar!

The monks from the Celestial Clan, the Hell Clan and the Evil Clan were instantly shattered into pieces under this terrifying bombardment.

At this moment, it was even impossible to accurately calculate how many aliens would die in the future.

The terrifying aftermath of this blow surged around. Just the aftermath caused a group of monks in the True Immortal Realm to vomit blood. Some of the monks who had just entered the True Immortal Realm were relatively close and were affected by the aftermath. As if being hit by the palm of a top cultivator from the True Immortal Realm, his body exploded, and even those in the True Immortal Realm were killed by the aftermath!

The aftermath was criss-crossing, easily tearing the void apart.

For a time, this side of the sky became pitch black, and there were too many cracks bombarded in the void!

Even several human races that were far away were affected, and the energy and blood in their bodies was churning.

Further away, the monks gasped as they looked at the vacuum zone that appeared at the center of the attack.

The reason why there was a vacuum was because the blow was completely concentrated, and all the monks died!

What kind of attack is this!

Is this really just a monk from a true fairyland?

They had heard that in the long history of the Celestial Clan, an amazing genius was born. After the genius reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm, he even said this sentence - "Under the Golden Immortal" I am invincible, one for one among the golden immortals. ’

What he means is that even if he encounters the existence of a true fairyland, he still has the means to die with him.

They once thought that that was the limit of true fairyland, but now they know that it is still far away!

Even the masters of the Golden Fairyland could not hit the blow just now. If this blow fell on the masters of the Golden Fairyland, I am afraid that even if the masters of the Golden Fairyland were not dead, they would be severely injured.

Cao Zhen of Baifeng Sect was actually so powerful.

If he were allowed to continue practicing and break through into the Golden Immortal Realm, would he actually be as invincible in the Golden Immortal Realm as he was in the Returning Immortal Realm?

He is now in the True Immortal Realm, and the power of this attack can be so terrifying. If Cao Zhen becomes an existence in the Golden Immortal Realm, then how terrifying his attack will be!

Fortunately, Cao Zhen obviously used a secret method in this attack, and Cao Zhen now looks even more weak.

Moreover, with so many monks surrounding this place, Cao Zhen cannot escape even if he wants to. This time, Cao Zhen must be killed!

For a time, all the aliens who were still alive turned their attention to Cao Zhen.


Cao Zhen is already in the true fairyland, and he has not known what tiredness is for a long time. But after using all his strength to release the album of prosperous times, he is more tired than ever before, and he can't feel any strength in his body. Not to mention, he even felt as if his muscles, bones and even meridians were about to shatter.

The power of the bombardment from the Shengshi Tulu just now was too terrifying, and as the one who released it, although the power was released from the Shengshi Tutu, he himself had to bear the impact of part of the power.

He could hardly bear the flow of power that did not belong to the True Immortal Realm.

His physical body can be said to be the strongest existence in the True Immortal Realm. He can hardly bear it. If it were other monks who borrowed such powerful power, it would be terrifying that they would all explode without waiting for the power to be released. And die!

Cao Zhen used all his strength in this blow, and he had been injured before. After releasing the power of the Shengshi Tulu, he was extremely weak. But at this time, in the void, spells appeared again. Bombard towards Cao Zhen!

He saw the falling spells and wanted to dodge, but due to his weakness, the immortal energy in his body moved extremely slowly. Before he could dodge, the terrifying spells had already fallen heavily.

For a moment, there were flames that were so hot that they could ignite the entire East Continent, thunder that could easily shatter a large mountain range, and violent winds...

Heavy spells fell, all attacking Cao Zhen's body.

Even though Cao Zhen has been lying down and winning the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, even though he has practiced the magic of iron iron, and has been taking various fairy mineral resources, his physical body has reached a frightening level, but under the bombardment of these spells, , his body still exploded.

In just an instant, countless wounds appeared on his body, and red blood spurted out from his body!



Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Li Ke and others looked at Cao Zhen, who was severely injured again, and his eyes were splitting. They wanted to rescue Cao Zhen, but there were alien enemies in front of them, and they couldn't escape at all. .

Especially Xiang Ziyu, whose fame is second only to Cao Zhen. The terrifying strength he showed during the fight just now made all the foreign races extremely fearful. At this time, he was personally even more affected by these foreign races, inside and outside. Surrounded by layers of people, it seems that his situation is not much better than Cao Zhen.

All around, the aliens looked at each other being severely injured one after another, but Cao Zhen, who still exuded the breath of life, had a look of shock in his eyes.

At that moment, I don't know how many spells bombarded Cao Zhen, and those who released the attacks were all beings from the True Immortal Realm.

Not to mention that Cao Zhen is only in the True Immortal Realm, even if he exists in the Golden Immortal Realm, he may be seriously injured or even die under such attacks! Not to mention if it were another True Fairyland, they could be sure that in this case, if any Golden Fairyland came, they would all die!

But Cao Zhen, although his aura was weak due to the bombardment, even if Cao Zhen's aura was weak, he was still alive.

This guy, how did he cultivate? How could Rou Zhen be so powerful!

The defense of the Golden Immortal Realm is terrifying, not just because of their physical bodies, but because they possess the Golden Immortal Divine Light. Cao Zhen does not have the Golden Immortal Divine Light on his body. This is simply because his physical body is so powerful that they can hardly imagine it!

"Damn it!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the crowd.

Behind Xiang Ziyu, the eight celestial palaces of strange phenomena were rotating rapidly, and the yin and yang energy was flowing rapidly. There was even a faint shadow of the ninth celestial palace among these eight celestial palaces.


Behind Xiang Ziyu, the black and white phantom of the immortal and demon seemed to be completely integrated with his whole person. At this moment, it seemed that he was a real immortal and he was a real demon!

A terrifying and extremely domineering aura stirred up in all directions, and the bodies of several alien monks surrounding him trembled slightly due to the strong power.

Suddenly, at the next moment, streams of yin and yang energy surged out of Xiang Ziyu's body. The yin and yang energy was so strong that it seemed to fill the space. It seemed that at this moment, he had filled up all the space. The yin and yang energy was released, and this yin and yang energy was full of terrifying repulsive power.

This repulsion is so strong that it even makes people feel that the qi of yin and yang are inherently opposite existences, and it seems that the qi of yin and yang will never merge together.

When the completely opposite yin and yang energies came into contact, they exploded instantly, creating a terrifying repulsive force that seemed to be able to tear apart the sky and the entire world!

This repulsive force spread all over his body, as if several serious immortals and demons had wielded a sword that could destroy time.

For a time, the void continued to shatter, instantly becoming like a spider web, with black cracks everywhere.

The density of these countless void cracks has created a huge void vortex, which can even be called a black hole!

There was an extremely terrifying pulling force coming from the black hole. The aliens closest to the black hole had just been bombarded by the terrifying repulsive force and were covered with bruises. Before they could even react, the terrifying suction force had already It's coming.

This suction force is so terrifying that even if they are true fairyland beings, they cannot escape at all.

Under the suction of this black hole, each of them, now so weak that they had no cultivation level, was instantly sucked into the black hole.

Then it was instantly crushed into powder.

Although the power of this blow was not as large as the power of Cao Zhen's previous blow, the aliens surrounding him died instantly under this blow, and half of them were Being sucked into the black hole, the other half of the true fairyland was torn apart by the terrifying repulsive force of yin and yang.

Even Xiang Ziyu, who was hit by Fatty, his whole body fell backwards and flew out after the blow.

After entering the ruins of the Yin-Yang Immortal Lord, he gained a deeper understanding of the energy of Yin-Yang. He was able to release the repulsive force of Yin-Yang while protecting himself from the repulsive force of Yin-Yang.

However, as he continued to study the yin and yang energy, he discovered once again that, in fact, even if the Yin and Yang Immortal Lord was able to generate a stable aura to protect himself under the rejection of the yin and yang energy, it was actually a trick. Behavior.

After further research, he even discovered that if this tricky method was changed, the power of Yin and Yang Qi could be induced to be even more powerful.

He only tried it a little bit at first, but it shocked him seriously. Since that person discovered it, he has been studying it quietly and rarely even tried it.

Mainly, those attacks were so terrifying that even he couldn't bear it!

Now that the master is in danger and he is under siege, he can't care much anymore and can only use his full strength.

With one blow, all the aliens around him died, but he himself was also hit by the repulsive force of yin and yang. His body suddenly split open, and his whole body was bombarded backwards and flew out, and all the internal organs in his body were thrown out. , seemed to be completely shattered at this moment.

But he still gritted his teeth and flew in the direction of the master!

Although he was covered with bruises, he still relied on his own willpower to spin the Immortal Palace Teller behind him, and the yin and yang energy gathered to form a black and white ball of light. The next moment, the ball of light suddenly moved toward everyone, preparing to bombard Cao Cao. Zhen's alien race smashed over.

But before the ball of light could fall, sharp sword energy fell down, directly smashing the ball of light into pieces!

After all, he is only one person, and he has not yet reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm, but the other party has a group of True Immortal Realm masters. Unless he uses those under-the-radar methods, it will be difficult for him to cause harm to these aliens with his own strength.

However, at the moment when the light ball shattered.

There was a loud bang in the void.

Then a boundless force surged towards the surroundings.

The Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation was finally broken under the attack of these alien races.

There are too many of these alien races, and the current Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation is not complete after all, and it is still broken after being attacked one after another.

However, it was not completely broken, but a series of holes were opened. In the formation, although a personal monk suffered backlash due to the shattering of the formation, he did not directly lose his combat effectiveness due to the backlash.

"The war is over, rush into Dongzhou!"

"Enter Dongzhou!"

For a time, the alien races in Central Continent rushed into the war one after another, while the evil races in East Continent flew towards the direction of Central Continent. Their world was being invaded by monsters, beasts and zerg. joint attack.

If they just want to return to Central Continent, they must first pass through the great formation in front of them.

For a time, monks poured into the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation.

In an instant, the formation that was still holding on was completely broken. Some of the monks who were guarding the formation were really shaken to death because of the force of the formation, and some were blown away far away. .

Even the Jue Zhen Immortal Lord, a being in the true Immortal Realm of Great Perfection, was shaken to the point of blood boiling because of the damage to the formation.

Suddenly, at the next moment, among the monks who were knocked away, a figure suddenly flew out. The divine light around him was bright, and it seemed that the light of the entire world was concentrated on him.

Zongzhen Immortal Lord!

He looked around at the almost invisible alien monks, at the ground that had already been stained red with blood, and not far away, at the severely injured human monks, with the cold murderous intent surging in their bodies. came out and spread to the entire battlefield instantly.

The next moment, he suddenly waved his hands toward the distance, and in an instant, array diagrams suddenly flew out of his phone, and they all landed next to Cao Zhen.

Almost at the same time, in the distance, alien attacks fell again.

But before these spells could fall on Cao Zhen, the formation pattern shot by the Zong Formation Immortal Lord suddenly exploded in the void, and then stone pillars suddenly rose from the earth.

Each stone pillar seemed to be able to support the heaven and the earth. These stone pillars completely enveloped Cao Zhen. A series of spells fell and bombarded the stone pillars.

For a moment, the void twisted and the earth shook!

He helped Cao Zhen block the blow.

But the next moment, a terrifying power struck, and in the void, a Celestial Monk in white robes suddenly flew in front of him and thrust out a sword at the same time.

A sword fell, and colorful lights gathered. For a moment, except for this sword, the whole world seemed to be devoid of light.

This sword gave people the illusion that it was going to cut the whole world into two parts with one sword. Even the existences of the true fairyland present felt that their hearts were shattered by this sword. startle.

The existence of golden wonderland!

As he swung his sword, his voice became even louder: "You are a noble person from the Golden Immortal Realm, but you are going to humiliate the True Immortal Realm. Your opponent is me!"

Faced with this terrifying sword, the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation opened his eyes without even looking at the opponent. Instead, he raised his hand and shot out a series of formation diagrams. At the same time, he shouted to the surrounding human monks: "Retreat, all of them retreat." , don’t fight to the death anymore!”

There were individual monks all around, although none of them was intact or injured, but when they heard the words of the Zongzhen Immortal Lord, no one ran away, and some monks even shouted.

"Escape? Can we escape to Mu Si?

"If we retreat, the entire Dongzhou may be destroyed!"

"What's the use of running away, I'd rather die fighting here!"

The Immortal Lord of Zongzhen listened to everyone's words, but he cursed loudly: "Stupid, you can only die if you stay here. If you die, what masters will our human race have? By then the entire human race will perish.

Each and every one of you is a true fairyland, don’t you even know where to escape? If the human race can't stay in the vast world, then go to the outer battlefield. If you can't stay in the outer battlefield, then go to the great world of alien races such as the Zerg and Orcs.

They absolutely don’t want to see the Celestial Clan being so powerful. The world is so big, how can there be no place for you?

Escape quickly, the further away the better, keep the fire of my human race, and escape with the leader of Baifeng. As long as he survives, we will compare you with hope! "

He knew that in his previous life, Cao Zhen was even stronger than Daluo Jinxian and was a quasi-sage.

As he said that, he turned to look at the Immortal Lord Jue Zhen and shouted loudly: "Jue Zhen, what are you doing standing still? Why don't you take the disciples of Ji Zhen and leave! You are all dead. You want to let Ji Zhen Will the formation religion destroy the religion?

Leave me alone, don't let me die without any value! Remember, when you go back, if you defeat these foreign races, if you have the opportunity to re-establish the Ji Zhen Sect, remember to build a tomb of our sect on top of Ying Ling Mountain!

Get away now! "

As the Zong Formation Immortal Lord spoke, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the Celestial Clan Golden Immortal who had chopped up all the formation diagrams he shot, with a look of deep contempt on his face.

"Be my opponent? You are not worthy!"

After the words fell, the aura in his body gathered, and the glow around him was hesitant. The next moment, the space around his body split open in an instant.

Subsequently, countless formations emerged from the space that left.

This time, the formation diagrams unfolded at the same time, so many that they even completely covered the entire sky.

There are countless formation diagrams, each of which exudes a majestic aura. Each formation diagram is filled with power that can shatter mountains and cut off rivers.

The surrounding space is twisting and twisting crazily. Even the void seems to be unable to bear it. So many formations are constantly exploding.

A terrifying aura that reached the extreme, as if a doomsday catastrophe was coming, spread across the battlefield.

For a time, all the monks on the entire battlefield could not help but feel heart palpitations under this terrifying aura!

With so many formations gathered together, the power is not even weaker than Cao Zhen's attack just now!

"So many formations!"

"How could he have so many formations? How could he control so many formations at the same time!"

The formation diagram does not mean that you can release as many pictures as you want. The formation diagram also needs to be controlled by the person who releases it.

But in front of us, there are so many formations that we can’t even count them. Even the existence of the Golden Fairy Realm cannot control so many formations at the same time. How did this person do it!

Everyone looked at the formation diagram in the sky, and each of them felt their scalps become numb.

Zong Zhen looked at the aliens with frightening expressions on their faces, and a look of determination appeared on his face. On his body, the human formation was turning crazily. It seemed that this human formation was ready at any time. They are all likely to explode.

But he was still mobilizing his human formation crazily!

He's going to blow himself up!

Explode your own human formation!

This time Cao Zhen set up the Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation, and all the masters from the Ji Formation Sect, except for the Supreme Elder, came!

If all the monks of the Ji Zhen Sect die, even if the human race sees a turn for the better, even if the human race wins countless years later, the Ji Zhen Sect may be destroyed.

He couldn't believe that the inheritance of the Ji Zhen Sect could be cut off in front of his eyes.

Although the Ji Zhen Sect has been calling him a traitor, he never thought that he betrayed the Ji Zhen Sect. He did everything for the good of the Ji Zhen Sect.

He also knew that what he did back then was wrong.

He had grown up from the Ji Zhen Sect since he was a child. Did he want to kill those disciples of the Ji Zhen Sect?

He did experiments on those disciples of the Ji Zhen Sect. After the failure, those disciples died. Wasn't he sad?

He is even sadder than anyone else!

But for the sake of the Ji Zhen Sect, he can still do that. If he doesn't develop the human formation, the Ji Zhen Sect will eventually decline. At that time, the Ji Zhen Sect will not even be able to survive the catastrophe, and all Ji Zhen Sect disciples will die!

For the sake of the Jizhen Sect, he could only endure the pain and constantly find disciples of the Jizhen Sect for experiments!

Including, later he left the inheritance of the Human Formation on Cuo Zhen and Jue Zhen, also for the future of the Ji Zhen Sect, and also worried that when he was studying the Human Formation, one day there would be another problem and he would die because of the Human Formation. Even if you die, you can leave behind the inheritance of the human formation1

Even including that he did it intentionally to stimulate the Immortal Lord Jue Zhen in the first place. He just wanted to use this method to make Jue Zhen break through!

In the eyes of outsiders, even in the eyes of everyone in the world, he is not a member of the Ji Zhen Sect, but in his heart, he is a member of the Ji Zhen Sect, and he must be responsible for the Ji Zhen Sect!

The only pity is that he has not yet seen every disciple of the Ji Zhen Cult begin to practice the way of human formation, and he has not become a saint yet!

As the human formation on his body continued to rotate, the aura emanating from his whole body became stronger and stronger. For a time, in the void around him, in this world, except for the monks, everything, whether it was mountains or rivers, , and even the air, rotated with the rotation of the human formation.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, even more terrifying than when Cao Zhen released the catalog of the prosperous times before.

This loud noise was so loud that it spread throughout the entire East Continent, and even reached Central Continent, South Continent, and Beizhou!

In the loud noise, the countless array diagrams shattered.

For a time, countless formation phantoms appeared in the void. These formation phantoms included all the formations in the Ji formation sect, and there were even some formations that he himself studied. Law!

These countless formations seem to exist alone, and they seem to be gathered together to form a brand new formation!

With this loud noise, the countless formations exploded completely.

In an instant, the sun and moon lost their light, the sky and the earth changed color, the universe turned upside down, and the mountains shook and the earth shook!

The terrifying power that seemed to be able to tear the entire East Continent into pieces poured out in all directions. For a moment, all the boulders, mountains, and trees in this space were turned into points!

The void continues to fragment, forming cracks in the void. Many cracks converge and overlap, forming black holes in the void!

These countless formations shattered, like a galactic starburst, it seemed like the end was coming, it seemed like all the monks in the entire history of the Ji formation sect had released their best formations and launched an attack.

Opposite him, the Golden Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan felt the terrifying power of the explosion of the formation, and was horrified to the extreme. He frantically gathered the immortal energy in his body and condensed it in front of him, trying to block this terrifying power.

But the next moment, when the other party's power suddenly struck, he finally knew why the other party despised him and ignored him so much!

In the face of this power, he even felt that he was not in the golden fairyland!

He condensed the immortal energy with a sudden burst, and the protective divine light was instantly shattered. The incomparable power came back and instantly blasted his entire body into powder!

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