The Kagura leader's piano music is melodious and melodious, and the emotions contained in it make people involuntarily immerse themselves in it and get involved in the story told by her piano music.

The sound of this piano is perfect in every aspect.

After the song was played, even the Sancai Sword Master, who was in the Golden Immortal Realm, was immersed in the sound of the piano.

The leader of Kagura stood up slowly, raised his hands towards Cao Zhenyi and said, "Please give me the advice of Patriarch Cao."

Cao Zhen sincerely praised: "The sound of the piano is perfect, without any flaws. It is impeccable in terms of technique and technique. The only thing lacking is the Tao."

"Tao?" Leader Kagura frowned slightly.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said: "The realm of qin can be divided into three types, namely, technique, art, and Tao.

Among them, the skill is naturally the fingering of playing the piano. As long as you have a certain amount of talent and practice diligently, you can reach this state. When you have become proficient in this state, you can enter the second state of art. The so-called art means that whatever you think in your mind can be conveyed through the sound of the piano.

The third realm is Tao. When one's piano music echoes the movement and stillness of the whole world, Tao is more of a state of mind. In this realm, the player can follow whatever he wants and follow the music according to his heart. "

As Cao Zhen spoke, he took out a piece of music that he had not used for a long time from his Qiankun ring, and began to strike. What he struck was also the music played by the leader of Kagura just now. The rhythm of the music, and even the music he struck The meaning expressed by Zhu is the same as the meaning expressed by the leader of Kagura.

Even speaking of skills, Cao Zhen's skills were not even as good as those of the Kagura Master. After all, this was only the first time he heard this piece of music.

But for some reason, when Sancai Sword Master listened to Cao Zhen's construction, he felt that everything in the world, whether it was a plant or a tree, or a bird in the distance, was immersed in the sound of construction. The feeling in the sound seems to be that the air between heaven and earth is perfectly integrated with the sound of building.

After the song ended, the leader of Kagura was completely immersed in it, and even did not come back to his senses for a long time.

After a while, she suddenly looked up at Cao Zhen and asked, "I wonder, Chief Cao, can you play your favorite piece again?"

"There is nothing wrong with it."

Cao Zhen started playing again, and as the sound of building construction resounded, a scene appeared in front of the leader of Kagura. Beside the desolate river, a group of people were seeing off a strong man. The autumn wind was bleak, and the scene was tragic and solemn. Surrounded by Qi, she even felt like she was beside the river.

Listening to the vague and tragic feeling, she felt even more. It seemed that at this moment, they were sending off the strongest master of their human race, sending him off to the world of the Celestial Clan to assassinate the emperor of the Celestial Clan.

She couldn't help but come to her guqin, squat down, and started playing along with Cao Zhen's vague instructions.

The tragic ambiguity stirred around, and the leader of Kagura had forgotten everything else and the desire to seek a breakthrough. She was completely immersed in this ambiguity, immersed in the farewell.

Suddenly, at the next moment, golden light burst out from her body and shot straight into the sky.

The clouds above the void were instantly broken by the golden light, and the surrounding space was distorted crazily. It seemed that these distortions were irregular distortions, but vaguely, under the distortion of the space, it sounded like music.

Sounds of music poured out from the body of the Kagura Cult Master, spreading to the surroundings and the entire Eastern Continent.

"This is an epiphany!" The Sancai Sword Lord's face suddenly showed a joyful expression. The Kagura Cult Master has already become a half-step golden immortal. Now that the Kagura Cult Master has had an epiphany again, then...

Even if the Kagura Cult Master cannot break through immediately after the enlightenment like the original Immortal Lord of the Sect, at the level of the Kagura Cult Master, there is also the accumulation of the Kagura Cult Master. After the epiphany, the Kagura Cult Master can quickly find that The final road, take that step!

Dongzhou may soon have a fourth Golden Fairy Realm.

Leader Cao, he really paid too much for the entire human race.

He also heard Leader Kagura say that because he paid points in exchange for Leader Cao’s avenue, it was Leader Cao who put the avenue into the points reward. Leader Cao put his avenue into the human race’s treasury, so to Leader Cao There is no benefit to saying so. Isn’t Leader Cao still doing it for the human race in the end? Those resources will eventually be given to human monks.

What's more, when Master Cao entered the Great Dao, he could obviously just give his way to Master Kagura and let Master Kagura realize it on his own. However, Master Cao actually taught Master Kagura himself.

Finally, the leader of Kagura had an epiphany.

In fact, it was also because of Master Cao that the Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation was able to break through and become the Golden Immortal Realm.

No wonder, before his death, Immortal Lord Zongzhen told everyone to take away Leader Cao, saying that Leader Cao was the hope of the human race!

Within the Baifeng Sect, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect and the Ji Zhen Sect turned their heads to look outside, looking at the bright light.

This was not the first time they had seen such a bright light of enlightenment. The last time they saw it, it was the Immortal Lord of Zongzhen's enlightenment.

"So, with this kind of light, another half-step golden immortal has achieved enlightenment!"

"That is to say, we in Dongzhou will have one more person from the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Everyone, this is an epiphany, not a breakthrough. Enlightenment does not mean a breakthrough."

As soon as a disciple finished speaking, the disciples around him immediately retorted.

"Last time, a senior brother also said this. As a result, Immortal Lord Zongzhen quickly broke through and became the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"Yes, enlightenment does not mean breakthrough, but don't you look at who helped me realize this. It was the leader who helped me realize this."

"Although I didn't see what the leader taught me, but if you listen to the sound of music coming from the void, it's obvious that a half-step golden immortal who practices the way of music has an epiphany. In our Baifeng Sect, the music is The only one who can reach such a level is the leader."

"No, what you should say is that in our Baifeng Sect, the only one who can make a Half-Step Golden Immortal realize enlightenment is the leader!"

"Who is the Half-Step Golden Immortal of the Way of Music? It seems that in the entire Eastern Continent, the only one who has become the Half-Step Golden Immortal of the Way of Music is the leader of the Kagura Sect!"

Not only within the Baifeng Sect, the light of Kagura's leader's enlightenment was too bright. She was a half-step golden immortal. With her enlightenment, the light covered the entire Dongzhou. Every monk in Dongzhou felt it. This light of enlightenment.

"This light is the enlightenment of a half-step golden immortal with a musical rhythm!"

"This must be the leader of Kagura!"

"It has been a long time since Master Kagura became a half-step Golden Immortal. With this sudden enlightenment, she may be able to reach the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"She should be able to become a golden fairyland!"

"In this way, we can have one more Golden Fairyland in Dongzhou!"

"Yes, our Dongzhou managed to have six Golden Immortals before, which is as many as the other three continents. However, our Dongzhou suffered the greatest loss this time, and the most Golden Immortals died in the battle. One more A golden fairyland can also provide some relief!"

"However, the place where the divine light of enlightenment shines seems to be the Baifeng Sect?"

"It's the Baifeng Sect, that's right. The Immortal Lord of the Zong Formation had his epiphany in the same place before!"

"So, this time, the leader of Kagura also gained enlightenment because of the leader of Baifeng? This..."

In a place where casual cultivators gathered, a slightly fat monk wearing a fiery red robe reminded: "Everyone, we should no longer call the Baifeng leader, we should call him the patriarch!"

"That's right. Leader Cao is now the patriarch of our human race in Dongzhou. Counting the former Immortal Lords of the Zong Formation, there are now two half-step golden immortals who have had an epiphany because of Patriarch Cao!"

"We, the human race, are really lucky to have Chief Cao!"

Many masters from the great sect looked at the light in the void with sad expressions on their faces, and some of their voices became choked with sobs.

"Master, have you seen it? Another half-step Golden Immortal has achieved enlightenment because of Master Cao. In our Dongzhou, another being in the Golden Immortal Realm will be born because of Master Cao.

Everything you did at that time was meaningful. You died trying to protect Leader Cao from evacuating. You are doing all this for the human race! "

Within the Kagura Sect, the masters within the sect also gathered at the mountain gate, looking at the brightest place in the distance with excited expressions.

"Sure enough, it is the wisest thing to ask the leader to ask the leader of Baifeng for help!"

"We thought that it might be helpful to go to the leader Cao, but I didn't expect that the leader would have an epiphany so quickly!"

"The leader has an epiphany. With his celestial appearance, he will definitely be able to break through and become the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"So our Kagura Sect will also have our own Golden Immortal Realm. Our Kagura Sect will be born, the third Golden Immortal Realm in the history of our great sect!"

Not only in Dongzhou, but also in Central Continent, many monks from various races also discovered the light emerging from Dongzhou.

"This is the direction of Dongzhou. This should be the enlightenment of the Half-Step Golden Immortal. The human race is very likely to add a Golden Immortal Realm."

In a city controlled by the demon clan, several demon clans were discussing in low voices.

"These human races are really tenacious. They were beaten like that just now, but in such a short time, the Golden Fairyland is about to be born!"

"So, this is probably the reason why the Celestial Clan must destroy the human race in the first place. There are really many top talents in the human race!"

"I'm not questioning our emperor, but it seems that the human race is really scary. Not long ago, before the war, a Golden Immortal was born. Just a short time ago, a second Golden Immortal was born. This speed is a bit too scary!"

"So, are you worried that after the human race comes back to breathe, it may threaten our demon race?"

"It's not impossible!"

Today's situation in Zhongzhou is very special. Although the demon clan, the beast clan and the demon clan were chasing the Celestial Clan together in Zhongzhou, they even planned to drive the Celestial Clan out of Zhongzhou.

However, after the Heavenly Clan continued to retreat, the Heavenly Clan's power also began to concentrate, and even the Dakang Nao Ning Xia Ru гΩ Meng Huan backacyStealing Dixie Zhan blew down the Mu Qi Pao Pan panic熳戉?

If they continue to fight, they will suffer heavy losses, so the coalition forces of the Monster Tribe, the Orc Tribe, and the Zerg Tribe will no longer attack the Celestial Tribe.

However, they were not without gains. They also occupied a large amount of territory that originally belonged to the Celestial Clan. Of course, these territories previously belonged to the Human Clan!

Nowadays, the areas in Central Continent that are closest to the four human continents all belong to the three tribes: monsters, beasts, and insects.

Of course, the Heavenly Clan still has a huge territory in Central Continent. At the same time, the traitors who betrayed the Human Race have also followed them to Central Continent.

In order to protect themselves, they even all gathered together.

"The Golden Fairyland is about to be born again in the human race. Judging from the light of enlightenment, it should come from Dongzhou."

"It's Dongzhou again!"

"It should be that Master Kagura has had an epiphany. Master Kagura has made it clear that he is actually still a monk from Central Continent, but he just went to East Continent."

"Everyone, what do we have to worry about? We are in Central Continent now, in the territory of the Celestial Clan. Don't forget that the Celestial Clan has the most Golden Fairyland among all clans.

So what if another golden fairyland is born in the human race? Can she still break into Central Continent and enter the territory of the Celestial Clan to take revenge on us! "

"Yes, if they give birth to a Golden Fairyland, they will give birth to a Golden Fairyland. I believe that the Heavenly Clan will eventually attack back one day. At that time, we will know how wise the decision we made was."

"Yes, this Middle Continent is actually our root. There is nothing wrong with us returning to Middle Continent. When we were in East Continent, we had to share the same mountain gate with other great religions. Now, in this Middle Continent, the Celestial Clan is... Four mountain gates with abundant spiritual energy have been specially designated for our use!"

"Everyone, let's practice first."

While several people were talking, suddenly, bursts of light rose from the direction of Dongzhou.

For a time, the traitors who rebelled against the human race and followed the heavenly race to Central Continent were completely stunned.

"Another one!"

"This light of enlightenment is like a half-step golden immortal's enlightenment!"

"This... this seems to be in the direction of Dongzhou. What is the situation in Dongzhou!"

"If only one person has an epiphany, it can be said that it just happened by chance. Someone has accumulated enough and happened to have some insights, so he has an epiphany. But two Half-Step Golden Immortals have epiphanies in succession. What a coincidence!"

In the Baifeng Sect, a group of disciples were sighing. The leader of Kagura had an epiphany. Suddenly, yin and yang auras rose into the sky in the direction of the Four Treasure Peaks. These auras divided the entire Baifeng Sect and the air above into one. The two parts of yin and yang merge into one as the yin and yang rotate.

Then it covered the distance, seeming to wrap up the entire Dongzhou.

Within the Baifeng Sect, every disciple was stunned for a moment.

"What's happening here?"

"Someone has achieved enlightenment again, and the light of this enlightenment is obviously the enlightenment of a half-step golden immortal!"

"Isn't the leader outside our great religion? Then how did this one achieve enlightenment?"

"That's the direction of the Four Treasures Peak, and it's still the energy of yin and yang. It shouldn't be Elder Xiang Ziyu who has an epiphany!"

"This is obviously not the aura of Elder Xiang Ziyu, and although Elder Xiang Ziyu is strong, he is not yet at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. This should not be the light of his enlightenment!"

"Who is that?"

Suddenly someone said: "Tell me, is it possible that a certain half-step golden immortal who is good at yin and yang energy has an epiphany because of Elder Xiang Ziyu?"

"This... is very possible!"

"This is the only possibility. The leader is not in our Baifeng Sect, and the other party is in the Four Treasures. ?

Suddenly, many disciples turned back to look at one of them.

"Senior brother, what did you just say?"

"Yes, I remember you said, senior brother, that no one can make a Half-Step Golden Immortal realize enlightenment except the leader."

"Look, Elder Xiang Ziyu has done it now!"

Apart from Baifeng Sect, Master Sancai Sword Master was also stunned. He turned to look at Cao Zhen blankly, his face full of disbelief. Cao Zhen was the reincarnation of Da Luo Jinxian, and he could understand that he could make half-step Jinxian realize his enlightenment.

But Xiang Ziyu doesn't seem to be a reincarnated power, so how can Xiang Ziyu make the Yin-Yang leader who is half a golden immortal realize his enlightenment?

Others didn't know it, but he followed Cao Zhen and flew to the Four Treasures Peak with the Yin-Yang leader. Then, he heard with his own ears that Cao Zhen asked Xiang Ziyu to discuss the Tao with the Yin-Yang leader.

Only a short time had passed before the Yin-Yang leader suddenly had an epiphany.

A True Immortal Realm and a Half-Step Golden Immortal were practicing the same path. As a result, the True Immortal Realm gave the Half-Step Golden Immortal an epiphany. This True Immortal Realm is too incomprehensible!

At the same time, throughout the territory of Dongzhou, monks looked at the light of enlightenment, each with a look of sluggishness and disbelief on their faces.

"Another Half-Step Golden Immortal has achieved enlightenment?"

"On the same day, two Half-Step Golden Immortals suddenly attained enlightenment!"

"This aura, this should be the aura of the Yin Yang Cult Master!"

"Master Yin-Yang is the oldest Half-Step Golden Immortal. It took him longer to become a Half-Step Golden Immortal than any other leader. If Master Yin-Yang has an epiphany, he will almost certainly be able to become a Golden Immortal!"

"The direction of Yin Yang's enlightenment, the place where the light shines brightest, and the place where Kagura's enlightenment seems to overlap!"

"So, the leader of Yin Yang also had his enlightenment in Baifeng Sect!"

"Master Baifeng, it's because of Master Baifeng again!"

"This, is this the power of the Daluo Golden Immortal's reincarnation? On the same day, two half-step golden immortals were enlightened at the same time. Counting the previous sect formation immortal kings, the leader of Baifeng has already made three half-step golden immortals An epiphany!

It is equivalent to saying that the leader of Baifeng has created three golden fairyland existences by himself! This is too scary! "

"What's even more terrifying is that the Immortal Lord of Zongzhen, the Master of Kagura and the Master of Yin and Yang, these three are practicing different paths!"

"Maybe not all Daluo Jinxian are so powerful. There are probably only a few who know everything and are proficient in everything like the leader of Baifeng!"

"Sure enough, what the Immortal Lord of the Zongzhen said was right. The Baifeng Cult Master is the hope of our human race. As long as there is the Baifeng Cult Master, our human race will one day regain its glory and drive all those alien races out of our world. !”

"The leader of Baifeng should not be said to be the leader of the clan. Although he does not exist in the Golden Immortal Realm now, he is more important than the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm!"

In Central Continent, each alien race also discovered the light coming from the human race.

"Another half-step golden immortal human race has achieved enlightenment?"

"What is going on? Almost at the same time, two human half-step golden immortals have an epiphany!"

"The key is that these two half-step golden immortals from the human race seem to have achieved enlightenment from the same place!"

"It can't be that these two people were discussing Tao and then had an epiphany! One of them is the Tao of Rhythm and the other is the Tao of Yin and Yang. They are not the same path. How can they discuss Tao!"

"Human race, this is a bit too scary!"

"I want to know how the humans do it!"

The Heavenly Clan left four mountain gates for the traitors of the human race, which corresponded exactly to the four mountain gates for the traitors of the four continents.

In the mountain gate where all the traitors from Dongzhou gathered, the monks looked at the light of enlightenment in the distance, but their expressions turned ugly.

"That light of enlightenment, this energy of Yin and Yang, this is the enlightenment of the Yin and Yang leader!"

"It's that old guy. If he has an epiphany, he will definitely become a golden immortal!"

"What's going on in Dongzhou? Why do they have epiphanies one after another!"

Suddenly, someone seemed to have thought of something and said, "Do you think their enlightenment has something to do with the leader of Baifeng? The original Zongzhen Immortal Lord's enlightenment was because of Cao Zhen."

"That's probably not the case. If Cao Zhen allows another Half-Step Golden Immortal to gain enlightenment, I can accept it, but how could he possibly allow two Half-Step Golden Immortals who practice different paths to achieve enlightenment at the same time!"

"Whether it's because of Cao Zhen or not, after a while, Dongzhou's strength will probably recover again. As long as the Yin Yang Cult and the Kagura Cult all break through, Dongzhou will become five half-step golden immortals again! "

Some people in the crowd looked at the golden light in the distance and cursed secretly in their hearts. Why didn't these people have an epiphany early? Why did they wait until they all rebelled against the human race and came to Central Continent before they rebelled.

If these two guys have an early epiphany and become the golden fairyland early, then they may be able to hold on for a while longer. If they hold on for a while longer, maybe when the demon tribe, orc tribe and insect tribe take action, their mountain gate will not be threatened. In this way, it is naturally impossible for them to rebel.

These people say well, what is better for cultivating here.

But they left the great sect, some took away the core of the great sect, some did not take away the core of the great sect, and because they were running for their lives, they did not take care of the weak disciples in the great sect.

Now, each of their sect leaders, each of the high-ranking members of the original great sect, came here, but they didn’t have many disciples at all.

Under such circumstances, what kind of leaders are they?

Even if they counterattack and return to Dongzhou, even if they return to their own great sect, by then, I'm afraid none of their disciples will be around.

Are they recruiting disciples again? Then what? How long will it take for them to revive the great religion?

When the religious calamity comes, how much power will their great religion have to resist the religious calamity!

In Dongzhou, a clan has already cheered.

Although the Heavenly Clan, the Evil Clan, and the Hell Clan withdrew from their Eastern Continent, it was only because of the attacks of the Monster, Beast, and Insect Clan, and every major religion suffered heavy losses. Now that the entire human race is officially in decline, suddenly, there are The two half-step golden immortals had an epiphany, and for a moment, the entire human race became excited.

Si Bao Peak, Yin Yang Peak where Xiang Ziyu is located, Xiang Ziyu looked at the light of enlightenment above his head, and the yin and yang energy in his body also rose into the sky!

The Master of Yin Yang is a veteran half-step golden immortal. His knowledge of Yin and Yang also has many unique features. Xiang Ziyu discussed the Tao with the Master of Yin and Yang, but he also understood a lot. After seeing the Master of Yin and Yang's enlightenment, he saw Under the light of the Yin Yang Cult Master's enlightenment, he naturally became enlightened!

Although they are both yin and yang energy, his yin and yang energy is different from the yin and yang energy of the yin and yang leader. However, the same thing is that his yin and yang energy surges around, covering the entire Dongzhou, but not covering it. To Middle-earth!

In Central Continent, many monks looked at the light of enlightenment that reappeared, and for a while, they even became numb.

"What's happening here?"

"What day is it today? Why do all the masters have an epiphany today?"

"Which Half-Step Golden Immortal has achieved enlightenment?"

"No, this breath, although the light of enlightenment is also extremely terrifying, but this is not a half-step golden immortal!"

"Yes, it shouldn't be a half-step golden immortal, it should be an epiphany at the peak of the true immortal realm!"

"This position seems to belong to the Baifeng Sect. There doesn't seem to be anyone at the peak of the True Immortal Realm who is good at Yin and Yang in the Baifeng Sect!"

"Yes, the only person in the Baifeng Sect who is good at the Yin and Yang is Xiang Ziyu, but Xiang Ziyu has not yet reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm!"

In Dongzhou, many monks who had seen Xiang Ziyu fight and had contact with him were all shocked.

"This aura, this is Xiang Ziyu's aura!"

"Xiang Ziyu is from the Eight Immortal Palaces. After his enlightenment, the light of enlightenment was almost the same as that of a half-step golden immortal!"

"This light, even if it is the peak of true fairyland enlightenment, the light is not so bright, and it will not cover the entire East Continent!"

While everyone was shocked, suddenly the entire Dongzhou went dark at this moment.

In about ten breaths, the sky suddenly brightened.

Xiang Ziyu's figure emerged in the void, not just in the Baifeng Sect, but in the entire Dongzhou.

Beside Xiang Ziyu, the sun and moon appeared at the same time, and the stars in the sky surrounded him.

But the next moment, the sun, moon and stars in the sky all disappeared. At this moment, the void of the entire East Continent seemed to have turned into a void of yin and yang. The entire East Continent, at this moment, seemed to have only the energy of yin and yang left!

Within Dongzhou, every monk looked at the shadow in the void with astonishment.

Looking at the eight immortal palaces behind Xiang Ziyu, each one was inexplicably shocked!

"This is... about to break through!"

"The last person who achieved enlightenment just now was Xiang Ziyu from the Baifeng Sect? He is one, two, three... There is nothing wrong with the eight vision fairy palaces. He has not become the pinnacle of the true fairyland, and the light of enlightenment is only half as good as Bu Jinxian is slightly weaker!"

"Is this just a breakthrough that makes such a big difference?"

"Generally speaking, only when you achieve the True Immortal Realm can you make such a big movement! I have never heard of anyone who has broken through to the peak of the True Immortal Realm in the Golden Immortal Realm and can make such a big movement and have such a strange phenomenon! "

"Such a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, the entire East Continent is wrapped in the energy of yin and yang. Even if you achieve the true fairyland, it is impossible to have such a huge strange phenomenon!"

"Yes, it's as if he is going to become a golden immortal!"

Behind Xiang Ziyu, towering fairy mountains emerged. One of the peaks broke open, and a strange fairy palace emerged.

The Ninth Immortal Palace of Visions!

After this strange fairy palace appeared, it did not rotate together with the other eight strange fairy palaces.

Instead, they sank into his body in sequence and then disappeared!

In Dongzhou, every monk was stunned.

"Is the Immortal Palace disappearing?"

"What is this? Has Xiang Ziyu reached the peak of the True Immortal Realm?"

"have no idea!"

"He must have reached the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, with such a huge momentum!"

"But why did the ninth Immortal Palace of Visions disappear?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because his visionary fairy palace is special?"

Outside the gate of Baifeng Sect, Sancai Sword Lord said with admiration: "Clan Chief Cao, this disciple of yours is truly a genius. He has directly integrated his ninth Immortal Palace with himself. In one body.

This is also a group of alienated people in the Immortal Palace, but it is very rare.

Also, when he was in the eight fairy palaces, he could make his eight strange fairy palaces rotate all the time, thus achieving the alienation of the fairy palaces.

Now, it is equivalent to his fairy palace showing two different alienations! I have never heard of such methods, and I have never seen them before! "

"As a disciple of mine, many times I can't see her clearly." Cao Zhen also sighed. Sometimes he even doubted whether his disciple also had a system similar to Zhonghua Cloud. Even, if it weren't for the connection After joining Xiang Ziyu, he has also connected to other reincarnated powers. After connecting, whether the other party is a reincarnated power will be directly displayed in the file.

He even doubted whether Xiang Ziyu was reincarnated and became a powerful person!

This kid is acting so abnormally.

Xiang Ziyu had vaguely condensed the shadow of the ninth immortal palace before, but now after his enlightenment, he naturally made a breakthrough directly!

After he broke through, his shadow quickly disappeared in the void.

But the next moment, two phantoms appeared in the void again.

"This is the time for the Kagura Cult Leader and the Yin Yang Cult Master to survive the tribulation!"

"The accumulation of these two sect leaders is too deep. Not long after their enlightenment, they are about to survive the tribulation!"

Soon, the leader of Yin Yang flew out from the Baifeng Sect. The Baifeng Sect had just been rebuilt. He was surviving the tribulation in the Baifeng Sect. Not to mention other places, the Four Treasure Peaks would probably have to be rebuilt again.

Both of them are the leaders of the great sect, and they have been able to become half-step golden immortals long enough. Both of them have blocked the catastrophes and become golden immortals!

"Five Golden Immortals, in the blink of an eye, we in Dongzhou have five more Golden Immortal beings!"

In Central Continent, in the mountain gate where a group of traitors from East Continent are located.

Masters from various major religions started talking one after another after being frightened.

"Everyone, there are two more existences in the Golden Immortal Realm in Dongzhou. Of course, these are still far away from us, but we are human race after all, and we live under the protection of others.

Moreover, there are people from three other continents who came to Central Continent with us.

The Heavenly Clan will not support us in vain. We will inevitably compete with people from the other three continents. At the same time, the great religion should also know that our great religion may not be able to go back. "

"So? What should we do? Even if we go back, our great sect will be abolished. How can we resist the catastrophe of the sect when the time comes. Among us, the catastrophe of some great sects is about to come."

As soon as the words fell, all the monks around him fell silent.

The faces of several of the sect leaders have become extremely ugly. One of the major sects among them is less than a thousand years away from the next sect catastrophe.

A thousand years is not a long time for them, and it is definitely not enough for them to grow the almost destroyed sect to a level that can withstand the catastrophe!

Just when everyone was at their wits' end, a figure flew down in the void.

Almost at the same time, the leaders of the great religions who were discussing turned their heads and looked over.

A monk from the Celestial Clan!

The other party's whole body was shrouded in a black robe, giving people an unfathomable sense of mystery.

There was a sharp light in the other party's deep eyes, and at the same time, there was an ancient aura exuding as he walked, as if bearing the vicissitudes of endless years.

Just when everyone saw him, they felt that the other party possessed infinite power and wisdom, which made people involuntarily feel a sense of awe.

"Ask Lord Mo Xian."

All the monks around stood up and saluted, not only because of the other party's Celestial Clan identity, but also because the other party was a master of the Golden Fairy Realm!

Asked Mo Xianjun, he glanced at the crowd, and there was no expression change on his face. Then, a low and powerful voice sounded, as if it contained the depth and breadth of heaven and earth.

"I know what you are worried about! I also know that your great sect of the human race will encounter a sect disaster."

As soon as his voice sounded, it immediately gave people an unforgettable feeling. Even if countless years had passed, they would remember it immediately as long as this voice sounded. And his words revealed a sense of majesty and confidence.

Asking Mo Xianjun paused for a moment, and then continued: "I have a treasure here, called Tianyu! As long as this object is placed in the center of this mountain gate, a new great sect will be established here. At that time, you will be the disciples of this great sect, and you will not be affected by any influence from the great sect you were in before."

While speaking, he took out a jade stone from the Qiankun Ring.

This piece of jade is crystal clear. Under the sunlight, the jade seems to contain a special atmosphere, making people feel as if they are in a garden.

The whole piece of jade is carved with exquisite patterns, and every line is smooth and natural. At the same time, this piece of jade makes people feel as if they can travel through time and space.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are some tiny bubbles on the surface of the jade, which seem to be marks left by time and space.

The jade stone exuded an aura similar to that of all the heavenly clans they had seen!

At this time, everyone did not care about this, but whispered: "It will not be affected at all!"

"As long as we establish a new religion, that's it!"

"Ask Mo Xianjun, if we can recruit disciples when we establish a new sect from here. After all, there are still many mortals left in Central Continent."

When the great sects of Central Continent evacuated, they had no time left to take care of the mortals here, so the mortals of Central Continent naturally stayed in Central Continent.

Although many mortals died due to the battle between the six alien races, there were also many alien monks who liked to slaughter and would enter the mortal world to slaughter these mortals when nothing happened.

But slowly, after so many years, the mortals in Central Continent have adapted to the current life. Although the population cannot be compared with that before the six alien races invaded, it has also recovered a lot.

Asked Mo Xianjun nodded slightly and said: "Of course you can. Also, we will not interfere with the name of your great sect or your great elder.

However, the leader of your great religion must be appointed by our heavenly clan. "


Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound. The leader was appointed by the Celestial Clan. Is that still their own great religion?

When Wen Moxianjun heard the questioning, his eyes immediately looked over. In an instant, the air around him became extremely heavy.

The entire space seemed to be frozen.

All around, the leaders of the great sects felt as if their throats were being strangled by a large invisible hand, and it became difficult to even breathe.

The leader who just raised the question quickly lowered his head and said: "Xianjun, I don't mean anything else, I'm just surprised.

In fact, we are very grateful that you can provide us with the Immortal Sect and the Immortal Jade. "

Wen Mo Xianjun snorted heavily, turned around and flew towards the distance, saying as he flew: "I will give you ten days. After ten days, I want to see that this great sect has been established. By then, I, the Immortal Lord, will We will send the sect leader here, and if the great sect is not established by then, all of you will die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from everyone's sight, but the word "death" kept echoing in everyone's ears.

Everyone looked at me one by one, and I looked at you. It took a long time before someone said, "Everyone, what should we do?"

"What else can be done? Mo Xianjun has already said that we must establish this great religion."

"A great sect is going to be established. Although it is said that the leader of the sect is appointed by the other party, it is up to us to decide on the great elder. Everyone, who should be the suitable great elder?"

As soon as the words fell, someone immediately suggested: "I recommend Master Cangli. Master Cangli is a half-step golden immortal!"

On the side, someone immediately said: "In that case, why can't it be the False Cult Leader? The False Cult Leader is also a Half-Step Golden Immortal, and he is also the oldest Half-Step Golden Immortal!"

"False Leader? He has not appeared since he came to Central Continent, and I don't know what he is busy with. How can he be the great elder!"

"Yes, although the False Cult Leader is powerful enough, he doesn't care enough about our current situation! So, it's better not to choose him..."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding void suddenly changed, and the entire sky suddenly turned dark. After a long time, when the void returned to light, the phantom of the False Cult Leader appeared in the void!

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