My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 123: Osteopathic surgery, Yuanjia Road is narrow

My medical skills can add experience points Chapter 123 Orthopedic surgery, the road to the enemy is narrow

Not long after, a new surgical patient was pushed into the operating room.

This time, Zhou Can was the only regular trainee left, so there was no need to test him again.

Dr. He took the initiative to display the patient's examination report on the light curtain.

"The patient underwent arm bone fracture surgery at the beginning of last year, and was fixed with two steel nails. Judging from the patient's recovery, the fracture healed well, and now surgery is needed to remove the steel nails."

Doctor Shan took the initiative to introduce the patient's situation.

Generally speaking, operations in the operating room are scheduled in advance.

Surgeons, assistants, and nurses all know what time and operation will be performed today.

The removal of the bone internal fixation is not particularly difficult.

But the stakes are high.

Improper operation or premature removal may lead to re-fracture or infection of the patient.

The patient was quickly brought in.

The steel nail at the elbow joint of the right arm needs to be removed.

Doctor Shan seemed very cautious in performing the operation.

Even though she had gone through layers of checks, she still conducted a series of examinations and inquiries on the patient. After the evaluation, she felt that the steel nails could be removed before starting the operation.

Zhou Can naturally took the anesthesia needle prepared by the nurse, and pricked four needles into the patient's right armpit.

The puncture site for brachial plexus anesthesia is not fixed.

Actual selection is made according to surgical needs.

Sometimes the upper, lower, and shoulder grooves of the clavicle are also the sites where anesthetics are injected.

The purpose is only one, to block the conduction of the nerves in the arm.

In fact, the principle of painkillers is very similar to that of anesthetics, which also block nerve conduction.

Many people are in so much pain that they are unwilling to use painkillers. Listen to the "fake science" on the Internet, thinking that painkillers will cause harm to the body. And there are sequelae.

It makes people stupid.

In fact, these are all nonsense.

As long as the dosage is mastered, there will be almost no so-called 'negative effects' on the body.

In ancient times, Guan Yu scraped bones to cure poison without using anesthetics, and he could chat and laugh while accepting Hua Tuo's surgery while playing chess with others. Perhaps such a tough guy really existed, and it was more likely that the anesthetics of that era were immature.

He dare not take it.

For modern people, there is really no need to emulate Guan Erye and suffer that crime.

Some pains can really make people dizzy.

Zhou Can's injection technique is at the attending level. The local anesthesia he administered has a faster onset time and better effect.

"Doctor Shan! The anesthesia is successful and the operation is ready."


She nodded slightly.

The nurse is very professional in performing secondary disinfection on the surgical site.

The position of the wound and the position of the steel nails have been drawn on the patient's arm.

Dr. Shan incisioned a wound skillfully and lightly, and Zhou Can cooperated tacitly to stop the bleeding. This part is actually a layer of skin, and the bones are directly exposed.

Metal nails can also be seen.

During the whole process of getting out, she seemed cautious.

Zhou Can stood by and helped, and learned a lot.

A total of two steel nails.

Take out this one first, check that the bone has healed quite firmly, and there is no risk in taking it out, and then take out the other one.

Sometimes, for the sake of safety, the doctor often removes the bone internal fixation equipment several times.

"The stitching is up to you!"

After Dr. Shan successfully removed the two steel nails, he was also very tired.

Thanks to Zhou Can's help, it went so smoothly.

"no problem."

Zhou Can happily agreed.

He will not let go of any opportunity to earn experience points in medical skills.

It only took him a few minutes to complete the debridement and suturing of such a small opening.

It's not for nothing that I have done so many first-level surgeries in the emergency department.

In terms of the speed of the operation, I am afraid that few people can be faster than him.

"Tsk tsk, Dr. Zhou's suturing skills are really good! It's fast and good!"

She couldn't help but praise.

"Actually, my anatomical skills are not bad, when will I give you a chance to practice!"

Zhou Can is already very humble.

Because he still has many medical skills that have reached the third level or above.

"If there is a suitable opportunity, I will give it to you!"

She didn't finish talking.

After all, according to the safety rules of the operating room, interns generally require offline operations, that is, operations that pose a safety risk to patients, and interns only have side jobs.

You can only stand on the sidelines and learn.

Gui Peisheng can do some piercing, skin sewing and other jobs.

To operate a knife on a patient, one must at least reach the level of a senior resident doctor, and only then can there be very few opportunities for exercise.

Doctor Shan was able to let go of his mouth a little, which already showed great trust in Zhou Cantian.

After the patient who took the steel nail was sent out, a nurse stood behind the second door and asked, "Doctor Shan, here is a child with a dislocated arm, can you join the team and help him do it?"

There are all kinds of human emotions in any hospital.

For example, when a nurse helps a child jump in line, it is either an acquaintance or the child has a certain background.

"Arm is dislocated, you should send him to the manipulation recovery room!"

Doctor Shan did not explicitly refuse.

For dislocations, unless a very small number of cases are particularly severe and require surgery, most of them can be manually reduced.

This is also a required skill for orthopedic surgeons.

"It's off work over there, and there will be no one until two o'clock in the afternoon. The child's grandfather works in the Health Bureau and brought the child here himself. Look..."

Although the nurse didn't say it clearly, the meaning of what she said was basically clear.

This child is the grandson of the relevant leader of the competent department.

For Tuya Hospital, the ranks of the dean and others are not low. The general leaders of the Health Bureau came, and they couldn't even reach the level of the dean's personal reception.

But for a low-level nurse, even if she is just an ordinary member of the health bureau, she is still a leader.

In fact, no matter what, if you can make it to your grandparents, you can at least make it to a department-level cadre.

"Since it's the grandson of the superior leader, he should take care of it. The leader is so busy with work, how can he let him wait until after two o'clock in the afternoon! It just so happens that I'm not particularly busy here, so you can bring the child in!"

Doctor Shan immediately changed his tune.

Zhou Can couldn't help but open his eyes, and today he has learned a lot.

No matter how proud the doctor is, when facing the leader, they are basically the same.

At most, the degree of licking is different.

The child was quickly brought into the operating room, and his grandfather followed him through the first door outside.

This is an old man with white hair and good spirits.

"Which one is Doctor Shan?"

"I am! Hello!"

Doctor Shan lowered his posture.

"My name is Qiu Jianye. I work in the Western District Health Bureau. I will go there to do business in the future. Welcome to my office for tea!" Before the old man came in, he must have found out from the nurses which doctor has the highest status in the operating room.

The old man didn't declare his position, and he didn't even say which department he worked in.

Others couldn't tell, but Zhou Can felt that this person was very hypocritical.

At least not a big leader.

If you are exhausted, you will be a deputy department-level cadre. even lower. And the department he is in should be one that doesn't have much real power.

"Okay, thank you! I will treat your grandson now, and you can sit on the chair outside the operating room and rest for a while."

She spoke very tactfully.

It is obvious that they are inviting people out, but they cannot directly say, please go out or something like that.

Instead, in a caring tone, ask the other party to sit on a chair outside the operating room and rest.

In this way, not only will people not be disgusted, but they will also feel that the doctor is very enthusiastic.

When the old man left the operating room, Dr. Shan took the film taken by the child to check.

"The situation is not bad, but the shoulder joint is dislocated. After reset, hang it on the neck with a bandage for three or four weeks."

She made a diagnosis after seeing the film.

"Little friend, how old are you?"

"Six years old!"

When the child opened his mouth, the hole in the missing front tooth was exposed.

It can be seen that his teeth are all black, and the caries are particularly serious.

I definitely don't eat less sweets at ordinary times.

Eating too much sweets can easily lead to osteoporosis and weak constitution.

This can make the child more prone to fractures and dislocations.

"This arm hurts, right?"

"Hmm! It hurts!"

He bit his lip, teary eyes.

"When I reset you, there will be a little pain. But after the pain is over, your illness will be cured and you won't be in pain anymore. You are a brave little man! Can you hold back?"

Doctor Shan was doing ideological work for the little boy.


Children are the most innocent.

Once you praise him for being brave, he will really show you how brave he is.

"Doctor Zhou, please hug the child from behind and support his shoulders."


Zhou Can hugged the little boy from behind and pressed against his right shoulder.

The little boy's body was thinner and lighter than expected.

Today's parents are too fond of their children. All kinds of junk food.

Actually hurt the child.

Doctor Shan grabbed the child's arm with one hand and the arm with the other, and first helped him relax his muscles.

Then rotate slowly.

"Kid, have you read yet?"

"Kindergarten Class!"

"Wow, it turns out that he is a student of the older boy, no wonder he is so brave! What does your grandfather do?"

"The teacher often praises me for being great! My grandpa...uh, it seems to be on AIDS prevention and treatment... ah... woohoo, it hurts so much!" The little boy was halfway through his answer when Dr. Push and press up.

It's cleverness.

Zhou Can heard a muffled "click".

He knew that the shoulder joint reset was successful.

The moment of reset brought severe pain, which directly made this "brave" little boy cry.

Tears streamed down his face.

If he guessed correctly, his grandfather worked in the AIDS Prevention and Control Division of the Health Bureau.

No wonder he had to enter the operating room to say hello to an attending doctor like Dr. Shan to jump in line.

If it was replaced by a leader with real power, it could be done with one phone call.

【Congratulations, you have obtained the orthopedic surgery, which can correctly reset the displaced fracture end and treat soft tissue injuries, and can restore the dislocated joint to its original position and restore motor function. 】

Zhou Can was just helping out, but he didn't expect to gain a medical skill.

However, in the process of helping, he did learn how to reset the entire shoulder joint.

At least how to operate, he has a clear and complete idea in his mind.

After learning osteopathy, he is quite popular in orthopedics.

Even if you don't know anything else, you only need to sit in the manipulation reduction room, and you can eat for a lifetime.

"Bring a bandage!"

After Dr. Shan successfully reset the child's dislocated shoulder joint, he hung him with a bandage around his neck.

Shoulder joint dislocation, after healing, cannot lift heavy objects, shake violently, etc. for a short time.

Otherwise, it will dislocate again.

Those acrobats who run around the rivers and lakes, you can see that they hang their arms and shake them twice, and their arms are dislocated.

In fact, it is because frequent dislocations lead to habitual dislocations of the shoulder joint.

In order to achieve the effects required for performance, many people start practicing from childhood.

Because arm dislocation is very painful, children of a few years old will definitely not take the initiative to practice. It was the head of the circus troupe, the acrobat master, who forcibly dislocated the child's arm. The purpose is to win the sympathy of the audience and get more rewards.

This is actually a very cruel behavior.

It should be resisted.

Just like meeting a child with hand and foot disabilities begging for money on the street, there is a high probability that the traffickers seized the kindness and sympathy of the public and deliberately broke the hands and feet of the abducted child, turning them into disabled people begging for money.

It should also be resisted and not be fooled by those human traffickers who have lost their conscience.

"Okay, remember this hand can't be taken off for a month!"

Doctor Shan patted the little boy's head.


He is still sobbing.

Maybe I felt a little ashamed, so I forcibly held back, and didn't cry.

This little boy is so cute.

It made everyone smile.

Doctor Shan did not send him out in person, but explained the precautions to the child's grandfather. Instead let the nurse do it all. It is enough to show that after she found out the identity of the child's grandfather, she only took this step in favor.

The identity of the other party is not worthy of her being too humble.

One is that the opponent is getting older and has no room for improvement. The second is that the other party's department can hardly provide her with any help.

No good things, everyone is very realistic.

Besides, the status of Tuya's attending doctor is actually not as low as imagined.

A promising attending doctor like her has a higher status.

Not long after, Dr. Tang and others came back after eating.

It was Zhou Can's turn to eat.

The doctors in the operating room are actually very hard.

Under normal circumstances, you can only use the time of eating to go to the toilet.

Zhou Can worked in the orthopedic surgery operating room all morning and gained a lot.

Not only did he initially gain the trust of Doctor Shan, but he also learned a new medical skill.

Doctor Shan took the three of them to the cafeteria for dinner.

After leaving the operating room, Dr. Shan had no airs.

"Doctor Zhou looks quite young, did he apply for Tuya's regular training just after finishing his internship?"

she asked curiously.

Dr. He and the nurse named Wang Xiaohong were listening.

"I studied at Tuya Medical University, and my internship was also at Tuya Hospital. After graduation, I took Tuya's regular training recruitment exam. I was lucky and passed the exam right away."

Zhou Can recalled the experience of taking the training test, and still find it difficult.

If there is no experience point system, the eight people in their dormitory will definitely be wiped out.

Tuya's general practice training doctor is really difficult to test.

"Became the No. 1 scholar in the regular training in one test. Is this also called good luck?"

Doctor He's cheek twitched.


Wang Xiaohong snickered for a while.

She seems to be quite introverted. Working in the operating room all morning, except for the necessary work communication, she hardly said a word.

However, she is very professional and meticulous in her work.

Much better than all the surgical nurses in the emergency department.

Whether it was Liu Xia, the elder nurse in charge, Tang Ling, or Qiao Yu, there was a gap with her.

Qiao Yu's main reason is that his working life is too short. With two or three years of work experience, he should be able to overtake Wang Xiaohong.

It can also be seen from this point that a strong department not only has strong doctors, but also high-level nurses.

"After the internship, you were admitted to the regular training of this hospital, so you have only worked in the emergency department for three months after all your efforts? How did you practice hemostasis, sutures, and punctures? They are too strong."

After hearing Zhou Can's experience, Dr. Shan was shocked.

"I like this line of work, so I usually practice more. Then during the three months of regular training in the emergency department, I met a good teacher and gave me plenty of opportunities to exercise. The level has also improved."

Zhou Can naturally wouldn't say anything about the experience point system.

The level can improve so quickly, I really should be grateful to Dr. Xu.

A large number of surgical practice opportunities have made Zhou Can.

"I have also trained in the emergency department. The operating room in the emergency department is very poor, and there are not many operations. It is really remarkable that you can achieve such a great growth in three months."

Doctor Shan is quite a proud person, and at the moment he admires Zhou Can from the bottom of his heart.

She probably didn't know that the number of surgeries in the emergency department increased by more than 1,000 a month because of Zhou Can and Jin Mingxi.

With such a large amount, even Director Xie is jealous.

A few people quickly came to the restaurant on the second floor.

There were a few people heading out after eating, and the two sides met head-on.

"Hey, Dr. Du is quite late for dinner today!"

Doctor Shan smiled and greeted the leading young doctor.

Zhou Can lowered his head slightly, it's really a narrow I didn't expect to meet Du Leng here.

Seeing Du Leng yelling and hugging, many doctors and nurses holding him, it seems that he has developed quite well in surgery.

Think about it too, he is a doctor of returnees.

Even if it is not a postdoctoral fellow, it is already an extremely dazzling resume.

Dr. Shan is a very promising attending physician in orthopedic surgery, and he even took the initiative to say hello with a smiling face when they met. It can be seen how high Du Leng's status in surgery is.

"Today, the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery had a very difficult major consultation operation, and I was forced to participate. It took a long time to discuss with several chief and deputy chief physicians before formulating a surgical plan, so I came a little late."

Du Leng's words were all about showing off.

Which regular trainee is qualified to participate in that level of major consultation? Even if you participate, you are still a student.

But Du Cooling participated in the discussion as a member of the consultation.

This is really awesome.

The corner of Zhou Can's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but think of Du Leng's paper talk in the emergency department.

The medical theory is indeed of a high level, but in the end he was slapped in the face because of lack of practical experience.

This subtle expression of his was just seen by Du Leng.

In fact, as soon as the two groups met, Du Leng had already spotted Zhou Can who was following Doctor Shan.

He just showed off a few words in front of Dr. Shan and the others, and when they heard it, they all looked admiring. Only Zhou Can, a bastard, showed an imperceptible sneer.

Du Leng naturally knew what Zhou Can was laughing at.

Thinking of the consultation in the emergency room, he was a little crazy.

That was the disgrace of his life. +Bookmark+

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