My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 134: If you are not on the scale, you will not weigh 2. If you are on the scale, you will n

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Many people mistakenly think that the hospital office is the dean's office, but this is actually wrong.

The full name of the hospital office is the hospital office, which ranks second among all administrative departments. Second only to the party office.

Although its role is to coordinate and handle the hospital's daily administrative affairs and various temporary affairs on the surface, as well as handle and implement various affairs assigned by hospital-level leaders.

But its power is beyond the imagination of many people.

It may be a bit exaggerated to regard it as the cabinet of the ancient feudal dynasty, but it represents the will of the dean and other leaders of the academy. Few people should dare to challenge the authority of the hospital.

As for the medical department (medical department), which is regarded as an important channel for many patients and their families to complain about doctors and nurses, it actually ranks very low among the administrative departments.

Even in many hospitals, the medical department has to beg grandpa to sue grandma everywhere, which is completely like a grandson.

The medical department itself is unable to complete the tasks assigned by the above.

The cooperation of clinical departments is necessary.

For example, as explained above, neurosurgery revenue has declined recently, so it needs to be boosted. Then set an approximate growth target.

After the medical department received the instructions, they had to go to discuss with the director of the neurosurgery department.

Even the director of neurosurgery department, the deputy director of the department, and all doctors above the deputy director should be invited to a meeting.

Directly and rudely issue orders to the neurosurgery department, how much revenue your department must achieve this quarter.

The out-of-the-ordinary elders will fart like people in the medical department.

Execution, why?

The medical department also knows that all the big bosses of these important departments are the pillars of the hospital, so it must not be tough.

Then it can only be soft.

The chief of the medical department couldn't hold back his face, so he asked the deputy chief to come forward and politely discuss with the elders of the department. There are a lot of good things to say, please cooperate with the doctors in the neurosurgery room, and try to make the income generation look better.

This is the truest portrayal of the medical department.

By the way, I often see people say that nurses are awesome, dare to scold doctors, dare to scold patients, and hate the sky.

The ranking of the nursing department is still behind the medical department.

The administrative department of the medical department has become a grandson, so where can the nursing department go?

At most, everyone respects each other, cooperates with each other, and develops the business of the hospital together.

That's all.

Another point is that most of the nurses are girls, and they are beautiful girls.

Doctors are mostly men.

Men like to take care of and love women, this is instinct.

As a result, patients and their families often see scenes of yin flourishing and yang declining in the hospital. In fact, that is just an illusion.

Zhou Can came to the hospital office soon.

This is equivalent to the brain center of the hospital. The organization, supervision, command and dispatch of various affairs, and the acceptance of various requests are all handled by the hospital office.

There are multiple office booths in the office.

At least there are more than thirty people.

Except for the office director, the others are basically secretarial officers, organization officers, publicity officers, etc.

Zhou Can stood at the door and glanced twice, but he didn't see Director Lou.

A girl sitting near the door saw him poking his head.

"Are you Doctor Zhou Can?"

Zhou Can nodded again and again, unexpectedly, all the officers of the hospital knew him.

It seems that his little Pearson has been quite successful.

"Director Lou from the emergency department asked me to come to the hospital, please..."

"Director Lou and the others are in the next meeting room. You just go in."

She pointed to the left.


Zhou Canbai was proud for a long time.

It seems that Director Lou has already explained to this girl. No wonder she could guess Zhou Can's name.

He came to the next meeting room.

There was a heated argument from inside.

Director Lou's voice was loud enough to carry his voice far away.

Zhou Can bit the bullet and knocked on the door.


A calm middle-aged woman's voice sounded.

Zhou Can opened the door and walked into the meeting room.

Director Lou, Director Xie, and Director You from the orthopedic surgery department were all there. There was also an imposing middle-aged woman of medium build with short, curly brown hair. It is a bit similar to cabbage head, but it is different.

This woman is at least in her forties.

Sitting there, he looked very calm.

The phoenix eyes were full of power, and Zhou Can didn't dare to look at her when she shot at her.

The pressure on the aura and soul is too strong.

"Okay, the person involved, Zhou Can, has come. If the directors have anything to say, please speak up."

The middle-aged woman actually knew Zhou Can.

On the contrary, Zhou Can didn't know her.

"Xiao Zhou, I underestimated you! Go to the emergency department to file a complaint, saying that our surgery department suppressed you on purpose, that's fine."

Director Xie's face was very ugly.

Seeing Zhou Can come in, scold him directly.

Director You of the Orthopedic Surgery Department also looked at Zhou Can very unkindly.

"I didn't complain to Director Lou!"

Zhou Can was dumbfounded.

It's bad enough to be suppressed by dimensionality reduction, but now he has to be wronged by Director Xie.

"It's not that he sued me, but I was angry when I learned from other channels that he was treated unfairly in your surgery. So I asked the director of the room for comment."

Director Lou spoke out to prove Zhou Can's innocence.

At this point, Zhou Can finally figured out what was going on.

Immediately, he was overwhelmed with emotion.

He was suppressed by Director Xie in the surgery and was bullied. This was reported to the emergency department. Director Lou was so angry that he went to the hospital office to ask for an explanation for him.

I am very happy to have my "natal family" as the backing.

He is no longer an "orphan" that no one loves.

Even if the emergency department is to win over his talent, he is still very grateful to the emergency department.

A strong sense of belonging.

"No matter which department's regular trainees are transferred to our emergency department, we will do our best to train them and treat them equally. You know best whether Zhou Can is excellent in your orthopedic surgery regular training. According to my private knowledge, he should He is the best among the 18 doctors trained in orthopedic surgery."

Director Lou should have done a lot of homework before going to the hospital office.

At least I figured out the bottom line.

He and Dr. Xu never seemed to fight an uncertain battle.

"But you suddenly transferred him to the outpatient clinic to do odd jobs. Do you think it's fair? Director Xie, because of your large size and high weight in surgery, I always let you. But this time, if you even join me in the emergency department I can't tolerate a single Gui Peisheng, and I'm worried that he will make our emergency department stronger after he learns the skills."

"I, Lou Jingshan, brought all my resignation letter and letter of appointment today. Since our emergency department can't be accommodated, why do we need the emergency department? It can either be dismissed directly, or you can invite Director Xie to be the chief director of the emergency department."

Director Lou made a big fuss in the hospital office this time, and it really felt like a coffin-supporting expedition.

Perhaps in recent years, various departments have continued to suppress the emergency department, so that the emergency department can only live in a humble way.

This tone made him endure it for many years.

Zhou Can's suppression became the trigger.

Completely detonated his emotions.

Even a letter of resignation was prepared.

This desperate posture really frightened Director Xie.

As the chief of surgery, he has a high position and great income. Although the academic aspect is not interesting, but in terms of surgery and diagnosis and treatment, he is already an important elder in the medical field.

Director Lou would quit if he really wanted to give up his pick.

At that time, the leaders of the hospital would know that Director Xie was narrow-minded and forced the director of the emergency department away.

Then let him take over the burden of the emergency department.

That would be really silly.

No matter how good a doctor's academic ability is, no matter how strong his surgical ability is, he is nothing in front of the organization.

Director Xie is in a high position and knows this better than anyone else.

The last time I competed for merit in the emergency department, I didn't reap the benefits, but it made the dean a little bit dissatisfied with him.

This point, Director Xie is very clear.

It's better to take it easy, keep a low profile, and don't make any big troubles.

The first thing the top management of the hospital wants is a word of stability.

He always picks up troubles, and the high-level executives don't clean him up, so should he be allowed to pick up troubles next time?

Thinking of this, Director Xie already felt somewhat regretful.

Isn't he just a Gui Peisheng?

Is it necessary to be afraid of him being like this?

Director Xie also felt that something was wrong that day, so he made an overreaction that was demeaning.

In fact, it really wasn't his fault.

Instead, with a fluke and arrogance, he frantically tried.

Maybe he didn't expect that Director Lou not only stood up for Zhou Can, but also broke the boat, and even prepared a letter of resignation.

Not to mention him, even the director of the room was shocked.

"Director Lou, under your leadership, the emergency department has been doing well. You can't be picky. If there is a problem, our hospital office will definitely solve it." The director of the room would not express his opinion easily.

It's okay not to express your opinion now.

Lao Lou got angry and was ready to quit.

Once he leaves, who will take his place?

There are a lot of doctors with average level and average management ability. These people may rush to become the chief director of the emergency department.

The question is, can they manage the emergency department well?

The chief director of a department must not only have a high level of management, but also have excellent medical skills.

It is really hard to find a second Director Lou.

Those with high medical skills are unwilling to do it, and those without strength cannot do it.

The rescue rate of the emergency department not only represents the face of the hospital, but also is a very important scoring indicator.

"Director You, you have to explain this to Director Lou clearly. Otherwise, Dean Zhu and Deputy Dean Ye will have a hard time explaining it to me." Director Fang didn't dare to blame Director Xie, so he could only point the finger at You, the orthopedic surgeon. director.

She can handle this person.

"Actually, there is no malice, and it's not what Director Lou thought. Our Orthopedic Surgery Department is eager to train more high-tech and excellent doctors for the hospital. That is to say, Dr. Zhou Can has completely mastered the rules and training in the Orthopedic Surgery Operating Room. The knowledge and skills that students should master. I want to improve his comprehensive ability in the remaining ten days, so I sent him to the outpatient clinic for regular training."

"Not only is it not a suppression, but it is a special care for Dr. Zhou."

For a person who can become the director of an ordinary department, the management ability is the most important.

The level of medical skills is still second.

Look at Director You's clever mouth, it can be said that it can be said to be alive.

"As far as I know, since Dr. Zhou was transferred to the outpatient clinic, he has been learning the skills of manipulative orthopedic reduction in the manual reduction room. If you really want to suppress him, you should send him to do some miscellaneous tasks such as getting medicine and examination reports."

Director You tried to defend himself.

Director You knows Zhou Can's every move in the outpatient clinic.

It seems that he has not paid less attention to this little man, Zhou Can!

"It's a good way to transfer people from the operating room to the outpatient clinic, don't put it so high-sounding. No one is a fool."

Director Lou retorted angrily.

"Director You said something well just now, and he has no malice towards Zhou Can. I also believe that the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and the General Surgery Department can accommodate a Gui Peisheng, as well as people who have studied in other departments in the past. Medical skills are for saving People treat diseases, rather than holding them as bargaining chips for profit. Zhou Can’s regular training in orthopedic surgery has only a few days left, so there is no need to delve into right and wrong in this matter.”

After the director of the room understood the general situation of the matter, he made a concluding speech with a serious face.

"Zhou Can will continue to provide training in various departments of surgery. I will continue to pay attention to this matter. Director Lou of the emergency department does not have high demands. He hopes that people in the emergency department will be treated fairly and justly when they are transferred to other departments for training. .Surgery has this obligation, internal medicine, pediatrics...all departments have this obligation.”

The words of the director of the hospital office were much stricter than that of the chief of the medical department.

She doesn't snort.

Instead, it directly mediates the conflicts between the two parties and maintains the legitimate demands of the emergency department.

He didn't say a word to Director Xie during the whole process.

But the beating in it was enough to make Director Xie put away his arrogance and domineering heart, and humbly accept her opinion.

If he continued to act recklessly, it would not be the director of the school office who would talk to him again, but the leaders at the school level.

"Director Fang, Director Lou, today I want to make a statement. The Department of Surgery will never do such a narrow-minded thing that excludes others. I will pay more attention to Zhou Can's future training. There will be a steady stream of training for the hospital. It is the duty of every department to be a successor, and our surgical departments resolutely implement it."

If you are beaten, you must stand at attention.

If you make a mistake and don't admit your mistake, you will receive more beatings.

Director Xie's words can be regarded as a promise to Director Fang, Director Lou, and Zhou Can.

In fact, there are often various small frictions and interest disputes among the various departments of the hospital.

It's not a big deal. Generally, the directors of the major departments of the hospital communicate with each other to manage and control differences. To make the commotion even the medical department came forward to mediate.

If it comes to the level of the director of a major department, the hospital office or a certain deputy dean in charge of related business will come forward to mediate.

The dean rarely showed up.

But once the dean comes forward, the consequences will be extremely serious.

At least it's all admonishment and conversation, which is already considered a punishment.

"Director Xie can actively express his opinion and support the development of the hospital and personnel training. I think it is very good. But this matter must be implemented. Some things are not on the scale, not three or two. On the scale, a thousand catties are worth a thousand pounds Can't stop."

Director Fang is quite satisfied with Director Xie's statement.

She speaks not only with weight, but also with a high level.

In fact, people who can sit on the office director are very capable.

The directors of many hospitals are the successors of the vice president of business.

There are even some against the sky, directly competing for the dean, and it is not uncommon for them to succeed in the end.

However, for hospitals of Tuya's level, the directors are all appointed by the superiors, and the probability of being airborne is higher. The chances of getting up locally are smaller.

After the mediation between the two parties was completed, Director Xie left with an uneasy expression.

Director You was dripping with cold sweat.

It is estimated that he will never want to come to the hospital again next time.

The invisible pressure brought to him by the room director was terrifying.

The director of the orthopedic surgery department is not irreplaceable.

On the contrary, he is the director of a large department, and it is difficult to shake him. Because the director of a small department does not have particularly high requirements for professional ability, the main thing is management ability.

There are many departments, deputy directors, and even attending doctors as department directors.

But the director of a major department, then not everyone can sit on it.

They are all leaders in related medical fields.

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