My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 136: Surprising dividend income, laughing patient

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"I have learned that if you have this disease, you cannot have children. I know that you are a very affectionate person. If you are not married, you can have more choices. Once you are married, I am afraid to drag you down. Believe it Neither will your parents."

She has concerns on many levels.

"Give me a little more time. After my illness is cured, let's hold the wedding, shall we?"

Su Qianqian raised her head and looked at him pleadingly.


Zhou Can nodded in agreement.

In his heart, he secretly made up his mind to find a suitable kidney source for her.

It is right to prepare for the worst in everything.

In fact, in Tuya, various patients die every day because of ineffective rescue. Especially for some patients who died of injuries caused by car accidents, many of their organs can be used for transplantation.

save the lives of other patients.

But very few people are willing to donate their organs.

Not even a thousandth.

At present, some transplant organs that are in short supply in China, kidney, heart, cornea, and bone marrow, these four should be at the forefront.

The demand is great.

Many patients die without waiting for organs for transplantation.

Special mention should be made of the lungs.

It is one of the most important organs of the body.

Its demand even far exceeds that of the heart and kidneys.

It is not included because the prognosis for lung transplantation is generally poor. Don't look at some big hospitals claiming that the success rate of lung transplantation is over 80%.

The success rate of lung transplantation is indeed very high.

However, after transplantation, many hospitals avoid the most important aspects of the patient's life cycle.

Let's just say that after the transplant operation, it is good luck to live for five years.

Kidney and heart transplants were successful, and the life expectancy of the patient was hardly affected.

Many people are curious, why is the survival period so short after successful lung transplantation?

Because the lung is currently recognized as the organ with the most severe rejection after transplantation.

none of them.

There are many reasons for this.

For example, lung transplantation has very low typing requirements, as long as the blood type matches. For kidney transplantation, at least blood typing, tissue typing and cross-matching are required.

Best of all, there are six matching item checks to be done.

Therefore, don't think that you can toss your lungs at will if you have money. In the event of a serious problem, money cannot buy a second healthy lung.

"Chan, let's not talk about these unhappy things. I finally paid off all my foreign debts today, and I am very happy. I will buy vegetables and cook them for you at home, okay?"

That house has now become the duo's love nest.

Zhou Can didn't live.

However, the two often meet at home, watch TV, cook together, and enjoy a happy life as lovers.

The two bought some vegetables and a beer, and went home to celebrate with her.

As a result, Zhou Can was halfway through washing the vegetables when Li Lao called.

"Brother Luo, do you miss me?"

Zhou Can said with a smile.

Since the company started by the two of them gradually got on the right track, Li Luo became busier and busier.

The two also occasionally have dinner together.

Or Li Luo took the initiative to call Zhou Can to talk about the company's situation.

Zhou Can regards money as a relatively light person, coupled with the emphasis on friendship, he fully trusts Li Luo. Zhou Can almost never asked about the company's affairs.

Even when Li Luo reported important financial data to him, he directly threw a word to Li Luo. I don't worry about your work. Don't tell me about these things in the future. If you make money, just share half of it with me.

Zhou Can is really not interested in doing business.

If you have time to listen to those troublesome financial statements, you might as well practice his medical skills.

"We haven't had a drink together for a while, and I really miss the days when we used to chat with you. The company is in a period of rapid development, and I can't leave at all! Hiring a business manager is useless at all, and everything has to be done. Teaching by hand."

Li Luo complained to him.

"Just teach it! Be patient!"

Zhou Can couldn't help with these matters.

"Haha, you just drew a cake for me! It seems that I have to work harder and teach the business manager as soon as possible, and then I can relax a lot."

Li Luo's laughter is so hearty, he should be in a good mood.

"The accountant hired by the company calculated all the financial income and expenditure of the first three months today. After excluding taxes, venue rent, staff salaries, costs for recording new songs, and various operating promotion expenses, the company's net profit is 10.6432 million yuan .”

Jin Entertainment has now recruited nearly twenty employees, which is considered small.

Zhou Can couldn't help being frightened.

"There is such a high profit! Bro, am I dreaming?"

In three months, including the initial stage of development, he earned a total of more than 10 million yuan.

"When I asked you to start a company together, I told you that running an entertainment company is quite profitable. But in this business, you lose money quickly. We will split the net profit in half, and you will get 5,321,600 yuan. This money will be distributed according to the company's dividend method. It will be transferred to your account. At present, the domestic dividend tax is quite heavy, about 20%. The company will declare and pay for you, or do you do it yourself?"

Corporate dividend tax has always been a pain point for many bosses.

If you earn 1 million, you have to pay 200,000 in taxes.

Who doesn't feel bad?

Many bosses can't accept it.

"Let the company do it for me. I don't understand the procedures."

Not long ago, Zhou Can was lamenting Su Qianqian's high income.

Looking at it now, how can an employee earn as much as a boss!

"Speaking of this dividend tax, there are some legal ways to avoid it. If you want, come to the company with your ID card on weekdays, and I will teach you how to avoid taxes reasonably."

Li Luo is a senior figure in the entertainment industry.

All kinds of doorways are very clear.

Zhou Can was naturally willing, saying that he would ask for leave for the next two days to go to the company.

"The dividend this time is more than 5 million. After deducting taxes, there are only 4.26 million left. Is it enough for you to pay off the bank loan?"

Li Luo knew that Zhou Can had borrowed a total of 4.5 million from the bank.

Later, the two invested in the company, and the initial investment of both parties was 4 million each. In the first month, Li Lao discussed with Zhou Can, and each of them invested an additional 300,000 yuan.

Even if Zhou Can didn't spend a penny, he only had 200,000 yuan left in his hand.

In fact, the bank's monthly installment repayment is also a considerable expense.

"Don't worry, enough is enough."

Zhou Can's family background is quite solid.

Take out two or three hundred thousand, no problem at all.

This is still the case when you don't ask your parents.

"Well, if you don't have enough money, you can get it from me at any time."

Li Luo should not be particularly rich, but with a few million, he is fully capable of that.

After the two finished talking, Zhou Can was excited.

The loan can finally be paid off.

Every day after that will be a good day.

According to the development momentum of Jinyu Media Company, Zhou Can's wealth may even exceed that of his parents.

The next day, Zhou Can went to work in the hospital.

There was already a long queue outside the manual reduction room.

There are a large number of patients here from all over the world every day, and joint dislocation is the most common. There are also patients who need manual reduction in the pelvis, lumbar spine and other parts.

Soon, Dr. Fu and Dr. Zhang also arrived.

The day's work of treatment began again.

Zhou Can has now become a member of the manipulation recovery room.

All kinds of methods of reset are basically competent, and they are getting better and better.

"What team are you joining?"

"Old woman, dare to say one more thing, believe it or not, I will break your other leg?"

There was arguing outside.

People who jump in line are arrogant and domineering.

Doctors and nurses are particularly disgusted when encountering such people who jump in line.

After Zhou Can treated the patient in his hand, he turned and looked outside the door.

Immediately happy.

Also said who jumped in line here? It turned out to be the social scum that he unloaded yesterday!

The two younger brothers accompanied that brother Kun to see a doctor.

These three men were vicious and deliberately exposed the tattoos on their chests or arms, which frightened other patients so that they dared not speak out.

"Sir, please go to the back and line up."

The nurse sister heard the quarrel and hurried over to persuade her.

"Little sister, do you know who this is? Your dean is an acquaintance with Brother Kun, what's wrong with joining the team? It's for these people's face."

This is the virtue of social youth.

Usually, they are used to it, except that they dare not be arrogant in the police station, there is no place where they dare not smash the table.

"Our Brother Kun just accidentally fell and dislocated his shoulder joint. Just ask your doctor to pick it up. It will take less than two minutes."

Another younger brother also followed suit.

"If everyone jumps in line like you, how can we maintain order. Please line up at the back, otherwise I will have to call the security guard over."

It was obviously not the first time for the nurse to deal with the problem of jumping the queue, and she was not intimidated by the three.

Insist on three people to line up at the back.

"What are you talking about? You call the security guard to try it. If you mess with us, you won't have any good fruit to eat. One day when you get off the night shift, the brothers will take you to the hotel directly, believe it or not?"

That social youth named Qiangzi is simply a fighting chicken.

The ability to threaten and scold is the best in the world.

Not to mention, the nurse girl is in her twenties. Seeing that these three people don't look like good people, I felt a little guilty in my heart.

Now that she heard that these three hooligans were going to block her on her way home from get off work, she immediately became a little scared.

"Honestly, go to the back and line up!"

As soon as Zhou Can appeared, Brother Kun was the first to recognize him.

His face changed slightly, and he subconsciously stepped back.

The two younger brothers also recognized Zhou Can at this time, and their faces also changed drastically, and their arrogance was completely extinguished. Honestly helped Brother Kun to line up at the back.

"It's better to say what the doctor said!"

"Young man, good job!"

The old lady in the wheelchair gave Zhou Can a thumbs up.

Other patients and family members who lined up also praised Zhou Can's behavior.

Justice is at ease.

When justice, public order and good customs are upheld, most people will feel happy.

"Doctor Zhou is not only good at treating diseases, but also good at dealing with people who jump in line!" The female nurse praised him with a smile.

"Hehe, that's because they have a guilty conscience."

Zhou Can smiled and entered the manipulation recovery room.

After treating about 20 patients, it was finally the turn of Brother Kun to treat him.

After entering the operating room, when the three of them looked at Zhou Can, they were still full of fear.

Brother Kun looked even more embarrassed.

The one who hurt him was Zhou Can, and the one who treated him was still Zhou Can.

This feels like the owner of a tire repair shop deliberately throwing nails on the road. Let someone else's tire puncture, and then go to his shop to repair it?

Zhou Can grabbed Brother Kun's arm, slowly rotated it, and then pushed it up.


The shoulder joint is perfectly reset.

The whole operation was fast and nice.

"This arm hangs around the neck for at least a month. Remember, don't play around in the future, or you may break the other arm or even your legs next time."

Zhou Can warned Brother Kun and others with a deep meaning.

"Ok ok!"

Brother Kun was terrified of him.

He nodded repeatedly.

It was already so painful to have an arm removed by Zhou Can. If he had his legs removed next time, he would be paralyzed on the street immediately.

It's scary just thinking about it.

When going out, Brother Kun was a little anxious because he was leaving, coupled with fear in his heart.

Accidentally tripped over the ground wire at the door.

Staggered and almost fell gorgeously.

Fortunately, he finally held on to the wall.

"Brother Kun, are you okay?"

The two younger brothers hurried forward to help.

"Damn it, two stupid pigs who are like logs don't know how to support them."

Brother Kun couldn't help scolding fiercely.

Fortunately, he didn't fall down, otherwise the arm that was just connected might be dislocated again.

Seeing the backs of the three leaving, everyone smiled.

"It deserves you to scare me!"

The female nurse cursed at the backs of the three of them.

It seemed that the threat of the three of them to block her on her way home from get off work still frightened her.

The three had just left when another patient came in.

I saw that the patient's mouth was twisted in a strange shape, which looked extremely weird.

It's a bit like the distorted face shape caused by polio.

But he seems to be walking normally.

Generally speaking, polio is extremely harmful, involving deformities in multiple body parts.

Especially hands and feet, spine and so on.

"What's his problem?"

The accompanying family members hurriedly gave the film to Zhou Can and explained at the same time.

"My brother didn't know what happened when he laughed, and his mouth suddenly became like this. After taking a picture, it was said that it was a dislocation of the temporomandibular joint."

Zhou Can took the film and examined it carefully.

The family member asked next to him, "Doctor, what part is the temporomandibular joint? Does it mean the chin?"


Zhou Can nodded.

He spent eight days in the manual reduction room, and this was the first time he encountered a patient with a dislocated jaw.

Someone often jokes that when you smile so proudly, be careful not to drop your jaw.

Actually this is true.

The temporomandibular joint is one of the most complex joints in the body.

Sometimes laughing too loudly, or yawning, opening the mouth too wide when eating. For example, when biting an apple, you open your mouth wide and try not to eat half of the apple in one bite.

These behaviors are actually very dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may dislocate your jaw.

Therefore, it is best to be subtle when laughing, and be careful not to drop your jaw when you are too proud.

"Doctor Fu, please take a look!"

Zhou Can has never reset such patients, nor observed them, so naturally he dared not act recklessly.

Now he is familiar with Dr. Fu.

When encountering this kind of dislocation that he doesn't understand, he doesn't even need to explain it, Dr. Fu will teach him. UU reading

After receiving the film, Dr. Fu looked at it.

Pointing out two of them, he said, "Look, there is a problem here and here. A normal temporomandibular joint should look like this."

He turned around and operated twice, and the picture of the temporomandibular joint of a normal person appeared on the light curtain dedicated to watching movies.

Zhou Can made a careful comparison, and he already had a bottom line in his heart.

However, the joint capsule is close to the ear, so Dr. Fu has to teach him how to operate it.

"For this kind of joint reduction, you only need to support your chin, find the bone position of the joint with the other hand, and lift it up."

While teaching, Dr. Fu touched the joint capsule of the patient's side face with his hand.

As soon as it was touched, the patient complained of pain.

"Patience, we must first find the dislocation point, and then we can accurately reset it for you. If manual reduction cannot be performed, surgical reduction is required, and the cost is quite high. At least one week of hospitalization is required."

Dr. Fu really wasn't trying to scare the patients, the hospital's treatment principles were indeed like this.

At present, manipulative reduction is definitely an economical, time-saving and labor-saving treatment with the least damage.

It is also the first choice for the treatment of various fractures and joint dislocations.

If the conditions for manual reset are not met, then there is no other way.

In addition, some patients are very delicate and extremely distrustful of doctors.

The family members of such patients are generally more difficult to deal with.

Asking questions, wishing to investigate the eighteen generations of the doctor's ancestors clearly.

When encountering such patients, doctors are also human beings with emotions.

Sorry, you should go to the inpatient department and ask if there are any beds! If there are beds available, we will arrange inpatient surgical treatment for you. If there is no bed, I can only trouble you to wait.

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