My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 180: This thunder still exploded, Director Hu Kan's order

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"You, you... It's outrageous! I don't know how such an irresponsible doctor got into a famous hospital like Tuya. It's my responsibility not to let you dismiss get out of class today."

The woman was so angry that her branches trembled wildly, she actually took out her mobile phone and made a call.

Her mother-in-law also had a similar attitude and wanted to teach Zhou Can a lesson.

Only her father-in-law has the ability to perceive words and emotions, and his social experience is obviously richer than the two women. Seeing that Zhou Can was confident, he was not frightened at all.

He quickly winked at his daughter-in-law.

It's a pity that the angry daughter-in-law didn't listen to him at all.

"Hello Director Xue, I am Chen Jinyue's daughter-in-law, I have something to report to you..."

Annoyed, she actually called Zhou Can on the spot to complain.

And directly complained to Director Xue.

It seems that the person she knows Director Xueyan is her father-in-law.

The call ended quickly.

After the pretty woman hung up the phone, her face became even uglier.

Needless to say, the results she wanted were not achieved.

"What did Director Xue say?"

The woman's mother-in-law asked quickly.

"She asked us to find a bed doctor or an attending doctor." When she said this, the woman's domineering arrogance and sense of superiority were gone.

What is social beating?

I believe she has felt it at this moment.

In her mind, Zhou Can is just a training doctor, but they are familiar with Xueyan, who is at the director level. If you want to clean up a Gui Peisheng, isn't that a matter of one sentence?

As a result, the reality let her know what it means to be low-key.

Just at this moment, Dr. Zhao came over.

Which patient should be changed.

The pretty woman's eyes lit up, and she was about to find Dr. Zhao to complain to Zhou Can again.

Because it was very useful to complain to Dr. Zhao last time.

Unexpectedly, when Dr. Zhao saw Zhou Can, it was completely different from the high and cold face yesterday. Instead, he quickly squeezed out a smile and took the initiative to greet Zhou Can.

"Do you still get used to Dr. Zhou being transferred to Director Xue's group?"


Zhou Can responded with a smile.

"It's good to get used to it. It's much better to stay with Director Xue than to stay here and manage the bed. I haven't rested all morning. No, just after eating, I have to change the dressings of 20 patients in bed. It's all trivial things. There's very little to learn."

Dr. Zhao is really envious of Zhou Can.

Coupled with seeing Zhou Can's powerful strength yesterday, when talking to Zhou Can today, the roles of the two have been switched. He was flattering the whole time.

Adults are just that realistic.

"you busy!"

Zhou Can said hello and went straight to the doctor's office.

The beautiful woman swallowed all the words that were about to complain to Zhou Can.

She saw Dr. Zhao's obsequious attitude towards Zhou Can just now.

Obviously, in just one day, the identities of Dr. Zhao and Zhou Can have changed.

At this time, I went to Dr. Zhao to complain to Zhou Can, unless she was mentally ill.

She wondered to herself, what happened yesterday?

It can make that Gui Peisheng's status skyrocket so much.

Seeing that Zhou Can was no longer something she could bully, she could only calm down.

"Doctor Zhao, you came just in time! My husband's chest hurts badly, can you prescribe some more painkillers?"

She asked Doctor Zhao.

"Didn't it just start in the morning? For the safety of your husband, painkillers cannot be used continuously. After the anesthesia period after the operation, it is normal for the wound to have some pain. Think about it, the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles are cut open, and then Can the suture be pain-free during the recovery process?"

Dr. Zhao's statement was consistent with the nurse's.

In fact, whether it is a doctor or a nurse, they all have high professional knowledge. Reasonable requests made by patients, as long as they can be agreed, will basically be agreed.

"Be patient! The pain will gradually decrease. The more you are afraid of pain, the more painful it will be, so you must be strong in your willpower."

After speaking, Dr. Zhao went to bed No. 20 next to him to change the patient's dressing.

This matter did not attract Dr. Zhao's attention.

In this way, it dragged on for another day.

The next morning, Zhou Can rushed to work in the department and felt the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

"Hey, why didn't you see Director Xue and Deputy Director Lu today?"

Zhou Can felt a little puzzled.

"A patient has an accident!"

Doctor Long lowered his voice and whispered.

"Ah... the patients in our group?" Zhou Can checked the patients in this group, and several of them were high-risk and needed intensive care.

Which patient will have the accident?

Could it be the patient who had the cardiac aneurysm clipping operation yesterday?

"It's not from our group, it's a patient from Director Le's group. I heard that it was a patient with a torn pectoral and arm muscle. He underwent suture surgery. He had a high fever in the morning and had sepsis in his body. At present, the chief physicians of the entire department are in the hospital. Consultation on this case, if we can't find out, I'm afraid we can only invite experts from internal medicine to come for consultation."

Dr. Long was full of worries about this matter.

Being able to alarm all the directors in the department at the same time shows that the patient's condition is critical and urgent.

After hearing this, Zhou Can was slightly taken aback.

The 19-bed patient had an accident after all.

In fact, there were signs yesterday.

The patient kept complaining of chest pains and was manic, not exactly squeamish.

Ischemic necrosis of any tissue part of the body will cause unbearable pain and discomfort.

Just then, a nurse ran in.

"Doctor Zhou, Doctor Zhou, just now the conference room called and told you to attend the consultation right away." The nurse girl didn't understand that there were so many chief and deputy chief physicians for consultations, why did she have to invite a regular trainee to come over?

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

While agreeing, Zhou Can stood up and walked outside.

Only he understood what was going on.

The day before yesterday, he reminded Dr. Zhao and Duan in the operating room that the patient's valve had been excessively electrocoagulated, be careful of necrosis.

But he was so soft-spoken that no one listened to him at all.

"Didn't you call me over?" Dr. Long asked the nurse.

"No. Just ask Dr. Zhou Can to come over immediately for a joint consultation."

She shook her head.

After Dr. Long heard this, he was somewhat depressed. He is too bad as an attending doctor, even worse than Gui Peisheng.

In fact, his level is not low, just because Zhou Can is too monstrous, and it just so happens that Zhou Can was the first to discover the danger. That's why Zhou Can was invited to go over for a consultation.

Zhou Can quickly came to the meeting room of the cardiothoracic surgery department.

Usually morning meetings and consultations are held here.

The construction area of ​​the hospital is limited, and there are only one or two offices in each department, such as conference rooms, which are idle most of the time.

The saved room will be used to place beds for patients.

All famous hospitals have one thing in common, the beds are highly tense.

"Winter Dongdong!"

Zhou Can knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

A majestic and steady voice came from inside, with a low voice.

After pushing open the door and walking in, I saw the elders of cardiothoracic surgery gathered together, each with serious expressions.

The screen on the wall is playing the examination report of the patient in the 19th bed.

Doctor Duan and Doctor Zhao both looked pale, terrified, and deeply remorseful.

If he had listened to Zhou Can's "harsh words" the day before yesterday, or if the patient had been more careful and patient in responding to the chest pain yesterday, he would not have fallen to this point.

The person sitting on the main seat was Director Hu Kan who had met him once from afar.

Still as stable as an old monk in meditation, there are not too many waves on his face.

As soon as Zhou Can entered the consultation room, he immediately felt many pairs of eyes staring at him.

These people are all important bosses in the department.

Some have high attainments in the cardiovascular field, and some have achieved extremely high achievements in thoracic surgery.

All of them have real talents and learning, and their surgical skills are extraordinary.

"Doctor Zhou, please sit down!"

The female nurse standing by the door asked Zhou Can to sit at the end of the conference table.

She should just temporarily pour tea and water for these directors participating in the consultation. She is also responsible for who needs to be contacted.

"Doctor Zhou, the patient on the 19th bed had a chest wall muscle suturing operation the day before yesterday, do you still have any memory?"


Zhou Can answered very simply.

"According to the relevant personnel who participated in the operation at that time, before the operation was about to end and the skin was about to be sewn, you reminded the two superior doctors to be careful of large areas of tissue necrosis. Can you tell everyone about the situation at that time?"

The matter was brought up again, but Zhou Can was fine.

Dr. Zhao was already ashamed, and Dr. Duan also lowered his head, not daring to look up at anyone.

Mainly shameless.


Zhou Can nodded in agreement.

Start by introducing the situation at that time.

"During the operation, when Dr. Duan cut the pectoral muscle flap, the bleeding was very serious. A relatively thick artery was cut. Then Dr. Zhao performed electrocoagulation on the bleeding point to stop the bleeding. It may take a long time for electrocoagulation, I Standing under the operating table, I noticed a slight discoloration of the electrocoagulated body tissue. How should I put it, it looks like pork has been scalded, with oily shine and a little off-white."

"I read it at the time, and I was a little worried about tissue ischemia and necrosis. I did remind Dr. Duan and Dr. Zhao."

Zhou Can just stated something related to his illness.

Dr. Zhao became furious because of this incident, and punished him for cleaning the operating room without mentioning a word.

This also prevented Dr. Zhao from being ruined and his image and character completely destroyed.

He didn't even mention that after he reminded that there would be tissue ischemic necrosis, Dr. Duan checked it carefully and thought there was no problem, and then asked Dr. Zhao to sew the skin.

A good character can sometimes bring many unexpected gains.

To save face for Doctors Zhao and Duan, if they don't say anything, they must be grateful in their hearts.

"On the third day after the operation, the patient developed symptoms of high fever and sepsis. What do you think is the problem?"

Director Hu Kan locked his eyes on Zhou Can.

It was the first time he spoke since Zhou Can came in.

"The possibility of necrosis of the pectoralis flap is relatively high."

Zhou Can gave his opinion.

"What about the treatment plan?"

Director Hu Kan asked again.

I don't know why, but when he asked the question, there seemed to be invisible coercion.

"Uh... so many department chiefs are present, it's not appropriate for me to talk about the treatment plan as a regular trainee!" Zhou Can quietly checked, there are at least seven or eight chief and deputy chief physicians.

The strength of cardiothoracic surgery is really powerful.

"It's okay, you can say it boldly. I've heard about your reputation a long time ago. I have the opportunity today. I also want to see what kind of apprentice Xu has taken in?"

Director Hu Kan, like many big bosses, likes Yangmou.

If there is any purpose, please bring it up aboveboard.

Many little people like to play tricks, it is because their strength is weak, and they have to sneak through the enemy's positions to make them defeat their opponents. Or get huge profits.

The elders don't like to play tricks, that's because the society is becoming more and more civilized.

Everyone is a prominent figure, after mixing to a certain level. The circle becomes very small. If you play tricks, no one wants to play with you, and you will be isolated.

And also very cheap.

So they prefer to delve into the conspiracy.

Director Hu Kan has already talked about this point, so Zhou Can can't avoid it anymore.

"If you want me to say, re-cut the patient's wound, debride the wound first, and then re-suture. Then give the patient various supportive treatments to prevent infection and prevent sepsis from exacerbating. Especially to prevent kidney failure, necessary In addition, in vitro renal function replacement can be established. In addition to anti-infection, organ and life support, it can be supplemented with immune conditioning therapy.”

Sepsis develops rapidly and is extremely harmful.

Early, timely and effective symptomatic treatment is very important.

It can be roughly divided into three directions. The first is etiological diagnosis, finding out the lesion, and then removing it, and then using corresponding antibiotics to prevent infection.

The second direction is life support therapy.

Including circulatory resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, renal replacement, etc.

The third direction is immune conditioning.

The human immune system is the ultimate magic weapon to defeat all diseases, any surgery, any medicine, no matter how advanced the equipment is, nothing can compare to the immune system.

Even the latest anti-cancer drugs developed by humans start with immunity, such as activating immune T cells and so on.

"If this patient is dying now and you are asked to take over the treatment, would you be willing?"

Director Hu Kan's eyes became brighter after hearing Zhou Can's answer.

There was a dash of interest on Gujing Wubo's face.

"Of course! It is the bounden duty of a doctor to save the dying and heal the wounded. If the patient is critically ill, I should do my best to treat it."

Zhou Can answered very decisively.

"If something happens and you can't save it, don't you worry about the consequences?"

Director Hu Kan's soul torture, this time even a fool can see that he is testing Zhou Can.

Maybe you want to observe Zhou Can's abilities and qualities in all aspects.

"I'm also a human being, so I'm sure I'll be worried! For this kind of thing, just try your best. I really tried my best but couldn't save the patient. I believe the family members can understand. As for the reputation and so on, I really don't like it." Those stupid things."

Zhou Can only cares about his strength, never about his fame.

On the contrary, he especially likes to keep his reputation quiet and treat patients silently. In this way, people don't have to bear too much psychological pressure, and people will live a particularly relaxed life.

"It's interesting! You are much better than Old Xu. If he could have realized the truth about the harm of reputation earlier, nothing would happen. I hope you can go longer and farther than Old Xu."

Zhou Can secretly admired the broad-mindedness shown by Director Hu Kan.

Dr. Xu and him are competitors. They have been fighting for many years. Now Dr. Xu has an accident and has become the attending physician of the emergency department. Director Hu Kan's position is stable and higher than before.

But he didn't do anything to add insult to injury.

It's a form of respect.

"It doesn't matter whether you are in the regular training of cardiothoracic surgery or come to further study in the future, as long as I stay in the position of director of the department, I can guarantee how strong your ability is and provide you with a stage. Our department also Will give you the best training."

When Director Hu Kan said this in front of the boss of the department, it was almost like saying hello to Zhou Can.

The meaning is to tell the other directors and deputy chief physicians of the department to give Zhou Can the best guidance and cultivation.

This is true generosity and fraternity.

It is equivalent to helping former opponents train successors.

Ordinary people, I am afraid it is difficult to have this kind of open-mindedness.

"Thank you! Thank you teachers!"

Zhou Can stood up and bowed to thank all the elders.

He is also smart, such a thank you, the elders in the department can acquiesce.

In the future, Zhou Can must be given the best training.

"The patient on the 19th bed will be treated by you from now on. Dr. Duan and Dr. Zhao, both of you will assist." Director Hu Kan's words once again shocked everyone.

Human lives are at stake, this is no joke.

The patient's condition is very serious, and it is not safe to hand it over to a general chief physician for treatment.

It would be best for director Hu Kan to take over in person.

Now it is handed over to a regular trainee to host, it is too ridiculous.

"Director Hu, it's absolutely impossible! Even if you want to train Zhou Can, you can slowly give him some minor operations, and patients with mild illnesses can practice for him. As long as this patient's condition deteriorates further, the consequences will be very serious. When the time comes...what if something really happens?"

A forty-seven-year-old male doctor hurriedly dissuaded him.

"You guys, keep your heart in your stomach. I have competed with Lao Xu for so many years, and I know him too well. Lao Xu's successor is by no means a vegetarian. I can tell from this kid's eyes, He eats meat."

Director Hu Kan resisted all opinions and made a final decision on the matter.

"Xiao Zhou, UU Reading just feel free to act boldly, I believe you will not discredit your teacher."

"Thank you for your trust. I will do my best to treat that patient. If there is something beyond my ability, I will ask the chief physicians for help at that time."

Zhou Can really did not expect Director Hu Kan to make such an arrangement.

The patient himself had a serious problem because the operation was not done well. If it were an ordinary department director, he would definitely handle it carefully and personally.

But he directly handed over to Zhou Can, a regular trainee, for treatment.

It seems like a child's play, but it actually has multiple considerations at a deep level.

It is impossible for "the most stable scalpel" to make unsteady arrangements.

This also shows that Director Hu Kan's state of mind has reached a height that ordinary people can hardly achieve in a lifetime.

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