My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 192: Imported drugs and domestic generic drugs, ruthless husband

For ordinary people, the most feared thing is cancer.

Because cancer represents death and terminal illness in many people's minds.

"This is a chronic intestinal inflammatory disease, not cancer. Although some people call it green cancer, it is far less terrible than cancer. However, at the current medical level, this disease requires life-long medication, and there is no way out yet Totally cured."

Director Jia explained to her.

After the girl finished listening, her face turned pale and her expression was a little sad.

The result was a little better than she expected, but the word "green cancer" still brought her a lot of psychological pressure.

Especially hearing that this disease cannot be cured, and life-long medication is a bolt from the blue for anyone.

"Mr. Jia, please prescribe me the medicine! I thought it was cancer, but the result of this diagnosis is much better than I expected." No matter how you look at it, I think she is forcing a smile.

Master Jia did not rush to prescribe her medicine, but continued to analyze her condition.

"Your disease is now in an acute attack stage, with water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance disorders. However, there has been no intestinal perforation for the time being, which is something to be thankful for. In this disease, special care should be taken for transmural inflammatory lesions. It will penetrate all the layers of the intestinal wall to extraintestinal tissues or organs, forming a fistula. If you experience serious discomfort, you must come to the hospital for review in time."

After the disease forms an internal fistula, it will lead to other intestinal segments, mesentery, bladder, ureter, peritoneum in a certain part, etc.

If an external fistula forms, it leads to the abdominal wall or the skin around the anus.

When the disease progresses to this stage, the cost of treatment and the degree of pain of the patient will increase greatly.

Therefore, after any disease is discovered, one must overcome fear and receive correct treatment in time.

There can be no delay.

Every delay is tantamount to making the disease worse.

For example, in chronic kidney disease, when the urine protein is abnormally elevated, treat it as soon as possible, and the treatment effect at this time will be ideal.

If it is delayed to the late stage, the kidneys will shrink directly, and at that time, there will be no second choice except for kidney replacement and dialysis. Kidney damage is usually irreversible.

Some people's uremia is completely dragged out alive.

"Obstruction, intestinal fistula, these are serious phenomena. Therefore, there is no need for surgery for the time being, and you can just take medicine directly. At present, we also have some domestically produced medicines for this disease, but the foreign research level and production process of western medicine are compared with our country. It’s much better. At present, our country is full of generic drugs. If conditions permit, it’s better to suggest you to take imported drugs.”

When Director Jia said these words, he basically thought them over and over again.

Maybe it's because she's a little girl, so young, if she is delayed because of the bad effect of the medicine, wouldn't it be a pity?

"Of course, if your economic conditions are not good, you can also try domestic generic drugs first."

Director Jia also knew that this girl was helpless, and at such a young age, her financial conditions might be very limited.

It's just the heart of the doctor's parents.

Doctors always want to recommend the best treatment plan to patients.

Many people only know that India's generic drugs are very famous, but the level of pharmaceuticals in our country is not bad.

It's just that some medicines are not imitated because they are protected by intellectual property rights and patent rights.

However, it must be admitted that whether it is medical equipment, consumables, or western medicine, there is still a big gap between our country and developed countries.

Take consumable materials as an example, artificial blood vessels, after being put into the human body, the calcification and degradation of the domestic ones are more serious, and the patency rate is not as good as that of foreign countries. There are not small differences in service life and some subtle aspects.

Therefore, the gap is still quite large.

Even many surgeons, especially some critically ill patients, will give priority to using imported key consumables and drugs during the operation.

"I came here from other provinces to see you, because I trust you. Since you strongly recommend me to use imported drugs, I will definitely give priority to using imported drugs. If it exceeds my financial ability, there is no other way."

She is straightforward enough.

"Imported drugs can be used for about two months once, and the cost needs to be 15,000 times. Do you think it is acceptable?"

Seven thousand and five hundred yuan a month is quite a heavy financial burden.

After Director Jia finished speaking, he quietly waited for the girl to make her own decision.

"How about domestic medicine treatment? How much is it once?"

After the girl heard the high treatment fee, it was obviously much higher than her psychological price.

"It's about 5,000 yuan. The price of this treatment will fluctuate, not necessarily fixed. If you use domestic medicine, you are afraid of some complications, or if you don't control the development of the disease, it will be troublesome."

Director Jia gave guidance.

Doctors cannot directly decide which treatment method the patient chooses.

Usually, the pros and cons are stated and the patient is allowed to choose for himself.

I often encounter some patients who come to see a doctor and hear that they will be hospitalized for surgery, or have a fistula on their body, or that the treatment drugs can only achieve the effect of controlling or delaying the disease, and they will take the initiative to choose to give up treatment.

Or after leaving, go to a Chinese medicine doctor and find folk remedies for self-treatment.

"I'd better use imported medicine! As long as my health doesn't break down, I can go out to set up a stall or work part-time after work. As long as my health doesn't break down, I can go out to set up a stall or work part-time. I hope that the medical level can be more advanced. When will we develop a cure for this disease? The medicine for the disease will do the trick.”

She finally chose to use imported drugs.

Director Jia gave her a prescription and related medical orders.

She took the bill and left.

There are too many patients who have the same expectations as this girl. Hope to be able to develop a complete cure soon.

After sending her away, Director Jia went on to see another patient.

"Director Jia, please help me take a look. This is a gastroscopy I did at the local county people's hospital."

The patient was a woman in her forties, accompanied by her husband.

Both of their skins were tanned, their clothes were average, their hands were rough, thick calluses could be vaguely seen.

This is a peasant couple.

After Zhou Can observed secretly from the side, he made a judgment on the identities of the two.

"Oh, there is a hollow in this stomach!"

When Director Jia saw the gastroscopy film, he sighed.

It was as if someone had cut him with a knife and let out a cry of pain.

The heart of doctors and parents.

Sometimes, seeing that some patients have serious diseases, doctors usually groan like this.

"Doctor, is my wife's illness serious? Recently, she just feels a little heartburn, bloated stomach, and nothing else! Besides, we both do farm work and are in good health. We don't even have a cold. "

the man asked nervously.

"The result of this gastroscopy is not good, and the problem may be serious."

Director Jia shook his head and sighed.

"When did heartburn and bloating start?"

"About two or three months ago! Sometimes I was very hungry, but I felt full after just two bites of food. Occasionally, I would feel pain in my stomach." The woman described the symptoms.

After some questioning and physical examination, Director Jia looked up at Zhou Can beside him.

"Zhou Can, can you see anything?"

"From the results of the gastroscopy and the description of her symptoms, it is very similar to the early stage of gastric cancer. If the pathology test confirms the diagnosis, there should be time for surgery."

Zhou Can found that digestive surgery and general surgery actually have a lot of overlap.

With the continuous expansion of Tuya Hospital, the division of departments is becoming more and more detailed.

Previously, there was no specialized digestive surgery.

Almost the vast majority of surgical diseases are seen in general surgery.

Gastrointestinal surgery has only been established in recent years, and it mainly diagnoses surgical diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With the needs of the construction of the department, it may be subdivided again to build a hepatobiliary surgery.

To put it bluntly, if the hospital wants to build a department, in addition to applying to the higher-level health bureau for approval, the most important thing is to have famous doctors in this field to fight against the flag.

Take Director Jia as an example, he has already retired, but was hired back by the hospital like a baby.

Not for anything else, just because he can hold up half the sky of digestive surgery.

There is no shortage of general doctors in Tuya Hospital, but there is a shortage of qualified doctors in the professional field.

This is also after Zhou Can showed his high talent. Even though he only has a bachelor's degree, the hospital's training for him has far exceeded that of ordinary masters and doctors.

Those people who are cultivated are expected to become the backbone of various departments.

A super genius like Zhou Can is cultivated, but he may become the bully of the department.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that it is easy to get a thousand troops, but hard to find a general.

Zhou Can is a general, can the hospital not cultivate it vigorously?

"Do you also say it's stomach cancer? After seeing the test results, the doctor at the local people's hospital also said that it might be a malignant stomach disease. Let us do a pathological biopsy. We were afraid that the technology in the small hospital was not good, so we rushed to Tuya Hospital. gone."

A woman's mouth just can't handle things.

Everything leaks out.

"I also suggest that you do a biopsy. If you are diagnosed, you should be hospitalized for surgery. This disease cannot be delayed, and it will not be curable if it metastasizes."

When Director Jia said these words, he was very serious.

He has practiced medicine for so many years, and he may have seen many patients lose the chance of surgery because of delay.

"How much does it cost to treat this disease? If it is too expensive, I won't treat it. My son is not married yet, and I am already this old anyway, so there is no need to drag the family down."

The female patient looked to be in her forties, and in this modern society where the average life expectancy is more than eighty years old, she is in her prime.

It's hard to imagine that she would have such an idea.

A woman, after marrying into her husband's house, in addition to washing, cooking, cleaning, and doing various housework, she also has to follow the man to do farm work. Then they have to give birth to children for their husband's family.

Now that she is seriously ill, the first thing she thinks of is that she is worried that she will spend all the money, so that her son will not be able to marry a wife.

Zhou Can really felt that it was not easy for women.

He looked at the female patient's husband, and saw that the man hesitated for a moment before saying to his wife, "Fen, let's listen to what the doctor has to say first."

Good guy, this man is really heartless and selfish.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious. If the treatment fee is not too high, he will choose to treat his wife. If the treatment fee is expensive, he will probably directly prepare the funeral for the woman.

This is true human nature.

"The treatment fee is hard to say now. If it is less, it may be more than 20,000 yuan. Even if it is more, because it is discovered early, it should not exceed 100,000 yuan."

Director Jia is an old man, so how could he fail to hear the hidden meaning in the man's words.

So, he said as little as possible.

When the time comes for surgery, no matter how unhappy the man is, he can only hold his nose and pay.

In fact, doctors will try their best to maintain fairness and justice in many ways.

"We can take out 20,000 yuan!"

When the woman heard that it was only 20,000 yuan, she immediately showed a happy expression like a new life.

"Husband, can you see it?"

The financial power of the family may be in the hands of men.

She asks her husband for his opinion.

"Twenty thousand is not a lot, almost worth two cows! Doctor, can't it be less?"

The man actually used this place as a vegetable market to bargain with the doctor.

Director Jia and the others couldn't laugh or cry.

"How much is the specific treatment cost? Each item has a charging standard. It is not set by us. It is the charging standard approved by the higher-level competent department. And if you bought the new rural medical system, you should be able to reimburse a lot of it."

After all, Qiu Hong was a woman. In this case, she directly stood on the side of the female patient and tried her best to get the man to agree to treat his wife.

"Husband, when I recover from my illness, I will definitely help the family work hard and try to earn back the money I spent."

Women speak nice things to men.

As long as there is a chance, who is willing to give up life easily?

Zhou Can is very sympathetic to this woman who married a man with no human touch.

"Okay, okay, then I'll treat you! I don't know how it happened, other people's wives are fine, why did you get this disease!"

There was complaint in the man's tone.

This also directly overturned Zhou Can's beautiful image of a simple and honest old farmer.

Seeing that the man agreed, the woman showed a happy smile.

As for being buried by a man, she doesn't care.

Maybe I'm used to it.

In many remote rural areas, women's status is particularly low. The stubborn patriarchal feudal ideology still prevails.

Even in some rural areas, if a woman marries in the past, if she fails to give birth to a boy, she will be abandoned by the man directly.

Director Jia applied for a pathological examination for the woman, and the couple left.

"Why is there such a man? I'm angry when I look at it."

Qiu Hong couldn't help cursing after the couple left.

"This is already considered good. I've seen more heartless ones! There was a woman who also had cancer. After hearing this, the man left without looking back." Director Jia is well-informed, what kind of person I've seen it all.

"As long as they come to me after the pathological examination, this woman will be saved. Otherwise, this woman patient will be suspended. So, you lesbians must be financially independent, and don't think about relying on anyone .”

Director Jia's last words are to persuade Qiuhong to learn a lesson.

"I already knew that men were unreliable, so when I was studying, I tried my best to go to college. Later, when I got a job, my family called me to go back and marry someone, but I didn't agree."

Her age should be approaching thirty.

Pretty is beautiful, but a woman is easy to grow old. At this age, she should also talk about marriage.

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