My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 295: Dr. Zhou's benevolence, Xinxiang women and children want to poach someone

【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

It is estimated that after this lesson, she will definitely be more careful in her future work.

"Yes, yes, Dr. Zhou is right to criticize, and I sincerely accept the criticism. I really didn't expect such a big thing to happen just by making a phone call. Fortunately, the patient was rescued, otherwise this incident will become a stain on my life .”

She admitted her mistake with a smiling face, with an expression of concern for the rest of the season.

"Okay, the patient's signs have stabilized. I'll go back to the hotel to take a shower, and I'll be back in about an hour. Don't be careless this time."

Zhou Can believes that the general signs of the pregnant woman have stabilized.

Just now, the oxygen saturation of the pregnant woman's blood dropped so badly, it was entirely because Dr. Pang's rescue measures were wrong. It had the opposite effect.

After explaining, he left quickly.

After this incident, the attitudes of nurse Chen Qingling and Dr. Pang towards him have quietly changed.

Including the Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital, the three medical staff who were in the emergency room just now admired Zhou Can's ability from the bottom of their hearts.

At around seven o'clock, Zhou Can walked into the emergency room with one of the medical handbooks given to him by Mr. Liu.

Tonight, I need to be on duty with Ji You, and it would be too difficult to sit here and accompany the patient. Books are the spiritual food of human beings. With this medical handbook of Liu Lao in hand, Zhou Can will not have to worry about time.

"Hey, Ji You came quite early!"

Zhou Can found that Ji You was already in the rescue room.

Chatting with Chen Qingling.

Physician Pang had a little bit of a psychological shadow because of the accident that happened not long ago. Sitting obediently by the hospital bed, guarding the pregnant woman like a family member accompanying the bed.

"It's okay anyway, I rushed over after taking a shower and calling home." Ji You replied with a smile.

Doctors and nurses are very busy in the hospital, and it is normal to sweat a few times a day.

Therefore, most doctors and nurses like to take a bath every day.

The profession itself has certain requirements for hygiene and image. Just imagine, if the whole body is smelly, what will the patient feel after smelling it?

"You need to stay here for a week. You must miss your husband and children, right?" Zhou Can could feel homesickness.

"Hehe, I'm only twenty-five years old this year. Where do I get my husband and children? The family has arranged several blind dates, but those men are either boastful or machismo, and there are ordinary men and straight men. You I don’t know, after a few blind dates, I began to doubt my life.”

Ji You's words amused several people.

It's really not easy to have a blind date these days.

Either the man is unreliable, or the woman is unreliable.

It is very rare for a man and a woman to see each other at the same time.

"Marriage is about fate, don't worry, when fate comes, it will happen naturally." Zhou Can comforted her with a smile. "Where is your family? It's only been a week since you were on a business trip, and you're always thinking about your family. You're such a filial child."

Intuitively, she should be from another place.

"I'm from the north! Does Tuyuan City know?"

She is indeed from another place, and she is still very far away from here.

"I know. I heard that the cave dwellings there are very famous. They are warm in winter and cool in summer." Zhou Can has never been to this city, but he has heard of it.

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"Hehe! Cave dwellings are usually in rural areas. Now Tuyuan City is already full of high-rise buildings, and cave dwellings can no longer be found in cities."

Her hometown is just a microcosm of the many cities in Huaxia.

Many small counties on the fifth and sixth lines are already full of high-rise buildings, and there is a modern atmosphere everywhere.

"Dr. Pang and Nurse Chen, you should evacuate first! If possible, come over at around 7:30 tomorrow morning to take over. I will take time to go back to the hotel to wash up."

Zhou Can said to the two of them.

"Okay, goodbye, Doctor Zhou!"

The two waved to Zhou Can and left quickly.

Zhou Can looked at Ji You, "Let's take turns on duty. Why don't you go to the duty room and rest, and I'll call you in the middle of the night?"

Two people are on night shift together and can take turns to rest.

Basically, it will not have much impact on the working status of the next day.

The situation of this pregnant woman is quite special. She should be on duty for two nights, and she will be able to turn the crisis into safety.

"Okay! Call me if you need something!"

She readily agreed.

"Doctor Zhou, can I ask you a question?"

"Just ask!"

Zhou Can nodded.

"Why not transfer this pregnant woman to the intensive care unit? Then we don't need to guard her day and night at all."

It is estimated that not only she thinks so, but Dr. Pang and others also have this idea.

The experts from Tuya Hospital came to Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital for consultations. They were only responsible for diagnosing diseases and giving treatment plans. The experts could not be responsible for inpatient care.

Under normal circumstances, inpatient care does not require a particularly high professional level of medical care.

"After rescuing this pregnant woman during the day, when we took turns going out to eat, do you know what I saw?"

Zhou Can asked her.

"I don't know!" She shook her head.

"I saw the pregnant woman's husband squatting in the corner outside the emergency room, eating steamed corn buns. Look at the color and size, you shouldn't be able to buy them here. I suspect that he probably brought them from home. He has Two points deeply moved me, first point, when begging Director Zhang to save his wife, he knelt and kowtowed in public without hesitation. A man has gold under his knees, so who wants to kneel down in public so easily?"

The pregnant woman was carried into the hospital by her husband and father-in-law on a simple stretcher.

After the rescue, Zhou Can didn't see the pregnant father-in-law when he went out.

All I saw was her husband squatting in the corner eating cornbread.

Judging from the clothes and skin color of the pregnant women and their families, it is likely that they are poor farmers from remote villages.

"Secondly, her husband was wearing buns and didn't eat them all the time. He didn't eat until he learned that his wife had been rescued and was temporarily out of danger. It shows that he really cares about his wife's safety and is a man who attaches great importance to emotions. .As a doctor, I am not a savior. I can't help them too much. Avoid sending this pregnant woman to an expensive ICU. This is the only thing I can do for them."

Zhou Can would not have said these words to anyone.

At this moment, when Ji You asked, he explained the reason.

After all, we are colleagues in the same team.

Being on the night shift at night will somewhat cause complaints from the doctors and nurses in the same group.

Deputy Director Shi was actually quite indifferent when it came to this kind of matter. As the leader of the crisis management team, even if it's just a name, he should come and see this pregnant woman.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

However, since the pregnant woman was rescued and out of danger, Deputy Director Shi has been staying in the outpatient hall for consultation and never came again.

Even after get off work, he never came again.

Zhou Can knew that Deputy Director Shi was thinking carefully. He was just worried that he would come to the emergency room and be on duty with him.

There are many doctors, especially the deputy chief physicians and chief physicians with higher status, they have a sense of superiority in their hearts. I can't tell you the specifics, but it's mainly reflected in some details.

For example, few chief physicians are willing to do some dirty and tiring work in the process of treating patients.

Almost ten out of ten are commanding subordinate doctors to do it.

Attending physicians with a little status also have the same tone.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps.

Attending physicians offload the dirty work to their residents.

If it is dirty work with low risk, the resident doctor will leave it to the following regular trainees and interns.

This invisible class system is real in any hospital.

Ji You fell silent after listening to Zhou Can's explanation.

"The patient's family is in financial difficulties. If we send the pregnant woman to the ICU again, it will be worse for the family. I hope that the pregnant woman can withdraw the ventilator as soon as possible, otherwise the invasive ventilator will last for a long time. There will be a series of complications, and the cost of treatment will rise sharply. Her condition will also deteriorate, and the result is unpredictable."

If the ventilator is used for too long, airway infection is the most likely to occur.

Then there are complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

In addition, using a ventilator for a long time is also very detrimental to the recovery of patients. It is easy to become dependent, and it will take longer for her to adapt after extubation.

"Doctor Zhou, you are a good man! Good man! Good doctor!"

After speaking, Ji You turned and left.

The lesson that Zhou Can taught her today will have a profound impact on her future career path.

In a department or a medical team, the behavior style of the leading doctors will directly affect the working attitude and style of the entire medical team.

In any case, Zhou Can put himself in the shoes of his family and patients, and this kindness deeply infected Ji You.

She will probably silently learn Zhou Can's way of doing things in her diagnosis and treatment work in the future.

If you can help patients and their families, you will secretly help.

After she left, Zhou Can sat by the pregnant woman's hospital bed and read a book without mentioning it.

The doctors and nurses of Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital obviously have an invisible boundary with the doctors and nurses from Tuya Hospital. They only do their own thing and don't disturb each other with Zhou Can.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening, and the emergency room of the hospital had become quite quiet.

Occasionally, doctors and nurses come in to attend to the sick.

The patients entering the emergency room are not necessarily all critically ill patients, and many patients are relatively stable. It is only after the doctor's assessment that he feels that there is a high potential risk that he will be sent to the emergency room for observation or active treatment.

"Hello, Doctor Zhou!"

Section Chief Tang walked into the emergency room with a smile and went straight to Zhou Can.

When he arrived near, he greeted Zhou Can with a smile on his face.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

"Is Section Chief Tang not off work so late?"

Zhou Can closed the book, stood up and talked with Section Chief Tang.

"You have also seen the recent situation of our Xinxiang Maternal and Children's Hospital. It is not easy to be the management of our administrative positions!" Section Chief Tang sighed slightly. "No wonder Dr. Zhou is so good! Today I saw your hard work with my own eyes. I don't want to waste time at all. I try my best to read and study. There are not many people who can persist in doing this. Let me take myself as an example. , I often bought a bunch of books, thinking to study hard when I bought them, but after I bought them, I couldn’t turn a few pages and just threw them there to collect ashes.”

When Section Chief Tang talked with Zhou Can, he was as approachable and friendly as a friend.

The chief of the Propaganda Combat Section is not low in status.

This position has developed well, and it is easy to enter the hospital office.

Generally speaking, entering the hospital office from a general department is considered a promotion. Since it was a promotion, it was at least a transfer at the same level. In other words, he was originally the section chief, and after entering the hospital office, his position would not be lower than that of the section chief.

There are not many senior positions in the hospital.

If he really wants to be able to enter the hospital, he usually starts with the deputy director of the office. Many of them were directly promoted to director after one or two years of adaptation.

Therefore, Section Chief Tang's status is much higher than imagined.

This time he received the experts from Tuya Hospital, as long as he managed the consultation activities for experts and helped Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital through this crisis, he would be a great contributor.

With this achievement, promotion to the hospital office is almost a certainty.

The future is pretty bright.

It is no wonder that Section Chief Tang works so hard in the coordination and communication between the reception work and the consultation with experts. Only when there are benefits, will there be motivation and enthusiasm.

"I just feel that I am bored on duty at night, so I take a book and flip through it casually."

Zhou Can said modestly.

It stands to reason that when the two chatted here, it was time for a friendly farewell.

But Section Chief Tang didn't intend to leave. Instead, he moved a stool over and motioned for Zhou Can to sit and talk.

"Doctor Zhou is already so powerful, is he still just a regular trainee in Tuya Hospital?"

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"Where am I strong? Here, this is my work permit, but I am a serious live-in companion. I got my medical license a few months ago, so I can be considered a doctor now!"

Those with a certificate are called doctors, and those without a certificate are called medical doctors, or doctors.

The difference is still quite big.

"I think that although Dr. Zhou is young, he is extremely powerful in terms of pathological diagnosis, surgical ability, and rescue ability. How about it, have you ever thought about moving? Our Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital is recruiting talents, and we need talents like you. Such a young and promising doctor."

Section Chief Tang originally came here for this matter.

No wonder you still don't get off work at nine o'clock in the evening, so you come here to chat with him!

Renjia Tuya Hospital sent a team of experts to help Xinxiang Maternal and Children's Hospital stand and restore its reputation. But this hospital secretly poached Tuya's corner, and got Zhou Can's idea.

Is this the real-life story of the farmer and the snake?

In the world of adults, interests are above everything else.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

What morality, emotion, that is false.

"I'm fine at Tuya Hospital, and I never thought about leaving."

Zhou Can is not the kind of ruthless villain.

Tuya Hospital trained him very well, and so many chief physicians taught him everything. I just hope that he will become a talent in the future and lead Tuya Hospital to greater glory.

If he turned around and ran to Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital, the chief physicians who taught him would be extremely disappointed.

Even Dr. Xu will feel sad.

How could Zhou Can do such a thing?

People, the most important thing is not necessarily wealth. The meaning of human life is more because of the existence of friendship, love, and family affection. If it is more advanced, it is to create value for this society.

"I know that you are highly regarded in Tuya Hospital, and your status is quite good. If you switch to our Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital, we promise to give you a higher status. In terms of annual income, it is many times that of Tuya Hospital. You Now it is the stage of regular training. Tuya Hospital will give you two or three thousand a month at most. But we promise that as long as you come here, you will be given 30,000 a month. If you do a good job, there will be performance commissions and bonuses. "

Section Chief Tang is just a section chief of the Propaganda Combat Section, recruiting people and offering high salaries, he certainly does not have such great power.

So who is he speaking for?

After Zhou Can thought for a while, he understood a little bit.

Section Chief Tang was just the one who came forward, and it was Dean Tian and the management of Xinxiang Women's and Children's Hospital who wanted to poach Zhou Can behind the scenes.

But poaching people is inherently disgraceful, and it is absolutely impossible for Dean Tian to come forward in person.

She will talk to Zhou Can in person only after the negotiation is settled.

The basic salary of 30,000 a month is indeed very attractive.

Even in such a first-tier city, it is already a high salary.

Coupled with performance commissions and bonuses, the annual income should not be less than 500,000.

Unfortunately, Zhou Can is not short of money.

He never became a doctor for Hehe, with such a high salary to recruit me as a regular trainee, your hospital really thinks highly of me. Thank you for your kindness, I never thought about leaving Tuya Hospital. "

Zhou Can refused without batting an eyelid.

In the eyes of Section Chief Tang, such performances were misunderstood as another meaning. He thinks that Zhou Can's salary is too low.

Thinking about it, with Zhou Can's super excellence, he will become a very famous doctor in Tuya Hospital in just a few years. Whether it is position, academics, status, income, all aspects of the future are very good.

30,000 a month to dig out such a super genius, the asking price is indeed a bit low.

"What is the purpose of everyone's hard work? Isn't it to earn more money so that your family and yourself can live a better life? If Dr. Zhou thinks that 30,000 a month is too little, we can add more. As long as you are good Come on, we promise that your monthly income will not be less than 50,000, how about it?"

Section Chief Tang increased the price tag.

However, there is a clear difference between this 50,000 yuan and the previous 30,000 yuan basic salary.

If you want to get 50,000 a month, there is one prerequisite, and that is to work hard.

"Would you believe me if I said that I became a doctor not for money?" Zhou Can raised his eyebrows.

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"This... I really don't believe it. Who is not for the money? I don't know what the price is in Dr. Zhou's heart?" Section Chief Tang has limited power, and he can't get Zhou Can according to the price given by his superiors. He is going to inquire about Zhou Can Can's psychological price.

Then report to your superiors and discuss it again.

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