My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 387: The dispute between department directors fulfills Director Hu's last wish

My Medical Skills Can Add Experience Points Chapter 387 The Controversy of Department Directors, Fulfilling Director Hu's Last Wish

Over the past year or so, Zhou Can has studied cardiothoracic surgery with Director Hu Kan, and also rotated training in various departments of internal medicine. In addition, he had to worry about his girlfriend Su Qianqian.

It can be said that he is too busy to touch the ground.

I don't have the heart to care about other things at all.

Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital invited him to visit twice, but Zhou Can declined because he was too busy.

Since then, contact has dwindled.

In his impression, Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital is in a half-dead state. Although the business volume has rebounded, it is very limited. It's only been less than a year, so it's resurrected with full blood?

When there is time, I will inquire about it.

"Xiao Zhou, yesterday's appendicitis patient, duodenal tumor resection patient, and urethral dilation patient have all been admitted to the inpatient ward of the emergency department. You must remember to check the ward on time every day."

After the meeting, Dr. Xu told Zhou Can.


The operations on these three patients were all performed by Zhou Can yesterday. Unexpectedly, they were directly admitted to the emergency department.

I thought that after the emergency operation, I would be transferred to the specialist inpatient department.

It seems that Director Lou and the others probably made all the preparations long ago.

"Where is the inpatient ward?"

He didn't know anything about such a big thing.

Director Lou and Dr. Xu must have known about the addition of inpatient rooms for a long time. They are worthy of being wily and scheming elders, and they were stupefied. I didn't reveal half a point to Zhou Can yesterday.

"Here, it's over there in the observation room! A room has been temporarily designated as an inpatient ward."

Dr. Xu pointed to the direction of the observation room.

Zhou Can walked over there, this is Ye Tingting's territory. But she hasn't come to work yet.

The area of ​​the observation room is indeed very large, and there is more than one room.

The farthest room has been marked out and directly becomes the first inpatient ward of the emergency department.

Zhou Can walked into the ward, and among the four beds, only one was left vacant.

All three patients were properly accommodated.

The guy who slept in the first bed was the guy who had the urethral dilation.

"How is it? Did you urinate today?"

Patients undergoing urethral dilatation are prone to postoperative infection and inflammation. Especially for female patients who have undergone this operation, it is best not to take a sitz bath.

In addition, the dilated urethra tends to become smaller again, or even blocked.

In this case, only a second expansion operation can be performed.

Also, after dilation surgery, the patient's urethra edemas, causing the urethra to narrow for a short time. At this time, the patient will have a persistent urine phenomenon.

Some family members and patients don't understand, they will think that the operation failed, and there are some who scold the doctor.

"Well, I've already urinated!"

The boy looked a little embarrassed.

"Is it smooth when you urinate?"

These situations are what Zhou Can needs to know during his ward rounds.

"It's still smooth, but it hurts a little." The young man couldn't help showing a painful expression on his face when he talked about the process of urinating.

"It's normal to have some pain just after the operation. I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs for you. If you still urinate smoothly tonight, you can go to the doctor for discharge procedures tomorrow. You can go home and recuperate."

Urethral dilation is just a small operation with high technology.

Basically non-invasive.

To put it more simply, the original urination pipe is a bit small, and the pipe is enlarged with instruments.

After checking the situation of this young man, Zhou Can learned about the situation of the other two patients one by one. Not bad, all three operations have achieved satisfactory results.

The most serious one should be the patient who had a tumor removed from the head of the duodenum. After all, it was a major operation involving multiple organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavity.

The operation has a great impact on the patient, and he will definitely not be able to leave the hospital in two or three days.

The patient currently needs to fast for food and water, and temporarily rely on nutrient solution to get through the darkest moment of the body.

Fortunately, the postoperative condition of the patient is not bad.

The spirit is good, the body has no complications, no fever, etc., just need to take good care of it, and I believe that I will recover soon.

Of course, for this patient, no tumor recurrence after surgery is also an important indicator.

For patients with small-scale tumor spread like this, no one can guarantee that there will be no recurrence after surgery.

After the room check, Zhou Can went to work in the operating room without mentioning it.

The department is so supportive of his work, and all resources are working hard to win and favor him. Naturally, he is also working hard to operate on patients.

For him, not only can he accumulate richer surgical experience, but he can also continue to improve his medical skills and move towards the level of a chief physician.

Around eleven o'clock in the morning, someone called in.

But he was in surgery and didn't pick up.

He didn't take out his phone to check until the operation was over.

Director Xueyan called.

There must be something important.

Zhou Can quickly dialed back.

Director Hu Kan's body was still alive, and he entrusted the major tasks of cardiothoracic surgery to two apprentices. Although Zhou Can is now back to work in the emergency department, if there is anything in the cardiothoracic surgery department, he will definitely do his best to help.

"Sister Yan, I was undergoing surgery just now, so I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone in time."

He and Director Xueyan are like siblings, so there is no need to be too polite.

Just a little bit to explain why.

"Can you come to the meeting room of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department now? There was a lot of quarreling about the selection of the head of the department. You have a special status, so come over and talk."

She asked Zhou Can for help.

"Okay, I'll tell Dr. Xu, come here as soon as the situation permits."

Zhou Can readily agreed.

Director Hu Kan had already made arrangements for the candidate for the director of the department. The only regret is that he died of illness suddenly, and he didn't even have time to do the work of handing over the baton.

Director Hu knew that he was in poor health, but he didn't hand over the post of director of cardiothoracic surgery. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but because he was worried that a single incident would affect his whole body, which would directly affect the diagnosis and treatment business and reputation of cardiothoracic surgery.

Just like those listed companies, the change of legal person will have a great impact on the stock.

The outside world has been rumoring that Director Hu Kan has a physical problem, and even attacked Tuya's cardiothoracic surgery skills for a drop. Unfortunately, there is no strong successor in cardiothoracic surgery.

In such a complicated situation, both the senior management of Tuya Hospital and Director Hu Kan hoped to stabilize the situation.

Therefore, Director Hu could only hold on and continue to serve as the director of the department.

Secretly inspect the chief physicians and deputy chief physicians in the department who are qualified to take over the post of department chief. Director Xueyan was finally selected to take over.

It's a pity that after the selection of a good person, there was no time to make a transition. Director Hu died suddenly, which left controversy.

"I have something to do outside, you two first go outside to help Dr. Xu's operating room!"

After Zhou Can arranged work with Qiao Yu and Luo Shishen, he came to the operating room outside.

Dr. Xu is currently suturing the traumatic wound on the patient's calf.

"Teacher, there is something urgent in the cardiothoracic surgery department, let me go over there."

"Are you participating in the operation or discussing the matter?"

Dr. Xu continued to concentrate on suturing the patient's wound, and asked questions without raising his head.


Zhou Can answered honestly.

He knew very well that after several years of hard work, Dr. Xu has become a sophisticated figure.

The addition of inpatient wards in the emergency department this time is the masterpiece of the collaboration between him and Director Lou.

"Go! Try to mind your own business."

Dr. Xu gave him some warnings.

As Zhou Can's teacher, he not only gives him all-round guidance in medical skills, but also considers and conceives for him wholeheartedly in dealing with people and dealing with various crises.


Zhou Can nodded and walked out quickly.

After changing into a white coat in the changing room, I hurried to the cardiothoracic surgery department.

Tuya Hospital is actually quite big.

The distance from the emergency department to the surgery building is relatively short.

But it also takes seven or eight minutes to walk.

Not long after, Zhou Can arrived at the cardiothoracic surgery department.

When he came here this time, he obviously felt that the department was a little distracted. Whether it is a nurse or a doctor, the work attitude seems to have been affected to a certain extent.

Cardiothoracic surgery is already in danger, but the poor working condition of medical staff is tantamount to making matters worse.

Zhou Can saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

All this is because the candidates for the department directors of the department have not yet been selected, no one has issued orders, and no new cohesion has been formed.

He came to the conference room, and when he was still outside the door, he could hear the sound of fierce quarrels coming from inside.

Knock on the door and go in.

There are middle-level and above personnel in cardiothoracic surgery.

Director Xie of the Department of Surgery, Vice President Ye in charge of medical affairs, and Vice President Bai Ziran in charge of administrative affairs were all present impressively.

At the same time, the participation of the two vice presidents showed the importance of this meeting.

"Doctor Zhou came just in time. You are one of the two important successors of Director Hu Kan. You are also a candidate for the department director!"

When Vice President Ye saw Zhou Can coming in, his eyes lit up slightly.

It directly pushed Zhou Can to the forefront.

These vice presidents are all cunning and ruthless.

When dealing with various affairs of the hospital, there are often different ways of handling them. Little things, they are usually handled gently. Big things, the more serious things, the more ruthless the means.

"Thank you Dean Ye for giving me this opportunity to speak!"

Zhou Can looked at the three super bosses sitting in the most important positions.

Director Xie seemed to have a lot of gray hair, and his whole body also looked a lot older.

Vice-President Bai's demeanor remained the same.

The three super bosses have all dealt with Zhou Can and are familiar with them. After meeting, Zhou Can didn't have much fear.

To be honest, there are really not many low-level doctors as good as him in the whole hospital.

It is already very good for regular trainees and residents to know the chief director of the department. It is impossible to get in touch with a super boss at the level of the vice president.

Hospital leaders are the top-level existence in any hospital.

Belonging to the few people at the top of the pyramid.

"When I came in just now, I heard that Director He was the most controversial about the director of the department. I just took this opportunity to talk about Director Hu's views during his lifetime."

Zhou Can walked to the front with a serious expression and his eyes swept across the audience.

His eyes are not sharp, let alone any sharpness, but some are kind to the doctors and nurses of cardiothoracic surgery.

He knew almost everyone present here.

Usually when we meet each other, we will basically greet each other warmly, at least say hello.

"The biggest wish of Director Hu's business is to help cardiothoracic surgery survive this crisis, and then move towards a new prosperity. Do you know? Even the night before Director Hu passed away, he still told me to do my best to help Cardiothoracic surgery is against all crises. I grew up under your watch. Almost all of you are my seniors, who have helped and supported me more or less in my work. My feelings for cardiothoracic surgery have always been very strong. deep."

Zhou Can first played the emotional card and won the approval of most people.

We must make everyone feel that he is his own person, a person who really cares about cardiothoracic surgery, so that what he says next will be recognized and accepted by everyone.

Otherwise, people will just think he is farting.

"Don't talk about those useless things, you can just say what Director Hu said before he was alive."

Deputy Director He, who is in his fifties, is exactly the age of treacherous and cunning.

He noticed that when everyone looked at Zhou Can, their eyes softened, and there was kindness in their eyes, and he suddenly felt something bad.

"Director Hu was just the night before yesterday. When I sent him home, he sat in the car and gave me and Director Xueyan thousands of instructions. Xueyan, after my death, you will be the director of the department. At that time, Xueyan The director was worried that he had little qualifications and refused to accept it. Director Hu scolded angrily, saying that Director Xueyan was the most suitable candidate for the director of cardiothoracic surgery at present, and only her appointment would be the most conducive to the development of cardiothoracic surgery. If she did not agree, Director Hu will not rest in peace."

"In the end, Director Xueyan agreed. She also promised Director Hu that she would dedicate everything to the development of cardiothoracic surgery and try her best to lead cardiothoracic surgery to a new glory."

As soon as Zhou Can's words fell, there was a burst of heated discussions in the audience.

This is Director Hu's deathbed entrustment, which is equivalent to the imperial edict of ancient times and is quite authoritative.

Whether it was Director Hu who was still worrying about the fate of cardiothoracic surgery before his death, or Director Xueyan's firm commitment, they all deeply touched the hearts of the medical staff present.

As a member of cardiothoracic surgery, I believe they can feel the great love, the responsibility and mission of the department director.

"Hmph, to put it bluntly, only you and Xueyan were present. Who knows if it's true?"

Director He became impatient.

If Zhou Can's love continues like this, the director of the department will choose a fart!

Just let Xueyan get it.

The more urgent you are, the easier it is to be chaotic. This chaos will lead to huge loopholes.

No wonder Director Hu refused to give up the position of Director He to Director He during his lifetime. This person is really not good.

Lack of the overall situation and tolerance that should be there, and only look at the immediate interests.

"Director He raised this question well. If Director Xueyan and I were the only ones present, we might have colluded. At least you think so. At that time, Director Hu Kan's son drove to pick him up. The director's son is also sitting in the driver's seat of the If necessary, you can ask Director Hu's son for verification. After all, this is Director Hu's deathbed entrustment. If I made a fake, or other People question Director Hu's last words, which is a kind of blasphemy against Director Hu. I believe that Director Hu's soul will not rest in peace."

Hit a snake and hit seven inches.

Zhou Can's words hit the nail on the head, right at the door of Deputy Director He's life.

The question was raised by Deputy Director He, and now as long as the last words are confirmed to be true, Deputy Director He can have nothing to say anymore.

If you continue to fight, it will be the behavior of a capricious villain.

Without Zhou Can talking, everyone will first spurn Deputy Director He from the bottom of their hearts.

Not to mention being the director of the department, even the position of the deputy director of the department will be unstable.

Why did the ancient emperors like to combine divine power with imperial power? Zhou Can understood now.

Although he is an atheist and does not believe in ghosts and gods, the dead are the greatest. The fact that Director Hu's soul cannot be rested in peace is extremely lethal.

Director Hu Kan is like a **** in the hearts of everyone in cardiothoracic surgery, and is deeply respected and loved by everyone.

Deputy Director He questioned his last words, making Director Hu's soul restless. This is the rhythm of wanting to be everyone's enemy.

Everyone didn't say anything, and the eyes they looked at Deputy Director He were no longer so friendly and cordial, and they were already unfamiliar.

People's hearts are like water, flowing like smoke.

Deputy Director He's reckless words and deeds, under Zhou Can's verbal attacks, eventually severely damaged his image.

Deputy Director He was so angry and angry that his image was ruined in this way, and his face turned black in a hurry.

But he still couldn't refute it.

Zhou Can didn't name him, let alone attack him directly.

Swearing without profanity was brought to the extreme by Zhou Can.

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