My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 443: Fighting a protracted war against the disease, smelly and shameless

【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

This person has a lot of energy, and his social status should not be too low. At this moment, he was waiting in the corridor with Director Zhuang for Zhou Can to get off work at noon.

The first thing I want to express to Zhou Can is a kind of respect.

Because Director Zhuang is familiar with Zhou Can, it is completely possible to go in and find him directly when Zhou Can is in consultation.

But they didn't.

This is like going to the mountain to seek the Buddha, and what you are talking about is sincerity. Obviously you can drive up the mountain directly, but in order to show your respect and devotion to the Buddha, you choose to walk up the mountain.

This man named Chen Shaoqiang, in order to save his grandson, chose to ask Zhou Can for help with the greatest sincerity.

Knowing that he was not familiar with Zhou Can, he specially asked Director Zhuang to invite Zhou Can.

It can be said that there is a superb interpersonal skill and worldly tact in every aspect.

At least the whole process made Zhou Can unable to refuse, and it was very comfortable.

On the way to the cardiothoracic surgery department, Chen Shaoqiang had been secretly observing Zhou Can.

Maybe it's because Zhou Can is too young, he doesn't think Zhou Can can be more powerful than Japanese cardiologists.

"Hello, Doctor Zhou!"

"Doctor Zhou is here!"

Zhou Can is very familiar with cardiothoracic surgery.

Along the way, doctors and nurses greeted him warmly. Many people have great respect for him.

All these were seen by Chen Shaoqiang, and the way he looked at Zhou Can gradually changed. Even though he already knew something about Zhou Can and knew that this young man was very capable, he was still a little shocked to see that many doctors and nurses in the cardiothoracic surgery respected Zhou Can so much.

"Where is that child? Is it in the intensive care unit?"

Zhou Can asked Director Zhuang.

"That's right, the child's condition is not ideal. For safety's sake, he was admitted to the intensive care unit."

Director Zhuang nodded in confirmation.

"Who is the attending physician?"

"Director Snow!"

The two were chatting, and they had already reached the door of the intensive care unit. Miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter the intensive care unit.

Even if the family members want to visit the patient, they can only enter one person, and they need to complete the visit within the specified time. This is for the safety of all patients in the monitoring unit.

Because one more person enters, the risk of bringing in bacteria is much higher.

All intensive care units are managed aseptically, and medical staff need to strictly abide by the relevant disinfection procedures when entering and exiting.

"Hey, Dr. Zhou, why are you here? Director Xue was thinking about inviting you over for a consultation just now! She was worried that you were still in the pediatric clinic and just got off work, so you didn't have time to eat, so she asked me to call later."

The female nurse on duty at the window was surprised when she saw Zhou Can.

"Hehe, I call it uninvited! Where is Director Xue?"

Zhou Can asked.

"Participate in rescuing patients inside! A child who has undergone heart surgery from another hospital has been transferred, and it looks very bad..." At this time, the female nurse noticed Director Zhuang and his family members behind Zhou Can, and immediately stopped talking.

"Director Zhuang, Mr. Chen, then I'll go in and check on the child's condition first, and you can talk first."

Zhou Can greeted the two of them, and the nurse girl opened the door and let him in.

Wash your hands first, and then enter the locker room to put on protective clothing. After going through strict disinfection procedures, Zhou Can entered the ward inside.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

At a glance, Director Xueyan and her staff were treating patients in front of a hospital bed.

"Miss Yan!"

Zhou Can walked up to say hello.

"Come here so soon! I told Xiao Tang to call you later, why didn't she listen! You must have not eaten yet, right?"

Director Xueyan's concern for him was written all over her face.

"It's none of Nurse Tang's business. Director Zhuang and his family members called me over. Is this the child?"

Zhou Can looked at the child on the hospital bed.

The baby was only half a year old, his face looked pale, and his breathing was very scary. It seemed that someone put a plastic bag on his head, causing the child to lack oxygen and need to use all his strength to breathe.

The three concave signs are quite obvious.

In addition, severe edema had occurred in the patient's lower extremities.

The upper body has been covered with pillows under the arrangement of the medical staff. Patients with this type of severe heart failure often need to raise their upper body to help patients relieve symptoms.

Patients with heart failure need a high pillow position, because if they lie flat for a long time, it will increase the heart's return blood volume, and the diaphragm will lift up to compress the heart. These conditions will aggravate the onset of heart failure.

"The current situation of the child is extremely unsatisfactory, and the heart failure is particularly serious. I am very worried that the rescue will not work."

Director Xueyan frowned tightly, and her tone was heavy.

"Did you get his information?"


"Looking at the wound, it should be a minimally invasive or endoscopic surgery. The Japanese experts are really good. If it were us, the atrial septal defect surgery would definitely not be done through endoscopic surgery."

After seeing the wounds on the child, Zhou Can was quite shocked.

After such a long time, I have been hearing in the news, newspapers, and various online channels that the Third Hospital has performed another heart surgery. The patient recovered and was discharged in a very short period of time. The team presented flowers and pennants.

Anyway, it's all kinds of boasting.

At the beginning, Zhou Can felt incredible when he heard that the patient was able to work only six hours after the heart surgery.

I was deeply shocked by foreign advanced technology and medical skills.

Later, I gradually heard some negative news about the Third Hospital. Some patients had severe postoperative complications shortly after the operation, or had new problems shortly after the 'recovery'.

Some patients even died.

It's just amazing that those negative news often appear not long ago and disappear soon.

I don't know if the public relations team of the Third Hospital calmed down the family members and let the other party take the initiative to delete the post, or for other reasons.

All in all, it looks very weird.

At present, there is no negative news about the Third Hospital on the Internet, not even a single one.

If you search for negative news about Tuya Hospital, there are quite a lot.

Especially some patient forums, post bars and the like, which can be seen everywhere.

This is like a country. When all the country hears are songs and dances and praises, and there is no bad news, it means that the country is dying and no one dares to tell the truth.

The Third Hospital has no negative news and is as clean as a mirror, which inevitably makes people feel that there is a strange evil spirit in it.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

At least people in the industry don't believe it at all.

"Come on, let's go outside to discuss!"

Director Xueyan has already carried out preliminary treatment on the child. Now that Zhou Can is here, she is going to discuss it with Zhou Can.

Before that, she must have had a discussion with the chief physicians in the department.

But did not get satisfactory results.

When he came to the duty room outside, Zhou Can first read all the materials of the patient.

"These materials are more like artificially processed. Especially the surgical records, postoperative medication, and rescue measures, there are obviously some traces of modification." Zhou Can is a professional. After reading it, he immediately discovered the problem.

"This matter has already been reported to the family members, and the family members are working hard to collect more real data. But you also know that when the entire hospital deliberately conceals some real data, it is actually very easy to do. There is no higher-level department for this kind of thing. It may be difficult to obtain complete and real data if involved in the investigation. Even if the higher authorities intervene in the investigation, it will be difficult to find out unless a case is filed."

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Director Xueyan deeply understands how deep the water in the hospital is.

Especially when dealing with some medical accidents, the doctors, nurses, and administrative staff of that hospital basically have the same interests, which will also lead to their consistent positions.

No matter how you ask, you will basically get unanimous or vague answers.

"Since we have told the family members, let's take a blood test and take a second sample for testing. When the time comes to keep the evidence, we won't be afraid of being blamed."

Zhou Can has never lacked means and insight to deal with all kinds of bad people and bad things.

What should be prevented must be prevented.

No one will be taken advantage of and take the blame for others.

"Samples have been taken and tested, and the specimens have been sealed. They may also be worried that the child will die in the hospital, so they are very conservative in all aspects of medication. At least from the current three major routine results, overdose has not occurred."

Director Xueyan signaled Zhou Can to check the results of the three routine inspections done by the hospital.

In addition to the three major routine examinations, multiple examinations such as chest ct were also done, which is quite complete.

It seems Director Xueyan is not stupid, she also treats the Third Hospital like a thief.

It is estimated that this is the attitude of any hospital.

Tuya's willingness to accept this patient is already a great kindness.

Especially in today's harsh medical environment, doctors, nurses, and hospitals will be particularly cautious.

"Judging from the pictures taken, the child's heart is obviously enlarged. Coupled with heart failure, if the atrial septum is repaired by surgery, this symptom can be cured. When the teacher was alive, he once told me I have said about the handling of similar cases."

What Zhou Can is currently trying to rule out is whether the atrioventricular septum of the child's heart has really been completely repaired.

He took the film and studied it carefully.

Director Xueyan waited for him to read it almost, and then said, "I have read it with other directors in the department. Judging from various data, including blood flow signals, CT images, and electrocardiograms, the repair of the atrial septum should be in place. .At least no obvious problems were found."

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

"How about...let's give it a try, observe the child's reaction after taking the medicine, and then make adjustments?"

Zhou Can discussed with her.

"It's exactly what I want. At present, I have used some drugs, including symptomatic treatment, but the effect is not obvious."

She gave Zhou Can the doctor's order to check.

"Switch to cardiotonic and diuretic, a two-pronged approach, and try to stick to the treatment."

Zhou Can suggested revisions to the doctor's prescribed medication.

"I've already used it to strengthen my heart. You reduce the dose. Is there any deep meaning in this?"

Although she is also Director Hu Kan's mantle disciple, she is obviously inferior to Zhou Can in terms of many medications, handling of emergencies during surgery, and flexible use of surgical skills.

It's like a teacher teaching the same arithmetic formula to students. Some people can get full marks, and even draw inferences from one instance to prove many problem-solving ideas related to this arithmetic formula. Some people learned to add, and then learned to subtract without a teacher.

Although some people have also learned it, they can only score 90 points. They can use what they have learned, but they can't make inferences or even reverse thinking.

Zhou Can's reverse thinking has always been a very big clinical advantage.

It can only be said that everyone's way of thinking about problems is different.

For the same street lamp, some people see the light, some people see the road, and some people see the conversion of electrical energy into light energy.

"Reduce the dose, because the child's physical tolerance is weak. Your treatment idea is more like a last stand, and you want to attack and fight quickly to reverse the situation quickly. My idea is a marathon long-distance run. Fighting a protracted battle against heart failure. Lowering the dosage of the drug has another advantage, which can force the child's heart to adapt to a heavier burden in a disguised form. This is also a kind of exercise for it, which is more conducive to the child's recovery. A real recovery."

Zhou Can expressed his treatment ideas.

After listening, Director Xueyan fell into deep thought at first, and then her eyes brightened little by little.

Finally, she looked up at him with admiration.

"No wonder the teacher wanted you to inherit his mantle so much! You are indeed a genius. You have a longer-term vision than me, and you can truly see the overall situation. You have both wisdom and courage. After the child was sent here, we saw his condition. It's so bad, the first thing I think of is to save my life. How to correct the condition in the shortest time, but I never thought that I was slowly consumed by the serious illness like you."

The treatment ideas of director Xueyan and other chief physicians are more popular.

Zhou Can's thinking is higher, his wisdom is deeper, and his concentration is stronger.

In fact, this is also the current generally tense doctor-patient relationship, forcing most doctors to choose a treatment method that is quick and quick when choosing a treatment plan.

After the family members could not see the effect of the treatment, all kinds of doubts, even complaints, transfers, loss of confidence, etc., caused the doctors a lot of headaches.

People have the idea of ​​seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

When doctors choose a treatment plan, they will naturally cater to the family members and strive to gain their support and approval.

"I will revise the doctor's order now and change the treatment method." Director Xueyan has completely turned to Zhou Can, and has given up the thunderbolt treatment idea discussed by herself and other directors.

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【My medical skills can add experience points】【】

"When communicating with family members, we must fully communicate. I estimate that this marathon long-distance run will take at least three months. Because the child's illness has been delayed for a while, it may take longer. Of course, we must also do a good job. In the worst case, if we can’t save him, then we can only say, try our best.”

Zhou Can left in a hurry after explaining some details.

I haven't eaten yet, so I have to fill my stomach first to cope with the appointment in the afternoon. After finishing his consultation in the afternoon, he had to go back to the emergency room for surgery until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Only he himself knows how tiring this kind of work intensity of working two shifts in a row is.

Sitting in the outpatient clinic in the afternoon, I don't mention it.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Zhou Can had already left the outpatient clinic. After dinner, he rushed to the emergency When he passed the door of the emergency room, he accidentally found a familiar figure.

"Isn't this the mother of the extremely difficult child whose son fell on his left arm? Why did you come to the emergency room?"

Zhou Can was very puzzled.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his heart trembled.

Could it be that the boy really broke his head, causing intracranial hemorrhage?

Maybe Zhou Canduo took a second look and was noticed by that woman, she turned her head and looked over.

Zhou Can quickly looked away.

This woman is so powerful, he doesn't want to be entangled.

Now that her son has entered the emergency room, it would be too annoying if she spilled her anger on Zhou Can's head and made all kinds of mischief.

"Doctor Zhou!"

The woman's eyes were sharp, and after recognizing him, she took the initiative to call out.

This kind of woman is usually very vengeful, so it is not surprising that Zhou Can can be recognized at a glance.

Zhou Can didn't want to talk to this woman, pretended he didn't hear, and quickened his pace to get away. He still has a lot of operations to do.

Surgical patients detained in the emergency department usually need to complete the operation on the same day.

Can't delay.

"Doctor Zhou, I was wrong this morning, I'm sorry! I regret it very much now, because of my stupidity and ignorance, I sent the child to the emergency room. You have a lot of acquaintances in the hospital, please help to say hello and tell them to save my life." How are you, son? Please!"

This woman is nothing but shameless.

In the morning at the pediatric outpatient clinic, it was really faster than flipping through a book.

The face is fierce.

Now that his son has entered the emergency room, he is ashamed to ask Zhou Can to say hello for him.

Who is she really?

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