My monster merges everything

Chapter 304 Lizard Tribe

The attack was blocked by the tall lizard man. There was an orange-yellow cold light in his beast eyes, and a gurgling sound came from his mouth. Then from the crack in space, more lizard men rushed out, and they were all wearing animal skins and holding arms.

"Something is wrong."

Different from the madness of the monsters, the eyes of this group of lizard people actually looked very calm.


Another lizard-man with a rickety figure appeared. This was an old lizard-man. He wore a colorful animal skin apron and a necklace of animal teeth. He held a dry bone staff in one hand and fired a huge energy beam with a wave of his hand. , coming straight towards Zhu Xiong.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhu Xiong summoned the psychic shield directly and blocked the attack. There was a rumble and the psychic shield trembled rapidly, but he still firmly caught the attack.

"Third level"

Zhu Xiong's face was serious, the eyes of the old sacrificial lizard flickered, the bone staff was punched on the ground, and then a thumping sound was heard, and a large black lizard squeezed out from the crack in the alien space. It stood on two feet, with thick scales and a top. It has an extremely huge and ferocious head.


The lizards were muttering words, and they were already confronting the tree domain troops. There were nearly three thousand lizard warriors, including a third-level warrior and a third-level priest. Moreover, they could obviously drive lizard monsters. The combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.


The Tyrant Lizard let out a roaring roar, and then all five of them rushed towards Zhu Xiong and his team, trying to break through the formation and then start a massacre.

"At the top of the third level, pull out the rocket launcher and follow my command."

Zhu Xiong took the lead with a large shield in hand, followed closely by Gan Xinglei. Then he saw Ge Ming tearing off the black robe on his body, completely exposing the insect bones, and pouring spiritual energy into them.

There was a rustling sound immediately, and a large number of scorpions were summoned and poured into the battlefield.

"I'll deal with the Tyrannosaurus Rex"

Ge Ming shouted to Zhu Xiong, and then strode over. One of his arms was originally an insect limb. At this time, a sharp blade was drawn between the claws, and it instantly cut through the eyes of one of the Tyrant Lizards.

The Tyrant Lizard instantly went berserk, but soon, the third-level apostles appeared behind Ge Ming and stopped all the Tyrant Lizards on the left and right. The three apostles fought with the Tyrant Lizard.

Including Ge Ming alone, he stopped four lizards in total, and another lizard wanted to attack Ge Ming.

As soon as Gan Xinglei had an idea, the tree python tyrant had already rushed out, held down the rioting lizard, and slammed his huge fist on its head.

When the lizard leader saw this, his beast eyes widened, and he rushed over with the bone staff. His spiritual energy was concentrated on the bone staff, hoping to kill Ge Ming to free up his fighting power.

But Gan Xinglei sneered, raised his hand and attacked with several energy bombs. The lizard leader's pupils shrank, and the bone staff stopped in front of him, condensing a psychic shield at the head of the staff to block him.

With a rumbling sound, he blocked the impact of the psychic bomb, and his huge figure couldn't help but retreat. When the fire light dissipated, a holy helmet sword insect and a skeleton corpse rat were already blocking his way.


The lizard leader was furious, muttering a spell, and then his body was filled with spiritual energy and rapidly expanded, turning into a nearly six-meter-long giant. Then he threw himself with the skeleton corpse rat and used the bone staff. Swing it and hit it on the head.

The Helmed Blade Insect and the Skeleton Corpse Rat jointly stopped the Lizard Leader, while the Lizard Priest on the other side cooperated with his beast master.

The giant crocodile lizard stopped in front of him, spitting out fireballs from its mouth, attacking the approaching scorpion insects and engineer insects.

The lizard priest raised his bone staff high, and then thick black clouds suddenly appeared on the entire battlefield, approaching the direction of the tree warriors.

"Old Biden, you still want to play this."

Zhu Xiong shook his flesh and cursed, and the Black Thorn Gluttony already rushed over.

The lizard warriors wanted to stop, and the spears in their hands kept coming, but the black thorn glutton was extremely fast. With his arms waving quickly, he not only stopped these spears instantly, but also shot out black spurs one after another. Kill them continuously.


The black rock bull demon pressed his big hand on the ground, and two terrifying stone pillars were instantly pulled up from the ground, crossing the entire battlefield, pushing hundreds of lizards into the air. The black thorn glutton took advantage of this rock protrusion to jump up and pounce. The place where the lizard people worship.

The giant crocodile lizard roared, then flew up and knocked down the black-thorn glutton. The two behemoths rolled together and fought on the ground with fists and fists.


The dark clouds made a rumbling sound. Although they were only more than a hundred meters high, the power contained in them was particularly powerful, and lightning condensed in them.

Zhu Xiong's heart sank. No matter what method it was, he was determined not to let Old Biden use it, otherwise it would definitely cause huge losses.

The blood-bone pig demon immediately rushed forward, its body covered with blood crystal shields, its fangs exposed, and it charged straight at the lizard-man sacrifice.

The Black Rock Bull Demon held a metal axe, and charged forward with large strides. The lizard warriors and green-scaled monitor lizards tried to block them, but he easily cut them in half with a swing of his axe.

Zhu Xiong followed closely behind, already holding the psychic blade shield in his hand. He strode forward and charged forward. With a wave of his hand, the sharp psychic blade shield hit the lizard man sacrifice directly.


The lizard man priest saw that the giant crocodile lizard could not block the apostle of the red bear, and his face suddenly became extremely cold. However, he could not turn a blind eye to this attack. His spiritual energy activated the bone staff, and then a bolt of lightning in the sky went straight to the blade shield. Come.

The powerful electric current hit the blade shield directly, knocking the blade shield away at once, breaking the offensive.

But before the lizard priest had time to be happy, the blood-bone pig demon had already arrived in front of him, only four or five meters away from each other.

He immediately wanted to repeat his old trick, using more spiritual energy to inspire Black Cloud's attack, and struck three lightning bolts at the blood-bone pig demon.

The powerful attack fell on the blood crystal shield of the blood-bone pig demon. The blood crystal shield, which withstood a large number of attacks in an instant, emitted a bright red light, and cracks appeared on the blood crystal shield.


The Lizard Priest saw this scene and showed a cruel smile, because he could see that this huge monster could not resist his attack.

He swung the bone staff faster, and the remaining two lightning bolts fell quickly, and at this moment, the blood crystal shield exploded.

However, terrifying energy was released instantly, and a huge fire shot into the sky, setting off a powerful air wave, and immediately knocked the lizard-man sacrifice away.

Zhu Xiong sneered and rushed forward. However, the blood-bone pig demon and the black rock bull demon were faster than him. They had already arrived in front of the lizard man sacrifice, bumped into him hard, and sent his bone staff flying away.

Apart from defense, the blood crystal shield's biggest feature is its explosion.

The lizard priest didn't know this, so he said, and was severely injured in an instant. Most of his body sank into the ground. The black clouds in the sky had gradually dissipated due to the interruption of the spell.


Seeing that the sacrifice was overturned, the remaining two thousand lizard men and lizard monsters under their command rioted directly, and rushed towards the apostle of Zhu Xiong desperately, trying to save their sacrifice.

However, what followed was the sound of rocket bombing.

The Tree Territory warriors had been preparing for a long time. Several rockets were fired directly at the place where the lizards were most densely populated. Fire broke out and the lizards were beaten and their limbs were thrown around.

As soon as the camp dispersed, especially the lizard monster blocking the front, there was chaos.

The opportunity for the tree warriors came immediately. They controlled the apostles to rush up quickly, and fired continuously with the psychic rifles in their hands, knocking each lizard man to the ground.


The insect warrior hidden in the crowd sent a signal, and more scorpions poured into the battlefield, exchanging injuries for injuries. The tail hooks continued to attack the lizard men and lizard monsters, injecting poison even if they died.

The Tyrant Lizard and the Lizardman Commander saw that their tribesmen were completely suppressed and almost went crazy, but there was no way to break through the interception.

With equal strength, countless scorpions swarmed into the battlefield, and every small wound was an excellent opportunity for poison injection.

Not long after, the beast-control lizard was on the verge of collapse. Ge Ming saw the opportunity, stepped forward and grabbed it hard, held down its head, and hit it hard with a knee strike.

There was a clicking sound, and the Naha lizard softened and fell to the ground. The scorpions submerged its body and continuously injected venom.

After the first one fell to the ground, Ge Ming, who quickly freed up his hands, assisted his apostles and the commanding swarm of insects to attack the other Tyrant Lizards.

One after another, in less than ten minutes, all five lizards were taken down.

The lizard leader was anxious and wanted to drive away the Skull Corpse Rats and the Helmed Blade Insects, but unexpectedly, he leaked a flaw and forgot about Gan Xinglei's existence.

Gan Xinglei has been fighting for a long time, why can't he seize this opportunity?

A ball of psychic bullets the size of a human head was condensed in his hand, and with the help of the sharp blade cut by the Holy Helm Blade Insect, it hit the chest of the lizard leader.

There was a rumbling sound, the scales exploded, and there were huge wounds. No one knew how many bones were broken.

The lizard leader flew out and fell directly into the scorpion swarm, and then nothing happened.

The tail hooks fell on the body one after another, and poison was continuously injected into the body. No matter how powerful the monster was, it could not withstand such erosion, and then it completely lost the ability to resist.

The lizard leader was taken down, and the lizard priest also lost the ability to resist.

All the third-level combat power of the Tree Territory side was released, rushing into the lizard-man regiment like wolves and tigers, and then swept all the lizard-men.

Killing and taking, half an hour later, no more lizards or monsters emerged from the cracks in the different space.

On the battlefield, all the lizard men who were still alive were imprisoned.

Zhu Xiong frowned as he looked at the blood and scales all over the ground.

"This damn guy doesn't look like a monster, that method is wrong."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a clear difference between these lizard people and monsters.

There is something wrong with the organization and the use of weapons and equipment, especially bone staffs.

"Lao Zhu, I will inform Su Han immediately. You must keep an eye on these things and apply medicine where necessary."

Gan Xinglei knew something was wrong and had already sent someone to report it, but even passing through the insect cracks would take some time.

"I didn't detect it well."

Ge Ming looked ashamed. He controlled the insect swarm to clean it up. He should have been part of the reconnaissance mission.

Zhu Xiong shook his head: "It has nothing to do with you."

There are only ten insect warriors. Even if there are more insect swarms to clean up the monsters, it is impossible to understand the situation of the entire city.

"Ge Ming, control the insect swarm to enter the crack. We need to understand the situation inside."

Search teams and patrols were cleaning up the battlefield, and began to set up security in surrounding neighborhoods.

The losses in the battle just now were not small. Dozens of people were injured or killed due to the throwing of spears. If we don't be more careful now, it will be unjustifiable if something happens again.

"Understood, the engineer bugs are ready."

Ge Ming knew about exploring the cracks. When everyone was cleaning the battlefield, the insect swarm under his command was already ready.

After receiving Zhu Xiong's order, Ge Ming's insect bones rippled slightly, and then a large number of engineer insects and scorpion insects moved, pouring into the cracks in the different space like a tide.

One after another, in just a few minutes, thousands of insects swarmed in.

The apostles Zhu Xiong, Gan Xinglei, and Ge Ming were all surrounding the crack in the different space. Behind them were the warriors from the tree domain, all holding weapons and aiming at the crack in the different space.

They are all worried that there may be a more powerful existence hidden behind this space.

Fortunately, ten minutes later, Ge Ming suddenly said: "There is no obvious loss of life. There seems to be nothing inside?"

Zhu Xiong and Gan Xinglei looked at each other after hearing this. They saw that the swarm of insects that entered the crack in the different space were retreating. As expected, nothing else happened.

"Go in?"

Gan Xinglei asked questions and looked at Zhu Xiong to let him make up his mind.

Zhu Xiong's eyes narrowed: "Jin, his grandma's alien space must be different."

The two of them combined, and then the Black Thorn Glutton and the Tree Python Tyrant entered the crack in the different space first.

Relying on the apostle's induction, the third-level apostle who entered was not attacked.

Zhu Xiong and the two received such a signal, and then strode through the cracks in the different space and entered the opposite world.

The crimson sky enveloped the entire space, which was so dark that it made people feel oppressive. They stood on the island and the land. At a glance, everything around them was scarlet, which was the sea of ​​spiritual blood like other alien spaces.

"Lao Zhu, look at that!"

Gan Xinglei was one step ahead of Zhu Xiong and scanned the island. However, when he saw the center, a look of shock immediately appeared on his face.

Looking in the direction of his finger, a dark red stone statue appeared in the field of vision.

They could only see the upper body of the stone statue, and the rest of the body was under the hillside. If the stone statue were not huge enough, about seventy or eighty meters, the hillside would have blocked all their sight.

"It looks a bit like a lizard man. Come and have a look."

Zhu Xiong and the others quickly climbed up the slope, and then the dark red stone statue was completely exposed in front of them.

The stone statue stands on a stone platform hundreds of meters wide and about 70 to 80 meters high. It is carved from dark red rock. It looks like a lizard, but more burly. It is surrounded by carving patterns that look like blood. Its eyes are scarlet. , the mouth is full of sharp teeth, which makes people feel weird.

Under the stone statues and huge stone platforms, there are houses, courtyards and tall fences made of rocks. Large tracts of different-colored plants surround the village, one after another. At first glance, they are all brown plants. .

The plant bears fruits the size of two fingers, clustered in threes and fives, hanging on the branches of the plant. It looks like a crop grown by the lizard people.

"Shake people, just shake Qilan and the others over. We can't handle this."

Zhu Xiong's voice came faintly, monsters don't know how to build villages.

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