My monster merges everything

Chapter 315 Black Sturgeon Riot

Thirty kilometers away from the outskirts of Sanjiang City, a large military camp was standing ready.

"How is the situation of Sanjiang Dam?"

"Report to the leader, the water is surging, and the black sturgeon beast has appeared."

"Damn beast"

Ma Yilin, the leader of the 81st Regiment, cursed and his expression immediately became serious: "Level 1 alert, pull all the heavy artillery to the side. Beware of monsters going crazy, and psychic exoskeleton mechas all driving past."


The entire 81st Regiment operates as fast as a huge machine. They have only one purpose, and that is to protect the Sanjiang Dam at all costs.

If the Sanjiang Dam collapses, the torrential water pouring down will turn countless downstream cities into a vast ocean.

Even if he, Ma Yilin, dies here, he cannot let the Sanjiang Dam fall.

Near the embankment of the Sanjiang Dam, hundreds of tanks have been waiting. At the same time, there are twenty psychic exoskeletons on the embankment, all equipped by second-level superiors, and three of them are third-level superior battalion commanders.

The artillery is located behind the armored position. There are thirty heavy artillery pieces. The thick barrels are larger than a human waist. In addition, there are three or four missile launch vehicles. Although the warheads equipped are not nuclear bombs, the warheads are not nuclear bombs. The huge and brand-new missile body is most likely loaded with psychic-related warheads.

There were countless howitzers, and soldiers of all kinds were armed with rocket launchers and rifles.

The 81st Regiment was already armed to the teeth, but now looking at the huge black figure rolling over the vast river, its face was extremely serious at this time.


The huge figure roared, and the waves of the river surrounded it.

This is an evolutionary species that mutated from a river sturgeon. Its scales are as black as ink, its body is as slender as a python, its back is like long and thin whiskers, and it dances like arms. Its head is ferocious with several chamfers, and its eyes are scarlet and have vertical pupils. Majestic, faintly like a dragon.

When Ma Yilin came to the battlefield, he heard the roaring to the sky, his face was not good-looking, and he had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

"The beast is hitting the banks more and more often."

The Sanjiang area is the territory recognized by the black sturgeon beast. When the armed forces choose to garrison, conflicts are inevitable. In the past, the black sturgeon beast also continued to attack, but today it seems to be particularly different.

After the Black Sturgeon roared, the opponent did not retreat. It turned around and the spiritual energy fluctuations continued to overflow. Then it set off a huge wave of thirty to forty meters in the water and attacked the bank.

"Fire artillery, bombard the waves, suppress fire."

Ma Yilin didn't hesitate at all. He drove the psychic exoskeleton and was the first to fire. The energy bombs bombarded the waves, destroying their powerful momentum.

The tank and the psychic exoskeleton mecha launched fire coverage at the same time, and a series of explosions and flames immediately appeared above the huge waves dozens of meters away.

The powerful impact destroyed the psychic energy that controlled the wave. The huge wave began to collapse, and at the same time, a smaller wave surged towards the coast.

However, the 81st Regiment already had experience in dealing with the small wave and built a large blocking slope around the embankment to block it.

The flying water waves wet the bodies of the soldiers, but no one dared to relax. The waves were often the first wave of attack.

Sure enough, the black sturgeon charged towards the shore with a dark blue shield on its body.

"Artillery Coverage"

Ma Yilin responded calmly, and the artillery attacked in the direction of the black sturgeon as if it was free of charge.

The heavy artillery roared, the exoskeleton mecha shoulder cannons continued to fire, and even the soldiers with long-range attacks released their apostles, and then launched an attack in the direction of the black sturgeon.

Cannonballs continued to fall on the Black Sturgeon, and its huge body became an excellent target, attracting more attacks.

But its shield was strong enough to block most of the attacks.

"Continue to attack. The psychic exoskeleton mecha is ready in the first gear and can be raised to the second gear at any time."

Ma Yilin's eyes were fixed on the black sturgeon beast, never relaxing for a moment. No matter how powerful the shield was, it did not have infinite energy.

Although the fourth-level evolved species are terrifying, as long as they fight hard, they will be continuously consumed.

There was a clicking sound, cracks appeared in the shield, and then the shell immediately hit the black sturgeon.

A painful roar sounded, and the Black Sturgeon gathered terrifying water balls and launched a long-range attack.

"Get away!"

Ma Yilin strode forward, and the apostle appeared next to him, a giant blue crab.

The giant crab has four claws, which are as huge as a bluestone millstone. Once the claws are blocked, a huge water flow protection layer is blocked in front of everyone.

Ma Yilin did not dare to take it lightly when the Ax Claw Crab released the shield. He almost instantly entered the second level of charging, and then controlled the psionic exoskeleton mecha to continuously bombard the water balls, weakening the power.

Even so, when the huge water ball hit the protective layer, the protective layer shattered, and the powerful impact spread toward the soldiers in the position. Several tanks were overturned, and the soldiers were knocked down by the water flow, causing heavy casualties.

Ma Yilin's heart sank, but at this time, the water surface started to roll again.

A bad premonition suddenly occurred in his heart, and when he looked closely, his expression suddenly changed drastically, because another black sturgeon emerged from the water. Its body was dark red, and its size was a bit larger than the previous one. It was also a fourth-level beast. Black sturgeon.

"Everyone, missile preparation, third-level summoning apostles, second-level and below except operators, move positions for me!"

"Urgent report! A second fourth-order black sturgeon appeared in the Sanjiang Dam. The 81st regiment refused to retreat. Captain Ma Yilin lost his arm. Thirteen second-order soldiers died and seven were seriously injured. Half of the psychic exoskeletons were damaged. The tank More than half were damaged, 432 ordinary soldiers were killed or injured, and the Black Sturgeon was temporarily defeated. Requesting immediate support."

Urgent military information was sent to Wushan City. Zhou Wentao and Qin Henghu, who were just about to set off, frowned and their faces became very ugly.

"How is Ma Yilin's condition?"

"The broken arm was destroyed by the Black Sturgeon, but the man was saved. There is no danger to his life. However, the two apostles were seriously injured and will need a long time to recover."

The soldier who reported the situation told him everything, but even his words were a bit sad.

Tier 3 is fighting to the death at Tier 4. If there are not still missiles, if there are not four Tier 3 contractors present, supplying more than ten Tier 3 combat power and twenty psychic exoskeleton mechas with full power, temporarily possessing Tier 3 With their fighting power, I'm afraid the group will really be destroyed.

"Extensive treatment, order Zhang Wenchuan of the special force, the 145th Regiment and the New 2nd Regiment to station in defense, prioritize the deployment of the past thirty psionic exoskeleton mechas, and put the nuclear bomb in place for final preparations."


The order was conveyed immediately. Qin Henghu's decision was decisive enough, but his mood was still heavy, because even if Zhang Wenchuan, the 145th Regiment, and the 2nd Recruitment Regiment were stationed, they would only gain some third-level combat power, but there would be no qualitative change.

A Level 4 can still fight and block, but when two of them cooperate with each other, the combat power they unleash is not something that can be easily measured.

As for nuclear bombs, they are a last resort, a risky means of defeating the enemy.

If the dam is destroyed, the Southwest Armed Forces' base structure with Wushan City as its core and Tangcheng and Sanjiang as its auxiliaries will be destroyed, and the situation will be completely reversed.

"Wen Tao"

Qin Henghu looked at Zhou Wentao, and Zhou Wentao immediately understood: "I understand. For the current plan, we can only ask Su Han to take action. Even if it cannot be suppressed, we should be able to force the black sturgeon beast out, and then use nuclear bombs to deal with it."

Trading, asking for help, and inviting people to come to Wushan City are no simple tasks.

Qin Henghu knew the difficulty of communication and sighed and said, "I can only leave it to you. We are just temporarily repelling them. No one knows when they will come back."

Zhou Wentao and Lone Wolf knew that the matter was urgent, so they took Yang Chaojian and immediately rushed towards Huiyuan City.

One of Yang Chaojian's apostles is a flying wing-slaughter bat, which is a bit bigger than a winged demon ghoul, so he didn't delay for too long on the way.

I hurriedly and slowly hurried along, and was attacked by monsters due to too much movement, and finally arrived at the outskirts of Huiyuan City.

"Is this Huiyuan City?"

Zhou Wentao looked at the towering city wall in front of him. He didn't know what to feel for a while, but he just felt particularly at ease, as if there would be no more monsters inside the wall.

"This is a wall built with the ability of the black rock tree monsters. They have a very large number of black rock tree monsters."

Lone Wolf made an introduction, and soon he saw a group of air cavalry approaching quickly within his field of vision.

"I am a lone wolf of the Southwest Armed Forces. Please report it."

"Captain Lone Wolf, please come with me. The lord has given instructions and we can take you there directly."

The air cavalry's reply surprised Lone Wolf a little, but the three of them immediately followed the air cavalry into the city and landed in the urn city.

Lone Wolf's eyes moved slightly. There was no such urn city two days ago, and the city wall seemed to be higher.

‘The speed of building fortifications in Shuyu is really too fast. ’

"Please come with me."

Free flying is generally not allowed in the city, except for the air cavalry, so prepare the giant vine rat as your transportation vehicle.

Zhou Wentao didn't say much. He just did what Lone Wolf did, but the shock in his eyes never subsided.

It's one thing to hear Lone Wolf describe it, but it's another thing to see it with your own eyes.

All the way to the conference room, Zhou Wentao finally saw Su Han.

Young and calm, but he felt a faint instinctive threat. This young man's strength was as terrifying as Lone Wolf said.

"Hello Lord Su Han, I am Zhou Wentao, general staff officer of the Southwest Armed Forces."

Zhou Wentao stretched out his hand to Su Han, and the two shook hands. Su Han smiled and replied: "I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

"In urgent matters, we attach great importance to our cooperation with Shuyu, and it's not just our Southwest Armed Forces that we attach great importance to."

Zhou Wentao didn't just come here for trading, so this time it was extremely direct.

But when Su Han heard this, he showed some doubts. Besides the Southwest Armed Forces, was there anyone else?

"We have agreed to the transaction conditions proposed by Lord Su before. However, we hope to provide different levels of strengthening potions and injection potions to be included in the scope of the transaction. At the same time, we will provide various psychic powers including psionic exoskeleton mechas. Weapons are traded.”

Zhou Wentao expanded the scope of the transaction, but this was exactly what Su Han wanted. The more things were traded, the more things circulated between each other, and the strength of both parties increased faster.

"That's no problem. The specific exchange ratio and transaction quantity can be left to the people below. I can also meet the corresponding transaction supporting conditions if necessary."

Su Han is already thinking about the tunnel. However, Wushan City is mountainous and watery, and it is more than a thousand kilometers away from Huiyuan City. This is much further than Linshui City. It may not be easy to reach such a passage directly, so it is best to To cross cities such as Linshui City and Minshan City, construction is not something that can be completed in a few days.

"Okay, we will send someone to meet you and bring the corresponding supplies. But now"

Zhou Wentao paused for a moment, and then said: "I have a merciless request. I want Lord Su to help me solve the problem of the Sanjiang Dam."

There was no detour, and Zhou Wentao didn't even need to exchange information such as discovering advanced evolutionary species, and asked Su Han to take action.

Even though Su Han had already said before, information about high-level monsters and evolved species could also be used as items for trade.

Su Han came and was curious: "Sanjiang Dam? Did something happen here too?"

Everyone knows about the Sanjiang Dam. According to the calculation of time, this Sanjiang Dam should be under the control of the Southwest Armed Forces.

Such an important water conservancy project, and it is so close to Wushan City, there is no reason why it would not be included in the project.

"There are two fourth-level black sturgeon beasts among the three rivers. It is speculated that they are mutated river sturgeons. They have the ability to control water, and their combat effectiveness in the water is stronger than ordinary fourth-level black sturgeons. If it is on land, nuclear bombs can be used to deal with it, but in Not near the Sanjiang Dam. If the fighting is too fierce, it is very likely to destroy the dam, and then the lower reaches of the Sanjiang River will be a vast ocean."

When Su Han heard this, his face became serious. This is not a small matter. At a large scale, it may cost the lives of tens or millions of survivors. At a small scale, Nanfang City, Hengchuan, and Shanjiang are all downstream areas. I'm afraid it will also be affected.

"Were they always there?"

"At first there was only one, and we could contain it without using nuclear bombs. But yesterday there was a sudden riot, and there was one more, and it gradually got out of control."

Zhou Wentao said in a deep voice: "The Southwest Armed Forces do not have level 4 combat effectiveness. It is too difficult to contain two level 4 monsters, so we can only ask Lord Su to take action. If Lord Su doesn't mind, you can talk to our general in person." Let’s talk about this.”

Su Han raised his eyes slightly, and finally landed on Yang Chaojian. Although he didn't show it deliberately, or even said half a sentence, the familiar mental fluctuations were difficult to conceal.

"He's the inspiration, right?"

Zhou Wentao looked surprised, and immediately his eyes lit up with joy. Since Su Han knew the inspiration, he must have his own inspiration in the tree realm.

"Yes, the tree domain also has its own inspiration?"

Su Han nodded, and then said: "In this case, you provide the contact coordinates of the Southwest Armed Forces. Let's go directly to the spiritual world to meet. It is more than a thousand kilometers away and the third-level inferior strength inspirationers should be able to communicate, right?"

This question was asked by Yang Chaojian, and the dull man replied: "I can sense our base."

"Then let's get started."

Yang Chaojian looked at Zhou Wentao, saw him nodding, and then said: "Lord Su, I will contact you in a moment, and then take you two into the senses of the spiritual world and connect with Tian Limeng."

As he spoke, spiritual energy enveloped his whole body, exuding a light purple light. Zhou Wentao had already been in contact with him, allowing spiritual energy to cover his body.

"Lord Su"

Zhou Wentao was about to ask Su Han to come with him, but Su Han just smiled slightly, the Book of Blood Spirits lit up, and then the Soul Melter talent was activated, extracting spiritual energy from the mother tank worm, and instantly established a connection with Yang Chaojian.

"I will do it myself."

Zhou Wentao:?

Yang Chaojian:? ?

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