My monster merges everything

Chapter 319 Mother Tank Worm Advances

Before meeting the lizard man, Su Han would not have been wary of this name, but it was different now.

The lizard people of the Stone Bone Tribe have the ability to cultivate and control lizard beasts. If this ability can be extended, or there are simply more advanced skills, then it will not be the current situation.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Henghu originally thought that Su Han would directly control the mother tank insect to start devouring it, but he did not expect that it would stop and show such an expression.

Su Han turned around and asked, "General Qin, have you ever seen a lizard man here?"

Qin Henghu's eyes changed slightly and his face became serious: "Is there anything wrong with this black sturgeon?"

"Lizard turned."

Su Han pointed, and Qin Henghu looked in the direction of his finger, and was surprised to find that there were many fine scales growing on both sides of the corners of the eyes and cheeks, one after another, with an inconspicuous light green color, very similar to the scales of the lizard people.

When they were in the river, they couldn't really observe this part. They only thought it was the mutation of the black sturgeon itself, but they didn't expect that it turned out to be lizard transformation.

"We have encountered a large lizard tribe attack in the space rift before. They are near the Wushan Mountains. They are extremely numerous and can control the lizard beasts to attack, causing us a lot of losses."

"and after?"

"We found that they have two fourth-level lizard men who can control certain fourth-level lizard beasts, and the sacrificial unit has reached the fourth-level medium level. It is impossible to suppress them just by relying on third-level contractors, psychic exoskeletons, and psychic missiles. So we directly used nuclear bombs to block the cracks in the different space and bombard them."

Not to mention Qin Henghu's ruthlessness, the battle between races is life and death, blocking the spring water is just trivial.

If there were no nuclear bombs, the armed forces would suffer heavy losses.

It is not unusually difficult to kill two level four lizards.

"They're not dead?"

Su Han frowned. Qin Henghu seemed to have something to say.

"I don't know what means the priest used to offset the impact of the nuclear bomb. He led many lizard people to abandon the alien space and their tribes and fled deep into Wushan without dying."

Qin Henghu can be sure that the priest and the fourth-level commander must have been seriously injured. The unexpected missiles caused a lot of damage to them. If they can bombard you continuously, even the fourth-level medium can kill you.

Or to be more precise, if the priest didn't have special psychic means, the nuclear bomb would have killed them.

"I have dispatched the 71st Regiment, the 92nd Regiment and the 1st Recruitment Regiment to establish strongholds to further guard against their comeback, but now it seems that they have still escaped."

Wushan is too big. Although it is not as continuous as the Shiwanda Mountain, the peaks are towering, the mountains are connected, and the mountains cover each other. At this time, it is shrouded in fog, like a white heavy cloth. It is impossible to enter under this condition. pursuit.

"They are testing and they are also concerned about the power of nuclear bombs."

When Qin Henghu said this, he immediately explained why such a black sturgeon suddenly appeared.

Use the fourth-level monster attack to test and force the Southwest Armed Forces to use nuclear bombs to further determine the power and limitations of this weapon, and then accumulate strength to make a comeback.

Su Han's words made Qin Henghu's face become even more gloomy. It was not a good thing to be stared at by a wise fourth-level man.

"Fourth level"

He muttered in a low voice that for the current plan, the only way to break the situation is to break through the fourth level as soon as possible.

In the past, only the scientific research strength of their armed forces had a different focus. Now if the tree domain is added, then at least the hope is greater.

After asking about the lizard transformation, Su Han had no other worries and directly ordered the mother tank insect to start merging.

Lizardmen are indeed powerful. They form upper and lower levels of race with tribes and different spaces. The entire race even spreads across the Great Blood Sea.

But now it's just a tribe that's causing trouble behind the scenes, so that's different.

The mother tanworm fused quickly, and its tentacles almost covered both black sturgeons. The spreading blood threads continuously penetrated into their bodies, and then fused their body tissues little by little.

The black sturgeons tried to struggle, but they could do nothing but moan softly.

Qin Henghu and the others noticed this situation and thought: Sure enough, his apostle can be devoured, no wonder it is so powerful.

When Qin Henghu saw what Su Han was doing, he did not delay other matters, and immediately conveyed the order, asking the logistics troops and armed forces of Sanjiang City to transport a large number of monster corpses here to prepare for the mother tank worm.

Although Sanjiang City does not have more battles than Wushan City, there are also three different space cracks in the city and a large number of monsters around it.

After years of cleaning up, the number of monster corpses that have not been cremated into fertilizer in the city is about 120,000, which is also a large number.

After Qin Henghu's order was conveyed, more than an hour later, heavy trucks loaded with monster corpses began to be transported here, and the monster corpses were dumped directly and piled up into hills.

On the same day, Qin Henghu and Su Han did not go back, but stayed in Sanjiang City. They only passed the news about the black sturgeon beast back to others.

Ma Yilin shamelessly left the two of them behind and wanted to entertain them with wine.

The mother tanworm wanted to fuse, but Ma Yilin refused to let go. He was also a wounded person, so he had no choice but to stay.

The food and drinks are not rich, mostly peanuts. Of course, there are also dishes made by evolved species, fried by the troops and colored with sugar.

The generals of the three corps came, and the cleaned bottles of Moutai were placed on the table.

There was a lot of people drinking and drinking, and it was so lively.

Even the injured Qin Henghu ordered him not to drink several times, but he couldn't stop them from drinking one cup after another.

Is it rude?

Facing two 780-meter-high 4th-level monsters with level 3 strength, he is precariously worried about monster attacks every day. Every day he sees his subordinates and comrades dying. Every day he has to worry about the collapse of the Sanjiang Dam and the death of hundreds of thousands of people. What about the millions of survivors?

Under such pressure, even if they were a group of soldiers with steely determination, they would inevitably feel horribly depressed.

Now that I'm finally feeling a lot more relaxed, how could I not vent?

The person who drank the most was none other than the injured Ma Yilin.

He was holding a wine glass in one hand, swinging his empty sleeve in the other hand, his neck was red, and the wine in the wine glass spilled out due to his shaking body.

He kept mumbling, "I told them to retreat, move them all away, and move to Wushan City next door, where it is safe... Damn they are all stubborn, why is Sanjiang their home, we will live and die together, I need you to live and die together?... I'm guarding... I'm guarding to prevent the Sanjiang Dam from collapsing... That's my home... my home!" "Thank you, Lord Su, thank you... My life, Ma Yilin, is yours... No... it belongs to the country first... …and then I can give it to you…”

The conversation was incomprehensible while drinking. Qin Henghu asked the guards to throw this shameful bastard back to the temporary hospital to calm him down.

After three drinks, the party gradually ended. Qin Henghu, who had not drunk much, found Su Han and gave Su Han a crumpled cigarette.

Su Han didn't ask for it, so the old man nodded silently.

"Ma Yilin is an immigrant from Sanjiang."

Qin Henghu smoked a cigarette and blew out the smoke: "His home is near the dam. When the water comes up, his village will be the first to be flooded. The gangster became a soldier back then, and he mobilized the whole village Moved away. After serving as a soldier for so many years, he always rushes ahead when something happens. When it comes to Sanjiang City, he never retreats even a step, resisting earthquakes and snowstorms. As long as he is here, he will defend his home for a day, but this time he broke the rules. Hands, I feel uncomfortable."

As a general and a third-level contractor, Ma Yilin would not have been able to reach this level if he had not drunk himself crazily.

Who doesn't know that he is suffering in his heart?

But so what? A hand was broken. Although the apostle was still there, everyone knew that it would take a long time to recover.

"How many casualties were there during the defense of Sanjiang Dam this time?"

"723 soldiers died, 1,323 were injured, and 214 of them were disabled."

Qin Henghu remembered every number and looked deeply: "I will arrange them well. The armed forces are so big, there will always be a place suitable for them. I will take care of them every day."

They are not deserters who are afraid of death, but injured soldiers who are protecting the base. It is the responsibility of the armed forces to protect them.

"I can reattach their severed limbs, but it may be a little different from normal people."

Su Han's eyes moved slightly and he slowly said this.


The cigarette in Qin Henghu's hand fell to the ground, and he stared into Su Han's eyes: "Are you serious?"

"Alloplastic transformation, the residual limbs are replaced with insect limbs that look like human hands and feet. The structure of the hands and feet is the same as that of humans, but they are essentially special tissues, but they can move normally."

Su Han raised his eyes slightly and said slowly: "You can think of it as a special prosthetic limb."

"Good stuff, good stuff."

Qin Henghu's eyes suddenly turned red and his shoulders hunched slightly. The Southwest Armed Forces could capture three cities and establish a joint base so quickly. How many soldiers were injured and disabled?

Even if a broken arm is not reborn, prosthetic limbs are a new path.

"Lord Su, please set a price. Please be sure to include this insect limb project in our transaction, please."

Qin Henghu's tone was extremely sincere. This was no longer just a transaction, but represented the new life of many warriors.

"I will explain. The exchange price will not be too high, but you have to make sure that the person who installs the insect limbs is worth it."

"I guarantee it with my life."

Qin Henghu was categorical, his body was as straight as a pine and cypress, and he spoke loudly.

In three days, the mother tank worm completed the living fusion of the two black sturgeons. Although it was somewhat lizard-like, it was still essentially a black sturgeon, so the two were of the same substance.

The fusion progress of Black Sturgeon has reached 63%. The progress is not low, but it has not reached the completion progress.

However, monster corpses from the entire Sanjiang area are being transported continuously, with the total number reaching 340,000 monster corpses.

It can be said that Qin Henghu fully supported Su Han's request.

There will be more monster corpses left in Wushan City and Tangcheng. Qin Henghu had originally ordered to mobilize them, but Su Han stopped them.

Because after the living body fusion is completed, and the monster corpses here are used as materials, he can directly take the mother tank insect back to Wushan City without a lot of trouble.

After another two days of this, under the terrifying fusion speed of the mother tank insect, the fusion progress of the black sturgeon reached 91%.

Five days later, Sanjiang City was on the right track. The 2nd Regiment and the 81st Regiment were transferred. Liu Wenchuan officially took over as city defense and was in charge of everything in Sanjiang City.

The Sanjiang Dam has been overhauled, and the damaged units are being repaired. If there is structural damage, it will be repaired immediately. The transaction with Shuyu has been expedited, and the Black Rock Tree Monster must be put on the agenda.

In a few days, when the Sanjiang Dam is repaired and resumed, the power supply at the Wushan base will become very sufficient, and such energy can be used not only for industrial production.

If used properly, it may be transformed into something related to the psychic side and become a powerful driving force for development.

But this depends on the strength of Wushan City’s scientific researchers.

During the five days that Su Han left, Yan Meiyu and Bai Qiuwen were not idle. The former, in contact with Zhou Wentao, roughly determined the share and proportion of the transaction, and even the transaction method also worked out the tunnel construction plan. matter.

Although more than a thousand kilometers is long, Linshui City, Minshan City, and Xiajiang City are all under the control of the Southwest Armed Forces. If the three cities are key nodes, each section of the tunnel will only be 200 to 300 kilometers long at most.

This is an acceptable distance, and the Tunnel Worm can indeed do it.

As for tunnel reinforcement, which is a larger project than tunnel excavation, Zhou Wentao said that a large number of engineers, logistics teams, and infrastructure teams can be dispatched to be responsible for the initial reinforcement and material preparation to facilitate the entry of Shuyu's construction team. Reinforcement.

Moreover, after the Black Rock Tree Monster was traded in the early stage, the Southwest Armed Forces infrastructure team that owns the Black Rock Tree Monster will invest in tunnel reinforcement as soon as possible.

In other words, the basic transaction tone between the two parties has been completed.

Su Han and Qin Henghu came back. Although they added a temporary project, it was harmless.

Bai Qiuwen was three times busier than Yan Meiyu. Whether it was a symposium, afternoon tea, or morning tea, he almost never came out of the research center.

Both the Southwest Armed Forces and the Tree Territory are full of curiosity about each other's research direction, so the amount of information exchanged is particularly huge. If Mr. Bai Qiuwen was not a third-level contractor, he might not be able to bear it.

However, the intensity of the exchange also allowed him to gain a lot, at least he had more ideas in research on breeding mechas and pharmaceuticals.

Although Zhao Yaqian came as a guard, she experienced almost all the existing psionic heavy cannons, psionic exoskeleton mechas, psionic shoulder-mounted launchers, etc. in the process of dealing with Lone Wolf and Xiao Zishan. After getting to know the basics of psychic equipment once and for all, after the transaction, she must be the one who gets started the fastest.

And these skills can be passed on to the warriors in the tree realm.

Here in Wushan City, preparations were made for monster corpses before Su Han came back. A full 400,000 monster corpses were piled together like a mountain of corpses.

Su Han was not polite when he saw it, and directly released the mother tank worm to start further integration.

After another three days of this, nearly 10 monster corpses were fused, and the final fusion puzzle was finally put together.

[100% fusion of the black sturgeon is completed, the mother tank insect is advanced to the fourth level, and the skills obtained are: LV1 swimming tentacle mother, and the skills are advanced: LV3 insect quality, LV3 insect nest]

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