My monster merges everything

Chapter 322 Li Wenyuan’s formal invitation

In the spiritual world, everything around him faded away, leaving only black surrounding Su Han.

And at one end of this spiritual world, a thin figure appeared there.

Su Han looked intently and blurted out: "Chairman?"

"Haha, is this what you young people call me?"

A hearty voice came, and Li Wenyuan showed a kind smile on his face, and his eyes fell on Su Han.

Su Han smiled awkwardly, and then said seriously: "Mr. Li, I didn't expect it was you."

Of course he knew Li Wenyuan and Su Han, but what he didn't expect was that he would take the initiative to contact him.

"I originally wanted to contact Lao Qin, but unexpectedly I sensed a more powerful aura. I guessed it was you."

Li Wenyuan said with a smile: "The old man made his own decision. If I want to see a young man like you, please don't bother me."

"How could that happen?" Su Han shook his head: "Mr. Li, you should be the one General Qin mentioned to give me the meeting gift, right?"

"Yes," Li Wenyuan nodded: "He told me at the beginning that it is not easy for you to pull up a force that is not weaker than the Armed Military Region at a young age. I am far away in Fenglu, three or four thousand kilometers away, and I want to see it with my own eyes. Seeing the difficulty, I can only give you some small gifts, hoping to provide you with some help, but now it seems that this gift is indeed too light."

Qin Henghu has always been in contact with Li Wenyuan, so Su Han's situation in the past few days has also been discussed.

The more he heard about Su Han, the more curious Li Wenyuan became about this young man.

"Old Qin brought you to see the Star Torch. Are you finished with the apostle's work? Is there anything you want to know about the Star Torch?"

Su Han and Li Wenyuan are both at the fourth level of strength, and Su Han's fourth level spiritual energy is greater, and the connection established between the two is more stable, which also makes Li Wenyuan more calm and less urgent than before.

"The lamp tree and the tree body are infused with psychic metal. These General Qin have handed over the information to me, but the inscriptions on it are not very detailed, and I am more curious about the situation of the undead."

Su Han bluntly said that among the information handed over to him by the Southwest Armed Forces, there was indeed no problem with the inscriptions such as the Immortal Script and could be used.

But the more detailed parts are not.

"Don't blame them, that's all I told Lao Qin."

Li Wenyuan shook his head slightly, and then said: "To talk about immortality, we must first talk about the two different space cracks that came to the Fenglu area before and after the second tide."


Su Han's expression changed slightly. It was obvious that the two different space cracks in Li Wenyuan's words were not ownerless, but undead.

"Are they all undead?"

"Yes, the leaders of two large undead territories are both level four monsters."

Li Wenyuan spoke slowly, with a hint of depression in his eyes. Many people died in the original battle.

"The so-called undead are the names we gave them. They are a race composed of skeletons, corpses, and undead. They are very similar to the evil creatures mentioned in our fantasy novels and fantasy novels. Of course, they are not incapable of doing so. The ones that were eliminated were just a little weirder than the mutated monsters after the apocalypse."

Seeing that Su Han was interested in the undead, Li Wenyuan slowly explained. With a thought, his spiritual energy transformed into the appearance of the undead.

A tall skeleton holding a bone blade in its hand, with red light shining in its empty eyes; a corpse whose belly is mostly rotten, with rotten flesh and blood but is constantly squirming; a slender hollow body like a shadow

"The most common ones are skeletons and rotten corpses. Different shapes generally give them different strengths, but they are easier to deal with. Fire strikes can destroy their bodies. Even if they don't feel any pain, they can still be physically destroyed."

"You mean the undead can't do it?"

"It's possible, but according to the Academy of Sciences, what destroys them is not just a physical blow, but the high temperature, shock wave and other energy generated by the instant explosion destroys the spiritual energy of the undead, thereby causing damage. A simple blow is very harmful to the undead. , it’s not that serious. The root of all their power is the power of the undead, a kind of spiritual power that is decayed, full of death, and capable of infection and transmission, leaning towards the side of spiritual energy.”

Li Wenyuan explained: "If it is an attack with spiritual energy, especially spiritual energy, it will be more effective. High-level undead have a very high level of intelligence and can master the undead script. There is information about the use of transformed spiritual energy by the undead. It's a technique, but it's difficult to understand, and it's somewhat dangerous. The Academy of Sciences once used undead script to transform spiritual energy, infused it into a monster's corpse, and infected an undead monster."

Su Han felt a little pained to hear that monster corpses could turn into undead. How could Fenglu Base win against them?

You know, if the monster corpses have not been cleaned up when they arrive, there will probably be millions of monster corpses. If they are all infected and transformed into the undead,

Seemingly seeing what Su Han was thinking, Li Wenyuan said: "Transformation should require the corpse to retain a certain degree of psychic or spiritual energy. If it has been dead for too long, the undead can only use their flesh and blood. It’s just bone strengthening itself. And even if the transformation is successful, there won’t be many high-level undead. We still have nuclear bombs to deal with them.”

Li Wenyuan said it easily, but things like nuclear bombs washing the land look like an amplified move.

"I checked with Lao Qin and found that the lizard people have more psychic inscriptions than the undead, and are closer to our human civilization's understanding of energy use. As for the undead's inscriptions, only four inscriptions have been analyzed. Energy storage, defense, attack and psychic imprinting.”

Li Wenyuan casually carved four cold inscriptions, like blue flames beating.

He carved very slowly. During the carving and spiritual infusion, Su Han was keenly aware of the slow infusion of spiritual energy, and then the inscription was gradually activated.

Li Wenyuan was handing him the inscription that he had deciphered.

"These four inscriptions should only be used for basic purposes, not advanced immortal inscriptions, but they are enough for us. However, you should also feel the danger of it. If you do not have a certain mental strength and use it excessively, it may Will become a degenerate.”

Li Wenyuan looked serious. The inscriptions of the undead were certainly powerful. When he suppressed the bone demon, the giant bone scythe in his hand and the hundred-meter bone beast beneath him were inscribed with these undead inscriptions.

The majestic power almost destroyed hundreds of tanks in one blow, and even missile attacks were ineffective, which shows how powerful it is.

If it weren't for this ever-present force of death that even the Academy of Sciences couldn't eliminate, I'm afraid it would have been popularized long ago.

The weapons and equipment now made with it also have certain requirements for users. Most of them can only be used at level 2 or above. Depending on the number of inscriptions, there will be more requirements.

"Thank you, Mr. Li."

Su Han's tone was sincere, and Li Wenyuan selflessly gave him such an inscription, which is worthy of his affection.

"No need to thank me. If you don't have such huge spiritual energy, maybe I won't teach you easily."

The deeper the research, the more likely it is to touch upon the higher-level power behind the undead.

If he didn't have enough strength to resist and rashly let him go, he would be harming Su Han instead of helping him.

"The undead tribe in Fenglu Base, the lizard tribe in your south, the alien demon tribe in Kakta Base in the northwest, the vine demons and sea beasts in the East China Sea Base. Almost all bases have encountered attacks from different races. If we don't resist with all our strength, I'm afraid that... When the earth is swallowed by that other world, our human race will become a race wandering in the other world and lingering, not even qualified to survive."

Li Wenyuan's eyes were downcast, but Su Han's face was condensed: "Mr. Li, this your speculation?"

"It's the speculation of Academician Long Xingyuan of the Academy of Sciences."

The collision of two worlds is like two big ships colliding with each other. If no one can avoid it, one will eventually break and sink.

For the earth, it is not even qualified to be called a big ship.

Li Wenyuan's deep and low eyes moved slightly, as if he had not finished speaking. He just said: "Only by resisting with all our strength and gaining enough power to stand in that world can we survive. There is one thing, old man Qin should have mentioned it to you, but I would like to formally invite you once again to join the Star Torch Project and become one of the Star Torch Masters to protect more survivors."

"Wherever I can, I do my duty."

Su Han did not hesitate at all, and once again categorically agreed, not only for the sake of the human race, but also for himself. If the earth will eventually be swallowed by that world, then he must accumulate enough strength to protect more survivors, and then survive in the sea of ​​blood. Get a foothold.

"I will first light the star torches at Fenglu Base as an experiment. If everything goes well, you will light the star torches one after another until the star torches in the five armed military districts are lit, as well as the star torches on your side. The first stage will be considered If we succeed, as long as we can communicate with each other, there is hope.”

“Not just communicating with each other.”

Su Han's eyes moved slightly and he looked up at Li Wenyuan.

Li Wenyuan was surprised by Su Han's words and asked doubtfully: "Do you have a different opinion?"

"General Qin said that the lizard people did not know what means they used to resist the nuclear bomb attack. Mr. Li should know about this."

"Well, he told me about this."

"Actually, I can roughly guess what it is."

Li Wenyuan looked at Su Han in surprise: "You know?"

"My people completely captured a lizard tribe, captured their priests and tribal leaders alive, and discovered their altar."

Su Han reciprocated the favor and revealed more information to Li Wenyuan: "Each tribe of the lizard people should enshrine a sculpture of the lizard god, which stores their accumulated power. If it explodes, it will be no less than a fourth-level superior or even a pseudo-five." level."

Li Wenyuan's expression changed. If this sculpture has such power, then Qin Henghu is really lucky. Otherwise, if it is used on the battlefield, it may cause many casualties.

"you mean?"

"If the energy of the Star Torch can communicate with each other to a certain extent, maybe we can add a little more ability. We have memorized the lizard text on the statue. If the power of the Star Torch can be enhanced, it will be better to deal with threats from different spaces. Easy, after all, nuclear bombs cannot be used at any time, and there is a blood sea demon equivalent to the fifth level in the psychic blood sea."

Li Wenyuan looked at Su Han in shock. He had experienced many storms in his life, but the news about Su Han still shocked him.

Are there level five monsters in the Blood Sea?

Then each of their cities has several different space cracks. Doesn't it mean that they are all a huge threat?

Are they all keeping warm on the crater?

Su Han had been planning to tell Qin Henghu the news, but now Li Wenyuan's appearance was too coincidental, and telling him would be more useful.

He did not hide anything and said: "The psionic blood sea is a gathering of chaotic spiritual energy, various wills, emotions and even soul power. It itself breeds a whole will. You should be aware of it to some extent."

"The Academy of Sciences has reported that the psychic blood sea will respond to stimulation to varying degrees, but we have always controlled it within a certain range and did not overly stimulate the psychic blood sea."

Even if Li Wenyuan's strength reaches the fourth level in Fenglu Base, they will not risk stimulating the psychic blood sea like Su Han, or even spy on the boundary of the barrier.

They knew about the existence of the Great Blood Sea through other means, so they were missing some key information.

Originally, if Qin Henghu had a way to capture the priests of the Croxi tribe alive, he might be able to extract more information.

It's just that they didn't. As for the undead, it would be good to be able to resist. Do you still want to capture them alive?

"The blood sea demon will continue to take shape as the spiritual blood sea gestates, and it may come. At that time, it will lead the blood sea creatures into the world, continue to wreak havoc, and plunder everything. Maybe nuclear bombs are useful to it, but The greater possibility is that it can only be defeated but cannot be killed, because the soul is immortal and the blood sea space lasts forever, so it can continue to revive."

Li Wenyuan's face was extremely serious, and he was thinking about how they would deal with such a situation in Fenglu Base.

The best way seems to be to isolate the crack in the different space and not allow people to get close. Even if the army is stationed, it must be able to evacuate quickly.

Then use nuclear bombs to attack to ensure that the range will not expand.

No matter how you conceive, it takes time, and it cannot be reborn instantly.

However, before he could finish thinking, he was interrupted by Su Han's words.

"But the Blood Sea Demon is also an opportunity. I asked from the priest of the lizard tribe that if you can kill the Blood Sea Demon, fuse its power, and control the authority of the Blood Sea space, you can become a demon and have the same power as the Blood Sea Demon. An ability similar to that of the Blood Sea Demon is also the threshold for entering that world."

"Ascended to Demon?"

Li Wenyuan repeated this word repeatedly, his face full of emotion. Every time he thought he would give Su Han more help and gifts, but Su Han gave him an even bigger surprise.

"The news you gave is so important."

Li Wenyuan was extremely sincere and even wanted to bow to Su Han, but fortunately Su Han stopped him immediately.

"Mr. Li, just bow and pass."

He said seriously: "So I want the star torch here in Wushan City to be lit first, which can be regarded as an experiment. To light the star torch, you need to inject enough spiritual energy. I heard General Qin said that you have been overusing your abilities. If you want I'm afraid lighting the star torch will put a lot of burden on you, so why not come here first."

He showed a kind smile. Li Wenyuan was startled, but also laughed, and said jokingly: "Then the first Star Torch Master of the human race will let you come."

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