My monster merges everything

Chapter 331 Black Beetle Breeding Equipment

In the factory on the outskirts of Hengchuan City, fog shrouded a large area of ​​land, and the towering walls were looming in the fog, showing a bit of desolation.

The plants had long since died under the fog, and there were only a few dead tree trunks standing around the factory area.


The roar of vehicles came, along with the sound of approaching vehicles and the dull and neat sound of kicking.

A convoy of about five hundred people quickly entered the periphery of the factory, and heavy armored vehicles immediately occupied key positions, vaguely surrounding the large factory building.

The combatants from the tree domain in the car quickly came down, holding psychic rifles in their hands and equipped with spiritual blade daggers at their waists. Their movements were extremely fast and crisp.

Zhu Xiong and Gao Mingwei came up from the command armored vehicle, followed by several researchers. They were all dressed in combat uniforms, but their movements were far less agile than those on the patrol.

"According to the information obtained by the air cavalry and patrols, the remaining fallen ones in Hengchuan City are gathered here. It is conservatively estimated that there are three third-level ones."

Zhu Xiong summoned his three apostles while talking about the information. As soon as the tall figure appeared, he immediately summoned his three apostles.

The black thorn glutton has a more condensed figure, with ferocious and tight horny skin. On its huge arms, the black thorns float like living creatures, making people feel creepy when they look at it.

The Black Rock Bull Demon stood aside. His height had skyrocketed to nearly ten meters. His burly body looked like it was made of fine iron. He was covered with thick metal armor. In his hand was a double-edged ax made of fourth-order Titan alloy. , heavy and sharp.

The last apostle is a blood-bone pig demon, with ferocious bone spurs and exposed fangs. Its stature is comparable to that of the black rock bull demon, and its bloody aura can be vaguely felt.

During the half month that Su Han went to Wushan City, the high-level officials of the territory were not idle, and their strength had improved greatly during the battle.

Zhu Xiong has now entered the third level of advanced level. Although it is only the first time, his strength has still been greatly improved.

"Commander Zhu, according to the plan before we came here, let the soldiers equipped with black beetle breeding equipment take the lead this time?"

"Okay, the Bug Team takes action."

Following Zhu Xiong's order, a team composed of second-level contractors quickly stepped forward. They did not wear heavy plate armor, but had jet black horn armor attached to their backs, wrists, calves, etc.

As Zhu Xiong gave the order, they immediately activated the colonial armor on their bodies, and the psychic energy wave came. The spine armor, hand armor, and leg armor immediately changed rapidly, growing like flesh and blood, covering their entire bodies in an instant.

The entire team of thirty people immediately turned into tall warriors wearing armor. They were about two and a half meters tall. They were all pitch black and glowed with armor. Their heads were also covered by colonial armor, revealing a pair of compound eyes. bionic organs.

"start to act."

They were so skilled that they didn't even summon the apostles in order to test the black beetle breeding equipment. They jumped up and quickly approached the factory wall.

Every warrior wearing a black beetle suit moves very fast. Although they cannot fly, they can easily jump five to six meters in one step, and they are not at full strength.

The factory, which was only two to three hundred meters away, was able to reach the top of the wall in just a blink of an eye. The city wall jumped over and landed inside.

The reason why they are so proficient is that they have been tested in the research center for several rounds in advance.

Each set of black beetle insect breeding equipment, in addition to the theoretical basic defense strength of the insect beetle material, also has two different overall amplification states.

Normal increase, the overall psychic energy, strength, speed, etc. increase by about 20 to 30%. It relies on the bluestone core and its own energy activation as the energy source of the black beetle breeding mecha, so that the user can obtain more powerful power.

Under this normal increase, the black beetle's defense will be further improved, and its material strength will be improved.

The other state is overclocking, which activates the built-in high-level mineral crystal fruit to obtain a stronger increase with more powerful energy. The intensity of the increase is determined by the energy level of the mineral crystal fruit and the user's physical strength. This is also the focus of this test. .

Only the most reasonable data can determine the energy core ratio of the Black Beetle.

"Commander Zhu, let's follow him quickly, we can't see him anymore."

Gao Weiming was a little anxious, while Zhu Xiong glanced at the other search team members who had surrounded the factory area.

Zhao Yimin nodded and said: "The arrangements have been completed, they can't run away."

The four psionic exoskeleton mechas brought have landed in four directions, and are surrounded by armored vehicles and search team contractors.

As Zhu Xiong's deputy, Zhao Yimin's strength has reached the third level, and the three apostles have also been deployed separately.

Even if the strength of the fallen within reaches the third level, it is enough to withstand the delay.

"Call around."

Zhu Xiong ordered to follow, and the entire team quickly stepped forward. He led Gao Weiming and other scientific researchers to approach directly, climbed over the wall, and entered the huge factory.

The fog was so thick that only some dead trees and abandoned cars could be vaguely seen in the open space inside the factory. The buildings in the distance were not clearly visible, only black shadows.

However, the blood stains on the nearby ground were very obvious. The broken corpse of the monster was thrown on the ground, and the marks of the biting teeth were clearly visible.

"They are really mouthy."

When Zhu Xiong saw this scene, he knew that it was probably the work of a fallen person.

This was a group of degenerates who were chased all the way by Zhu Xiong and the others. The search team kept closing tight and tightening the encirclement, and then they were trapped in this factory.

There are no survivors in the factory, only monsters. Fighting against the third-level fallen here will obviously cause the least damage.

It can even meet the needs of research centers for testing equipment.


A low roar came, not as loud as the monster's, but a bit sharp. Zhu Xiong and the others' eyes narrowed: "They were discovered over at the main building."

Zhao Yimin immediately understood and ordered the search team soldiers around him: "Throw the crystal of the ancient tree."


After the soldiers responded, some of them immediately threw the ancient tree crystals they carried with them, and the fog was quickly dispelled.

A few warriors took off the launchers on their backs, loaded the Ancient Tree Crystal into them, and then fired farther away.

With a few muffled bangs, the ancient tree crystal was thrown hundreds of meters away, and the fog further away was also dispersed.

About two hundred meters in front of the main building of the factory, a large number of Fallen were rapidly approaching Du Quanhui's insect beetle team and began to besiege them.

Behind them, there were already more than a dozen corpses of fallen people scattered everywhere. Some had mutated limbs, some had mutated torsos and heads, but without exception, they all had their necks broken and impaled in an instant. Head.

This was the work of Du Quanhui and the others, who quietly sneaked into the factory and killed the sentry and wandering low-level degenerates.

But when he was about to approach the main building, he was discovered by some fallen people.

"What the hell are you?!"

A sharp roar came from the mouth of a fallen person who was leading the siege. His arms had mutated, his bones were thick and twisted, and his fingers and claws were sharp, as if they were the claws of a demon.

"You have no right to ask about something that abandons human identity."

Du Quanhui cursed coldly, rushed forward quickly, and hit the fallen man directly with his huge fist.

There was a muffled bang, and it flew away, causing a large dent in the sternum.


The remaining apostle controlled by the Fallen rushed over directly, trying to knock Du Quanhui down.

However, Du Quanhui's perception was extremely sharp under the black beetle breeding suit, and he immediately jumped away from the place. The black beetle armor on his left arm squirmed, condensing a spiritual beam, and bombarded the second-level apostle. .

The popping sound directly penetrated its body, causing it to collapse.

"Damn it!"

The stinging pain made the Fallen extremely crazy. He rushed forward and let out an even sharper roar.

The sound of broken windows kept ringing, and more Fallen ones rushed out, with hundreds of Fallen ones surrounding the entire Bug Armor team.

Du Quanhui just watched with cold eyes. Even the other members of the Insect Armor Team did not panic at all, and did not even plan to summon his apostles.

They all know that this fallen person is not excited because he has feelings for the apostle. On the contrary, the most common way among the fallen people to become stronger is for the apostle to eat himself.

The apostle has a special connection with the contractor. Devouring the apostle can indeed gain stronger power. Although the cost is mutation, the fallen person does not care at all if it can gain a jump in life.

The apostle just now is already at the second level. If he is given another period of time to devour this apostle, he may be able to break through to the third level.

"Kill them, or none of them will escape!"

Crazy calls rang out among the Fallen, and the fog faded, allowing the Fallen to see clearly the search team that was advancing steadily.

They have been driven here from Huiyuan City, and now they are still pressing forward step by step. The hopelessness of escaping has made them almost crazy.

So, with the apostles summoning the apostles, the fallen ones without the apostles rushed towards the insect team even more fiercely.

The number of besieging Fallen and monsters instantly increased to more than two hundred. The roars and the ferocious figures of the Fallen almost drowned the insect team.

There are not a few fallen people with second-level strength who can survive to this day, almost twice as strong as the Insect Armor Team.

"Sniper ready."

Zhao Yimin ordered back-up preparations, but Du Quanhui had already shouted: "Brothers, kill!"

The insect team's claws grew slightly and became sharper, and then they rushed directly towards the fallen ones surrounding them.

There is no fear or timidity, but instead a sense of excitement.

As the first batch of testers of the Black Beetle Breeding Armor, their love and enthusiasm for this armor almost surpassed that of the researchers.

As a man, no one can refuse such a flesh-and-blood mecha, let alone the search team members who are fighting on the front line.

The warriors wearing black beetle breeding uniforms activated their normal functions. The bluestones hidden in the spine armor, hand armor, and leg armor glowed slightly, and a thin protective layer appeared on the black beetle breeding suits.

This is a skill brought by bluestone, derived from the skill of the bluestone giant bull.

Every warrior almost gave up defense and attacked mercilessly. The sharp claws clawed at the bodies of the fallen, and the hand cannon on their left arm pressed against their heads to continuously attack. Each head was smashed like a watermelon, and the limbs It was torn apart like a hand-shredded chicken.

There were more attacks falling on the Black Beetle warriors than they launched. As the attacks fell, what was left to the fallen was an even more desperate situation.

The energy shield blocked most of their attacks, and during the moment of neutrality in the attack, the Fallen encountered sharp claws and died in the hands of the Black Beetle Warrior.

Even if the attack broke the energy shield, the completely weakened attack landed on the insect beetle body, only making a clanging sound, and not even a white seal could be left behind.

The defense power of a simple black beetle's reproductive equipment is already higher than that of ordinary metal, which is why the research center calls it a black beetle.

In less than two minutes, two hundred fallen people and monsters were slaughtered, the ground was stained red with blood, and limbs were everywhere.

"Well done, that's what you wanted."

Gao Mingwei watched the battle, his eyes shining while recording the data, and he did not feel sick at all because of the bloody battle scene.

He is also a warrior. Although he is not at the lower level of the third level, he has reached the upper level of the second level based on his contribution to research and exchange. He has more or less combat experience, so he can naturally accept such a scene.

Right now, he was most concerned about the power of the Black Beetle Breeding Equipment.

"The defense is up to standard, and the small long-range attack is not satisfactory. It can be used as a basic model and extended to the entire tree domain army."

Listening to Gao Mingwei's muttering, Zhu Xiong kept scanning the entire factory area, and finally narrowed his eyes and landed on the farthest factory building, which until now was the only place where there was no movement.

"Old Zhao, pull out the heavy artillery and blast it there."

Zhu Xiong whispered to Zhao Yimin. Zhao Yimin understood and waved to his men to turn the direction of the two heavy cannons and align the muzzles of the four psychic exoskeleton mechas.


Zhu Xiong waved his hand, the sound of cannons rumbled, and energy bombs and psychic cannonballs landed directly in the direction of the factory.

A violent explosion sounded, and the entire factory was directly destroyed by the horrific explosion, and smoke and dust enveloped almost everything.


An angry roar sounded, and a monster nearly five meters tall, with muscles bulging and bulging like sarcoma on its body, and tiny tentacles writhing on it, rushed out and rushed towards the search team's defensive boundary.

He was wounded, and he was the one who was hit the hardest by the heavy artillery just now.

After it rushed out, two other figures also struggled to crawl out from the ground, rushing in all directions, trying to escape from here.

On the ground, a newly dug hole was placed there. Just now, these three third-level degenerates wanted to dig a hole from here to escape.

"Stop them!"

The tree domain troops have not dealt with high-level monsters once or twice. Although there is a gap in strength, as long as they are well prepared, they will naturally not be too panicked.


In the direction of the interception, several armored vehicles suddenly shot out several large metal nets, which opened very quickly and directly enveloped the first fallen person with tentacles.

Damn it!

When the Tentacled Fallen saw the metal net coming, his scarlet eyes focused, and then he waved his huge tentacle, and the blade immediately appeared at the edge, and then slashed down hard.

With his strength, can the metal mesh still control him? !

He sneered in his heart. As long as he broke through the defense, he didn't believe he could be blocked by people from the tree domain again.


The clear sound brought the Tentacled Fallen back to his senses. The blade did not cut off the metal net, but only interrupted its incoming force, but then another big net came and fell on him.

not good!

The big net covered it, and he struggled to tear it, but the knots in the net were all barbed. The pull became more and more embedded in his body, causing inexplicable pain.

The other two Fallen were a little slower and escaped the net, but the psionic exoskeleton mechas had already surrounded them. Four of them surrounded one. Before the mechas arrived, the psionic cannons had already started bombarding them.

Zhu Xiong strode forward at this time and quickly approached the three third-level fallen ones: "One for the insect armor team, one for the psychic exoskeleton mecha, and give me the remaining one."

The Insect Team must test, and the psionic exoskeleton lightly modified with Titanium alloy and lapis lazuli must also be tested. This is the ultimate goal.

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