My monster merges everything

Chapter 339 Blood Sea Ancestral Tree

The vines penetrated the body of the Blood Sea Demon, and then countless tiny blood threads began to intertwine with the tissues of its body, merging it bit by bit.

The Blood Sea Demon was not dead at this time and still wanted to resist, but was faced with the seal and suppression of the Blood Thunder Spear.

There are also countless tree patterns and spiritual seals on the vines of the Nine Snake Mother Tree, completely cutting off the possibility of its resistance.

Su Han had been preparing for this battle for a month.

All the preparations are based on the characteristics of the Blood Sea Demon. Now that all the means are available, if it cannot be suppressed, it will be useless.

Blood Sea Demon: 2%

Su Han waited in this sea of ​​psychic blood for half an hour, and the fusion progress slowly increased to 2%.

There is not much progress, but it seems that as the fusion continues to advance, the surging sea of ​​blood and the sky with flashing red thunder seem to be gradually calming down.

The Nine Snake Mother Tree gradually gained more authority over the blood sea space. Compared to the spiritual blood sea, this blood sea demon had more concentrated authority.

Su Han released several spirit-melting vortexes and threw them directly into the sea of ​​psychic blood. After a while, the psychic energy in his body gradually recovered, and his face was not as pale as before.

He glanced at the devastated foreign island. At this time, the mountain on the foreign island was broken, and the ground was full of cracks. It was about several kilometers long and more than tens of meters wide. There were many cracks over a hundred meters.

Under some cracks, the surging sea of ​​spiritual blood can already be seen.

If the initial weakening of the Blood Sea Demon had not been placed on the Blood Sea, but so many equivalent nuclear bombs and sub-nuclear psychic bombs had bombarded it, this alien island would probably have sunk.

"The foreign island is suspended above the sea of ​​blood, but there is not much support below. It's really weird."

Su Han couldn't help but think in his mind that if it were an ordinary island, there must be a continent extending out from underneath, but this was obviously not the case with the alien island, just like a floating boat.

He put his thoughts away and decided to leave this thing to the research center for processing.

With a thought in his mind, an unkilled Bloodwing flew down from the Nine Snake Mother Tree, and then quickly flew towards the exit of the crack in the different space.

None of the Nine Snake Mother Tree descendants survived in this battle, and it can be said that they suffered heavy losses.

But it's all worth it.

Su Han cannot leave this blood sea space for the time being. He wants to work with the Nine Snakes Mother Tree to suppress the blood sea demon and ensure that the Nine Snakes Mother Tree can successfully fuse.

At this time, outside the different space, the four mechanical kings and the colonial generals, a total of seven fourth-level combat forces, stood in Wengcheng with great solemnity.

Bai Qilan, Zhu Xiong, and Zhao Yaqian. All of them were prepared, their breaths concentrated, ready to launch an attack at any time, and they did not dare to relax their concentration for even a moment.

They all knew that an unimaginable horrific war was going on in the different space at this time.

They couldn't participate at all. Just because the fighting interfered with the real world, the red light in the sky and the red lightning shadows that flashed from time to time were enough to make them feel scared.

If such power can be created through the barriers of space, then what kind of terrifying doomsday scene will it be in the blood sea space?

The Pioneer Corps led by Gan Xinglei, Zhao Yimin and others stood on the wall of Weng City in silence. Everyone was holding the weapons in their hands tightly and looking solemnly at the entrance of the crack in the different space.

He held his breath and stared, fearing that a war would break out at the next moment.

The atmosphere on the entire battlefield was extremely solemn, and at this moment, the red light dissipated, and the breathtaking aura disappeared.

A third-level blood-winged tiger slowly rushed out of the crack in the different space. Its huge body and bright red figure made everyone focus on it.

The Blood Winged Tiger soared into the sky above Wengcheng Square, and then a smooth and domineering roar sounded, resounding throughout Southern City.

There was no need for any announcement. Just the roar of the tiger immediately broke the chilling atmosphere.

Everyone knew it was a success.

Lord Lord succeeded in defeating the fifth level with his fourth level body!

The cheers were overwhelming, spreading like waves from the Pioneer Legion, to the Recruit Legion, and to the hundreds of thousands of people in the Tree Domain.

They may not know what Su Han's plan is, but they definitely know that the lord is dealing with an extremely powerful monster.

But now, cheering means victory, and it means that the tree domain will exist for a longer time.

Bai Qilan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Not only her commanders who knew the inside story were relieved.

Tian Jiaxuan swayed slightly on the city wall, and his vision almost went dark. Fortunately, Gao Mingwei and the others quickly noticed something was wrong with the teacher and immediately reached out to support him.

"Teacher you."

"It's okay. I'm too nervous. I need to rest for a while."

Tian Jiaxuan came to his senses, stood firm, and waved his hands slightly. He had been working overtime for a month, and he had just waited with bated breath for a long time, which made him feel uncomfortable for a while.

His deep eyes were bloodshot and excited. Looking at the cracks in the different space, he murmured to himself: "Fortunately, it was successful."

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to a few decades ago, when he was still a young researcher who had just joined scientific research, following his teacher to build nuclear weapons in the sky full of yellow sand.

The current success is not as significant to Shuyu as that nuclear bomb detonation.

General Tianxiong Xingtian slowly opened his clothes, and Bai Qilan came out and calmed down a little. At the same time, Zhu Xiong and others also emerged from the four mechanical kings.

"Qilan, do we want to go in now?"

Bai Qilan closed her eyes slightly, and then shook her head as soon as she felt it: "We can't get in. Although the fighting has stopped, he should be suppressing the blood sea demon. And the spiritual energy is too chaotic, even if we go in, we will be severely affected. Big suppression.”

As an inspiration, Bai Qilan can feel more clearly that after the crack in the different space, the spiritual energy is not only chaotic, but more like a solid crystal sealed.

If you go in hastily, you will be unable to hold on even at level 4 due to the pressure on your body.

The Blood Sea Demon was just restrained by Su Han and began to merge, but it did not mean that the entire Blood Sea space had changed hands.

Bai Qilan looked at the cheering soldiers from the Tree Territory, and she said to Zhu Xiong: "Continue to be on alert to prevent the situation outside from interfering with the inside of the alien space. The defense can be slightly reduced, but the area around the Wengcheng is still not allowed to approach."

Zhu Xiong nodded: "I'll make arrangements right away."

"Over at the 117th Regiment, ask Lao Gan to go over in person and pay his respects. As for the gift in return, let Meiyu be prepared before sending it over to make it more solemn. Over at Captain Lone Wolf, Yaqian, please go over in person and ask Captain Lone Wolf Go to Southern City to stay and rest temporarily.”

Even if you prepare a gift in return, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is disrespectful.

The 117th Group took the initiative to help you. After the incident, they took the things over and said thank you. You can go back. What's going on?

If they met by chance, it would be okay, but as allies who help each other, it would be alienating and disrespectful.

Therefore, return gifts must be sent at a more appropriate time later to express gratitude.

Lu Changshan of the 117th Regiment is leading troops, so it is not easy to invite him over, but the lone wolf must be settled well.

Zhao Yaqian and Zhu Xiong agreed, and then went to find Lu Changshan and Lone Lang respectively. They knew how to arrange the rest.

On Bai Qilan's side, although the imperial general in imperial uniform was temporarily disarmed, he was still on the square and did not leave.

In the next few days, I'm afraid she will always be here to preside over the overall situation.

When the Blood Winged Tiger came back, Su Han knew that the message had been conveyed, and then he focused more on integrating the Blood Sea Demon.

This is destined to be a long process, but Su Han has the patience.

It lasted for 10 days. On the third day, the psychic blockade was gradually lifted, and the chaos was no longer what it was before.

So Bai Qilan went in personally and gave Su Han food.

Although, with Su Han's current physique, it wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't eat for a few days or even a few months.

But people outside also need to know the specific situation here.

The blood sea demon was continuously fused. In three days, his arms had disappeared, and his control over the blood sea space was even worse than before.

It was safe for Bai Qilan to come in, and he also informed Su Han of the situation outside.

The pioneer corps is still on guard, and the new corps has begun to mobilize into the regular rotation stage in three main cities and several counties.

The city defense corps temporarily replaced the pioneer corps to continue cleaning the surrounding environment, building lighthouses, and planting light and shadow seeds to create a fog-free area.

Yan Meiyu did a good job of placating and publicizing the people in the tree domain. Although the Nine Snake Mother Tree had not yet appeared, it did not cause any panic. Everyone knew that the lord had won again.

A truckload of Maotai and Huazi brought by Lu Changshan of the 117th Regiment left. Gan Xinglei sent them in person, and Zhu Xiong also rushed over, riding a blood-bone pig demon and sent them ten miles away.

The three of them agreed to get together a few more times in the future.

The four lone wolves have all been invited back to Nanfang City and are staying in the city. They are personally accompanied by Duan Jie and Zhao Yaqian. They are also visiting the construction of Nanfang City.

Bai Qilan spoke carefully and arranged everything thoroughly.

Su Han also felt more confident in continuing to fuse the body of the Blood Sea Demon, and it was now the tenth day.

[The fusion of the fifth-level Blood Sea Demon was successful. The Nine Snake Mother Tree obtained the form of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree, advanced to the fifth-level lower level, and obtained the skills to advance to LV3 Blood Moon, LV7 Blood Winged Tiger, LV4 Green Lemur, and LV9 Vine Giant. Rats and LV9 tree-born worms, LV5 tree-born worms transform into: LV6 ancestral beast]

The Blood Sea Demon was completely fused with the Nine Snakes Mother Tree. The violent red light shrouded the Nine Snakes Mother Tree, and then a powerful aura continued to rise from the Nine Snakes Mother Tree.

Promoted from the fourth level to the fifth level, the terrifying aura caused the blood sea to surge, and huge waves of tens of meters rose in the psychic blood sea.

It's just that compared to the control of the Blood Sea Demon, the blood waves at this time are more like calling for something.

The body of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree continued to grow at this time. From the original body of several hundred meters, it directly broke through the kilometer. The thick trunk stood like a pillar of Optimus on the alien island, and the roots of the dragon continued to penetrate into the alien island. The soil of the island is criss-crossed, penetrating from the island directly into this vast and turbulent sea of ​​blood.

The nine vine snakes also gradually recovered at this time. Their body shape skyrocketed to a thousand meters, and they tumbled into the sea, like a dragon in the sea of ​​blood. They had already transformed into a fourth-level high-grade vine dragon. Their aura was solid and terrifying, and the blood energy lingered around their bodies.

The tree crowns cover the sky and the sun, as if they want to cover the bloody sky.

Under the canopy, the ancient tree crystals and mineral crystal fruits shimmered like stars in the night sky, illuminating the entire alien island.

Between the branches, tall and short tree bags are gradually drooping, and tens of thousands of tree bags are rapidly giving birth to tribes.

Whether it is the descendants lost in the battle or the descendants newly added after skill advancement, they are also rapidly growing under the continuous replenishment of blood sea energy and evolutionary energy.

20,000 tree worms fell from the tree bags to the ground, their ferocious heads crawling on the ground;

20,000 giant vine rats were arranged in an orderly manner, with their forelimbs kneeling, their heads completely lowered, and making a low cry;

Ten thousand blood-winged tigers landed on the ground, lying low and roaring, their aura was both majestic and extremely respectful;

The Green Lemurs and Black Rock Tree Monsters are also constantly hatching, and then they wait with great respect for the final transformation of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree.

Su Han watched the changes in the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree. After the fifth level, the entire Blood Sea Ancestral Tree exuded more powerful vitality and possessed greater spiritual energy.

However, this is not the scariest thing about it.

The original tree embryo disappeared, and the five-headed beasts now formed a giant cocoon of tens of meters entangled with vines, and their spiritual energy continued to gather.

I saw the vines of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree continuously rolling in, and a sixth vine cocoon gradually formed next to these five vine cocoons.

The sea of ​​​​blood continued to surge, and the vines also lit up with red light, and a large amount of spiritual energy was poured into them.

For half an hour, after the blood sea ancestral tree had stabilized its figure and collected its breath, the six vine cocoons finally continued to crack.

A giant vine beast tens of meters high inside was revealed.

The first five are the Alien Stinging Insect, Bone Rat Demon, Centipede Blood Toad, Winged Tiger Demon and Black Rock Ox Demon.

But at this time, their body shapes had already changed drastically. Although they still looked a bit like the old days, their entire bodies had turned into plant bodies, with vines intertwined and squirming, and their scarlet eyes revealed a deep and captivating light.

The last one was a vine dragon whose body continued to expand and grew to a full two to three hundred meters.

Compared with the nine vine dragons, this vine dragon has tree horns on its head and ancient vines as whiskers. Its black and blue wooden body exudes a heavier aura, just like the divine dragon of Xia Kingdom.

"The ancestral beast is immortal and the ancestral tree is immortal. This is the blood sea ancestral tree's real trump card."

Su Han showed a satisfied look. The skill of the tree embryo turned into an ancestral beast. It was not as simple as changing its name. All its strength was upgraded to the fourth level.

The so-called ancestral beast is actually the incarnation of the blood sea ancestral tree with a relatively independent consciousness.

There is no distance limit, and there is no limit on recovery and release. One beast can be stationed in one city and can control the tribe. The tribe in the place where it is located can also recalculate the scope of activities based on them. Although the overall number will not increase, it will play a role. It's not as simple as 1+1.

The ancestral beast is the ancestral beast that walks the world on behalf of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree.

If the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree dies, then one of the ancestral beasts will become the cocoon that breeds the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree and resurrect it.

This is different from the immortality of the blood sea and the immortality of the blood sea ancestral tree that rely on the blood sea space.

Su Han has noticed that if the means are strong enough, such a connection can be weakened. Although it is very difficult, it is not impossible.

Whether it is sealing, fusion, devouring, or seizing authority, these are all methods.

It's just relatively difficult to achieve.

After all, it is a story about a monk who can escape but cannot escape from the temple.

But things are different now.

There are more than one resurrection points for the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree in the Cunning Rabbit Three Cave.

buzz buzz

The Blood Sea Ancestral Tree broke through the fifth level, and the entire Blood Sea space began to gradually become restless, and spiritual energy fluctuations appeared again.

Most of the authority has been integrated by the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree, and the authority that has escaped at this time is in this space, and no one can control it.

Of course, Su Han knew that the time had come. With a thought, the vines of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree rose up and the vine dragon danced.

Countless red lights began to rise from the blood sea space, and then continued to merge into the body of the blood sea ancestral tree.

The space merges with it, and the projection of the figure becomes larger and larger.

The sea of ​​blood resonated with it, and the waves turned into countless bloody vines.

Huge energy continues to be integrated into its body. Although it is still at the lower level of the fifth level, its spiritual energy reserve is constantly rising.

Su Han looked at all this and felt the feedback from the blood sea ancestral tree's improvement in strength, and he had already entered the fifth level sequence.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The bloody authority that was supposed to continue to be integrated into the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree suddenly turned into streams of light and flew towards Su Han's body.

His expression changed and he had no time to escape.

The Book of Blood Spirit glowed, and his whole body was selected by authority and suspended in mid-air. Then he felt a majestic, ancient and complex force constantly blending with him.

The authority was actually divided into two, half of which belonged to him.

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