My monster merges everything

Chapter 341 Mark of the Great Demon

Yan Meiyu continued: "Currently, Nanfang City, Huiyuan City, Hengchuan City, and Shanjiang City have been connected to each other, and bunkers have been built underground in the connected areas. The thickness of the rock mass is at least ten meters, ensuring that if an accident is discovered, the first wave can be greeted. Shock.”

"At the same time, thirty underground outposts and fortresses that can accommodate 300 people have been established in an area ten kilometers away from the fog-free zone. The original infrastructure team has insufficient manpower. Logistics personnel have participated in the construction of a large number of bunkers, and the speed needs to be slowed down. . But now we should be able to continue building outside."

The underground outpost and the fort are integrated buildings, but the main building relies on the wild environment and is embedded underground to form underground spaces such as arch forts, which have certain functions such as material storage.

It is mainly used as a stronghold for the tree domain troops who go out for exploration and regular patrols.

Above the bunker is a wall with a standard height of thirty meters, demarcating the area where the bunker is aligned.

There are only simple buildings on the surface of the designated area, which are used during regular guard duty, but the truly important supplies, equipment, and later escape routes will be placed in the bunker.

If it were an ordinary force, like an armed army, I'm afraid they wouldn't build such a number of bunkers just to expand the fog-free zone.

Although building a bunker in this way can more effectively control the fog-free zone, it will require more manpower and material resources. Even if they trade a batch of black rock tree monsters, the Wushan City Base will not do this.

But Tree Domain can. They have more black rock tree monsters, so they can naturally mobilize more power to build underground outposts.

However, with the expansion of the fog-free zone, the number of outposts required will increase significantly every time it is extended outward, so it is somewhat stretched.

It can be said that the addition of the ancestral beasts allows more black rock tree monsters to be mobilized to the periphery, which is very useful.

"Are the outposts underground connected to each other?"

"It's not completely connected, but there are corresponding channels reserved."

Su Han frowned slightly, and then said: "Ask Ge Ming to mobilize an engineering insect army to help dig, connect the outposts, and completely control the fog-free zone, and then the pioneer army, the city defense army, and the insect soldier army will be drawn out. A part of the manpower will recover Mingshan City and Duchuan City respectively."

"Mingshan City and Duchuan City?"

Zhu Xiong showed a surprised look. Mingshan City is further east of Shanjiang City and is the downstream area of ​​Sanjiang City. It is nearly 400 kilometers away from Nanfang City.

Duchuan City is in the southwest, closer to the mountains, and more than 300 kilometers away from Nanfang City, so the distance is not close.

"Are we going to develop now? Although there was a plan, if so many troops are mobilized at once, the internal strength will be empty. If the fog tide suddenly comes again, then"

Yan Meiyu frowned slightly and expressed her concerns.

"Urban development also requires separate troops for garrisoning, which may cause some chaos."

Su Han's eyes were calm and he said: "The ancestral beast can suppress a city. Only by capturing these cities as soon as possible can we expand the living space, and it will also make it easier to contact Wushan City Base and Donghai Base in the future."

"I will prepare supplies immediately. It may take three days, and the mother tank insect needs to arrange the nest first."

"I'll let the mother tank pass."

Su Han took the words and then said: "Wait a minute, Lao Zhu, go and ask Qilan, Lao Gan and Lao Guo to go to the urn city in the different space."

Zhu Xiong and Yan Meiyu looked at Su Han in surprise, then nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

Zhu Xiong found three people and came to the square of the urn city with cracks in the different space. Su Han was already waiting for them here.

They looked up at Su Han, and suddenly their hearts tightened. A suffocating force rose from Su Han. Even if it was not specifically targeted at the five of them, they felt unimaginable pressure at this time.

Su Han opened his eyes, suddenly flashing with purple light. He pointed his finger, and dark red power surged out of the void like hair, and then condensed on his hand, gradually becoming the size of five thumbs. red giant tree imprint.

He looked at Bai Qilan and the other five, and with his hand a little further away, five demon marks flew in front of Bai Qilan and the other five.

"This is the Mark of the Great Demon. After fusion, you can borrow the power of the blood sea space and try to see if you can break through the fourth level."

Zhu Xiong and the others looked shocked. How could they do such a thing after becoming a demon?

"Will it affect you?"

Bai Qilandai frowned slightly and did not accept it immediately, but asked Su Han.

Su Han shook his head slightly and said: "It has no impact. The energy levels you can mobilize cannot shake the foundation of the blood sea space. On the contrary, as you continue to become stronger, part of your emotional and spiritual power will gather in the blood sea space."

This kind of power extraction is not a commission, but more like an offering, somewhat similar to faith.

An intelligent life form will naturally release spiritual energy and emotional power. A large part of the source of power after the Star Torch is lit comes from the survivors living in the city where the Star Torch is located.

The blood sea space and the big demon are like powerful creatures that exist between two worlds and constantly draw power.

Naturally, Su Han gave the Great Demon Mark to the five of them not because he coveted Zhu Xiong's power, but because he gave them a push.

Hearing this, Bai Qilan and the others just breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Qilan was the first to reach out and touch the Great Demon Mark. Energy arcs flashed continuously, then turned into lines and integrated into her body.

A series of red lines started to blend into her body from her fingertips, and then red energy surged instantly. Rings of red energy emerged and filled her body. Then the lines spread to the center of her eyebrows and quickly condensed into a miniature mark.

Bai Qilan started. Zhu Xiong and others touched the mark one after another, and then were quickly integrated into their bodies by the huge energy.

They all felt the crack in the different space that overlapped with Southern City and saw the appearance of the blood sea space inside.

In the scarlet world, the spiritual blood sea is extremely calm, and it deeply stores huge spiritual energy. On the alien island, the blood sea ancestral tree like a demon god stands on it, as if supporting the heaven and earth.

The source of power comes from the Sea of ​​Blood, from the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree.

The auras of the five people were rising steadily. At this time, the bottleneck of the third level was like an extremely fragile small earth dam, which was broken by the raging flood injected into the body.

The fourth-level inferior aura suddenly rose!

One way, two ways, three ways.

At the same time, the five people completed the breakthrough, and the powerful aura even caused some of the tree soldiers in the city to rush over to witness this scene with their own eyes.


Bai Qilan's eyes glowed slightly with purple light, and the mental fluctuations spread out subconsciously. With a little force, several ferocious cracks suddenly appeared on the ground.

Her eyes were filled with surprise: 'My talent is even stronger'

She soon realized that this change in strength was not simply due to breaking through the fourth level, but also due to the power from the blood sea space, which caused changes in her talent.

Bai Qilan looked at Zhu Xiong and Gan Xinglei, calmed down her breath, and asked aloud: "Lao Zhu, Lao Gan, try your talents."

Zhu Xiong and Gan Xinglei were stunned for a moment, and then they immediately gathered their psychic shields and psychic bullets. As expected, they immediately felt the gap as soon as they started using them.

Although the psychic shield was still the same as before, Zhu Xiong could feel that the entire psychic shield structure had undergone tremendous changes. With just a thought, three huge psychic shields suddenly appeared around him.

Without his own control, the psychic shield was already spinning and forming a psychic shield to protect it.

Gan Xinglei was even more direct. Dozens of psychic bombs merged with each other and turned into a one-meter-long psychic bullet. The aura it exuded was somewhat like a sub-nuclear psychic bomb.

"I seem to have awakened my talent."

At this moment, Guo Gang's voice came. Everyone looked in Guo Gang's direction, and a blue flame slowly spread from his hand.

Swaying silently, and then gradually covering his body, a blue flame giant about three meters merged with him.

"Spirit Fire General" Guo Gang grinned and said, "The Spirit Fire General who controls flames and forms an incorporeal body seems to be somewhat similar to Duan Jie's psychic beast transformation."

Duan Jie's psychic beast transformation is to strengthen the original body, and Guo Gang's talent is indeed more inclined to strengthen the original body than Zhu Xiong and Gan Xinglei's psychic shaping.

In this state, Guo Gang's defense, strength, speed, etc. have greatly increased. With a certain degree of flame control, his strength has been greatly improved.

"Mine is the Fog Ghost." Yan Meiyu said finally, her eyes flashed slightly, and the mark of the Great Demon between her eyebrows also flickered.

As soon as she raised her hand, streaks of gray mist surged out from behind her, like tentacles, opening and closing their teeth and claws, making it difficult to tell whether they were living or dead objects.

"It is somewhat similar to the wolf spirit of the lone wolf captain, but the fog ghost does not have a more specific form. Its function is to suppress and corrode psychic energy to a certain extent."

Su Han smiled. Different methods are different, but it is a good thing that they all have talents.

With the five people breaking through, and the addition of ancestral beasts that can be assigned to various cities, the power of the tree domain has been greatly improved.

Yan Meiyu and others left first, preparing to familiarize themselves with their talents first, and then arrange for the dispatch of troops by the three major corps.

Although there had been planning before, it was not easy to make adjustments when it suddenly started.

But fortunately, she still has the help of people like Li Ruikang and Bai Xiao'e. If she plans well, she can still make it in time.

Bai Qilan was at the end, walking side by side from Wengcheng back to the direction of the research center with Su Han.

"There is progress in strengthening the potion."

"Donghai Base or Mocheng Base?"

"There are some." Bai Qilan paused: "My dad and Mr. Bai have been tinkering for a long time and have a preliminary idea. Let me tell you about it."

"Mocheng Base Winter Potion uses the Yedong clan's genes and psychic structure to stimulate specific ice-side talents. Essentially, it guides psychic energy in the human body to form a special psychic factor structure, and then uses it."

Psychic talent is essentially the degree to which a creature uses psionic energy. As the strength continues to grow, and even reaches the level of demon promotion, if it is not a special talent, the difference will not be too big.

Because as a fifth-level demon, he surpasses most creatures in the use of spiritual energy.

Therefore, it is not surprising to draw such a conclusion when it comes to talent potions.

"Is it useful to us?"

"If it's the Winter Potion of the Yedong Clan, then we have no choice. After all, we don't have their materials here. However, Bai Lao deduced two feasible routes. One is the body talent, which combines Duan Jie's psychic beast transformation. The data, using the lizard clan's psychic factors as a template, can activate talents such as body strengthening, scale transformation or animal transformation to enhance the body's abilities; the other type is the talent potions of the black rock tree monster and giant rock ghoul series. Activate geotechnical-related talents.”

Su Han nodded slightly and said, "You can make it and try the effect. If you can awaken one more person, we will have more power."

Being able to produce results in such a short period of time, even with reference, was because Bai Qiuwen and the others stayed up late.

"Where's the Poseidon Potion?"

"The core technology of Poseidon Potion is puzzle."

Bai Qilan said: "In the process of strengthening the stages, they used some of the common psychic factors and genes of the evolved species in the sea to pave the way for the next stage. They were slowly integrated like a puzzle."

"So, we don't have that many evolved species, and there's nothing we can do about it?"

"No, we are already ahead."

Su Han looked shocked. When did we go ahead?

"How do you say this?"

Bai Qilan laughed: "Did you forget the advanced sequence of injecting medicine?"

Su Han then remembered that Shu Hongguang had explored several relatively stable advanced potions among the injection potions for improving the apostle's strength in the tree realm.

Potions such as Stinger and Corruptor all steadily push the apostles to develop in a certain direction.

Moreover, the second-level potions also come from monsters such as the alien stinging insects at the upper level, which is also a foreshadowing.

"Although the directed evolution sequence is used on apostles, this staged idea can be used on strengthening potions. It can even be integrated with the winter potion itself, and the two functions are combined into one. Insect warriors are actually to some extent It’s also a variation of this fusion.”

Bai Qilan paused for a moment, and then said: "Professor Bai came up with an idea. Donghai called the Poseidon Project because they wanted to fuse multiple genes, but on our side, we don't have to take such a big risk to fuse multiple genes. On one road It’s enough to go on and feel like ascending to the path to the gods. A race, a sequence, the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree, the Abyss Zerg Tribe, and the Lizard Tribe all have relatively clear racial biological levels.”

Su Han took a breath of air. Mr. Bai Qiuwen looked the kindest, but he was also bold enough in this aspect of research.

One race and one sequence. Apart from the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree and the Abyss Zerg, the Lizard Tribe also analyzed their entire race and made strengthening potions in successive stages to steal their innate abilities.

From the physical body to the talent for spiritual energy, even how many human high priests will be born one day?

"Make sure it doesn't get out of control?"

Su Han still asked one more question, and Bai Qilan said: "No, at least it can only reach the fourth-level potion for now. It is not essentially different from the previous strengthening potion, but it has a clearer direction. Fundamentally, it will be the right medicine. You can rest assured that the cultivation of different psychic factors in the body is different, not racial variation. It's just that different sequences and different psychic factors have different emphasis on the use of different abilities."

"Then let's try it. Let's start with the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree. We have some potions for it before. The progress should be easier and easier to control."

Bai Qilan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, I know what's going on. By the way, there is no Kai Ling this time. Do you need me to talk to her?"

Su Han only gave five of the Great Demon Marks, but not Ye Kailing.

She is in charge of the Air Cavalry and was an early member of the Tree Territory. She is also a close confidant of Su Han, so logically she should be talented.

Although she didn't know why Su Han didn't call her, as Su Han's woman, she had to figure out how to deal with the aftermath.

"This blood sea space is not strong enough, and the condensed Great Demon Mark is limited, but don't worry, I will give her another Great Demon Mark after a while."

Bai Qilan looked stunned, but she also reacted: "Are you the other apostles?"

"Well, I'm going to take action on several other blood sea spaces, but before that I first meet with Mr. Li and the others. Regarding the success of the research, you all need to sort it out and organize it according to the level they can use."

"Ji Mingyang is already sorting it out. I'll bring it to you in a moment."

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