My monster merges everything

Chapter 352 The war begins

The blood-red sky gradually dissipated, and the entire Ningshou City was like a fallen ruin. There were collapsed high-rise buildings everywhere, broken concrete slabs and rocks on the streets, almost filling the entire street, and dilapidated cars and broken corpses of lizards scattered around. One place.

The entire Ningshou City now has no breath of life, and the one hundred thousand survivors have been transferred by Zhu Xiong and others.

Although some casualties were inevitably caused by the lizards during the rescue process, most of the survivors were rescued by the tree warriors and moved to temporary camps.

And they were transferred non-stop to Shanjiang City for resettlement and rescue.

In Ningshou City, the Pioneer Corps and the defending city troops completed the search within a few hours, killed the monsters, and began to set up the battlefield.

A large number of bombs were deployed in Ningshou City, and the heavy artillery camps of the Pioneer Corps and the City Defending Corps were also set up on the hills outside Ningshou City.

The Southwest Armed Forces also made unified arrangements and arranged the missile launch vehicles on the heavy artillery positions, aiming at the surroundings of Ningshou City.

Unlike the other five armed forces bases, the Southwest Armed Forces is not the center of the storm this time.

The star torch of the Southwest Armed Forces has been lit. This time, only the two small star torches in Tangcheng and Sanjiang City were lit, forming a matrix with the large star torch at the Wushan City base.

Their energy gathering is destined not to be dazzling, nor to attract too many monsters.

It is for this reason that Qin Henghu did not transfer Lone Wolf back to assist in the defense, but kept him here.

As a result, almost 100,000 people from the Southwest Armed Forces and the Shuyu Corps gathered around Ningshou City.

The position was solidly built, and the engineering troops and infrastructure teams built a tall wall based on the terrain in a short period of time.

Everyone is waiting in preparation, staring intently in the direction of Ningshou City.

In the rubble-like Ningshou City, Su Han and the Insect Queen Empress stood on the ruined street, and their consciousness had communicated with the main star torches of the three cities of Nanfang City, Huiyuan City, and Hengchuan City.

Spiritual energy and spiritual energy sources are continuously injected into these three star torches, and the light becomes brighter and brighter.

In the sky above Ningshou City, the power of the Star Torch was deliberately pulled slightly by Su Han. A purple-red energy ball gradually formed above the city, like the sun.

‘Have Fenglu, Donghai, Mocheng, and Kakta all started?’

Su Han's eyes moved slightly, and then his body levitated and landed on the head of the Insect Queen Queen, and the power of the Blood Sea Space Demon was activated.

As if he had entered a spiritual world, his authority further interfered with the space, disrupting some of the signals except Ningshou City.

In the spiritual world, Su Han's power as the Lord of the Star Torch was activated. He seemed to be in an endless red universe. Looking far into the distance, the light spots belonging to the Star Torch gradually lit up.


Su Han thought together, and these light spots that should have been as bright as stars suddenly separated into wisps of shimmering light, and with a special connection, quickly converged on the light spot behind him.

One bright and all the stars disappear!

The bright light spot behind Su Han became more dazzling, and then gradually evolved into a towering ancient tree emitting purple light, with its branches stretching out and filling the entire sky.

At Fenglu Base, Li Wenyuan was wearing a military uniform. He put on alloy armor for the first time. He held a psychic metal spear in his hand and stood on the wall of Fenglu Base.

His gaze was like a torch, and the star tree in the city was emitting light and energy was constantly gathering.

The light of the star torch tree suddenly flickered, Li Wenyuan's eyes condensed, and he thought: 'It has begun. ’

The light flickered, and it was naturally Su Han who made a move.

He and the other inspirations immediately stared with bated breath, increasing the injection of spiritual energy, and the energy level rose instantly.


A low beast roar came, like the roar of an evil ghost in the abyss, and a crack in different space loomed in the sky, tearing apart the space, gradually becoming real, and then expanding.

The giant hand of white bones began to stretch out from the crack, revealing the ferocious face of the evil ghost inside.

"Hmph, prepare the missiles to fight back these evil spirits."

As Li Wenyuan's voice fell, one missile after another hit the crack outside the city, and the mushroom cloud suddenly rose, submerging the crack in the different space.

At the base of Donghai City, sea beasts swarmed up the embankment and rushed toward the base of Donghai City in dense numbers. A crack in the sky appeared in a different space. The vine monster covered with vines squeezed out from inside. The remains of the monster hung high on the vines. Step by step towards the Donghai City base.

"Someone helped us carry the big battle. We are determined not to lose face in the small battle and fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat!"

The roars of the Donghai City base overwhelmed the roars of the beasts. Liu Rulong transformed into a dragon with his spiritual power, directly turning into a ten-meter-tall half-dragon monster with tangled muscles, spiritual energy attached to the body surface, black scales withdrawing, and his eyes Scarlet red like fire, he rushed directly into the group of monsters and broke into a fierce battle with the fourth-order vine demon.

One after another, the psionic exoskeleton mechas continued to bombard the monster group. The sea beast gene warriors continued to gather and began to break into the monster's flanks to disrupt and decapitate them.

"Missile coverage!"

At the Lingzhou base, Ouyang Qing's eyes were calm and calm, watching the monsters pouring out of the cracks in the two different spaces, and launched the missile baptism without mercy.

There is no inventory kept, and there is no longer any concern about the extent to which the land outside the city will be damaged by the missile baptism.

He has only one goal, and that is to never give in even a single step. Today's star torch must be ignited.

Mushroom clouds of fire continued to tear apart the monsters, turning their bodies into charcoal. The originally flat suburbs outside the city gradually became pitted with missile craters everywhere.

Monsters are constantly being destroyed like waves. No matter whether they are level 3 or level 2, it is difficult to completely escape under such a covering attack.

dong dong dong

However, as the distance between the missiles began to lengthen, more and more monsters emerged. From the cracks in the two different spaces, two terrifying figures suddenly appeared. Their auras were solid and they had fourth-level strength.

Ouyang Qing's face darkened, and then he said solemnly: "Giant Spirit God!"

Heavy footsteps sounded, and two tall giants with red bodies, fine steel as bones, and bloody hair hanging down like snakes walked out of the Lingzhou base. Their faces were as solemn as gods, and their muscles were as ferocious as demons. They seemed to exude the aura of the fourth level. They were exactly The product of the Lingzhou Base Giant Spirit God Project.


The monster let out a shocking roar, and the flesh-and-blood giant spirit god pounced directly on it, pushed it to the ground, and started fighting with it.

Outside Mocheng, Deng Guanshan's beard and hair were all white, and he was half-naked, revealing his strong muscles. He was wearing a protective layer of ice crystals, raising his hand in the ice and snow storm, and fighting in the ice and snow with a fourth-level leader of the Yedong tribe.

Although he was old, his eyes were blazing, but he was beating the Yedong tribe violently. The sword penetrated the body, tearing off an arm of the Yedong tribe, and spat: "I can't be embarrassed even if I die in battle today."

At the Kakta base, in the vast desert, Jiang Beiwu controlled two level 4 mechanical beasts, two level 4 monsters and dozens of level 3 monsters.

The gravel flew away with the strong wind, and missiles rose from the Kakta base and landed among the beasts, scattering the camp of the third-order alien demons.

Jiang Beiwu attacked decisively, braving the fire and fighting with the fourth-level strange demon. The hot environment made his beard and hair blackened, but the old general did not show any intention of retreating.

"Beast, if you step into the Kakta base, I will pronounce my name backwards."

At the Wushan City base, Qin Henghu stood at the top of the city. A large number of lizard troops emerged from the cracks in the different space. The fourth-level priest raised his scepter and aimed at the Wushan City base to summon dozens of huge meteor fireballs.

Qin Henghu's eyes were bright: "If I let you succeed, I will hold others back."

With a thought in his mind, the power of the main star torch gathered and poured into his body. In an instant, spiritual energy surged out like lines, weaving and converging into a spiritual void.

About 100 meters high, with an expressionless face, it looks like a god.

Tree pattern·Lingfeng

Qin Henghu was located at the heart of the psionic virtual body. He controlled it with his mind and stretched out his psionic virtual body. Thousands of inscriptions appeared in an instant, blocking them in front of the fireballs, completely wrapping them like a network, and then continuously absorbing their power. .

The attack that was originally capable of destroying the city gradually disappeared, and the lizard priest who launched the attack looked shocked.

Is this different from the information he received?

However, before he could recover from the shock, Qin Henghu stared at the lizard priest like a tiger descending from the mountain.


He stretched out his hand to slash, and the light blade of several hundred meters passed by in an instant, striking towards the lizard man.

Although Su Han was not in the six bases, the battle just now flashed before his eyes like a slideshow.

The Star Torch Tree reflected everything that happened to him, and the Lord of the Star Torch had begun to gain insight into all things.

"As long as you can cope with it."

Several veteran generals were getting stronger with age, and they all showed courage like Lian Po and Huang Zhong, and Su Han felt relieved.

If unable to resist, Su Han could only disconnect and extinguish the star torch to save the overall situation.

But now it seems that he was overthinking everything.

With a thought, Su Han immediately exited the spiritual world and returned to Ningshou City.

At this time, over Ningshou City, the sun-like ball of light had turned into a star tree suspended over the entire city, just like the changes that had occurred in the spiritual world.

About a thousand meters high, the outstretched branches are extremely thick and strong, shrouding the entire Ningshou City like a crown of stars.

The purple light illuminated the entire ruined city, filling the entire city with an extremely oppressive silence.

Su Han laughed. The calmer he was, the more ghosts there were. You must know the focus of light in the psychic world of Ningshou City.


As if the space was being shattered invisibly, Su Han was keenly aware of the fluctuations coming from the space.

He glanced over, and sure enough, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky over Ningshou City.

Like dominoes, when the first crack shines through, the second, third, and fourth cracks

A large number of alien space cracks suddenly appeared on the ruins of Ningshou City, and more appeared near the suburbs.

They continued to expand, and their energy continued to escape. The lizard man's roar was no longer suppressed enough, and came out first from the cracks in the alien space that gradually opened.

Looking through the crack, the lizard man's ferocious, cold beast eyes have become so clear at this time, and the malice and madness are so obvious.


I don’t know from which crack came the cry of killing. The lizard men rushed out of the crack. Like a crazy tide, they poured out of the space channel, gathered together, and then launched an attack on the Tree Territory Army, the Southwest Armed Forces, and the City Defense Army. attack.

In just a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of lizard-men troops had already rushed out.

"Give me a blast"

Zhu Xiong looked at dozens of cracks in different spaces, his eyes became stern, and he directly ordered to fire.

The artillery fell like meteors, shrouding Ningshou City and its suburbs. There were endless booms, fire and smoke were everywhere, the buildings collapsed, the ground collapsed, and the Lizardmen were torn into pieces by the cannonballs.

The war suddenly started, the lizard men charged fearlessly, and the two-winged lizard beasts attacked the tree domain troops from the air.

One of the Tyrant Lizard and the Hammerskin Lizard withstood the impact of artillery fire, and the other launched a long-range attack at the tree domain troops.

The lizard priest began to cast spells, and fireballs condensed in the air.

The battle continued to escalate, and a large number of lizards were continuously killed. However, the tree domain troops also began to suffer casualties under long-range attacks.

Su Han didn't have much time to intervene in this battle, because beside him, three space vortices with powerful aura had emerged, and the aura of the blood sea space was extremely strong.

In this vortex, three powerful figures gradually emerged, also suspended in mid-air, gradually becoming equal to Su Han's position.

"You were the one who killed my agent?"

As soon as Yalko came out, the blue scales on his body floated slightly, the beast's eyes shrank undetectably, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes when he looked at Su Han.

Su Han raised his eyes slightly, his eyes calm, and said: "Are you talking about it?"

With a tap of his fingers, the sluggish Sirilla's soul was pulled out and landed in front of him.

"Using the Great Demon Selection to test the fifth level. I really don't know if you are cold-blooded or if there are too many people and I want to give away everyone."

"Human, don't be too arrogant."

Rumlow's eyes immediately filled with anger. He had killed two of the Great Demon Selections, all of whom were his cronies. Even if he were to choose again now, it would take time to restore the power given to the Great Demon Selections.

Moreover, there may not be a suitable candidate.

"How about humans surrender to our lizard people? With your potential, the lizard people should not be stingy in blessing you and becoming one of us."

Yarko interrupted Rumlow's words, his eyes flickered, staring at Su Han and the Insect Tank Queen under him.

He predicted one thing wrong. It seemed that Su Han did not seek refuge with other great demons, but instead became a demon himself.

As a result, the strength of this human race needs to be re-evaluated.

This is genius.

Su Han shook his head slightly, and a soul-melting vortex appeared, crushing Sirilla's soul in front of Yarko.

The screams of painful souls echoed throughout the battlefield, and Yarko's face gradually turned ugly.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. I just want you to die."

Su Han's eyes flashed, and Yarko seemed to be ready: "You asked for this."

I saw Yarko's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and he burst out with an astonishing amount of spiritual energy, heading straight for Su Han.

Lizard Eyes!

The sudden sneak attack came without any warning, even beyond the expectations of Rumlow and Hickey.

However, at this time, Su Han smiled.

The aura of the Insect Queen rose, and behind him, a huge, strange insect eye suddenly rose, staring calmly into Yarko's eyes.

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