My monster merges everything

Chapter 356 Apostle Zerg System

The Void Shield Beetle, like the Stroke Mother, is a high-level Zerg unit that needs to be cultivated personally by the Insect Queen. However, in terms of individual strength, the Void Shield Beetle is more powerful and is a fourth-level Zerg unit.

The genetic sample of the Void Shield Beetle comes from the Void Giant Eater, which is a descendant of the Zerg creature.

The Void Shield Beetle, which has the Void Giant Insect-eating Gene, also has the power to control space. Outside its hard carapace, it is always covered with a layer of space force field, which is about ten centimeters thick, enough to withstand and distort most attacks. .

Under normal conditions, the Void Shield Beetle's defense is far more powerful than it appears.

Moreover, on top of this space force field, the void shield beetle can also release a space force field shield to distort and offset attacks within a certain range. The size of the force field is at least one hundred meters centered on the void shield beetle.

The closer to the interior, the stronger the void shield beetle condenses, and the more powerful the space force field shield can resist attacks.

The Void Shield Beetle is a heavily armed propulsion unit among the insect swarm army, and it is an extremely powerful propulsion unit.

‘With the fourth-level single insect type, plus the insect swarm, it’s almost time for the Insect Tank Queen to exert its power. ’

Su Han was very satisfied with the advancement of the Insect Queen, but he still wanted to give it a try. After the advancement, the Insect Queen exploded with the power of the insect swarm.

With a thought in his mind, he summoned the Insect Queen Queen back to the Book of Blood Spirits, and then opened the blood sea space controlled by the Insect Queen Queen, or the alien space that should now be called the Insect Nest Space.

As soon as I stepped into it, I saw a large amount of insect matter piled up on the entire alien island.

Insect matter is like the thick soil covering the alien island, covering almost all of the huge alien island.

They extended all the way to the edge of the alien island, connected to each other with strips of swimming contacts extending from the sea of ​​blood, and then slowly grew.

In the extremely vast blood sea, dozens of swimming tentacle mothers are constantly swimming. Their slender swimming tentacles touch every corner of the psychic blood sea, slowly absorbing the energy from the psychic blood sea, and continue to hatch swarms of insects. .

Without the will to reject, the psychic blood sea is no longer a dangerous forbidden land for life, but a cradle that continues to breed Zerg.

Without affecting the energy accumulation of the insect tank queen, the energy that escapes becomes the source of energy for the growth of insect matter and the breeding of insect swarms.

In the entire insect hive space, not only the terrestrial insect mother in the psychic blood sea is breeding the insect race, but also the meat mountain-like insect nests on the alien island are also continuously breeding insect swarms at this time.

Engineer bugs, scorpion bugs, knife bugs, and helmeted sword bugs. Insect swarms of all levels and types are trying their best to reproduce. At this time, there are almost 100,000 insect swarms gathered in the insect nest.

And this is just the beginning.

Su Han did not reveal too much about the existence of this insect swarm, and in future plans, he will continue to accumulate insect swarms in the insect hive space, and intends to cultivate higher-level units.

The Insect Queen was summoned by Su Han, and then he melted the spirit and injected energy into it, increasing the strength of the Insect Queen.

The mind conveys the command: upgrade the insect nest and hatch void shield beetles.

On the alien island, there were originally several LV4 insect nests. They were almost a hundred meters high. The insect-like structures became darker in color and stronger in texture, as if they were covered with insect cysts. Like a mountain of meat.

The LV4 insect nest is the main force of insect swarm breeding, and a large number of Helmet Blade Insects and Tunnel Giant Insects are hatched from them.

However, with the emergence of new insect swarm units, Su Han needs to merge some insect nests to create more LV4 insect nests.

The insect matter and the tissues of the insect matter building squirmed quickly, and then gradually came together to form a huge insect nest.

The insect cysts are merging one by one, leaving only a few particularly huge special insect cysts that are almost embedded in the entire insect nest on top of the huge insect nest.

The Insect Tank Mother Queen issued an order, and then huge spiritual energy began to be input, and the engineer insects began to move in groups, transporting large amounts of insect matter to the surroundings of the insect nest at a faster speed.

The flesh and blood squirmed, and the insect matter was continuously converted into nutrients and began to be injected into the insect cyst. A dark purple embryo began to gestate, and at a growth rate that exceeded the normal development speed, it continued to take shape and gradually became larger.

Seeing the swarm of insects gestating, Su Han's eyes moved slightly, thinking about the composition of the swarm.

‘The number of locust bats should have increased. Maybe we can try a more powerful flying unit, absorb the genes of the Blood Hell Dragon and the Two-winged Lizard Beast, and make a flying dragon insect? ’

He had to think about the composition of his army. The Tree Territory troops were extremely loyal to him and were an important part of his army. At the same time, the human race was also his foundation. There was no doubt about it.

However, his pace is much faster than that of ordinary humans.

If he only operates on the earth, then advancing steadily is not a problem, but if he wants to set foot in the sea of ​​​​blood, then he needs a group of crazy troops like locusts.

There is no doubt that the zerg swarm is such a crazy force and an expendable force.

Now that there are a lot of ground troops, it's time to try the air troops.

The Locust Bat originated from the original insect swarm system of the Abyss Zerg. Because of its low rank, it has become a member of the new Zerg system under the transformation of the Insect Queen.

In the past, because the locusts and bats consumed more insect matter for the same unit, Su Han balanced their numbers.

But now that he has the energy of the entire different space, Su Han can naturally let go of the restrictions.

The time to incubate the Void Shield Beetle lasted for three full days. During this waiting process, Su Han and the Insect Queen Queen continued to inject energy. At the same time, they also used a large amount of insect matter to build a high-altitude island on the alien island. Four hundred meters wide and a flesh-and-blood gate about two hundred meters wide - the Insect Crack.

At this time, the Insect Crack was already at LV5. Compared to the LV3 Insect Crack, the teleportation distance at that time was only 500 kilometers, and the upper limit of teleportation strength was only level 4.

Now the teleportation distance has reached about 2,000 kilometers, and the upper limit of teleportation strength is based on the strength of the Insect Tank Queen.

This distance is enough to cover most of Xia Kingdom. Unless it is from the southernmost to the northernmost area, most areas can be reached.

Fenglu Base is in the north of Xia Kingdom, only three to four thousand kilometers away from the Southern City area.

Moreover, the addition of LV5 and the power of space that the Insect Tank Queen is now gradually mastering gives the Insect Crack two more special functions.

Remote positioning and blood sea space teleportation.

The Insect Crack is already powerful enough, and the Insect Queen herself also has a certain amount of space power. Therefore, as long as the coordinates of a certain location are locked and the guidance is clear enough, the Insect Crack can open up the space in that place to a certain extent. crack.

This ability is somewhat similar to the descending of the blood sea space, but it is different. The descending of the blood sea space requires itself to be relatively close to that location, that is, the blood sea world and the real world overlap with each other.

But this ability is to directly extend the 'bridge', and all it requires is accurate coordinates and stability.

So what kind of coordinates are the most accurate?

The Star Torch Tree is the ready-made coordinates.

Now that the Star Torch network has been initially formed, if as Li Wenyuan said, all the inspirations are connected through the Star Torch, then more Star Torches will soon be seen appearing in the fog.

As the master of the Star Torch, Su Han naturally has the ability to know the location of the Star Torch Tree and maximize this ability.

In the insect nest space, insect nests stand tall on alien islands, constantly breeding more insect swarms.

In a few days, it was enough for the Insect Queen to genetically modify the insect swarm and modify the psychic factors. The locust bats had been bred, hovering on the alien island and participating in the transportation of insect matter.

Among this large number of locusts and bats, there are more than ten blood-red 'flying dragons' hovering on the alien island.

The flying dragon insect is more than ten meters long, with two wings and six legs. It has a ferocious insect-like body and head, with sharp and vicious mouthparts. Its long tail hovers behind it, as strong as a lizard's tail, with tight muscles and a carapace, but in The tip of the tail is as sharp and dark as a tail hook.

The Flying Dragon Insect is a newly bred Zerg. It is at the same level as the Helmed Blade Insect, but has greater ability to fly and is twice as fast as the Locust Bat Insect.

The third-level units in the air are no better than the ordinary third-level blood wing tigers.

With the successful hatching of locust bats and flying dragons, the void shield beetle was finally hatched successfully.

The insect sac slowly opened, and five huge void shield beetles slowly squeezed out from it. They were huge, like mountains.

This void shield beetle is thirty to forty meters long. Its whole body is covered with a thick carapace with dark purple lines. It has two pincers and eight pairs of sharp spear-like articulated legs. Its mouthparts are ferocious and contain a scorpion-shaped tail hook that can emit energy beams. .

Just by glancing at it, you can tell that such a monster can occupy a whole street and push through it.

‘It seems to be a bit more powerful than the default. ’

Su Han was a little surprised. Although he had a general understanding of the status of this insect species before building it, after all, it was an insect species designed by the Insect Tank Queen.

But when he saw it with his own eyes, he was still slightly shocked. After all, the insect swarm was such a pure killing machine.

Hiss hiss

The void shield beetles let out a low hiss, then slowly gathered next to the insect crack, and crawled down towards Su Han and the Insect Queen.

‘Mother, Your Majesty’

The mental fluctuations passed through, which made Su Han look surprised and laughed.

Unexpectedly, although the Void Shield Beetle is not a mother insect unit, it actually has some intelligence.

This is a good thing.

Su Han became interested, and he was even more curious about the fighting power that the void shield beetle led the insect swarm to unleash.

At present, most of the blood sea space of the Abyss Zerg has been cleared, but there are still two or three large blood sea spaces floating in this sea area.

Their space passage leading to the real world has been destroyed. Now they are isolated on the sea of ​​blood, but they are a non-existent whetstone.

Su Han activated his spiritual talent, connected with the spiritual energy of the Insect Queen, and instantly entered the spiritual world. He mentally explored the projection of the blood sea world, and accurately found the largest one among them.

‘The Great Blood Sea is about 300 kilometers away at 11 o’clock. That’s enough. ’

Su Han opened his eyes, the glimmer of light converged, and then the giant door of flesh and blood slowly opened, filling the insect crack with energy.

The space is constantly being torn and reorganized, and a stable passage is slowly forming.

On the other side of the crack in the insect matter, a blood sea space was forcibly torn apart. In an instant, the entire blood sea space became violent. Even the large number of insect swarms inside began to restless, making violent and restless roars.

The repulsion of the blood sea space instantly slowed down the speed at which the insect cracks opened the space.

Su Han smiled in the insect nest space. Even if the insect crack was slightly inferior, or if there was a blood sea demon on the opposite side, it would be difficult to force the door open.

But it's a pity that he has decided to open this door.

Energy is being injected into the insect matter crack, and the space channel opens instantly. A large amount of insect matter pours into the blood sea space on the opposite side, gradually building a simple and stable insect matter crack.

Su Han's figure moved, and the Insect Queen Queen had already crossed the insect matter crack and appeared in the space of the Abyss Insect Race.

Swarms of insects all over the mountains and plains have surrounded the insect cracks. They have launched an attack in an attempt to break the space cracks.

But it was obvious that the insect swarm's attack had no effect.

When tearing apart space, the violent force is enough to swallow up many attacks, especially those that are too powerful to break through the space.

The swarm of insects became restless, and several particularly huge female tank insects released strong shock waves, heading straight for Su Han.

Their body length is close to 100 meters, and their energy is even more pure and solid, exceeding that of ordinary fourth-level insect swarms.

With just one glance, Su Han knew that the insect swarm was giving birth to a new leader and wanted to give birth to or cultivate a fifth-level insect beast.

But they didn't stand a chance.

Silent distortion occurred in mid-air, and a powerful shock wave fell directly into the insect swarm due to the interference of the invisible force field.

The swarm was torn apart by their own attacks, fragments scattered across the ground.

At this time, the Apostle Zerg headed by the Void Shield Beetle stepped out of the crack in the insect matter. The locusts, bats and dragon worms rushed straight into the rear, overwhelmingly occupying the entire sky, like dark clouds.

Engineer bugs, scorpion bugs, knife bugs, and helmeted sword bugs. Each bug species rushed out, like a tide, colliding with the abyss bugs.

The fighting begins.

The mother tanks and titans of the Abyss Zerg directly launch long-range attacks, and they want to destroy the Apostle Zerg.

Energy beams and shock waves struck one after another, annihilating many of the locust bats that were the first to rush behind, and then went straight to the swarm of insects on the ground.

However, when the attack entered the force field range of the Void Shield Beetle, the attack began to be reversed and weakened.

The attacks that were supposed to tear apart the Apostle Zerg now actually fell on the Abyss Zerg next to them.

Under the cover of the void shield beetles, the apostle bugs began to launch a brutal attack, tearing apart the bugs in front of them one by one.

Hundreds of thousands of insects collided with each other. The collision of carapace, the sharp friction of mouthparts and the neighing of the insects filled Su Han's ears.

But Su Han didn't show any emotion at all. Instead, he watched helplessly as his insect swarm tore apart his opponent, or was torn apart by his opponent, leaving stumps all over the ground.

The Void Shield Beetles continued to advance, and the abyssal zerg continued to retreat, although the number of remaining swarms was greater than that of Su Han.

However, the high-level units obviously had some shortcomings, and were once continuously suppressed by the Apostle Zerg.

The Titan Bug Beast first found the Void Shield Beetle, but the next moment, the Void Shield Beetle released its tail hook attack, injuring it first.

The two behemoths engaged in close combat. Although the Titan Bug was larger, the Void Shield Beetle actually suppressed it in terms of defense and strength.

Hitting and tearing apart the defense, the sharp tail hook pierced into the titan bug beast's body, tearing its internal organs apart.

There was no suspense in the battle. The Titan Bug beast fell, and the Abyss Bug beast in this blood sea space was no longer able to resist.

Even the few remaining SuperGate Mother Tank Bugs are only slightly more powerful, but they are far less powerful than the Void Shield Beetles.

A large amount of psychic energy and blood sea space authority surged towards the Insect Queen, becoming part of its power.

The devouring and killing of the insect swarm has become one of the sources of energy to support it, and also one of the means of plundering power.

But just when he was sure of victory, Su Han suddenly frowned and looked outside the blood sea space barrier.

A strange wave of power came suddenly, and almost materialized and hit the blood sea barrier.

The invisible ripples shook. Although it was silent, the impact was quite powerful.

‘Something happened in the sea of ​​blood. ’

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