
Qin Xi felt that there was a high possibility of encountering unclean things.

"I heard from the old man that you are also involved in this aspect. To tell you the truth, my current status is not suitable for contacting these traditions, and the old scholar's family does not trust this, and even rejects it. Therefore, this matter can only be asked is you!"

What Wan Jiuyang meant was that Qin Xi had a little knowledge of metaphysics, and she was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, so she was a perfect fit.

Of course, Qin Xi couldn't refuse Wan Jiuyang's request. After getting the address, Qin Xi, Marx, and Ruth came to beat the old scholar by car.

As expected of a scholarly family, every brick and tile here has a sense of age, and it is still a courtyard design, antique, dignified and elegant.

Marx and Ruth were very interested in this kind of simple decoration design, especially the design of the four corners on the beam, which adopts the method of stripping the beam, and the beam head under the eaves is not exposed, making the appearance more prominent and beautiful.

"Wow, is this the ancient civilized building of Huaguo? This is too beautiful!"

Ruth looked at the building in front of her, her eyes sparkled, and she found that since she brewed Leisha Jiangjiang, she has completely fallen in love with China, and is very interested in everything in China.

Of course, the ones who are most interested are Chinese men, who are not only physically strong, but also durable!

If Lei Sha knew what was going on in her heart, he would probably say something. As for what it means, please experience it yourself.

Mars asked curiously, "Qin, is this a palace? This place is very similar to the place we visited last time."

Qin Xi smiled and was just about to say something when a car stopped in front of the courtyard gate, and an old man got out of the car, dressed in a gown that made the old man look like a fairy.

Behind the old man was a boy carrying a wooden box. No need to guess, the identity of this person was clear at a glance.

Qin Xi narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the old man, as if seeing something, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Qin Xi sized up the old man, and the old man also saw them. His eyes swept over Mars and Ruth, and then he skipped over Qin Xi. He frowned suddenly. He wanted to say something, but he pouted, but he still didn't say anything, but looked behind him. The little boy said, "Go, knock!"

The little boy responded, and ran to the vermilion gate, grabbed the animal ring on it, and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the vermilion door creaked open, and a little girl with two braids opened the door, "Who are you?"

Originally, when the little girl saw the little boy and the old man, she had guessed in her heart, but when she saw Qin Xi and the two crooked nuts, she became unsure again, so she asked.

"We are the descendants of Bian Que invited by Mr. Wang, and Bian Yang resigned from Bian's genius doctor."

The little boy raised his face proudly, and said loudly, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him.

Bianyang Ci's old god was stroking his beard, with a feeling of inscrutability, even after the boy announced his name, he deliberately glanced at Qin Xi.

Qin Xi blinked and turned a deaf ear.

But Ruth tugged on Qin Xi's clothes, and couldn't help asking, "Qin, is he also a Chinese medicine doctor? I don't think he has the temperament of your Chinese medicine doctor at all, but looks like a liar instead?"

Fortunately, she used a foreign language, otherwise, if Bian Yang Ci heard it, it would probably be fun to watch again.

It's just that she didn't expect that Ruth still had some good eyesight, and she could tell that this person was a liar at a glance.

Qin Xi replied in a low voice, "In our Huaxia, read more and talk less, as long as you know some things, don't say it."

Her words were not complicated enough for Ruth, a crooked nut, to understand. Sure enough, Ruth covered her mouth in surprise, and Kazilan winked mischievously at Qin Xi with her big eyes.

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