My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease

Chapter 626: Wake up man, that's my mother!

"So, I want to ask Divine Doctor Qin to help save my old buddies."

After all, it was the team he brought out, and Mr. Wang was in extreme torment, so he had the cheek to ask Qin Xi to help.

Qin Xi is of course obliged.

Qin Xi has no reason to refuse the pure spiritual energy of the gu worm.

Just leave as soon as he said, Mr. Wang's health has just improved a bit, and he should not be too tired, so he suggested that Wang Zexuan follow him.

When going out, Wang Zekun stopped Wang Zexuan who was about to get into the driver's seat, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you say you have something to deal with before? You go to work, and I will be the driver of Divine Doctor Qin."

Wang Zexuan, who was forced to deal with matters, "..."

Why doesn't he know that he is in trouble?

Qin Xi seemed to see that Wang Zekun had something to say to himself, and said to Wang Zexuan with a smile, "Uncle Wang, if you have something to do, do it first, it doesn't matter whoever delivers it."

"Okay, big brother, drive slowly on the road, I think Doctor Qin seems to be a little car sick." Wang Zexuan didn't know what kind of charades the big brother was playing, so he didn't forget to give him some thoughtful instructions before leaving.

Sitting on the co-pilot, Wang Zekun didn't forget to fasten his seat belt, and glanced at Qin Xi in the rearview mirror, "Master Qin put on your seat belt, I'm leaving now."

Qin Xi didn't answer the question, "Mr. Wang knows me?"

Then he asked again, "Or, do I look like Mr. Wang's friend?"

Wang Zekun's hand that started the key paused for a moment, then quickly recovered, the car started silently, but his gaze gradually became dark.

"You look a lot like someone I knew, but when you were young."

Qin Xi seemed to have expected it, "Is it convenient to tell that person's name?"

Wang Zekun didn't speak for a long time, and the car was driving slowly on the road. Just when Qin Xi thought he would stop talking, Wang Zekun spoke.

"Her name is Mu Min, a pure and kind girl."

Qin Xi's heart suddenly froze.

She had doubts before, but now that Wang Zekun said the name, Qin Xi suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Yes, Mu Min is Qin Xi's own mother, that poor woman who thought her child died young and her husband betrayed her, and finally chose Qing Deng as her companion.

"We met more than 2 years ago. At that time, she was an educated youth who went to the countryside, and so did I. We also met at that time." Speaking of Mu Min, Wang Zekun seemed a little too talkative, and the occasional tenderness in his eyes melted his serious expression .

"She is very pretty."

Wang Zekun glanced at the rearview mirror, and said Nunuzui, "It's exactly the same as yours now, except that she is very pretty and sunny, and she will give people a very warm and comfortable feeling wherever she goes.

And you, casual, calm, restrained, have a sharp temperament. Completely the opposite of her. "

Qin Xi didn't speak, but listened quietly.

Wang Zekun continued, "At that time, she was very popular. No matter where she went, there were always many boys around her, but she was always unwilling to accept anyone."

Qin Xi suddenly asked, "Does that include you?"

Wang Zekun coughed in embarrassment, "Well, including me. At that time, I was young and energetic, and I thought I was very good, so I expressed my heart to her in public, but in the end I was rejected, and I refused without hesitation!"

When he talked about his embarrassing things back then, he seemed calm and calm.

"At that time, I was so arrogant and arrogant that I couldn't bear this kind of stimulation at all. In a fit of anger...cough cough, I gave her a hug."

Speaking of this, Wang Zekun's serious face flashed red, and he touched the tip of his nose.

"Actually, I really just wanted to give her a hug, nothing else, but she suddenly struggled, slapped me, and called me a hooligan..."

Qin Xi, "..." The man wakes up, that's my real mother!

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