After this incident, Wang Zekun seemed to be worried and continued to drive.

Seeing this, Qin Xi said unhappily, "The truth is right in front of you, you can peel off the fog at any time, now, concentrate on driving."

Wang Zekun quickly restrained his mind. Although he was dubious about the talisman given by Qin Xi, he wanted to know the truth of the year so much, so he didn't refuse.

Soon, the first stop arrived, which was the home of one of the team leaders, Professor Zhang.

Wang Zekun knocked on the door, and it was Professor Zhang's wife who opened the door. She was about 45-6 years old, dressed plainly, and looked ordinary, but her voice was soft and soft as in her youth, which made people listen comfortably.

It's just that too many things happened these days, making Ru Mu's voice heavily hoarse and tired.

"Who are you looking for?"

At this time, her eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, she looked extremely haggard, her complexion was slightly yellow, she looked as if she was sick, and her already crooked body was crumbling.

"Aunt Zhang, I'm Wang Zekun, do you remember me?"

Wang Zekun stepped forward and asked politely.

"Oh, so it's you, come in!"

Aunt Zhang looked at him carefully for a long while before she barely recognized him. She twitched the corners of her mouth, stretched out her hand to open the door, and invited them in.

Wang Zexuan and Qin Xi entered the room. The layout of the room was very simple, and it was almost clear at a glance. There was a set of tables and chairs against the wall, and a wooden cabinet with a wall clock and some small decorations on it. Potted green plants, even in winter, are full of vitality.

There is a faint floral fragrance in the house, which is very pleasant.

When the two entered the room, Mrs. Zhang looked at the unfamiliar Qin Xi.

"Uh, Zekun, who is this girl..."

"Aunt Zhang, this is Doctor Qin who cured my father. As I told you before, my father is in good health now, so my father asked Doctor Qin to help treat Professor Zhang!"

What Wang Zekun said was light and calm, but Mrs. Zhang heard it as shocking as thunder.

She stared wide-eyed, the tears couldn't flow down by herself, she covered her mouth in disbelief, and swallowed, "What you said is true? Our old Zhang can still be saved?"

Seeing her losing control, Wang Zekun immediately comforted her and said, "Don't worry, Aunt Zhang, my father is fine, if I hadn't stopped him, he would have been clamoring to come over!"

Madam Zhang excitedly took Qin Xi's hand and said incoherently, "Are you really a miracle doctor? Can you really cure my old Zhang's illness? Little girl, don't lie to me, an old man!"

The Wang family called before and said that Mr. Wang was fine. At that time, she didn't know what was going on in her head, and she was in a daze, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

Maybe subconsciously feel that this is probably a dream!

Now Qin Xi is standing here pretty, although she looks young, but since Wang Zekun said that she can cure Lao Zhang, what else can she say?

Qin Xi said solemnly, "Don't worry, I will definitely return you a healthy Professor Zhang."

After being led to Professor Zhang's room, Qin Xi immediately saw the skinny old man lying on the small bed.

The old man's complexion was sallow, his lips were chapped, his hair was messy, his eyebrows were sparse, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be asleep, very peaceful.

Mrs. Zhang wiped her tears and said, "I just took him to check many times before, but the hospital just couldn't find out the cause, and even the experts were helpless. In the end, I didn't know what to do. I could only wait for a miracle to appear. .”

Qin Xi walked up to Professor Zhang, checked his veins, and the conclusion he came to was indeed the same as Mr. Wang's. If so, it would be much simpler.

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