As soon as these words came out, everyone looked towards the source of the voice, which was Qin Xi's direction.

Qi Mingting also had a look of astonishment, but more vigilance and vigilance. He looked at Qin Xi with sharp eyes, and asked in an extremely cold voice, "Who are you? Why do you know about my father's illness?"

Mr. Qi is the spiritual pillar and leader of the Qi family. His murder has brought a heavy blow to the Qi family. Although the Qi family has nothing to fear in Luoping City, if Mr. Qi collapses, it will be a great news for the Qi family.

Therefore, Mr. Qi's condition has been kept well hidden. Although the upper class knows that Mr. Qi was killed, they don't know the specific condition of Mr. Qi. To exit the transcoding page, please download the app to read the latest chapters.

However, today it was pointed out face to face by a little girl. If it spreads to competitors, the huge cake of the Qi family may be divided up.

What is the intention of this little girl? Or which force can't sit still and wants to test it?

For a while, Qi Mingting thought a lot, and the eyes he looked at Qin Xi became colder and colder, even with a vague killing intent.

Others couldn't feel the killing intent on his body, but Qin Xi and Han Shi were both cultivators, so they were very sensitive to the surrounding atmosphere, so they naturally felt the faint killing intent permeating Qi Mingting's body.

A strange color flashed across Han Shi's eyes, and the aura around him changed accordingly.

Qin Xi smiled faintly, and pulled Han Shi's hand. The latter understood and calmed down. She stepped forward to look at Qi Mingting, and introduced herself openly, "Mr. Qi, don't be nervous. My name is Qin Xi. I'm a Chinese medicine, this is my medical qualification certificate."

After knowing the benefits of the medical qualification certificate, Qin Xihe used the medical qualification certificate as an ID card, regardless of whether this method is strange or not, as long as it is useful.

However, when Qi Mingting saw Qin Xi's medical qualification certificate, he was not less wary. In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether he has the certificate or not. It is normal to get a fake one or spend money to buy one these days. With ulterior motives, their Qi family would have been devoured to the bone.

Qin Xi didn't care about the attitude of the other party, but said straightforwardly, "I can cure Mr. Qi's illness. If you are desperate one day, you can come to me. The address is Jidingtang, XXX Road. Maybe I can help you." What's busy."

Of course Qi Mingting would not believe a little girl's words, but just looked at her silently with dark eyes.

Qin Xi knew that her words had no credibility, even if what she said would probably be misunderstood as arrogant, so after she finished speaking, she went to the front desk with Han Shi to ask for the room number and left.

They left very elegantly, without the slightest sloppiness.


The assistant wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qi Mingting waving his hand, "Let's go, don't waste time, Master Gao will not wait for us."

Let's talk about Qin Xi and Han Shi.

The two got on the elevator, Han Shi smiled and took Qin Xi's hand and said, "Let me guess why Xixi healed Mr. Qi."

He pretended to be thinking and said, "There are three reasons. The first one is that Xixi's clinic is about to open, and he wants to make it famous so that Jidingtang's reputation will be known throughout Luoping, and the richest man in Luoping is the best candidate. .Secondly! As Xixi said, accumulating contacts will pave the way for the future. After all, one more friend will lead to more paths. The third..."

Han Shi smiled meanly and leaned into Qin Xi's ear, "The Qi family is a big fish, and they can't justify it without slaughtering it! Daughter-in-law, how are you, am I right?"

Qin Xi shot him a look, "You guessed right, but unfortunately there is no prize! However, there is one thing you guessed wrong. If Qi's family goes to the clinic for a consultation, based on the price of the clinic, it won't kill them at all."

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