
A group of 12 people, except Prilang who went back to the hotel under the pretense of feeling unwell, followed Qin Xi to the Ganlu Fruit Store.

When I first came to the fruit shop, everyone was shocked when I saw the long queue outside. Ruth stretched her neck curiously, and asked, "Qin, what are they doing?"

Qin Xi said with a smile, "They are queuing up to buy vegetables and fruits."

"Shopping for food?"

"buy fruits?"

Ruth was even more surprised, "Is it because of the discount? But, discounted items shouldn't attract so many people!"

Qin Xi shook his head and smiled mysteriously, "On the contrary, Manna's fruits and vegetables are very expensive, several times more expensive than ordinary fruits and vegetables."

"Since they're so expensive, why do we have to wait in such a long line? Could it be... what's so special about these fruits and vegetables? Qin, I'm curious if we should go and have a look." Ruth said excitedly.

Not only she is curious, but Mars and other friends are also very curious. They feel that everything is new when they are newcomers.

Qin Xi made a gesture of invitation and smiled, "Come on, I'll take you to see what real Chinese fruits and vegetables are. I guarantee that your jaws will drop in shock."

"Dropped your jaw? Why did you drop your jaw? Hey, are these fruits and vegetables poisonous?" Ruth quickly covered her mouth, as if to prevent her jaw from falling, with a look of horror.

Qin Xi laughed, amused by her appearance, and explained, "This is a metaphor, which means to surprise you."

Marston suddenly became interested, and asked puzzledly, "Surprised? Isn't it just some fruits and vegetables? Are the fruits and vegetables in your country different from ours?"

"Of course it's different. I'll know when I see you." Qin Xi pretended to be mysterious and didn't say any more, but led them to the side door of the Ganlu Fruit Store.

Seeing Qin Xi coming, a little shopping guide greeted her in surprise, "Boss Qin, are you here to see our Boss Xia? I'll let her know right now."

After finishing speaking, before Qin Xi could speak, she ran away.

"Qin, do you know each other?"

Mars and his group are all high-level intellectuals. Although they don't understand Chinese very well, some of them can still understand a little bit. Combined with the eyes and movements of Qin Xi from the little shopping guide, it is not difficult to guess that the two should know each other. of.

Qin Xi didn't hide anything, and said,

"This fruit shop is jointly opened by a friend and I. The fruits and vegetables in it are also freshly picked in the morning, and they are very fresh. You will know when you look at it later."

"Oh? So this place was opened by Qin, no wonder it's so powerful."

Ruth is not flattering, but really thinks that she is very good. In her opinion, Qin Xi's medical skills are so good, and he must be good at other things, so it is right to praise first.

At this time, Xia Tangxin came out in a hurry, and saw that all the crooked nuts with blond hair, blue eyes, brown hair and brown eyes came outside, and walked up to Qin Xi in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoxi, are they all Who, are you here to travel?"

Qin Xi was just about to introduce someone to her, before he could open his mouth, Mars's blue eyes seemed to be rippling with monstrous waves, he stepped forward excitedly, lowered his long eyelashes, and introduced in a gentlemanly manner.

"Oh, hello, beautiful lady. I'm Mars. Nice to meet you. We are members of the World Medical Association. We are here to discuss some medical skills with Huaxia. Excuse me, beautiful lady, may I know your name? "

Qin Xi and Xia Tang looked at each other in dismay, and at the same time a greeting appeared in their minds, "..." What's the matter?

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