My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease

Chapter 665: Wronged Baba's Complaint

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The party Qin Xi mentioned was a real party. She called several people from the clinic, including Liu Dequan and Liu Dequan's son's family.

As soon as Xia Tangxin heard that her family was having a party, she immediately dropped Ganlu's business and ran over. Of course, she didn't forget to call Zhao Dan and Zhengzhou over.

Everyone usually looks down and sees each other, and they are already familiar with each other. After they come, they will help Luo Xiujuan with the kitchen, tidy up the table, arrange the wine glasses, and cut the fruit. They just regard this place as their own home.

Qin Xi and Xia Tangxin were helping to squeeze fresh juice in the auxiliary kitchen, and seeing that Xia Tangxin had been enjoying a good time, they immediately teased, "Look at your rosy face recently, why, have you established a relationship with Mars? "

In front of Qin Xi, Xia Tangxin didn't feel any embarrassment, so she nodded with a smile.

"Well, we established a relationship before he left. He said that he would come to Huaxia to accompany me after finishing his work with the Medical Association. By the way, he also said that he wanted to learn Chinese medicine from you. I laughed at him. What kind of Chinese medicine, it is difficult even for us Chinese to learn Chinese medicine, let alone him."

Qin Xi shook his head and laughed, "Mars is indeed very talented in medicine, but traditional Chinese medicine is about inheritance, and it cannot be mastered overnight.

Besides, Chinese medicine is extensive and profound. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly study the typical books in Chinese medicine, especially the tedious and literal content in it. I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to even translate it.

What's more, Chinese medicine relies on immersion and years of accumulation to master real talents and knowledge. I don't think he needs to be serious about Chinese medicine. "

Not to mention Mars, even Liu Dequan, who has been a barefoot doctor all his life, still doesn't have a thorough understanding of Chinese medicine. How can he, a foreigner who can barely speak Chinese, understand Chinese medicine, let alone study it?

Xia Tang shrugged heartily, "I told him everything, but he is so stubborn that he won't look back until he hits the south wall."

"It doesn't matter, he will come if he wants, I can teach him, it depends on whether he can bear the hardship."

Qin Xi didn't care too much about this matter, but he still didn't forget to tease, "Anyway, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, and they will all be married to our Huaxia in the future. Why should I be stingy, you say so!"

Xia Tang raised her face cheekily, and said proudly, "Of course, whoever we are with, we are still the red line you lead, and you are naturally responsible to the end."

She leaned closer to Qin Xi again, as if she wanted to whisper to her, but before she could say anything, she saw Han Shi standing behind them at some point, which shocked Xia Tang's heart.

"You, why are you standing behind us silently, you want to scare people to death!" Xia Tang patted his chest and glared at him angrily.

Han Shi ignored her, pushed her aside skillfully, then took over Xia Tangxin's position, picked up the fruit and began to wash, still hinting at Xia Tangxin insinuatingly.

"Xixi, you can't take everyone to your home, especially men, even if you are introduced by someone you know, if you are cheated that day, you will be implicated!"

Xia Tangxin was so angry when he heard his words, her pretty face was blushing, but she knew that she couldn't say anything to Han Shi, so she turned her head to look at Qin Xi, and complained grievously.

"Xixi, look at him, he bullies me again, help me teach him a lesson."

Qin Xi gave her a cool look, and said the hardest words in the gentlest voice, "Be good, this is my man, and no one can teach him a lesson, even if you are my friend."

Xia Tangxin's eyes widened, and she pretended to be injured, "Okay, so you are such Qin Xi, but I still treat you as a friend, and you two actually bullied me together!"

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Age of Rebirth: Mysterious Doctor, Xiaofu's Wife, She's Super Lovely" by the great god Hei Koi!

Chapter 665: Wronged Baba's Complaint


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