My name is Colani

Chapter 1 Hugo (I)

"Victor, how about coming to my house to watch the game this afternoon?!" There was a young voice on the other end of the phone, very excited, "France vs. Saudi Arabia!"

"Oh, no! I can only stay at home today! Hugo's situation is not very optimistic!" Victor on the other end of the phone said in a heavy tone.

"Oh, that's a pity! Victor! Don't worry too much! I think he will be fine!" The young voice on the other end of the phone was clearly full of comfort.

After hurriedly ending the call, Victor walked towards his room, lay on his bed, hid his head in the quilt, and silently shed tears. He cried very sadly!

Victor's full name is Victor Pasilio Colani, who is just 19 years old now, and Hugo is his cousin, Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, who is just 18 years old.

The Colleni family is a large family, born and raised in Trapani, Sicily. They were a part of this place hundreds of years ago. After so many years, the Colleni family is not only a local boss in Trapani, but also a top local boss in Sicily. Of course, there is no doubt that they have a mafia background, but they have restrained themselves a lot under the crackdown of the Italian government. Now they mainly open various companies to initially legalize their business.

Victor and Gianluigi can't be said to have grown up with a silver spoon in their mouths, but at least they belong to the next generation who are thriving in Trapani. Victor is different from his cousin Gianluigi. He is a new generation of troublemakers, but his cousin is indeed the smartest person in the family, a typical nerd, a very smart guy, because he is very good. He is a member of the Mensa Club and can master 5 foreign languages ​​​​at the age of 9. He started writing books very early. He likes the great French writer Hugo, so Victor often calls him Hugo, and Hugo is also the name that the friends around him call Gianluigi.

Victor's father is Giovanni Alessio Colani, who has one son and two daughters. The son is Victor, the eldest daughter Aisha is 23 years old and has not yet married, and the youngest daughter Alda is 16 years old, younger than Victor.

Gianluigi's father is Riccardo Alessio Colani, who has only one son, that is, Gianluigi.

Gianluigi is very smart and has a very good relationship with Victor, but he rarely attends gatherings of Victor and other young people. However, this time Gianluigi's accident has a lot to do with Victor.

Trapani is located in the northwest end of Sicily, near the sea. It is a coastal town, but Gianluigi has never been to the sea. Victor knows that he has deceived his brother this time. He begged his brother to go out to a friend's party together, but it turned out that a group of young men stole a boat and went out to sea quietly. Before they went out to sea, Gianluigi fell into the sea at the port. When Victor and his friends pulled Gianluigi out of the sea, the 18-year-old boy was already dying and looked like he would not live long.

Victor knew that he had caused a big disaster, so he gritted his teeth and sent his dying brother back home, which aroused the thunderous anger of all the family members including grandfather Pacilio. If this thunderous anger could alleviate Victor's guilt, it would be fine. The key is that Victor himself cannot forgive himself. How can he care about his friends inviting him to watch the game? !

Now his brother is still lying on the bed in the bedroom, not knowing whether he is dead or alive. By the way, Gianluigi has been in a coma since he was sent back. The doctor can't tell what happened to him. Anyway, he is not dead. As for whether he will die in the next two days, no one knows.

"Knock knock knock!" There was a violent knock on Victor's door!

Victor was a little dazed lying on the bed. When he heard the knock on the door, he jumped up reflexively. His first reaction was that it was over, Hugo must be finished!

The 19-year-old boy couldn't stop crying again!

"Open the door! Victor! Damn it, I know you're in there! Gigi is awake!" Sister Alda knocked desperately outside the door, her tone excited.

Awake? ! Are you kidding? ! Victor pinched his hand, this is not a dream!

Awake! Haha! Awake!

I don't have to worry anymore!

Victor has been suffering these two days, and he wants to die, because he almost killed the smartest person in the family! This sin is too serious!

"Really awake?!" Victor suddenly opened the door and grabbed Alda's arm and asked.

"Of course it's true, why don't you go upstairs?! Everyone is there!" Alda said quickly, she was very concerned about her brother, because her brother didn't leave the room for the past two days. If it weren't for the phone call just now, Victor actually hadn't eaten for two days, so when she got the news that her cousin had woken up, she hurried to tell her brother first.

"Damn it, let me go! You hurt my hand!" Alda pried open his brother's pliers-like hand and said dissatisfiedly.

"Oh!" Victor let go of his sister's hand and suddenly hesitated again. Should he go to see Hugo? ! He won't scold me, right? !

On the bed in the bedroom, there was a brown curly-haired boy with fair skin and horrified eyes looking around. It's not that he didn't want to move, but he didn't have the strength to move. He wanted to say something but couldn't say anything.

"Thank God! You finally woke up, Gigi! Son, you worried your mother to death!" A middle-aged woman over 40 years old cried with joy and kept kissing the boy's hand on the bed.

But the boy's eyes were full of fear and confusion, because he was no longer Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni, but a complete time traveler.

The time traveler came from China in 2016. His name was Hugo, 35 years old, a senior intellectual working in the Institute of Electronics. When he traveled through time, Hugo was working hard on a scientific research project. He had not rested well for a week, but he collapsed in the laboratory. After waking up, he came here.

Hugo still knew about the time travel. When he woke up and saw a group of foreigners surrounding him, Hugo was terrified at first, but the middle-aged woman cried with joy from the bottom of her heart. Hugo judged that he was probably traveling through time, and he traveled to a foreigner, but he didn't know which country he was from? !

Hugo was not an ordinary person. He knew a few foreign languages. When he heard the words of the middle-aged woman, he naturally understood what the middle-aged woman meant, but this seemed to be Italian, right? !

Oh my! Why travel through time? !

Hugo is an orphan. Yu is not his last name at all, but was given to him by the amiable Director Zhang of the orphanage. When Hugo, who was still a baby, was found by Zhang Yuan at the door of the orphanage, it was raining. Director Zhang was very literary and gave him a name he liked, Hugo, a French literary giant!

Hugo didn't want to travel through time at all. He was not married and had no children, but he thought he lived a good life in China, and he didn't want to be a white-skinned Caucasian at all.

However, the reality was that he traveled through time! Hugo thought of this and closed his eyes in boredom, not wanting to open them at all.

Hugo's closing of his eyes caused chaos again. The doctors and family members were all panicked, and all kinds of exclamations were mixed with the crying of women!

At this time, Victor took Alda to the door of the room with hesitation. When he heard the exclamation from inside, Victor thought in his heart that it was over, it was over, Hugo was still finished!

He could no longer bear it and rushed into the room. Regardless of the situation around him, he suddenly lay on his cousin and said loudly: "I'm sorry, Gigi! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. I don't want you to die! I'm sorry, sorry!"

"What are you doing?! I'm not dead! I'm fine! Can you please stop doing this?! I just want to be quiet now! Do you understand?! I want to be quiet!" Hugo, who was lying on the bed, had to open his eyes again and said sharply. He was surprised that he actually said it!

The people around stopped the chaos, but looked at each other with strange expressions.

What the hell is he talking about? !

It turned out that Hugo blurted out Chinese, authentic Mandarin!

"Ah, I know! I know!" Victor, who was lying on Hugo, finally reacted. He and Gianluigi actually had a very good relationship. When he was a child, Gianluigi also caught the naughty Victor to learn foreign languages. Everyone knows that Hugo can speak several foreign languages, but Victor knows the foreign language Hugo just said.

This is Chinese. According to Gianluigi, this is the most difficult language to learn in the world. So Gianluigi said that if Victor can't learn it, then he is a fool. In order to prove that he is not a fool, Victor worked hard on it. Reading is not enough. Victor has mastered this language with Gianluigi. He is not as proficient as Gianluigi, but he can also understand what his cousin on the bed said.

"Grandpa, Gigi is very tired now. He wants to have a good rest by himself. He said he wants to be quiet for a while!"

The white-haired grandfather Pacilio is one of the people who loves Gianluigi the most. Of course, he is also the most majestic person in the family. He listened to Victor's words and immediately asked everyone in the family to leave the room, including Gianluigi's father Ricardo and mother Lida.

Lida looked at her son who closed his eyes again, and left reluctantly under Ricardo's persuasion.

"Victor, you stay here now! If Gigi needs anything, tell us!" Pacilio ordered majestically, and left the room. In fact, he wanted to have a good exchange with his grandson, but it seemed that his grandson who had just returned from the gates of hell didn't want to talk, so he had to let Victor stay here.

PS: A new book is published! I hope all new and old friends will vote for it! I have some manuscripts in hand recently, and I will publish three chapters of 3,000 words every morning, noon and evening!

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