My name is Colani

Chapter 100 Meeting 3

"Who knows?! Tavecchio has been here before, but I may be young and energetic, so I am not very respectful to him! Maybe I feel disrespected and think that I have no background. Maybe he wants to teach me a lesson!" Hugo said that he knew nothing, but he said his own guess, which proved that it was Tavecchio who was playing tricks.

Tavecchio, the chairman of the amateur league, but Garlando really didn't pay much attention to him. Well-known journalists like them rarely come into contact with these low-level leagues. If it weren't for the fact that the amateur league exposed a unique event in Italian football, Garlando would not be so concerned.

"Who do you think will win this time?!" Hugo sat down and asked with a smile.

"I think you will win!" Garlando looked into Hugo's eyes and said this answer unconsciously.

"Do you know why?!" Hugo still smiled.

Why? ! Garlando really didn't know, he just felt it, just felt it. Hugo's firmness made him feel that he would win, but why did this young man in front of him give him such an intuition, he didn't know.

"Because I'm young, because I'm rich! I can accomplish things that everyone thinks will fail! Just like building our new stadium, I know you already believe it will succeed! Because I have money, money is not everything, but you know that in Italy, playing politics, without money is absolutely impossible. He thinks he can overthrow me now?! What a joke! I don't want to cause trouble, but I won't let others bully me!" Hugo stood up and stared at Garlando sitting opposite him and said domineeringly.

Garlando couldn't help but tremble, aura! Amazing aura! Garlando felt that the aura of the young man in front of him was more amazing than some political veterans!

What Hugo said is true. Rich people may not be good at playing politics, but those who play politics must have money, at least in Italy. No matter if you have money or behind it, it is difficult to play politics without money. The football circle is a small political circle.

"I want to build this place cleanly and build our team. My request is so simple! But someone comes to trouble me, Paul, what do you think I will do?! Of course I will fight them to the end! Now your chance is here!" Hugo raised his finger, "This is a rare opportunity for you!"

"And! And this is an opportunity you can't refuse!" Hugo suddenly changed his face again, his face was very cold.

Garlando's heart trembled again, what does this mean, are you going to kill me? !

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! I told you that I am doing legitimate business, and my family is also doing legitimate business, we won't kill people! But I have a way to make you lose everything you have now, and your future! You are a smart man, you know that the uncrowned king is a joke, right?!" Hugo patted Garlando's shoulder and said softly.

Morek drank the bitter coffee. He had known that Hugo would use Galando. He believed his cousin's words. His cousin always did what he said. Maybe he couldn't do it now, but Morek firmly believed that he would be able to do it in the near future. If Galando didn't agree to his cousin today, then his cousin's promise would definitely be fulfilled on him. Rich people plus smart people are very cheap!

What is Galando afraid of? He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of losing everything he has now. Hugo's momentum has completely believed that the other party can really do it!

"I don't know what I can do for you?!" Galando asked in a trembling voice.

"Maybe you can drink some wine to calm down, Alex, pour Mr. Galando a glass of wine! I said it was an opportunity you can't refuse, but I called it an opportunity, so it must be good for you, you can rest assured!" Hugo waved his hand, Morek turned around and took out a glass of white wine from the wine cabinet here, poured a glass for Galando, and handed it to Galando.

Gallando took it and drank it all in one gulp. He drank too quickly and choked his throat, and kept coughing!

When Gallando recovered his breath, Hugo smiled and said, "This is our specialty in Sicily! How does it taste?! Does it always feel sweet?! The kind of sweetness that does not need to be savored! Just like the opportunity I gave you, it will always be sweet!"

"Do you know?! You can come here, this is the fate between us! You should cherish this opportunity and become my friend!" Hugo returned to his office chair.

"So, Mr. Colani, what do you need me to do?!" Gallando felt that he was completely controlled by Hugo, and asked hesitantly.

"It's very simple, you are a reporter, all you need is to write the truth and tell everyone!" Hugo smiled.

"The truth?!" Gallando was puzzled.

"Yes! The truth! Do you think such a conflict would break out so easily? No, no, no." Hugo nodded. "The cause of the incident is that Tavecchio wanted to win my respect, so he assigned certain referees to deal with us! You can investigate. After the start of the second half of the season, for several consecutive games, the referees were biased in officiating our games, and there were many serious mistakes on the court! You can also study their referee assignments. Our group rarely sends northern referees to officiate, but in the second half of the season, they were ingenious and sent several northern referees to our games. Don't you think this is problematic?!"

"You can ask first. I need you to report the truth in the media! I need you to help maintain football in Sicily! I think this will not go against your original intention. Are you willing to contribute to the development of football here?!" Hugo asked.

"Of course I am willing to do this! Mr. Colemani! In fact, I sympathize with your experience. I came here this time in the hope of finding the truth and giving you justice!" Garlando is also like a chameleon, and his mind changes quickly.

"I believe you can do it! So I just hope you can tell the truth!" Hugo smiled. What is the truth? Everyone is smart and knows it well! What is good for Trapani and Hugo is the truth!

"I will never let my friends down! In fact, I have a blank in the news industry. I am planning to have a platform to make my voice heard. I am very interested in setting up a sports website. This is an emerging industry and a promising industry. In the future, it may not only cover sports, but also a wide range! I think you must be interested in joining such a plan, right?!" Hugo smiled and tempted.

Giving the stick first and then the carrot is more lethal!

Italy's current Internet industry is not well developed. Hugo feels that Italians are slow to accept new things, but he thinks he needs to have a voice in the news industry. Establishing a portal website is the best way. Newspapers are too competitive, while websites are not very competitive. They will soon stand out. First come first served. In the future, they may become a website that Italian netizens often visit, which can create a lot of social public opinion. Public opinion is very important for democratic countries. The world is alike. In fact, people here also follow the crowd. Mastering public opinion can control a large part of the initiative.

I never thought about it before. This time, I was tricked by Tavecchio. Hugo felt that he should strengthen his work in this area, so he took a fancy to the famous journalist Galando.

"I don't know if I can do this job, but I still want to agree to it!" Galando agreed without much consideration.

"I think you can do it, Mr. Galando! If you can do this well, you will definitely be a celebrity in Italy in the future, and I can tell you clearly that it can bring you huge wealth, wealth that you can't imagine now!" Hugo said with affirmation.

"Paul, are you worthy of my complete trust?! Would you be happy to be my friend?!" Hugo asked with a concluding smile.

"No, Mr. Colani! We are already friends!" Gallando said with a natural smile.

Morek refilled the wine, and Hugo raised his glass, "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The three glasses clinked together!

What to do, how to reverse the decline in public opinion, Hugo felt that Gallando must have a way, if Gallando can't do it, then he would have to kick Gallando into the Pacific Ocean!

"Is he trustworthy?!" Morek asked after Gallando left without dinner.

"What do you think?! Humph, it's hard to say that these reporters have any firm stance! This is the art of conversation, slowly let him fall into my control! If he doesn't agree, my promise will be fulfilled in the future! Now that he has made a choice, he will definitely follow, because he doesn't want to lose everything!" Hugo sneered, if you don't listen, don't blame me for being ruthless!

"Alex, in fact, the pen is very important! The famous journalist Gallando is my key! This time he can help me reverse the decline in public opinion, and I can make Tavecchio surrender. If the old man does not bow his head and admit his mistakes, I will be ruthless and want to pull this old guy down! Wait, even if Gallando is not good, I can really fight the amateur league to the end. At least now Sicily is on our side!" Hugo said the essence. This is actually a war of public opinion. Whoever says something that becomes a fact will win.

"What do you mean by building a website?!" Morek didn't understand what kind of website Hugo wanted to build.

"So you people, oh, forget it, you are a college graduate, but your thoughts have not changed. Modern society has entered a new era. Now is the Internet era. This industry has the best prospects! This is a profitable business. Of course, the most important thing is that it can help us happen and it will be useful in the future. Maybe my uncle also needs him!" Hugo looked like he was disappointed.

Morek rolled his eyes at his cousin and was speechless!

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