My name is Colani

Chapter 112 Youth Army 1

"Look, Andrea, we've arrived at the training base!" Luca Toni helped Barzagli get his luggage out of the car and said in front of the training base.

Like Luca Toni, Andrea Barzagli is from Florence. Luca Toni is not only a player of the team, but also the team's financial director. He did not take a long vacation in the summer, but came to the team early. Tomorrow is July 10th, and Trapani's training camp is about to begin. Today, both the newly transferred players and the old players will come to the team.

Because he knew that they were fellow villagers, Toni followed Fabio Costa to the car to pick up Barzagli.

"How is it?! Pretty impressive, right?! Boy!" Fabio Costa, who looks fierce and has tattoos on the back of his hands, said proudly.

"Thank you, Luca!" Barzagli took the luggage from Luca Toni and began to look at the gate of the training base.

The full name of the Trapani training base is the Trapani Football Club Pacheco Training Base. There is a big sign at the door. Looking from the gate, Barzagli can see several training grounds, which look many times better than Rondinella. He and Luca Toni are not only fellow villagers, but also a complete grassroots player like Luca Toni, not a youth player of a big club.

"It's great here! Much better than Pistoia!" Barzagli smiled, looking very satisfied. Among the new players signed this year, only a few Portuguese-speaking players have come to the team. Local players like Barzagli signed without ever coming here, because the offer from Trapani is something they can't refuse. Barzagli can get an annual salary of 24,000 euros here, and if the team is promoted, he will also receive a reward. According to General Manager Giorgio, the boss is very generous, and the promotion reward will definitely not be less than the 10,000 euros written on it. Once promoted, his annual salary will rise to 30,000 euros per year.

Long before coming here, he also checked Trapani's information. Their information is not difficult to find. He searched for a lot of pictures and could see that the situation here is good. Seeing it with his own eyes today made Barzagli feel much more relieved. This is part of Sicily, but Barzagli and Tony thought differently. Tony was worried about the social security here, but Barzagli was not. He cared more about getting his first professional contract and first salary in his career, which marked that he had become a professional player. Last year's experience in Pistoia still disappointed the young Barzagli.

"Haha, although this place is a little small, we will expand it in the future, and the facilities here will not be less at all!" Tony smiled and pulled Barzagli in.

Hugo has always emphasized the environment of the training base. He absolutely does not allow the training base to be bare, so after a year, many trees have been planted in the training base, most of which are coconut trees.

It is summer now, the sea breeze blows gently, the trees are lush and green, and the sound of rustling gives people a refreshing feeling. Barzagli feels that it is much hotter here than in Florence, but it feels more refreshing.

Toni and Costa took Barzagli to explain various places to him, where is the restaurant? Where is the gym? Where is the medical center?

The medical center is a two-story building built by Trapani this summer. Following Seli's advice, this medical center has some simple facilities that can basically meet the daily needs of the team. Of course, major accidents cannot be handled. For example, if a player accidentally breaks a bone, there is no way to perform surgery here. There is also a physiotherapy room here. Hugo's biggest expense this summer is here, buying equipment and inviting medical experts. The cost is not low.

Walking to a building, Tony pointed at it and said to Barzagli, "This is the dormitory for the youth team! You live here temporarily. If you want to rent a house, you can rent a house in the future. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter if you live here all the time!"

"Where are the other people in the team?!" Barzagli asked.

"Haha, you young players who have just arrived will be arranged to live here, you will not lack partners here! If you have money, you can also rent a house to live. Living here is free, but you have to pay to go out!" Costa smiled and answered, he understood what Barzagli meant.

"Then I still choose to live here!" Barzagli said.

"Hehe, maybe you won't think so after a while! The players of the youth team also live here, and those little ones are very noisy!" Costa smiled.

The players of the youth team cannot take a vacation after the school holidays. Trapani Football Club held a one-month football training camp, which the players of the youth team must participate in. According to Hugo, these young players usually don’t have much time to play football. Since they have chosen the path of playing football, they should train well during the summer vacation instead of wasting time on playing.

The young players of the youth team have no choice. The local teenagers of Sicily who are lucky enough to be selected are lucky. They can learn cultural knowledge, eat well and live well, and they can only listen to Hugo. The young players recruited by Seli and Giorgio have received good youth contract salaries, so they should naturally listen to the arrangements of the club.

It is the training day for the youth team at this time. They have seen it when they passed by the training ground just now. These little guys will have a holiday when the adult team gathers, so Barzali will have to live in the same building with these teenagers for at least the next two days.

When they arrived at the room arranged for Barzali, Costa said again: "You are in the first team, so your accommodation conditions will be much better. You will live in a single room, while those in the youth team live in a room with two people! How is it?! I mean this room?!"

Barzali looked around and found that the conditions were not bad. There was also a small balcony outside. There seemed to be a lake outside the balcony (Pacheco Reservoir), which should be relatively quiet.

"Okay, Andrea, you have a good rest here, and then go to the restaurant to eat by yourself at dinner time. I still have work to do, so I can't stay here for too long. Let's talk slowly later!" Tony said goodbye with a smile. He was indeed a little busy. The team's projects increased, and there were more and more staff. Although a lot of money was not spent from the club's account, his work also increased.

However, seeing Hugo fulfill his promise and get a full salary of 1 million euros in the first year, Tony felt that he deserved to work hard.

At dinner time, Barzagli met several people in the restaurant, who were also newly recruited players, Simone Pepe, tall central defender Stendardo, short forward Menela, and defender Brody. Without exception, they were all Italians. Everyone introduced each other and knew that the other party was a first-team player.

"Hey, where are you from?!" Short forward Menela, who was the oldest, asked Barzagli.

"Me?! I'm from Fiesole! That's the province of Florence!" Barzagli answered briefly.

"Oh! That's really far, and you?! Simone!" Menela asked Simone Pepe again.

"I'm from Rome!" Pepe replied with a smile.

"I'm from Juventus Youth Training Camp!" Brody said proudly at this time.

Menela obviously didn't mean to ask that, but Brody seemed to be showing off and started to brag about his experience in Juventus, telling how he had fought with Zidane, Deschamps, Piero and others at close range.

"Then why did you get here?!" Menela was unhappy with the big guy who was more than a year younger than him showing off, and sarcastically said, you are so awesome that you should go to Juventus's first team, why did you come here? !

Brody was speechless for a moment, and Barzagli and others saw him being humiliated and felt funny, calling you a dog day show-off!

Menela completely ignored Brody who was silent, and whispered to the new partners eating around the table: "You haven't seen Hugo yet?!"

"Hugo?! Hugo is?!" Barzagli didn't know the nickname of Hugo.

"Boss!" Simone Pepe whispered back.

"His real name is Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni, and his nickname is Hugo. I heard that he likes people to call him that!" Menella explained.

"Tsk, does he think he is a great writer?!" Brody sneered.

Everyone ignored him, and Menella continued: "You haven't seen him yet?!" Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Menella smiled mysteriously, "I have seen him, and not on TV, not in magazines, and not today. Well, I just came from Palermo today! I saw him last year!"

"This is a story, a very bloody story! Do you want to hear it?!" Menella said seriously with a serious face.

Bloody? ! Everyone felt that Menella's serious face was very funny. How bloody, could he really have a mafia background as rumored by the outside world? !

"Last summer, Palermo invited Trapani to play a warm-up match. Do you know the result of that match?! 0:0, the tenacious Trapani tied us. You all know that I was loaned from Palermo. I was in the first team at that time. I also played for a few minutes in that game! Haha!" Menela told the story of a year ago.

"Can you tell me the main point?!" Stendardo listened anxiously.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I'm about to get to the point!" Menela rolled his eyes at Stendardo, "You don't know, Trapani has a black goalkeeper, Idris Carlos Kameni! Guess how old he is?!"





Everyone counted, even Brody reported 17 years old, and Menela shook his head.

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