My name is Colani

Chapter 145 In Argentina (IV)

When they got to the bright lights, Hugo could see the hero clearly. The hero was very ordinary, with a square face and a short haircut. He looked like a supermarket employee because he was wearing a T-shirt with "XX Supermarket" printed on it. However, he was very straight and walked in a very orderly manner.

They didn't talk all the way. Hugo and Seli took Lu Fan to the hotel bar. The hotel facilities were very luxurious, and the bar was naturally good, but Lu Fan didn't feel surprised at all, which made Hugo amazed.

"I want a Coke, Leo, what do you want?!" Hugo said to the bartender while sitting at the bar.

"It's so thrilling today, why don't you drink some wine to calm down?!" Seli smiled bitterly, "I want a beer!"

"Haha, I have a lucky charm, I know everything will be fine today, so there's nothing to be surprised about!" Hugo laughed and turned to ask Lu Fan: "You should be older than me, I'll call you Brother Fan, what do you want to drink? Brother Fan!"

"I want whiskey!" Lu Fan replied with a smile.

"I want the best!" Hugo added to the bartender. He didn't drink much, so he didn't know much about good wine. He hadn't come to the bar to consume in the past two days, so people didn't know his background, so he made a special explanation.

The bartender saw that he looked rich and didn't drink much, so he poured a glass of whiskey into the open cup in front of Lu Fan.

Hugo actually needed to calm down, so iced cola was the best choice. He let out a breath and saw Lu Fan tilt his head back and drink a glass of wine. A portion of whiskey was only about one or two taels.

Whiskey is a strong liquor. Hugo gave a thumbs up and said to Lu Fan in Chinese: "Brother Fan, you are so domineering!"

"You are so interesting, I feel that your Chinese is better than mine! The words are very smooth!" Lu Fan laughed. It was really incredible that a real foreigner could use Chinese so well. Anyway, Lu Fan had never seen it.

"I have a deep connection with China, and I also have some investment projects in China!" Hugo smiled without denying.

After finishing speaking, Hugo snapped his fingers and wanted to call the bartender over. Lu Fan covered the mouth of the glass with his hand and shook his head, saying, "No more drinking, I will get drunk if I drink more!"

"No way?! How much is this, and you say you are drunk?!" Hugo couldn't believe it.

"I'm telling the truth. I do like drinking, but it doesn't mean that I can drink a lot! I will get drunk if I drink more! I'm leaving!" Lu Fan stood up and prepared to leave.

"You're leaving now?! We haven't had a good chat yet! You're leaving now?!" Hugo stood up and held Lu Fan.

"We met by chance, everything is predestined, the matter is over, the fate has ended! Now is the time to say goodbye!" Lu Fan smiled pretentiously.

"Brother Fan, can you stop pretending! Sit down and let's talk more!" Hugo found that he had met a very interesting person.

"Ahem, it's a bit pretentious! But I really have to leave, it's getting late now! I should go home!" Lu Fan used his hand to push Hugo's hand away.

"Oh, by the way, you are very lucky today. First, the robbers are novices, and second, they don't have guns! So you should listen to that fat guy and have a drink. The whiskey I just drank is good!" After Lu Fan said this, he really left without taking a cloud with him.

Oh, it turns out that he can understand Italian! Damn!

"What a magical person, he can beat people, speak Spanish, Chinese, and Italian. Maybe he is a supermarket employee, the national superman Coke?!" Hugo shook his head and muttered to himself and returned to his seat.

"That guy just left like that?! He is so weird!" Seli also stood up to see him off, but he didn't have a chance to say anything. At this time, he also said to himself.

"Yes, he is a strange man! Oh, I want a glass of whiskey!" Hugo said to the bartender who was walking over.

"You said you don't drink!" Seli laughed.

"Just now, the strange man told me that I should have a drink. He said we are very lucky today because the robbers don't have guns!" Hugo looked at Seli and said.

Seli immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If this thing had a gun, even a hero couldn't stop it. He didn't know what would happen to him and Hugo.

The next night, Hugo and Seli attended Mascati's party as scheduled. This party was an agent party organized by him. The main purpose of holding such a party was not to introduce Hugo, but for his own business. He had some influence in Argentina, and many small agents wanted to have a good relationship with him. Some people at the party would recommend good players to Mascati, the good players in their minds, and seek Mascati's help.

Mascati is very good at doing business. Sometimes he would buy some very potential seedlings that were recognized from the club, and then wait for the right time to push them to Europe to make a fortune.

This situation is very common in Brazil. Many companies that have nothing to do with football have intervened in this industry, purchased the ownership of players, and then waited for the right time to make a fortune when the players arrived in Europe. Mascati also did this as an agent. Now is the time for him to make great plans.

Hugo was introduced to all the people at the party. Most of them were agents, and many were scouts and even club officials. It can be seen that Mascati is indeed well-connected in the Argentine football world.

Mascati did not say who Hugo was, but everyone was not stupid. They knew that at least this guy was also a football player. Some people did not want to deal with him, but some people did.

Hugo and Seli were bored and chatting with their glasses, because few people paid attention to them. Some asked where they were from, but lost interest when they heard about the Italian League C2. What level is this? It is not even as good as the Argentine League B. How much money can such a team get from him? !

Just as Hugo was lamenting that he had spent one million dollars to get such a result and felt it was not worth it, a man in his 30s walked towards him and Seli.

"Hello, Mr. Colemani, hello Mr. Seli!" The visitor shook hands with them in a friendly manner.

"My name is Javier Rodrigo Hernandez, a small football agent!" The visitor continued to introduce himself.

Javier Rodrigo Hernandez, as he said, is a small agent with no players under his management. He is not an agent under Mascati. The purpose of having the honor to attend this party today is to worship under Mascati and find a meal.

But when Hugo showed up, Hernandez decided to find out about this guy. Several people had looked for Hugo before, but they all left without asking about Hugo's mysterious purpose. Their level was too low.

Hernandez found out about Hugo from the previous visitors. He wanted to know what Hugo and Seli were doing. A small European club, why did they go to Argentina through the relationship with Mascati? They definitely wanted to introduce players, but their level was too low. Who could they introduce? !

So Hernandez came to see what Hugo and the others wanted to do? ! He thought maybe this was his chance. He didn't really want to play for Mascati. This guy was not only cruel to the players, but also to his own men.

Seeing Hernandez, Hugo and Seli also ignited hope. Today's party was undoubtedly bad for them. They never thought that these agents were arrogant and did not take Trapani seriously. Hugo had maliciously guessed that Mascati did it on purpose and was just trying to cheat him out of his money.

"Hello, Mr. Hernandez! You can call me Gigi!" Hugo was so familiar with him.

"Well, you can also call me Javier!" Hernandez also said with a smile.

Several people talked about this and that, and Hernandez straightened his face and asked: "Gigi, Leo, since we are all friends, I hope you can tell me directly if you need my help in the future!"

The literal meaning did not mean to ask Hugo and Seli's purpose, but the hidden meaning was obvious.

"Javier, we do have some things to do in Argentina this time. If we can get your help, it would be great! But this is not a place to talk. I wonder if you are willing to come to the hotel with us to talk!" Seli made an invitation.

Hugo looked around and said, "There are so many people here, it's not convenient to talk! Besides, I don't want to stay with a group of guys who are arrogant!"

This sentence was somewhat venting his resentment, but Hugo found that Hernandez smiled and said, "It's normal for unknown people like you and me to be ignored by others!"

This is the difference. My reputation in Italy is so great that even Mogi can only be friends with me, but these three-legged agents don't take me seriously. Well, I'm going to make you look good.

Looking at Hernandez, Hugo's mind turned and a plan came to his mind. Mascatti was not a good person. This Hernandez could say such sour words. He must be a small agent who was not happy. Why not join hands and support this Hernandez? Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Hernandez also had expectations. He expected Hugo to be a rich and willing to spend money small club owner, a boss who could give him a chance. Why is it difficult for these small agents to make a name for themselves? The main reason is that they have no connections in Europe. It is extremely difficult to recommend players. Only by finding a big agent with connections can there be a way. Those European clubs are not fools. Anyone can try. Those clubs are used to choosing trustworthy big agents to do business. This is the current situation, so it will cause the emergence of oligarchs in the South American market. Players who want to go to Europe have to rely on big agents because they have ways. Agents who want to make a name for themselves also have to rely on big agents because they have ways.

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