My name is Colani

Chapter 160 Trip to Milan 2

Galliani's detailed explanation made Hugo envious of Berlusconi's wealth. If you want to give him the damn money, I'm afraid we have to wait, but he also felt lucky that he had acquired it. It's not a Serie A team. If it were a Serie A team, with all his investment, he might just be a relegation team.

He was glad that he was in Trapani. The renting fee for the stadium in Trapani was simply a bargain. His uncle regretted it this season, but there was no other way. He had a contract in hand and had to accept the bargain price. He didn't do it at the beginning. I thought that a team that was just playing for fun could play in a professional league like this. There are many fans, and the ticket revenue has become a small amount. Fortunately, the contract period is not long, only 3 years, but by then Trapani will be Maybe it’s not even my home stadium.

Galliani talked about his transfer with great enthusiasm. Teams like Milan obviously already have goals, and some of them may already be taking action.

Speaking of this, Hugo had an idea.

While Galliani was chatting with Giorgio and the others, Hugo walked out of the room. He also used his eyes to signal Victor to follow him out. Victor understood and followed Hugo's steps to the outside of the villa restaurant.

"Victor, tell me, do you want to play for Milan?!" Hugo asked with a smile.

Yes, Hugo’s idea is to let Victor transfer to Milan. Victor’s first team may be his hometown team Trapani, but he was originally a loyal supporter of Milan. Hugo plans to give Victor a transfer to Milan. Victor was surprised and fulfilled his brother's wish. How awesome it would be to play football in Milan! Secondly, Hugo wanted to extract a transfer fee from Berlusconi. He asked for not much, just 5 million euros. Compared with those big operations, this is just drizzle!

"Are you kidding me?! I really want to, but are you sure?! And with my strength, can I go to them?!" Victor was stunned for a moment, startled, and said.

"Why don't I agree?! If you can bring us a good transfer fee, I think why not do it! Haha, you are my brother, aren't you a Milan fan? It is normal to want to play for Milan Brother, I only have an older brother like you, so I have to fulfill your wishes no matter what!" Hugo smiled brightly.

"Are you sure you're not joking?!" Victor's eyes widened.

"I'm not joking!"

"But people don't like me either!" Victor expressed his doubts.

"Is this important?! It's not important. Anyway, I have a way to make them buy you!" Hugo laughed.

"What can you do?!" Victor didn't believe it.

"I'll talk to the old man directly later!" Hugo said.

Of course Victor meant that he was happy. The two brothers made an agreement and returned to the room.

The chat at the dinner table continued. Hugo found an opportunity, coughed, and said to Galliani seriously: "Mr. Galliani, you are indeed a team with great courage! A small ball like ours Is it possible to be like you? We can only make small fuss!"

"Haha, football is a money-burning thing. You can't touch the championship trophy without money! Gigi, you are just making small fuss now, but in the future when you get to the Serie A, you will not be trivial. You guys Have the strength to bring a championship to Sicily!" Galliani also smiled and complimented Hugo.

"Thank you for your compliment! I'm not bragging here. Our team is very young, but the players are definitely top-notch, and they are all young talents! Our team has been promoted to two levels in two years, and its strength is still quite good. Yes, the young people in the team are our hope! Look at Victor, he is the backbone of our team’s defense. After training in the past two years, you can’t tell that he is an amateur player. He is the core of our team’s defense. A treasure!" Hugo began to brag.

"Isn't he the chairman?! Or a player?!" Only then did Galliani realize that Victor had another identity, a player in the Trapani team.

"Mr. Galliani, I used to be an amateur player. My family didn't allow it, so I couldn't go to a professional team. Then the three of us brothers bought Trapani, and I joined it!" Victor smiled reservedly, "I have been the main center back in the team for the past two years!"

"Mr. Galliani, to tell you the truth, I am also a football player! I also joined the Professional Players Union!" Hugo said with a smile.

"You too?!" Galliani was speechless. As expected, you guys run Trapani. You can do whatever you want. The owner and chairman of the club registered as club players. Galliani said that this is what he said. The eldest girl got on the sedan chair and heard about it for the first time.

Galliani had no doubt that Victor was the main player of his team. He even suspected that Hugo was also the main player. After all, Mr. Hugo was quite busy, doing business, writing books (a long time ago), being a player, and a young man. Just know how to play.

"Hey, my talent can't compare to that of my brother! I don't play much, I'm the keeper of the water fountain on the side of the court! But Victor is indeed the main force, if you don't believe it, ask them! Selly used to be a scout, and later He just became my transfer director, ask him how good Victor is!" Hugo said to Galliani.

No one is stupid, it sounds like Hugo is selling Victor to Galliani.

Selly immediately smiled and said: "I have indeed rarely seen a young man as talented as Victor. He has not experienced systematic youth training, but I think he has outstanding performance in understanding tactics and the ability to understand the game. In the past two years, he has He is making rapid progress, and I think if it weren’t for Trapani, he might have already played for a Serie A team!”

This compliment made Victor feel embarrassed. I couldn't stand it if I praised him like this.

Galliani hehehe, praised Victor for a few words and then said nothing more.

It’s such an obvious meaning, but you still can’t see it? ! Hugo was annoyed by Galliani's indifference. The bald man clearly didn't want to continue with the conversation.

"Mr. Galliani, aren't you going to talk about transfers in the summer window? I think the problem in your defense is very serious. The hidden dangers in the defense are worth paying attention to! Mr. Galliani, I came from Kewell A coach with a coaching certificate trained at the Chano Coaching Training Base! He still understands the game, but I still understand your problem. It’s time for a new generation of defense! If you don’t take action, you may not be able to win the championship! Trophy!" Hugo began to lobby.

"I now solemnly recommend to you my brother Victor Colaini. He is a good defender. I think he has the ability to fill the deficiencies in your defense! Look at him. He is tall and strong, but not very fast. Slow down, as long as you train for a year, you can definitely become the backbone of your defense!" Hugo directly recommended.

I don’t even want to talk about this damn thing, you still say it? !

Galliani had no choice but to respond with a wry smile: "Of course Victor is a capable player, but Gigi, do you think we lack young people here?! What we lack is famous generals who can fight!"

The word "famous general" was highlighted by Galliani particularly clearly.

"Who says I can't come and fight? Don't worry, Mr. Galliani. I don't need any adaptation time. I have comprehensive characteristics and can achieve seamless integration!" Victor stood up and said loudly, like a soldier making a pledge. .

Galliani was startled, and then expressed deep doubts about the Kolleni brothers who had just returned to normal consciousness in his mind. These damn brothers are still sick, and each one is the same as a lunatic.

"Look, look, Mr. Galliani, you all should buy him because of Victor's attitude of giving me no choice but to give him three to five million euros. That's all!" Hugo pointed at Victor and smiled.

Three to five million? ! Damn it, no team in the Third League can buy one million euros. You'd better give me three to five million euros in one go! I really thought the old Bei family ran a bank!

Galliani almost vomited blood, messing around, messing around! How could this be true? How could it be true?

But Galliani is a personable person, and he immediately said: "Well, I appreciate Victor's courage, but the transfer is a major matter, please give me some time to think about it!"

"Okay, okay, Mr. Galliani, we are waiting for your good news!" Hugo raised his glass and toasted Galliani.

He had planned this deal for a long time, and it would be done even if it didn't work out. When he met Marina, Hugo decided to talk to her in person. Victor must go to Milan, and Milan must give me 3 million euros, otherwise our business will be ruined. There is no need to negotiate. Anyway, Marina has other companies that can be sold without you. Marina is not afraid of not agreeing.

When Galliani comes for Feiningwester's business, there will be a Victor in the Milan team!

Except for this random episode, the overall atmosphere was quite good. Galliani was very enthusiastic and the Colaini brothers were normal most of the time and were very polite to Galliani.

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