My name is Colani

Chapter 169 Uncle Jon's Future

Inviting the veterans to come is for dinner and to hold a symposium. Hugo in his previous life held many such symposiums. He believed that it was helpful to unite the hearts of several veterans. Tony was still the most dazzling person last season. Hugo often sighed that he was very brave at the time and actually used such a high salary. However, he was often glad that his high salary was not spent in vain. Tony not only improved his skills, but also made great contributions to the team.

Of course, the veterans present also played a big role. Since being severely reprimanded by Hugo, the veterans have also adjusted their attitudes. Blasic is a substitute at ease. Of course, he has always been a relatively obedient one. When Seli found him, he clearly said that you came to the team to be a substitute goalkeeper.

The other two Amor and Lombardo did not make trouble. Allegri played less time and did not complain. They maintained the stability of the team. Think about it, if these veterans don’t make trouble, what dare the young people do!

Amor and Lombardo also played a huge role on the court. This role is not only reflected in the technical and tactical aspects, but also in the psychological aspect. Trapani was not alone in the whole season. It also encountered many situations, such as long-term attack and falling behind. Often at this time, these veterans dared to speak on the court, and shouting a few words was more effective than Mazzarri's shouting.

These veterans' contracts Amor and Lombardo signed two years here, and Allegri also signed two years at the beginning, which means that Allegri's contract will expire at the end of the season. Seli had previously proposed to Allegri in January to renew the contract for 3 years according to Hugo's instructions. By then, Allegri will be 37 years old and can retire directly in Trapani. Hugo's idea is to hope that Allegri can return to Serie A again in three years.

But Allegri did not accept it and said he would consider it.

After everyone finished dinner tonight, Hugo kept Allegri alone. After the others left, Lu Fan cleaned up the kitchen. Hugo and Allegri sat on the chairs on the balcony. Hugo began to ask about this matter.

"Uncle, do you know why I kept you alone? What do you think?!" Hugo asked.

"Gigi, after two years in the team, we are not only in an employment relationship, but also a friendship, don't you think?!" Allegri laughed.

"You are right! I will never forget the days in Coverciano. At that time, I was young and energetic, and I met you. You helped me a lot and helped the team a lot! To be honest, Amor and others are only in an employment relationship with me, not friends! But you are my friend! So I don't want to let you down! Renewing your contract to let you return to Serie A again is my promise!" Hugo recalled that time. That period was really difficult. There was no one in the team. It must be said that the habit of doing everything by myself was also developed from that time, and everything had to be done by myself.

Of course, the help of Leonardo Seli recommended by Alberto Ricci was indispensable.

"Because we are friends, I refuse to renew the contract! I will tell you clearly today, my answer, I decided not to renew the contract with the club! Look at the current situation, I don't have much playing time under Mazzarri, I don't want to be a mascot, and I am not young anymore! I am not Amor or Lombardo, I have realized that I am not capable of playing for this team! I want to retire!" Allegri said with some regret.

Amor and Allegri are the same age, while Lombardo is a little older than Allegri, but they are better than Allegri, which is why Mazzarri doesn't use Allegri, who was the core last season.

Hugo was a little dazed when he heard Allegri's decision, and he didn't know what to say!

"Gigi, I am very happy to meet you. I am very happy to spend the last years of my career in Trapani and help this team! Whether I can return to Serie A with the team is not that important! I feel like I have completed a mission!" Allegri comforted Hugo instead.

Professional players always feel sad when they retire, and Allegri feels sad too. After saying this, he said nothing more, silently drinking beer and looking at the sea in the distance.

Hugo also drank a sip of wine depressedly. He didn't drink much today, and everyone didn't drink much. He also felt sorry for Allegri, but people always get old!

After a moment of silence, Hugo asked: "What are your plans next?! Are you willing to join Mazzarri's coaching team? I think you can be an assistant coach!"

Trapani's coaching team is relatively small, with only four people in total, including Mazzarri, but Mazzarri has never asked his coaching team to increase manpower. Maybe in his opinion, four people are enough.

"Forget it then!" Allegri smiled.

Hugo knew very well that this proposal was stupid. Allegri's main players were demoted by Mazzarri. It would be strange for him to have a good impression of Mazzarri. Moreover, Mazzarri did not know how to communicate and seldom spoke. He said very little to Allegri and also to Hugo. He wished that Hugo would be silent like him, but Hugo was not the kind of person who could remain quiet.

"Oh, yes, yes! Next season we will have a youth team to sign up for the national youth league! You can lead them to the youth league as the head coach. You will not refuse this, right?! This is a good thing for you to learn. Place! You know we still have a lot of young talents in our youth training camp. Our contacts in Argentina helped us find a few good prospects some time ago. They will be added to the youth training camp next season. You can! Help me develop some talents, and you can get a coaching certificate while coaching!" Hugo thought of the youth league, which will be a key task for Trapani next season.

Allegri now has a coaching certificate and can be the head coach of a Serie C team. Of course, he can also be the head coach of a youth team. However, this certificate does not allow him to coach a Serie B team or a Serie A team.

If he wants to coach a team in Serie B or Serie A, he must continue to study hard and pass the exam.

Hugo's suggestion made Allegri's eyes light up. Allegri said: "Then I am disrespectful! By the way, I originally planned to visit other places, and you never said that the team will participate in the youth league next season. Ah! Otherwise I would have offered it!"

"You blame me for this. This is a decision discussed by the club's senior management! To tell you the truth, if our youth training camp wants to achieve results and be famous, it needs to play more games. We cannot delay these young players. Okay, you used to say that people who come to us are misdirected, but now I tell you that they are definitely not misled by coming to us. You know that many coaches have come to the youth training camp. I will invest in a new school soon, specifically for Our youth training camp is set up, where they can not only participate in training, but also receive cultural education. Even if they cannot become professional players, they can continue to attend high school here and go to college in the future.” Hugo smiled.

"I dare say that we are definitely the only one here! There is no other club in Italy that can do what we do!" Hugo said firmly.

This is true. Many youth training camps cooperate with schools. They do not teach cultural classes themselves. However, Trapani is about to build a separate school. The school's courses are based on training time and competition time. , which greatly saves time for adjustments and allows young players to spend more time on training.

If you want to stand out in the future, you can only do it through hard training, and young players are no exception.

Of course, Hugo's youth training camp will only set up middle school courses. The lower grades still cooperate with the local school in Trapani. The younger children do not need so much training time and are physically unable to bear it.

"Are you really going to turn Trapani into a star processing factory?!" Allegri joked.

"That's right or wrong! I've seen that all teams with good foundation don't build youth training camps. If we want to become a strong team in the world, youth training camps are indispensable! Besides, I don't have money now! Wait for me If I have money, I can spend money like Florentino!" Hugo said fiercely.

What he was talking about happened last year. After Florentino came to power, he made a big move and directly poached the captain of his rival Barcelona, ​​Figo. The transfer fee at that time was as high as more than 50 million US dollars, making him the most valuable person in the world. No player has broken it so far.

Allegri laughed, thinking that even if you spend money, you may not be able to get it. Figo's transfer is really weird. He defected to his mortal enemy, which hurt Figo's reputation. Returning to Camp Nou, Barcelona fans But he was greeted with a pig's head.

Trapani is not well-known, so people may not be willing to come if they have to spend money. Only with enough reputation can it attract stars to join.

"You don't have any money yet?!" Allegri laughed.

"Yes, but it will have to wait a few years before I can spend as much as I want! Look, I have already acquired the land for the new stadium, but now it is still bare! Nothing has been done, it is just sitting there idle! Trapa I don’t have the money to repair the stadium, so I plan to leave this mess to my uncle!” Hugo said helplessly.

"If this stadium is not renovated! It is impossible to meet the standards. I may be disqualified next year!" Allegri was shocked. He knew the Football Association's regulations that the hardware conditions of participating teams must meet the standards, otherwise they may be disqualified. Qualified.

"I know, I know, but if the city hall doesn't take action, I won't do it. The worst I can do is move the stadium to Palermo. I don't believe that the Palermo city hall doesn't love money!" Hugo said.

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