My name is Colani

Chapter 182 Mendes Meets 2

"I really didn't expect that, Gigi, you would be willing to let him go!" Mendes said sincerely. He had talked to Hugo at the beginning. He didn't like others to poach his good players.

"Didn't you tell me that there are many good players in this world, and the key is that the team must learn to manage. We are now managing this team well. At present, we still have at least two years to enter the stage of the first division, and at least 5 to 6 years to touch the championship! Tell me, everyone in this team will be Tony, will it be Kameni? ! ! Look, my fucking brother ran away and went to Milan! Not to mention others!" Hugo spread his hands and joked about Victor. Mendes also knew about this and laughed with Seli and Giorgio.

"Alas, everyone must want to move up. Tell me, I forced them to stay and made everyone complain. It's better for everyone to part ways in peace and see each other again in the future. Don't you think so? The reason why we can't retain talents is because we are not strong enough and don't have enough competitiveness! But I will change this situation in the future!" Hugo said with a bitter face. This is also some of his real thoughts from what he has seen and heard in the two years since he started working.

"Gigi, you are right to think so! I believe that your team will definitely have a day when the stars will yearn for you! Whether as a partner or a friend, I am very happy to help you and support you!" Mendes said as if he was making a guarantee.

"Forget it, you guy, it's boring! It turns out that we couldn't fulfill our agreement, and now you are bragging in front of me again!" Hugo laughed and scolded.

"Haha, you said I was bragging, I will recommend you one today, how about it, I dare say that with him, your strength can definitely reach a new level!" Mendes also said mysteriously.

This idea came at the last minute, about a player under his command! Because he heard that Milan was interested in Meireles, and because Victor went to Milan for 5 million euros, he certainly didn't know the inside story. Suddenly, he found that Trapani was actually a good platform, a better platform than the Portuguese Super League. The Portuguese Super League is a second-rate league, and Serie A is the best stage in the world now. Ambitious players all yearn for it.

"Who is it, you are so awesome?! You are bragging about your own players, right?!" Hugo joked. In fact, according to his plan, the transfer work this summer has been completed, and the team's supplements have reached the expected goal. Of course, this goal mainly refers to quantity. The quality, ahem, is hard to say. Anyway, Mazzarri didn't clearly express who is good and I like it very much, nor did he say who is not good and I don't want it.

"Gigi, I'm not bragging! I want to do a business with you! I don't know if you are willing or not?!" Mendes said seriously.

"I just heard that Milan has taken a fancy to your players, which makes me think that you have a very good platform here! I have such a player under my command. I think he is great. I think he has the ability to play for a real big team. I hope he will do well, and of course I also hope that I can make some money from him!" Mendes continued.

"What do you mean?! Jorge, I still have some connections in the football circle! And this summer, not only Milan has taken a fancy to my players, Juventus has taken a fancy to Toni, but I didn't agree!" Hugo said proudly.

"What I mean is that I don't have many connections in Italy! I hope to get your help!"

"My help?!"

"Yes, your help! I want to send my players to your team, and then you give him a platform and let him get the opportunity to show himself in front of Italian football! I hope he can get the favor of Italian giants!" Mendes said this in a circle.

"Asshole, you really used me as a transit station?!" Hugo laughed and scolded. In fact, he didn't refuse much. What was there to refuse!

"But why don't you recommend it to them directly! We are so familiar with each other, I would be happy to introduce you to some big names!" Hugo said with a smile. He could make a fortune as a transit station, but since it was a favor, it would be better to sell it directly to Mendes.

"I want to, but what's the use?! Will they believe me?! You have been in the football circle for so long, you should know that it is not easy for an agent to recommend his own players! I told you a story before. Nuno was my first client. At that time, he had already had preliminary contact with Deportivo La Coruña, but later I still had to work hard to convince Lendoiro to sign Nuno! Even if you introduced me to Mr. Galliani, Mr. Moggi, and Mr. Moratti! I am afraid it would be difficult for me to convince them to sign my players!" Mendes said with a wry smile.

This is indeed a fact. Take Trapani as an example. In the early stage, Hugo relied on only one scout, Seli, to do things. There are so many scouts in the world, but Hugo established a good relationship with Seli and was willing to trust Seli. In the past two seasons, many agents have recommended players to Trapani because of their wealth. Celli will not trust everyone. Everyone is willing to trust their long-term partners. He has his own scout network, and he trusts his scout network more.

It is the same for other clubs. Mendes, who is still unknown, is probably not the chairman of every club like Lendoiro. If Mendes says his players are good, then they are good! The most unreliable thing in the football world is the mouth of the agent!

However, it was different in Trapani. Perhaps Trapani's reputation for producing high-quality players has been established, and the team will receive more attention. The players of this team will be favored by the top teams in Serie A. Mendes's move can not only make his players familiar with the Italian football environment earlier, but also make big clubs take the initiative to take notice.

"Jorge, what I said about our players being noticed by big clubs is true! But not everyone has such an opportunity. If that were the case, my team would have been hollowed out long ago!" Hugo laughed, thinking that Mendes's path was not feasible. Of course, this was a kind gesture. It would be useless to give him a player for free, but we are all friends. Hugo, please make it clear. If he rots in my hands, don't blame me.

"I think it's okay!" Mendes was so determined, "I'm sure he will be suitable for your team, and can significantly increase the strength of your midfield and your team!"

"Is he that great?! Who is he?!" Hugo was very skeptical.

"Anderson Luis de Sousa, nicknamed Deco, plays for Porto and is now a midfielder! He is 24 years old now, but very capable. He just played as a starter in Porto last year, but he has shown extraordinary ability. I was lucky enough to sign him this summer!" Mendes introduced.

Deco? ! Sorry, Hugo, Seli and Giorgio were all confused and had never heard of this person!

"Never heard of him at all!" Hugo shook his head and said.

"Yes, he is indeed not famous! So it is difficult for me to recommend him to a big club, even if I think he has the ability to play for a big club!" Mendes said with a bitter face, "But I can guarantee that he is an absolutely capable player!"

Mendes has praised Deco to the sky today. Hugo felt that this person might be really good after listening to him. There is no reason for Mendes to lie to himself.

"Selling him for 3-4 million euros on a free transfer is worth it!" Hugo said to Seli and Giorgio as if talking to himself, "And at this age, he must have enough experience!"

"Uh, sorry! He is not a free transfer player! His price is not low!" Mendes said embarrassedly.

"Not a free transfer?! Haha, Jorge, you are really kidding, do you think I will spend money to bring him in?! Our recruitment work is over!" Hearing that he had to spend money, Hugo shook his head like a rattle. He still had some money, but he couldn't waste it now. A free transfer would be the best, but think about it, it seems that Mendes said that Deco is the main force of Porto, and a free transfer is indeed impossible.

"Gigi, sometimes you need to gamble in business. I think you will win this bet!" Mendes persuaded.

"What if no one wants it if you lose the bet?! Tell me! My team has enough people, why should I take the risk of gambling! You are fine, but I will lose money!" Hugo laughed and scolded.

"You lose money?! Okay, if you lose money, I will help you transfer the player away. How about I make up for the loss?!" Mendes thought for a while and said with gritted teeth.

"People say I'm crazy, but I think you're the real fucking crazy. Why are you trying so hard to promote this player?! Just because he has the ability?!" Hugo was stunned for a moment, and continued to laugh and scold.

"I said yes!" Mendes said affirmatively.

"How much money does he need?!" Hugo was determined to give it a try, "I don't want you to pay me! Even if it's a player worth 20 or 30 million, I, Hugo, can still afford it!"

"His transfer fee may be around 10 million euros!" Mendes said tentatively.

"Fuck, you are such a joke, I just said I can afford it, and you really gave me this price! No more words, your brain is full of shit! Don't you think that this price is something Trapani can afford?!" Hugo cursed with a dark face, what is Mendes doing, he is ignorant of the times, I want to spend money, but can a player worth 10 million be spent by a team in the current C1 League? !

Are you making fun of me? !

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