My name is Colani

Chapter 192 Vase

What a fucking bane! Hugo cursed in his heart. He was scolding Mazzarri. He believed that it was Mazzarri who restricted the talents of the players. It was Mazzarri who failed to release their energy, making the confident players less and less confident.

"Guillermo, Attilio, you are veterans, my friends, the people I trust the most! I hope you can talk to the young players more and let them relax a little. I still say the same thing, Losing is not terrible, the terrible thing is that we lost the game while kneeling!" Hugo said to the two veterans.

Armor and Lombardo both nodded.

"The team will not sink like this! I have made up my mind to invite Zdenek Zeman to come out. He is a capable person!" Hugo revealed to two people.

Of course the two of them know Zeman, and considering the recent rumors, it seems that they are all true.

After settling the team, Hugo and Selly flew to Prague, where they would have an interview with Zeman.

In terms of public opinion, Hugo conducted a test, and the "voice of opposition" was very strong, but Hugo was still determined to invite Zeman to come out. Trouble, Hugo found that it is a good thing to have trouble, and it is just the right time to fight boredom. It’s endless fun to fight against the sky, the earth, and people! Anyway, the Italian football circle will never try to drive Trapani out, or let's try to be a shit stick.

Zeman's daily habit is to watch football and drink coffee. He is also very bored. He spends his boring time studying tactics. During this time, he knows everything that is happening in Italy. The news has just been released in Trapani, and Italy's The football community seems to be opposed by the whole country, and Zeman is worried that Trapani will back down.

However, when the rumors were about to subside, Selly called him and said that Gianluigi Colaini wanted to talk to him. This rekindled Zeman's hope and his mood of waiting. Anxious.

One day in late September, Zeman finally met the rumored genius boss and billionaire, Gianluigi Colaini.

"Mr. Zeman, I think you should know what kind of pressure I will face if I invite you?!" Hugo, Selly and Zeman met in a coffee shop in Prague. After greetings, Hugo said straightforwardly.

Zeman nodded and said it was clear.

"I like your coaching style, but I don't like your directness! Don't misunderstand, and don't express dissatisfaction! Of course you have the freedom to express any opinion, but after you sign, you will be Trapani As an employee, you should think about the club. Your fierce words may bring us trouble! So I hope you promise that you will not talk unscrupulously in the future! If you do such a thing, we have the right to do so! I will terminate the contract with you without paying any liquidated damages!" Hugo put forward his own conditions.

Zeman was very angry, but after thinking about it, he really couldn't say that Hugo's rules were wrong.

Zeman didn't want to miss the opportunity to return to Italy, so he nodded, "Okay, I agree! Then I should introduce you to my tactical concept. During this time, I got your information, the information given by Mr. Selly Very detailed, I have my own ideas!”

"You don't have to tell me so much! I believe you! Now you just need to follow us and answer Trapani's signature! You will become Trapani's official head coach, and the fate of the team is entrusted to you. On your hands!" Hugo laughed.

"That's it?!" Zeman said in disbelief. The two sides didn't even have at least in-depth communication.

"That's it, time waits for no one, the team needs a new head coach to take charge of the work!" Hugo said.

On October 1, Trapani issued an official announcement, officially inviting Czech coach Zdenek Zeman to be the team's new head coach. This time it was a surprise attack.

Rumors spread in the middle of the year, and after a few days of speculation, no one in Trapani said a word about Tizeman, so things cooled down. Everyone thought that Trapani was shrinking in the face of the pressure of public opinion, but after waiting for most of the time However, Trapani suddenly announced that Zeman had taken office, catching the media industry off guard.

Now the entire public opinion circle has become noisy again. There are some who are shouting and beating, and there are also those who hope that Zeman will stand up and speak his conscience again. There are so many media in Italy that no matter how powerful the power is, they cannot really control it. So this is also Italy. The benefits of freedom of speech, no matter what you say, there will always be people who are interested.

Trapani is now crowded with people who want to interview Zeman and Hugo. However, according to the agreement, Zeman cannot accept interviews at will. Trapani has deprived him of the right to talk nonsense. Hugo However, he would not refuse anyone who came, and he would use this opportunity to express his attitude and set up a big banner.

When Trapani hired Zeman as team coach, Galliani initially regarded this as a joke. He did not believe that a smart man like Hugo would do such a thing. However, the reality was that Hugo was not smart at all. .

"Gigi, do you know the consequences of inviting Zeman?!" Galliani said on the other end of the phone with a smile.

"Consequences?! What consequences?!" Hugo asked in a pretending confused tone.

"You don't know that he offended the entire Italian football circle, right?!" Galliani laughed.

"Offended the Italian football circle?! Is he so capable?! Is he so capable?! Besides! Hehe, I don’t think he offended the entire football circle, but just some of the powerful people! Jia Gong, tell me. , are you one of these powerful people?" Hugo suddenly struck.

"Me?! How could I?! Our Milan is not that kind of team!" Galliani was stunned for a moment and denied it. Maybe only he knew whether it was true.

"Haha, it's not the best! Football should not be tainted by such dirty things! I think we need to move forward. Zeman is just a person who speaks without thinking, but I still agree with his starting point. Italy The football environment needs to be pure!" Hugo said with a smile.

Humph, who are you? ! The hair has not even grown, so what nonsense are you talking about? ! Galliani sneered in his heart, it's not your turn to purify.

"You're right!" Galliani said against his will. Is this called revolution? ! Nowadays, the big names in the football circle are these wealthy families. If we want a revolution, we don’t want to revolutionize their lives? !

Galliani doesn't know what Hugo will do to deal with Zeman. The Italian football circle will definitely do everything possible to cause trouble for Trapani, that's for sure.

Ilaria D'Amico, a somewhat famous host, was born in 1973. She started her TV career on RAI as early as 1997. She has hosted the 1998 World Cup and the 2000 World Cup. The European Cup event program is not limited to football, but she hosts news, entertainment, politics, tourism and other aspects. Of course, she is most interested in football.

Today she will have an important interview program with the mysterious Mr. Colaney. As the names of Hugo International Investment Company and their beautiful chairman Julia Bonaparte become more and more famous, other The name of the boss behind it, Gianluigi Colaini, is becoming more and more famous.

The reason why this person is mysterious is because since this person appeared frequently in major media and TV programs during the last Trapani incident of detaining the referee, he has been almost silent since then and only occasionally appears in the public eye. Everyone has almost forgotten this person. It is only because of Hugo International Investment Company, because of Trapani, because of the rise of new sports, and because of Google that everyone will think that the person behind all this is Gianluigi Colaini.

D'Amico put on makeup and saw the young rich man as soon as he walked out the door. He was so young that it was enviable and unbelievable. Passing by D'Amico, Hugo didn't even notice such a man. Beauty, because there are many vases in Italy, he doesn't pay much attention to the vases, he only lives himself.

"Sorry, let me borrow it!" Hugo's voice sounded softly, waking up D'Amico.

He doesn't even know me? ! D'Amico has a fire of ignorance in his heart. It seems that I am still not famous enough. He doesn't even recognize me? !

D'Amico gave way awkwardly, Hugo said thank you, walked past her and walked into the dressing room.

D'Amico walked into the studio with a depressed expression, and the director began to explain to her what to do later. The opportunity to interview Mr. Colaney was rare, because Mr. Colaney rarely gave interviews now. Who knew he would find out now? What nerve did you have to accept the invitation from TV station?

D'Amico was a veteran. She knew what to say, what to do, and what questions to ask. Not only did she know it, but Hugo also knew it very well, so she listened absentmindedly. She still remembered what Hugo said to him just outside the dressing room. Her disregard.

Without waiting for too long, Hugo appeared in the studio. When the director introduced Hugo to D'Amico, Hugo finally discovered that the vase was the one blocking the door of the dressing room.

"I'm sorry, Miss D'Amico! I didn't recognize you!" Hugo grabbed D'Amico's hand and gave it a French kiss.

"It doesn't matter! It's just normal that the famous Mr. Colaney doesn't recognize me!" There was a hint of thorn in D'Amico's words, but a charming smile appeared on his face.

My God, are you holding a grudge? !

D'Amico was of good height, and Hugo was not much taller than him. This woman had a really great figure and a charming smile. She was a stunner.

"You are so beautiful!" Hugo murmured to himself, pretending to be dazed.

D'Amico was immediately greatly satisfied, and the things outside the dressing room were forgotten by this vase.

"Mr. Colaney, thank you for your compliment!" D'Amico's smile was much more sincere this time.

Hugo immediately blinked at the beauty and said with a smile: "I just told the truth!"

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