My name is Colani

Chapter 23 High-level meeting

"No matter what you think, I hope we can play in the C-League next year!" Hugo took the lead before the discussion entered a heated stage.

Damn, brother, you really think too much! Morek was speechless about his cousin. The team itself was not strong enough. Even if summer training could be held this summer, the team was not very strong before, so how could they advance? Secondly, there is Hugo, a head coach who is not even half a bottle of water. Does he think being a head coach is easy? Hum, Morek is quite not optimistic that his cousin can use skills and tactics to make up for the team's strength gap.

In fact, for low-level teams like them, the position of head coach is particularly important. After all, the Group D of Serie D they are in is from the southern region, consisting of some teams from Calabria and Campania. and Sicily, everyone is poor, and the gap in strength is really not huge. If there is a good coach, maybe it can achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Alas, let’s forget about my cousin’s level. Recently, he seems to be trying hard to get a coaching certificate by himself. He thinks it’s just learning a foreign language. It’s so simple. Besides, it’s hard to apply what you’ve learned, okay?

Morek was pessimistic and silent.

"Yes! I want to enter the C-League! I have researched it in the past two days. Well, the Serie D league is not interesting. Look, we haven't even gone out to the south! If we want to upgrade, we must upgrade!" Victor shouted.

It's a pity that Victor's best friend Luca Zanetti is too low-level and has been excluded from the decision-making team. Otherwise, someone should have stepped forward at this time.

"It's difficult. Even though we have full-time players now, the level gap is still obvious! If we want to upgrade, unless we can recruit people, but this requires money!" Giorgio could not change Hugo's decision to become a coach. , can only be reminded tactfully from this aspect.

Back in Richie's office, Hugo had a feverish mind and had great ideas, investing money and investing money. But now after careful calculation, he found that he really didn't have much money to invest. Giorgio had hit on his weakness.

"Does it mean we can't rely on our current players?!" Hugo asked depressedly after a pause.

Morek and Giorgio shook their heads like rattles, joking, it would definitely not work, but as long as Hugo doesn't mess around, it is still very feasible to keep his seat in the Serie D.

"Then let's sign people. Aren't some other Serie D teams also buying people?! Why don't we do this? I'll figure out a way around the money!" Hugo gritted his teeth and said, really taking control of an Italian team. After the Dino team, Hugo hoped that the team would not stay in this league for a long time. Mao's reputation was not even there. At least it should be comparable to Palermo, Messina, and Catania. It was agreed to become the flag of Sicily. .

"Buy someone?! Let's forget it!" Morek didn't think this was a good idea.

"Why?!" Victor asked. After all, I have to burn some money, but you still won't let me burn it. If I don't burn it, will we still care about Ding Huan next year? He doesn't care what Hugo sacrificed to get the money. Anyway, his money is Translucent.

"Oh my God! We don't even have the most rudimentary scouting system. Who can tell who is good and who is bad! Are you going to buy people based on their appearance?! Whether it's a few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars, this one If you write it down, it will probably be a loss-making transaction! You can't do this if you have money!" Morek's words were mature and prudent.

Makes sense! Hugo thinks so, and what my cousin said makes sense! But thinking about his cousin, he felt frustrated. What kind of bad club did he inherit? There was no echelon, no youth training, and no scouts. Is this a team with a fucking history of nearly a century? !

Trapani was founded very early in 1905, only 8 years later than Juventus. You must know that this is in the south, and Trapani is a team with a relatively long history in Sicily. , of course they are terrible, they have never even played in the second league, and it is normal to have no youth training.

"If we want to bring in players, we don't have to bring them in. We can also rent them, and the cost will definitely be much less than signing in. Palermo, Messina, and Catania all have echelons, and we can rent their players, presumably. They are also happy to see the results!" Giorgio suddenly interjected, "It is also very common for players to be loaned out in the Italian League!"

This suggestion made everyone's eyes light up. Giorgio has been working for more than ten years and still knows a lot of inside information. It's just that Trapani is too amateur, so there has never been the idea of ​​leasing other players' players.

"Okay then, we can consider renting the players out, preferably for free. We can just pay the players' salaries!" Hugo clapped his hands and decided.

Giorgio wrote it down carefully. After years of accumulation, he had some football connections in Sicily, but how to select good players was a difficult problem. He raised this issue again, which involved still The problem with scouting is that there are no talents in this area.

In the past, Trapani Club would accept all comers. There was no salary anyway. Those who came to join the team could just stay with the team. If it was not appropriate, just let them know. But that’s not possible now. You can’t use this method. Only fools. It's free to come here to play football for free, unless you are really desperate.

When talking about this matter, Giorgio couldn't talk nonsense, because he had no experience in this area, and he didn't dare to say that he judged people accurately.

"Let me see if I can find that old guy Richie! He entered the industry earlier than George, so he must have more connections and can help us!" Hugo thought of Richie at this time.

After this was initially decided, everyone discussed together which areas needed reinforcement. This was not an interjection from Victor, Hugo or Morek. They rarely watched Trapani's football games. Giorgio Esposito had a lot of say, and he did not shy away from it.

"Last season, Elio's level dropped very quickly, and Vincent was not good at all, so the team's offense had big problems. We need to introduce a striker who can score goals. This is in terms of offense, and in terms of defense, I think our goalkeeper is very poor. If it is feasible, I think it would be good to rent a mature goalkeeper!"

It seems that not only Victor but also Giorgio knows that Bruni is no longer good!

Giorgio Esposito can't say that he wants to recruit players in all positions. Of course, everyone's level is not high, but in his eyes, the worst are the striker and goalkeeper positions. Thinking about Hugo, the second-generation ancestor, claiming that he wants to play as a striker, Giorgio thinks that the more he needs to rent a striker who can score goals.

Thinking that Hugo was going to promote a striker himself, Giorgio felt better. After all, the striker had little impact on defense. It didn't matter if he didn't score. It was best if he didn't affect the team's defense. As for Victor, who was going to play as a defender, Giorgio knew that Victor was actually capable of being a defender for an amateur team, so he was not so worried.

"Just do as you say! Speaking of this, I have another important thing to tell you! I want to find two people! One is called Leo Messi, an Argentine, and the other is called Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese! I heard about these two young players by chance in the United States. It is said that they are very talented. I wonder if you can find them!" Hugo said. He didn't know much about the two heroes. He knew nothing except their nationality, so he could only make this excuse.

"Ha, don't joke, Hugo! Even if there are these two little guys with outstanding talents, why would they choose us?! It's better to be down-to-earth!" Morek objected, and he was telling the truth again.

"Poor and white", it is obviously impossible for an amateur league team to attract talented young players. Of course, money may play a big role.

Hugo knew that Morek was telling the truth, but he was unwilling to accept it. Damn it, I know Baldy Qi, Alien, and Bucktooth Luo. These guys have become famous one by one. I can't get close to them. I must be unwilling to accept the two little guys whose hair has not grown out. I must take a gamble.

Hugo insisted on his own opinion and insisted that Giorgio write down this matter and treat it as a big event for the club. Giorgio could only write it down helplessly. This matter was too difficult. There was only a name and nationality. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, Giorgio also thought that Morek was right. It was just looking for trouble!

However, Hugo was the boss. Giorgio even accepted such a ridiculous idea that he wanted to be the head coach. Naturally, there was no need to be serious with Hugo about this matter. Just look for it. Maybe it would be good if you can really get it.

After this incident, everyone discussed where to spend money. The most urgent task now is not to establish a scout system, but to establish a team first, a team of their own. Unfortunately, they don’t have money yet. What should they do? It was still Giorgio who came up with the idea that we don’t need to form our own team. We can choose to cooperate with the middle schools in the city, sponsor some funds, and let them set up football classes. In this way, the team will have its own supplementary strength from now on. Of course, the level will not be too high, at least we have it, right? When we have money in the future, we can think of other ways.

This is another good idea. Hugo has a higher and higher opinion of Giorgio. Grandpa forced this guy to return, which is actually a good thing. There will be no obstacles to finding a middle school to cooperate. The children here are no different from other places in the world. The poorer they are, the less they study. Fighting is commonplace. It is feasible to run a football class.

Thinking of the local situation and thinking about his grandfather’s words, Hugo felt that it was not enough for him to improve his football level. Alas, since he was born in Trapani, his brother would become the richest man in the world sooner or later, so why not build his hometown well.

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