My name is Colani

Chapter 3 Hugo (III)

Victor would appear in front of Hugo from time to time in the past few days. His cousins ​​Elsa and Alda also had a very good relationship with Hugo and always asked him to forgive Victor. Lida also persuaded Hugo that Victor did not mean it.

Thinking about Gianluigi's memories, Victor and Hugo's relationship was indeed the best among the next generation. Hugo and his aunt's children were not close, so what could he do? ! He could only choose to forgive him!

"Victor, take me out for a walk in the afternoon?!" Hugo took a walk in the garden of the manor after lunch.

"Gigi, no, Hugo, forget it! I'm worried about another accident! Then I can only die to apologize!" Victor looked bitter.

"You also know that it was an accident. It's not an accident if it happens frequently! How can I have accidents frequently! Besides, it's just going out for a walk! I really want to go out for a walk!" Hugo said with a dark face.

"Okay, but this must be agreed by Uncle Ricardo and Aunt Lida!" Victor made conditions.

"Damn it, I'm an adult, do I need my parents' permission to go out?!" Hugo blurted out.

Hugo is an orphan. Even with the warmth of the dean, he was discriminated against when he went to school when he was young, and fighting and swearing were commonplace. Isn't this what he blurted out? !

"Ah, you actually swear?!" Victor widened his eyes. He had the impression that his brother was gentle and polite, but he was not like this.

"I just asked you if you would take me there?!" Hugo ignored him and asked in an unquestionable tone.

Of course he would go, because Victor couldn't help but listen to Hugo. He had hurt Hugo before, and now he needed to make some compensation in this regard.

Trapani is a small city with a population of only about 30,000 to 40,000 people. It is not very popular, but Hugo has few memories of this.

In fact, in the real environment, Trapani is very poor. Not only Trapani is poor, but the whole Sicily is poor. Not only the whole Sicily is poor, but the whole southern Italy is poor. Italy's economy basically relies on the support of the north.

Then the people of Sicily, like the country folks in China, would go to the north to work and earn money or even flee Sicily to settle down, which led to the low popularity of Sicily.

Hugo's home was actually quite a distance away from Trapani. Victor secretly took a car. Hugo had no knowledge of cars, but he recognized this car at a glance because it was a Ferrari!

This was very good. No matter how you traveled through time, this car reflected the family's class. At least you would have no worries about food and clothing in this life, and you wouldn't have to struggle alone like in your previous life. Ferrari, Hugo said he had never done it, and he sat on it happily.

"Where are we going?!" Victor asked weakly, patting the steering wheel. He didn't want to take Hugo around at all. He could find the east, south, west and north in this place with his eyes closed. There was really nothing to go around.

"Whatever, I just want to see! You don't look very happy?! Do you know?! My mother hates you very much!" Hugo glanced at Victor and threatened.

Aunt Lida? ! Oh my god, I'd better be obedient. Victor shrugged and made an expression that I understand, and started the car to leave their manor.

"Tell me your story?!" Hugo asked while sitting in the car.

"Me?!" Victor looked at Hugo and pointed at his nose.

"Look at the road, idiot! You are so distracted when driving, no wonder you are sneaking around!" Hugo hurriedly reached out to hold the steering wheel.

"You can see this!" Victor took back his hand and put it on the steering wheel again and said embarrassedly, "Let me make it clear first, this time it was your request that I drove out, and we have to unify our statements in front of Dad! Otherwise, I will really be in trouble!"

"I am very happy to see this result!" Hugo said with a smile, holding his head and resting it on the seat.

"Swish" Victor braked and stopped the car.

"Damn it, you didn't even say a word when you braked?!" Hugo's head almost hit the windshield in front!

"Haha, you deserve it! Gigi, you can't be like this. I drove out for you, and now you don't want to help me. Okay! Since you are like this, I will simply not be your driver!" Victor had a smile on his face. In his impression, Hugo didn't know how to drive, and he couldn't stand this anger.

"Alas, I'm talking to you, first, you are my brother, right? You almost killed me, and you haven't regretted it yet. Second, who do you think you are? The world will still turn around without you, and I will live well! Now get your ass off the seat and get out!" Hugo scolded Victor.

"Ha, I'll get off, no problem!" Victor sneered, got out of the car obediently, stood on the side of the road and watched the show, and see what you can do!

Driving, isn't that a piece of cake? ! Hugo got in the driver's seat and started the car!

"Hey, Gigi, are you crazy?!" Victor was shocked. Silly boy, don't think you can drive just by watching me start the car. This is not a joke! Victor held the handle tightly and tried to open the door.

But as soon as Hugo stepped on the accelerator, Victor hurriedly let go. He didn't want to joke about his car at all!

Hugo saw Victor's embarrassed look in the rearview mirror and couldn't help laughing. Haha, drive fast!

Victor was stunned behind the car for a while, and immediately chased forward like crazy, "Come back! Come back! Gigi, you want to die!"

"Get the hell out of here, don't worry while I'm driving! You're nothing!" Hugo cursed in his heart and sped off happily.

Victor is really going to vomit blood and die. If his family knows this, they will probably blame me again. If something happens, I will really die to apologize for it. Why are you betting? Damn it!

Victor ran forward desperately, praying as he ran, remember to turn, brother!

Hugo was fine, he turned a corner and disappeared without a trace. Victor breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed like there was no big problem, but this damn thing was not OK either. Who knew what would happen next, he was still running forward. , the floral shirt on her body was soaked with sweat, and it felt extremely uncomfortable to stick to her body!

At this time, there was a sound of jingling bells coming from behind. Victor looked back and saw a group of kids riding bicycles. He stood on the roadside and waved to stop.

"Leo, lend me your car!" Victor stopped one of the freckle-faced half-year-old children and said.

"No, they and I are going to the city to play!" The freckled boy refused the proposal and grabbed the handle of the car to break away from Victor's clutches.

"5,000 lire!" Victor gestured.


"Ten thousand!"

"make a deal!"

Victor took out a "Vodak" from his trouser pocket, and the freckled boy happily accepted it. It was very good for a child. Victor got on the bicycle and climbed on the pedals quickly. He was really worried about something happening!

In fact, the manor where Hugo and his family lived was not far from Trapani, and it only took more than ten minutes to drive. Not long after Victor rode, he met a person, and this person was a policeman!

"Giuseppe, have you seen Gigi?!" Victor jumped out of the car and ran to the policeman, asking eagerly.

"Yes, he drove to town!"

"Damn it, why didn't you stop him?!" Victor asked angrily.

"Why?!" the policeman asked.

"He doesn't have a driver's license, damn it!" Victor yelled.

"Ah! I haven't seen you! Goodbye!" The policeman quickly rode on his motorcycle and drove away. After a while, this guy came back again and said to Victor: "How about I use the radio to notify everyone to look for him! "

"Ah..., no! Forget it, go ahead, I've never seen you!" Victor waved his hand dejectedly and let Giuseppe leave.

This policeman is an unlucky man. Not intercepting Hugo was the biggest mistake. If something happened to Hugo, the Colaney family would not let this guy go, but the suggestion he made was unacceptable to Victor, which meant exposing him to another crime. The next mistake.

"God, Virgin Mary, Allah, please protect me!" Victor sat on the ground silently and prayed.

"Vic, can I get my bicycle back?!" It didn't take long for the naughty kids behind to catch up. Leo jumped out of the back seat of his companion's car and asked Victor cautiously.

"Take it, take it!" Victor said weakly, waving his hand.

Leo happily picked up his bicycle and left the intersection with his friends laughing.

Victor stood up and thought about the ants in the hot pot. He didn't know what to do. Tell his family that this is absolutely not possible, friends? ! Uh, no, there is still a risk. I spent an unknown amount of time in hesitation, maybe three-quarters of an hour.

A car stopped in front of the unconscious Victor. Victor recovered from his lust and saw that Hugo was lying on the cab window looking at him, with a proud smile on his face!

Seeing Hugo's expression, Victor was so angry that he didn't know where he got the courage. He grabbed Hugo's collar and asked: "You damn bastard, you don't know what you are doing? ! Do you want to kill yourself or kill me?"

The situation is not that serious. It is possible to kill Hugo himself, but Victor's worries are very real. He really doesn't want anything to happen to his brother!

"Let go! If you have something to say, talk it over! Let's talk after you get out of the car! Let's talk after you get off the car!" Hugo was forced to do nothing by the sudden attack, so he could only slap the car door with his hand and shouted.

Seeing Hugo's embarrassment, Victor lost a lot of his anger. He let go of his hand and Hugo slowly walked out of the car. He was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and Adidas flat shoes.

After adjusting his clothes, he waved to Victor, "Come on, come on, stand up!"

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