My name is Colani

Chapter 31 I went into a black shop

Thinking of the ridiculously young guy, Tony also smiled, "Yes, he is really an interesting guy!"

"So, dear, you are moved by him?!" Marta asked hesitantly with a cute smile.

"I can't explain it clearly! The conditions he gave are simply hard for me to refuse. To be honest, my heart has never calmed down. If you have this money, you don't have to work so hard and don't have to go to the United States! We can live in a big house and drive a luxury car! Do you think I can't be tempted?!" Tony said depressedly, "But...but they are a team in the D-level league!"

This is the most unwilling thing for Tony. His performance last season made him feel that he was capable of playing for a higher-level team and didn't want to marry into the D-level league.

"What do you think of him?! What kind of person is he?!" Marta asked softly.

It's impossible to say that you know Hugo after just meeting him once! Tony understood Marta's meaning very well. She actually wanted to ask Tony, will you trust him? ! Will you believe what he said? !

"I don't know!" Tony said leisurely. Hugo gave him a good impression, but there was one thing: he was Sicilian.

"Why don't we go and take a look?! We can see what the situation is like there, and then make a decision!" Marta suggested with a wild imagination. In fact, he misunderstood what Tony meant. Tony didn't mean to say that Hugo was not the owner of a football team, but he didn't believe that Hugo could make Trapani play in the second or first division in a few years. At present, it takes four years for Trapani to be promoted to the top league every year. Can Hugo do it in four years? !

Tony understood what his girlfriend meant. He smiled and said, "There is no need to go at all. I'm afraid that if I go, I will refuse this lucrative contract! I have also been in many low-level teams. I have never been to Trapani, but I can roughly imagine what Trapani Football Club looks like!"

Tony can imagine that the training ground is ridiculously poor, the competition ground is ridiculously poor, and the club management is completely irregular. In short, it must be worse than Cisco Roma where he is now.

Despite being well prepared, Allegri, who came to Trapani for money, still took a deep breath. This club is too small and has nothing. Ahem, according to Allegri, there is nothing but a basic management framework.

Echelons and training grounds are all floating clouds!

According to the introduction of the general manager in front of him, the management is all relatives. The chairman is Victor Pasilio Colani, the brother of Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, and the deputy general manager is the cousin of the boss Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, a fat businessman, Alessandro Pasilio Moreke. These two are actually members of the team.

What's more outrageous is that the team's financial director is the younger sister Alda Pasilio Colani, a 17-year-old girl. The enthusiastic Giorgio said that the financial director will soon go to the United States to study. In other words, the next financial director is unknown.

For the sake of money, I'll just put up with it! Allegri thought secretly.

However, the hospitality here was quite good. After all, the Trapani football team ushered in the most important day in history today. Massimiliano Allegri was fortunate to become the first Trapani star measured by money, well, the first Serie A star in history to transfer to Trapani!

Therefore, there was such a small group of fans who welcomed him under the arrangement of Giorgio!

Holding unknown flowers in his hands, Allegri felt like a big brother. The residence given to Allegri was also a viewing room by the sea, free to use. Of course, the conditions were just like that, but Allegri was quite satisfied. His hometown Livorno was a small port city by the sea. Now it was like returning to the past, even better than before. His hometown was a little far from the sea, but now he didn't need to walk, just go out.

The welcome dinner in the evening was also very warm. Everyone said some compliments to Allegri. Allegri was impressed by the chairman, Victor Colemani.

"What did I call you?! Shabi! Yes, Shabi! Hugo gave you a nickname! Did you know?! The Chinese have a saying, make the best of it! Don't look at our poor conditions now, we will become the best football club in Italy, not the world!"

"Uh..." After a loud burp, the chairman came to Allegri with a smell of alcohol and whispered mysteriously: "Hugo is very rich! He is the smartest guy in Sicily, no, Italy, and he will become the richest man in the world in the future. What I said is true! So these are not problems, just wait and see!"

"You can find me if you encounter any trouble here! I promise that I can beat those blind guys so hard that they won't even recognize their mothers!" Victor promised solemnly.

In short, the burping chairman said a lot, but what Allegri remembered most was not these but the last sentence, "You have to work hard when you come here! If I find that you are half-hearted, you know the consequences, I have the final say here! Humph!"

Damn, I accidentally went to a black shop!

But on second thought, if I take this money, I will certainly live up to my conscience! Allegri quickly assured the chairman that he would do his best, which made Victor very satisfied.

Allegri was not afraid of Victor's words. He was not afraid because such things were too normal. There were too many shady dealings in Italian football now. For example, sometimes their transfers were completely out of their control and were controlled by their agents. These agents were very powerful in the Italian football circle. Many players had no right to choose their own destiny and could only follow the wishes of their agents. The threats of those big guys were much more serious than Victor's.

It was a small matter to prevent you from playing, and it was also easy to see that your legs were broken.

Allegri, who had experienced the ups and downs of professional football, naturally had no more problems!

Allegri was determined to get rid of the negative impact brought to him by this pitifully small club and play football well. However, he thought too simply and realized that he was really in a black shop!

The morning after the report, Allegri received a notice from General Manager Giorgio and came to the headquarters of Trapani Football Club, a three-story building.

"Xiabi, please sit down!" Giorgio was very enthusiastic. His pronunciation was far less accurate than Victor and Hugo, so Shabi became Xiabi.

Allegri didn't care. The people he met here generally gave him a good impression. They were very enthusiastic and familiar. He didn't encounter any danger last night, no robbery, and no personal danger!

"Mr. Esposito! What do you want to talk to me about?!" Allegri didn't understand what the general manager wanted. It was not time for training yet, and Allegri was resting during this period.

"You can call me Giorgi! Just like I call you Xiabi!" Giorgio smiled, "Well, that's it! That's it! You see, you have come here, you have become a member of our club, and what's more gratifying is that you have become the first star in Trapani's history, and you are fortunate to be the first paid player!"

Can I say it directly? ! Allegri complained.

"Since you are paid, you can't just sit there like this, right?! Don't you think so?! Wasting time is not what people of our age should do!" Giorgio still smiled.

Who said I'm idle? I'm preparing to get a coaching certificate now! Allegri said secretly.

"So we can adhere to the principle of more work, and we have decided after research that it would be a waste if we don't use veterans like you! Therefore, from now on, you are appointed as the coach and player of the team's first team! You now need to come up with the standards for our training in the new season, and you need to help us formulate a training outline!" Giorgio said the purpose of calling Allegri today.

"Ah! I'm a player! I'm not a coach! I just participated in a few days of training, which is the same as Gigi!" Allegri shouted, "Ah" means that he is not prepared. To be honest, it is one thing for him to prepare for the certificate, but now he has no intention of being a coach at all.

"Yes, you are the same as Gigi. He can be the head coach, so why can't you be a coach?!" Giorgio said confidently.

"It's obviously different! He..."

"If he can do it, so can you! To be honest with you, your salary is much higher than mine. Look at how much work I have to do! As a member of the team, you should do more work! Besides, is it difficult to be a coach?! I don't think it's that difficult! You can't even do this?! Isn't this a free man?! I think Gigi is really blind. How could he find a guy like you who eats for free!" Giorgio's next words are simply personal attacks!

What free food? I'm here to play football. Well, forget it and don't talk nonsense with you, a country bumpkin! You turn your face faster than turning a book, and you blame me so quickly! Allegri is so depressed!

"Okay, Mr. Esposito! I'll do it, I'll do it!" Allegri could only bite the bullet and agree.

"It's not that difficult! Let me tell you that our previous head coach was a middle school teacher, working part-time. Look, we managed to stay in the league with this lineup, didn't we?!" Giorgio immediately regained his smiling face and encouraged.

Buddy, how can it be the same? ! Before, you were an amateur team, and your goal was to stay in the league, so it was okay to be a little bit worse. Now you are moving towards professionalism, and your goal is to be promoted. You can't be worse, and the training can't be the same as before. If my main purpose was not to make money, I would not have come if I knew that Gigi was the head coach!

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