My name is Colani

Chapter 312 40. Winter recruitment

On the day when Trapani played against Parma at home, the two sides had reached a complete agreement. Pizarro only needed to pass the physical examination to join Trapani. Therefore, Pizarro and Hidalgo sat in the stands to watch Trapani's first game after the winter break.

Before this game, Miku had recovered from his injury and returned to the main midfielder position. Ribery was in excellent form but was still pressed on the bench by Hugo. Fortunately, Ribery's training attitude and method were very good during this period. Hugo also explained to him that he told Ribery to be patient. Sometimes you don't have to play to learn something. Watching the game on the court can cultivate a good overall awareness.

Since the decline of the Parmalat Group, Parma is now in charge of the Parma City Hall and is supervised by the government. Everyone thought they would encounter the same story as Florence, but they are obviously more tenacious than Florence. They have performed well in the past two seasons and successfully completed the task of relegation. However, the team's problems always exist. Many stars have been sold. Now this group of people is thriving under the leadership of Prandelli and is very difficult to deal with.

Before this game, they were also ranked before Trapani. Prandelli also complimented Trapani in the pre-match press conference. From Prandelli's coaching style, he pursues a balance between offense and defense, but is more inclined to offense, which is somewhat similar to Hugo's current coaching style in Trapani.

Because of this style, in the first game after the winter break, both sides did not seem conservative at all. The scene was very lively. The forward combination of Toni and Klose was still very powerful.

Klose has outstanding advantages. He is willing to study his new role in the team. Now he is not a false winger, but a center forward who tends to retreat. He still found his feeling quickly. In the 6:0 victory over Brescia, he contributed one pass and one shot after his return. As his condition gradually improved, he played even better in this game, contributing 2 shots and 1 pass. He not only scored a goal himself, but also helped Toni score a goal.

Trapani played very well in offense, but problems also appeared in defense, mainly because the problems in the transition between offense and defense were obvious. After Miku returned, his condition was very average in this game. He failed to lead Li Tie and Mascherano to control the rhythm, which led to Parma's good performance on the offensive end. They seized Trapani's loopholes very well and scored three goals. The two sides finally ended in a draw.

Judging from everyone's emotions after the game, Trapani's players were not particularly disappointed, and Hugo did not feel very disappointed. The team must have good and bad times. Besides, Trapani is not necessarily stronger than Parma in terms of its own strength. It is completely acceptable to get a point at home.

Prandelli was also satisfied with the result of the game. Trapani has been unbeaten for four consecutive games, and it is acceptable for him to get a point away from home.

Pizarro had no communication with Hugo before. Hugo only made a commitment to the main force through Hidalgo. After the game with Parma, Pizarro completed the contract, and Hugo found Pizarro alone.

Hugo told Pizarro about his tactical arrangement. Trapani's tactics are different from Spalletti's Udinese. When in Udinese, Pizarro was the absolute core, the controller of rhythm, and the hub of attack and defense conversion, but in Trapani, Pizarro's role will not be like this. Hugo hopes that Pizarro and Miku will resonate with each other and control the rhythm together, rather than letting the team work alone around Pizarro.

"You need to find the feeling, especially with Joao! I hope you play the role like Pep! In the offense, you don't need to insert too much. You can play Joao's deputy in the offense. In terms of control, I need you to control the team's game rhythm. I hope the team's rhythm can be faster!" Hugo drew his ideas on the tactical board.

Pizarro and Guardiola have something in common, but they also have some common shortcomings. Their passing is very good, but the rhythm of the ball is a bit slow. Hugo hopes that his team's offense will be more fierce. Guardiola can no longer rely on the younger Pizarro, but Hugo hopes that he will make some small changes in style.

There are few teams in Serie A with a fast rhythm. They feel like old hands, slow and slow. Everyone does this for only one purpose. The slower the rhythm, the easier it is to maintain a complete defensive formation. There are rules for pressing forward and retreating, and it is not easy for others to catch mistakes.

Hugo does not want his team to evolve into this. When he just coached, he advocated 433, making full use of the speed impact of the wing. Now it has changed to 352, which is slightly more about pursuing offensive and defensive balance. The change of formation is not what he wants, but the situation forces him. Now the team's situation has improved. He hopes Pizarro can lead the team to play a faster rhythm.

Pizarro thought Hugo was a boss coach who survived on the coaching staff. After this detailed discussion, he found that he was wrong. Hugo actually has his own ideas and his own understanding of the game and the development of football. It's just that the outside media likes to call Hugo unlearned.

The two asked and answered, and discussed a lot about tactics. More than an hour passed quickly, and Pizarro fully understood what Hugo meant.

"I didn't expect you to know so much!" Pizarro ended with a heartfelt sigh.

"Most media are mocking me for not knowing anything. The achievements are also the credit of the players and my assistants! I regard this as jealousy! They are jealous that I have my own team at a young age, jealous that I can do whatever I want as the head coach, jealous that I am the youngest head coach in the history of the Italian top league, and jealous of my success!" Hugo said proudly.

The youngest head coach in the history of Serie A is the Hungarian Weitz. He brought the WM formation to Italy and led Inter Milan to win the national championship at the age of 34. However, more than 70 years later, Hugo became the youngest head coach in the history of Serie A. With Trapani's status as a newly promoted team, if Hugo can lead the team to relegation, it can be regarded as quite successful. Judging from the current progress, Hugo has done a good job, with 20 points in 15 rounds of games, and the task has been completed. Before the season, everyone analyzed that the relegation score was about 40 points, and the task was half completed.

Pizarro couldn't help but laugh when he heard Hugo's proud tone. It's better to say proud than proud. He knew Hugo was a rich man. A rich man could play the team very well as the head coach. He had to admit that he did have the capital to be proud.

Pizarro was just the first step in the recruitment. Soon, Sely also introduced the Brazilian player Maicon Douglas Sisenando. Brazilian players have offensive attributes. This player was not a hasty decision. The one who recommended him to Sely was old Hernandez. How could he, an Argentine scout, find Brazil? He really worked hard.

As early as the summer, Trapani had the intention to introduce him, but later Hugo gave the non-EU quota to Li Tie, resulting in the team having no non-EU quota. After half a season of observation, Sely was determined to introduce Maicon and finally took Maicon from Cruzeiro for 3.5 million euros!

Maicon had long been yearning for the European continent. Players like them can only make a lot of money in Europe. How much money can they make in Brazil? !

However, Maicon was introduced in the winter break, but he could not play for the team and could not even register. Trapani had a solution. He immediately rented Maicon to Guingamp for half a season and planned to use him again next season.

But the team still lacked a right-back who could serve as a substitute. It was difficult to find a young player. Seli turned his attention to veterans. He was inclined to sign a veteran with a contract period of one or two years. After obtaining Hugo's consent, Seli actually found Lazio's old captain Negro.

Speaking of Negro, we have to mention Lotito. Lazio fell into crisis in 2002. It was under Mancini's leadership in the past two years that Lazio did not follow in Florence's footsteps. In November 2003, Lotito, a self-made tycoon, acquired 30% of Lazio's shares and became the largest shareholder. Then he also took the position of Lazio chairman.

After he came to power, his idea was very simple and pure, that is, to drive away the high-paid players who did not do anything. Well, unfortunately, the captain Negro was one of them. Negro was 32 years old and was no longer in the main position in Lazio. He was a substitute, but his salary was not small. He had a very hard time in Lazio.

Trapani threw an olive branch, and Lotito agreed without serious consideration. He terminated the contract with Negro in advance, allowing Negro to transfer to Trapani freely. Although Trapani could not ensure Negro's main position, it guaranteed Negro's salary requirements and gave him a one-and-a-half-year contract, which ended in the summer of 2005.

Trapani also wanted to introduce a midfielder, but he was not suitable in the winter market. Finally, when the winter transfer window was closed, Trapani still failed to achieve his wish.

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