My name is Colani

Chapter 35 Birds of a Feather

The FA Cup in England is a competition for both amateur and professional teams. The FA Cup itself is the oldest and most popular national competition in England, and it is older than the national league. At the beginning, amateur teams participated. Of course, there was no such thing as professional teams at that time. It was the development of the FA Cup that produced the first team to pay salaries, and thus professional teams were born. Players started to get paid from this competition.

In Italy, teams below the D-level participate in the Amateur Cup, which is different from the Italian Cup. Hugo's team can participate in the Amateur Cup, and the final venue is Rome. The reward for winning the championship is promotion.

After Allegri was forced to do it by Giorgio, he was very distressed at first, but in the final, he is different from Hugo. He has professional career experience, while Hugo is just a fan. Now he is just better than ordinary fans and knows some technical and tactical kicks.

Later, Allegri thought about it and thought, what's the point of this? He could just pick and choose the training he had received before. So a training plan that combined the strengths of all parties was soon produced. As for whether it was applicable or not, Allegri didn't care so much.

With his own idea, Hugo asked for another sum of money from his family. He was in a very good mood. At least he had money and confidence. After calculating, he found that the money he asked from his family was not a small amount. If the family converted it into shares, he was afraid that the club would not belong to him. Fortunately, it was a sponsorship.

Hugo was very happy to have money. He arrived at the headquarters early the next morning and told Giorgio about the news. Giorgio's mouth was big, thinking that Mr. Colemani doted on Hugo too much, one million US dollars a year.

"Next time I see Alex, I will teach him some experience. Don't be stingy when it comes to sponsorship. At least it should start at 100,000!" Hugo boasted proudly.

Haha, if you were not your grandfather's most beloved grandson, would you ask for so much? ! Giorgio despised him very much. He was just a second-generation rich kid. That was all. It was always good to have so much money. It must be good for the team. Maybe some plans should be changed.

Giorgio had a beautiful idea. He felt that the most important thing for the team now was to complete the entire structure. There was no medical team, but this should be there! There was no money before, so I decided to use the old method. When there was a game, I would cooperate with the local hospital and hire a doctor to accompany the team. Now it is different. At least there should be something. Recruit two full-time doctors.

Youth training is the key point. Giorgio has no other experience. At least he knows that the level of the children playing football in Trapani is really not high. Of course, it is definitely not possible to run a youth training academy by himself, but he can discuss with the cooperating middle school and pay for some professional coaches to teach the children to play football. With the current physical education teachers in that school, it is estimated that there is only a youth training team.

Giorgio's idea is of course good, but it has been strongly opposed by Hugo. He also knows that Giorgio's idea is correct. Besides, Hugo also agrees with the starting point. It is a good thing to allow the children in his hometown to receive higher-level football training.

However, after signing Tony, the salary issue must be considered. To put it bluntly, Hugo wants to spend this money on the players, and he can't expect the effect of youth training. Now there is no money to spend, so it is better to build the first team first.

"Beep beep!" The two people were arguing, but Giorgio's door was knocked.

The two stopped arguing temporarily, and Hugo sat on Giorgio's office chair with an unhappy face. It was because he understood Giorgio's idea, but his heart was obviously more urgent, so he could only sulk when he was angry. Anyway, Giorgio couldn't beat him in the end.

"Mr. Esposito! I hope I didn't disturb you!" It was Allegri who knocked on the door with a smile on his face.

Giorgio was angry. He knew that he couldn't convince Hugo, but he still insisted. Allegri came and Giorgio was just going wild.

"What are you doing here?! I say, you guys, you get paid but don't work, why do you keep coming to me?! I ask you, have you finished what I asked you to do?!"

Damn it, Allegri's heart was full of grass mud horses! Forget it! For the money, I endured it.

There is no reason to talk to this group of people. Allegri completely treats this place as a black shop!

"Shabi!" Allegri didn't say anything, but Hugo was very happy to see Allegri. He just returned home yesterday and originally planned to visit Allegri today and care about how his roommate was doing here. As a result, he ran to the headquarters in the morning and quarreled with Giorgio.

Seeing Allegri at this moment, Hugo was in a particularly good mood. Why? Allegri was the person he recruited personally, and Hugo had high hopes for this guy.

"Why are you here? I was planning to visit you later! How is it? Are you used to it?! Haha, needless to say, it looks really good!" Hugo hugged Allegri enthusiastically.

Allegri really didn't know Hugo was back. Hugo's enthusiasm still made Allegri feel very comfortable. Although this general manager was not a human, at least Hugo looked pretty good.

"I'm also very happy to see you! Gigi! When did you come back?!"

"Yesterday, please forgive me for not visiting you the first time because I had something to do!" Hugo patted Allegri's shoulder and smiled.

Judging from Hugo's expression, Allegri came to the conclusion that Giorgio had not informed Hugo that he had been hired as a coach of the team, so Allegri thought, since Giorgio was bragging He said he was Hugo's close friend, but he wanted to give Giorgio some eye drops today to see if it was true.

"Uh, it's nothing! I came here today to give this to Mr. Esposito!" Allegri raised the training plan in his hand.

"What is this?!" Hugo reached out and took it.

"Training plan!"

"Oh!" Hugo didn't ask anything else, he just stood there and started reading!


"Yeah" Hugo didn't even raise his head.

"I really didn't expect that it's not easy to play football here!" Allegri glanced at Esposito, but the other party had no reaction. He continued: "You said that I am just a football player. How do you understand? What kind of training, Mr. Esposito insisted on letting me serve as the team’s coach and asked me to come up with the season’s training plan! I want to know if this is what you mean!”

Giorgio thought he was going to say something, but this was what he was talking about? ! "Hey!" Giorgio sneered. It turned out to be a complaint. Just sue him. Anyway, he was very angry today. The worst he could do was have another quarrel with Hugo!

Hugo browsed through it roughly, not paying attention to what Allegri said. After reading it, his face was filled with a smile, and he hugged Allegri again, "Shabi, you did this?! Great! To be honest, I work very hard as a boss and don’t have time to think about these things! Although this kind of work is relatively simple, I think you must have put a lot of thought into it!”

Allegri vomited blood after hearing this, simple? ! Well, actually it only took me a whole morning, but teacher, you didn't understand the point clearly, I was forced.

"I don't understand either. Mr. Esposito forced me to be the coach of the team and forced me to come up with this plan!" Allegri emphasized the word "forced".

"Really?!" Hugo, still smiling, turned to look at Giorgio, "Giorgio, you did a great job on this! I was originally worried that we still needed members of the coaching staff, but now it's okay. At least with Shabi’s help, my work will be much easier!”

Allegri was completely speechless. He thought he could escape from such a job by poking Hugo out without knowing he was being coerced. Unexpectedly, Hugo and Giorgio were the same!

"Haha, Gigi, Xiabi mainly asked to join the team's coaching staff! Alas, when he just came to the team, he saw that we were lacking everything here and with such a "high" salary, he felt really bad about it, so he took the initiative Joined the coaching staff! I didn’t expect to come up with something so quickly! Xia Bi, you are amazing!” Giorgio laughed and gave Allegri a thumbs up, with special emphasis on Allegri. Gerry's high salary.

"Xiabi?! Georgie, your pronunciation is incorrect! Ha, forget it, actually Xiabi is a very good nickname! From now on we will all call you Xiabi! You are a great friend!" In view of Allegri With the strong support of his classmates, Hugo decided not to tease Allegri anymore.

Allegri's temporary act of humiliation was unsuccessful. He didn't want to become a coach. Hugo had already approved it. Allegri really couldn't say anything, but the mentality of raising his salary started to trouble him again. He said with a grimace. : "Given my proactive attitude, Jiji, don't you have the idea of ​​​​giving me some benefits?!"

"What are you referring to?!" Of course Hugo knew what Allegri wanted, but he deliberately pretended to be confused. There was no way to ask for money. Now that he's done it, let's keep doing it!

"I mean, maybe you can give me a little salary increase! What do you think?!" Allegri said shamelessly.

"I thought you regarded me as a friend and were willing to fight for our common cause, but I didn't expect you were just doing it for money!" Hugo had a disappointed expression on his face.

What is our common cause? ! It’s your career! Allegri cursed, but smiled on his face, "Why for money?! You are my friend, but since you have no money, I will forget it!"

Hearing the excitement in Allegri's words, Hugo was not fooled at all. He smiled openly and said: "Haha, that's right. You know we are in the start-up stage now and we really don't have much money! Besides, I It’s also a chance for you. Think about it, sooner or later you will be a head coach. Isn’t this a chance for you to learn?”

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