My name is Colani

Chapter 381 Naming Rights

Pacilio is old, but he is definitely not confused. He soon figured out what was going on. These two guys didn't come to see him. They didn't even finish the ceremony and came here just to ask for money.

You little brats, asking for money! Well, I'm pretending to be stupid too!

Seeing that grandpa was talking about other things, Hugo was so angry. He didn't believe that grandpa didn't understand what he meant.

Finally, Hugo spoke up, "Grandpa, look at you, we are a family. If we have something to say, we should say it clearly!"

"Yes, say it clearly!" Alex chimed in.

"What do you two kids want to say?!" Pacilio smiled.

"I want to say that we are also poor. Do you think so..."

"Sponsor you a little!" Pacilio smiled at the two of them.

"Yes! I knew that grandpa was very righteous! He would definitely not favor one over the other! Alex, what did I say? We are grandpa's grandson. He can't..." Hugo complimented him one after another.

"Stop, stop, stop..." Pacilio impatiently stopped Hugo from blowing, "You want money?!"

Hugo and Alex were like little kids, nodding their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

"No way!"

"That won't do!" This was Hugo's voice.

"That won't do!" This was Alex's voice.

Grandpa laughed, come on, a grandson and a grandson are almost thirty years old, it's too shameless to ask for money, just like a child.

"I don't have money either! Don't you think about the donation of 100 million to the new stadium, where can we donate money to you?! Besides, the meaning is different!" Grandpa said with a smile.

"Why is it different? You give it to dad, and you have to give it to us!" Fat Alex looked unreasonable.

"Tell me, whose new stadium you built belongs to?!"

"Of course it's ours! It belongs to the club!"

"What about the Trapani Stadium?!"


Hugo is not stupid and soon understood what Grandpa meant. The Trapani Stadium belongs to the City Hall and the people of Trapani.

In the final analysis, the money earned by Trapani Club's own stadium belongs to the club itself, and has nothing to do with the people of Trapani. The financial income of Trapani Stadium belongs to the city hall, which in a disguised way also belongs to the people of Trapani.

My grandfather is doing charity. Donating to you Trapani Club is different from donating to the city hall.

"I don't care. No matter what, you have to give me some money!" Faced with the temptation of 100 million, I'm sorry, Hugo is going to continue to cheat.

"It's useless this time! ..., unless you can buy it with ideas according to our rules!" Palacio began to squeeze Hugo again.

Hugo thought for a while, "No problem! How about I give the family a suggestion! How about I sell 50% of my social networking site to the family?!"

Hugo now has three companies that are his own private property and have 100% of the controlling rights, one is a video site, one is a social networking site, and the other is a software company.

He originally planned to sell the video website this summer, and sell it to Google according to the original trajectory, but the video website is not so famous yet. Today, when his grandfather mentioned this, Hugo thought of the social website.

Hugo didn't want to sell the social website, but if it was the Colani family, it would be another matter. After all, they are family members. If they become prosperous in the future, the Colani family will also have a share.

Palacio didn't understand what Hugo was talking about.

Hugo patiently explained to Palacio. Palacio listened to the general idea and asked, "How much do you plan to sell it for?!"

"500 million!" Hugo raised his finger.

Palacio was confused. To be precise, he couldn't appreciate the value of the social website Hugo was talking about, but Hugo's offer was too high.

"Grandpa, you can hold a family meeting to see if it is necessary to make this investment and listen to Alda's opinions!" Hugo suggested.

"We can put this deal aside for now. Now I'm going to talk about another deal! I won't let you spend money in vain. I'll give you the naming rights of the new stadium for 50 million for 5 years! How about it?!" Hugo's mind gradually opened up and he began to fool the family's money again.

50 million for 5 years, in fact, this naming fee is not unfair, because the newly built stadium is not just a stadium, but a landmark building of Trapani, a landmark building of Sicily, and even a landmark building of Italy. This cannot be measured by the naming fee of ordinary stadiums.

So Hugo thought the price was reasonable. He patiently explained to his grandfather why it was so expensive. It is difficult for ordinary stadiums to reach such a price.

"Grandpa, if the family names the stadium, it means that you will be the first to be branded on the new stadium. Even if the family does not renew the naming contract, the advertising effect can still last for many years. Do you think this deal is worthwhile?!"

Pasilio thought, yes, that's the truth. The family's business is in the expansion stage. With this advertisement, it is not just Italy that knows the Colani family, but the whole world.

Pasilio immediately decided to agree to Hugo's plan. I will not suffer any loss if I sponsor the naming plan.

When Hugo came out of the house, he invited his cousin, Victor and Lu Fan after training to have a feast. He was very happy. He bet that he would be able to fool his grandfather into bleeding today. He quoted 500 million euros, 5% Ten shares will definitely be worth two years later, but now, hey, social networking sites have only been around for a long time, so they are not worth that much, but Hugo is sure that Alda will try his best to encourage the family to take over the shares. Social networking sites are in Europe is not as good as in the United States, which is developing rapidly, and Alda will not be unaware of its potential.

Another trump card of Hugo is his ever-victorious reputation. Whatever he invests in is successful. The Colaney family has actually benefited from Hugo. Google is about to go public. Several co-founders and The wealth of the Kolleni family will grow exponentially, and Alda will definitely trust her cousin.

With Victor, everyone gradually started talking on the court. Trapani has performed well recently, but Victor revealed one thing. Tony has not started in three games without any illness or pain.

"What on earth does he want to do?!" Hugo was angry. What did Zeman want to do? ! Anyone can be crippled, but there are a few who cannot be crippled. Hugo must not let Zeman cripple Tony.

It is undeniable that Tony's condition this season is a bit poor, but Tony is Hugo's sweetheart, so Zeman has stepped on Hugo's tail again, but who can understand Zeman? !

It is an indisputable fact that Tony is in poor condition. Zeman wants to make some changes, and Tony, who is in poor condition, naturally becomes the target of his attack.

Everyone is close and close. Victor said this because he was obviously unhappy with Tony's experience. Lu Fan and Morek were opposed to it. Why couldn't Tony be used as a substitute? ! Just because you trust him, you can put him in the main position even if he is in poor condition? !

After not starting three games and sitting on the bench, the outside media will naturally make up stories. What kind of stories will they make up? Toni's departure from Trapani, the little story that has to be told between Hugo and Zeman, anyway. It’s about catching people’s attention, and you can make up anything.

In the past, the verbal support of Zeman from the top management of Trapani cannot be said to be firm, but this time it is different. In an interview with reporters after attending an event, Hugo actually said that Zeman should stay or leave. "I don't know either! Maybe you should ask him himself!"

This attitude has already expressed his dissatisfaction. Zeman is certainly not stupid. He heard what Hugo meant. He could feel that Hugo might really want to say goodbye to him. Zeman said he was not angry. That's false. He was really a little angry. The patience Hugo once said was quickly eaten by dogs. What he said that we were only aiming for relegation this season became nonsense. Hugo just kept his words!

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