My name is Colani

Chapter 385 113. Target Vieri

Hugo was surprised by Seli's proposal, and then Hugo suspected that Seli saw that Hugo could invest a lot of money in the transfer market, so he was moved. In the past, Seli always said that Trapani should focus on youth training and cultivate a group of players who can survive in Trapani's first team, and now it seems that Seli has really changed.

"It's very simple. We must use money to hit some players who can bring qualitative changes to the team. It's difficult for us to qualify for the Champions League just relying on the current players! We need a team with considerable ability to stay in the ranks of Champions League contenders for a long time!" Seli explained.

"Don't you think it's time for us to win something now?! In the market last summer, we can say that we got nothing. Why, because we are a newly promoted team, which has no attraction to players at all. We need championships to increase the team's popularity! Why Real Madrid, why Juventus can always easily attract players, because they have championships!"

"And now we continue to train our own players step by step, how long do you think it will take for us to win the championship?!" Seli tried his best to persuade Hugo after the meeting.

At this moment, Trapani's league ranking has dropped to fourth place. The pursuers behind are too close. If Trapani is not careful, he will lose the qualification for the Champions League. Such a loss is undoubtedly huge.

We need a champion! Hugo silently thought about what Seli said. It is too important to have a champion. Seli is not unreasonable. It is a process for a team to become strong, but Hugo really doesn't want to fall to the level of Udinese and make money by the team.

Everyone is changing. It can only be said that now, whether it is fans or club executives, their appetites are big. No one will be satisfied with fighting for the Champions League like now. Judging from the situation in the standings, Milan and Juventus are too strong, and Trapani is far away from them. In the first half of this season, Milan and Juventus both defeated Trapani, which shows that Trapani is still far away from the top teams.

In this situation, it is normal to make strategic changes in the transfer market.

"Spend money like Abrahimovic?!" Hugo asked back.

"Yes, spend money like him!" Seli said affirmatively.

"Have you ever thought about the salary structure?!" Hugo asked. Hugo was famous for his generosity, but Trapani didn't have many high-paid players. The players were not very famous, so the total salary was naturally not as much as the northern giants.

Seli didn't answer. If he really planned to introduce players, then expanding the salary space was necessary. Now Trapani's annual revenue and expenditure are generally balanced, and Hugo's subsidy is not too much, but once the salary structure is adjusted, Hugo will have to spend an extra sum of money, which is not a small number.

Hugo asked the financial director to quickly make a financial budget, and finally decided to invest heavily in the summer. Lucarelli, Mascara and others can leave if they want to. What really touched him was Seli's words. According to Hugo's idea, Trapani's new stadium should build a team history museum, but it's really a bit embarrassing that there is not even a trophy of weight.

This is really embarrassing. What's the point of spending some money in the summer!

Hugo told Seli to go for it, I can spend more than 100 million this summer, but the premise is that we must introduce players who can significantly change the team's strength.

At that time, Real Madrid was called the Galaxy Battleship. Hugo told Seli that if Florentino wanted to build the Galaxy Battleship, then I had to build the Space Battleship.

On April 24, Trapani played against Inter Milan at home. Moratti contacted Hugo in advance and said that he wanted to go to the away game to watch the game. Watching the game was not the most important thing. The important thing was that Moratti wanted to talk to Hugo.

Hugo originally did not plan to watch the game at home, but now Moratti said he wanted to go to Palermo, Hugo would naturally give Moratti face, and everyone sat together in the stands. Moratti found Hugo because of the Football Association election. The three northern powers have common interests in many aspects, which led to them standing together in many cases, but internally, Inter Milan and Milan and Juventus are very unfriendly. Milan and Juventus joined forces to attack Inter Milan.

In this FA election, Moratti obviously had some thoughts and wanted to cooperate with Hugo. Of course, it is essential to give benefits to Inter Milan after taking office.

Hugo actually sympathizes with Moratti. Are Inter Milan's players not strong enough? ! No, but they have always been called the black hole of stars, whoever comes to blacken them!

The team's performance has not improved. At present, they are still far away from Milan and Juventus in the standings, ranking third, but Trapani is only 2 points behind them, and this game is also a decisive battle.

Who can be blamed for the years of no championship? ! Inter Milan does not have a coordinated idea in the transfer market. The most important thing is that Moratti is too doting on his players. There are many gangs in the team. It is difficult to replace anyone. Cooper is considered to have done a relatively good job.

Mancini's performance this season can only be said to be too average. With so many good players, the points are only two more than Trapani. It is not justifiable. What is scary is that the outside media still praises Mancini to the sky. Anyway, it has nothing to do with Hugo. Italians have the habit of praising their own coaches. There is nothing surprising.

The two first talked about the election of the Football Association. Hugo told Moratti that you support me, it is definitely right, and then the two teams can carry out in-depth cooperation.

Some things don't need to be said explicitly. Hugo readily accepted Moratti's olive branch, and then Hugo began to fantasize about Inter Milan's player, Vieri.

Vieri's story is not complicated. The King of Meazza now has a very bad relationship with Roberto Mancini. The result this time is that Moratti will not stand on Vieri's side. Perhaps he has reflected on his past. Moratti now attaches more and more importance to the authority of the head coach, which happens to be the point where the media often criticizes Moratti.

Unfortunately, he chose Mancini, so Vieri, who doesn't get along with Mancini, can only become an abandoned object.

Vieri's injuries have begun to increase in the past two years, and his goal rate has also dropped a lot, but after all, he is only 32 years old, and his power is still very large. The most important thing is what Vieri is, a real superstar, and introducing him is of great significance to Trapani.

It is for this reason that Seli and Hugo both think Vieri is a very feasible target.

Hugo did not expect Vieri to bring much strength to the team. The most important thing was the star effect. Salary was a small issue. I had money, so I just kept an idle person. I could keep Guardiola and Vieri. There was no difference.

Hugo expressed Trapani's intention. Moratti was eager to get rid of Vieri. Everyone knew that Vieri's level would drop. Vieri's striker originally relied on his body. He had to pay attention to maintenance when he was old. What was Vieri? He was called a playboy like Inzaghi. Of course, he could not be as strong as Zola.

Vieri also had a high salary. Inter Milan would save a lot of money by getting rid of him!

"You are welcome to talk, but you'd better act quickly! Milan is also interested in him!" Moratti revealed to Hugo.

Hugo was annoyed when he heard the name of Milan. He inserted Galliani, and Trapani's chance of introducing Vieri was much smaller.

"Can't you add a condition that he can't talk to Milan and Juventus?!" Hugo said dissatisfiedly.

Moratti could only shake his head and smile bitterly, he couldn't!

He was obviously hostile to Milan and Juventus, but the frequent transactions between the three of them were outrageous. Why? Because the private relationship between everyone was too complicated. The connection between the Moratti family and the Berlusconi family was not simple. Politics brought them together, which in turn affected football. -

Inter Milan sent players to Juventus, and even more to Milan. Maybe Juventus Moratti would add a termination clause, but Milan would never do that.

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