My name is Colani

Chapter 433 Bloodbath of Wanderers

And the three midfielders of Trapani are not simply summarized as muscle men. They have the basic skills of passing. Take Mascherano for example. Under the influence of Guardiola, he is also very good at long passes, but there is a gap between his reading ability and vision of the game and Pizarro and Guardiola.

Trapani's midfield technical strength will only be stronger than the Glasgow Rangers on the opposite side!

Mauro's analysis of Glasgow Rangers in the live broadcast room is also almost right. McLeish does intend to defend, and the reasons are those analyzed by Mauro. Glasgow Rangers don't need to attack Trapani.

And from the group stage to now, Glasgow Rangers can advance by defending. In fact, they only won one game in the group stage!

In the group stage this season, they are in the same group with former Champions League champion Porto, Serie A giants Inter Milan, and Slovak champion Artemitia. Artemitia is the weakest, followed by Porto and Glasgow Rangers. The strongest is Inter Milan, followed by Porto.

People expected Inter Milan and Porto to advance, but Glasgow Rangers relied on tenacious defense to get the qualification. They only won one game, but they only lost to Inter Milan. The other four games were tied, with a total of 7 points.

Glasgow Rangers were lucky to get the qualification. In the first round of the knockout round, they also showed a tenacious defensive attitude. They played a cold shot at Trapani at home. It is not surprising that they relied on defense in the second round.

McLeish loudly encouraged the players of Glasgow Rangers in the away team's locker room. Since we can defend at home, we can also defend away. As long as we don't lose the ball, we can make history!

McLeish still sent out a 442 formation in this game:

Goalkeeper: Watlers

Defenders: Hatton, Rodriguez, Giljacos, Murray

Midfielders: Bookheim, Dani, Ferguson, Namushi

Forwards: Lovenkrans, Buffel

This 442 should be 451 to be exact. Lovenkrans is basically the only one at the front, and Buffel is basically a midfielder, but anyway, the official formation is 442.

Hugo and Trapani's senior executives have already sat in the VIP seats of the Barbera Stadium. Hugo also invited many Sicilian politicians to watch this game today. There are also some famous people born in Sicily to watch this knockout game, such as the director of "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily". Giuseppe Tornatore.

This great director is from Palermo, but he is not a fan of Trapani or Palermo. Of course, he has to give Trapani's invitation some face, anyway, he has been idle recently.

Sitting with Hugo was Palermo Mayor Mossotto. Palermo has two teams, one is Palermo, and the other is Trapani, which just came to Palermo three years ago. Trapani City Hall is about to complete the renovation of the stadium.

There have always been rumors that Trapani will move back to Trapani. Mossotto is very nervous. Both the City Hall and the City Council hope that Trapani will stay. Trapani's name is very Trapani-ized, but what does it matter? They can also become Palermo's business card. Politicians are not fans. They hope to bring practical things.

Trapani can bring a lot of things to Palermo, mostly positive and healthy. Compared with Zamparini, an outsider, Hugo, the boss of the local household registration book, is undoubtedly more attractive to them!

This is regional discrimination. Sicily is also xenophobic, especially in the political and business circles!

Before the game started, Mossotto began to lobby Hugo to let Trapani stay, at least before the construction of their new stadium was completed. After the club's new stadium was built, it was definitely unlikely to stay!

"Mr. Mayor, let me put it this way. Because of this team, I am not only a Trapani, I am also a Palermo, and I am even more Sicilian! I am very grateful for your support for me and the Trapani team!"

"But you also know that moving the home stadium is not something I can decide on my own!"

Hugo laughed. Whether to move or not is up to him alone. Others, uncle? ! That must be helpless for him.

"Gigi, if you are willing to stay, I can persuade the city council to reduce the cost of renting the stadium!" Mossotto said shockingly!

In fact, the rental fee is a small matter, but the impact is huge. It feels a bit biased. Think about what Palermo would think? !

However, Mossotto said this, and Hugo was really surprised!

It seems foolish not to take advantage of it, but Hugo doesn't want to take advantage of this at all. Palermo also has many Trapani fans, but Palermo is a serious local team. Mossotto is not giving Trapani a discount, but simply making Trapani hate him!

"I don't dare to take advantage of this!" Hugo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"What kind of advantage is this! To be honest, we have talked about it two or three times, right! I have also said that staying here means a lot to Palermo! I hope you can stay here before the new stadium is built! I can say for sure that the City Hall and the City Council will do their best to support you!" Mossotto made a solemn promise.

In general, the Palermo City Hall and the City Council have always been good to Trapani, giving a lot of benefits, and they have always spoken for Trapani in terms of public publicity!

Mosuto has met Trapani players more than once to show that Palermo attaches great importance to Trapani as a foreigner.

The Palermo Municipal Government is also more generous than the Trapani Municipal Government for annual stadium repairs. Although they have no money, they actually do not let Palermo and Trapani bear most of the costs.

Thinking about these, Hugo was a little tempted. The Barbera Stadium is still bigger than the Trapani Stadium, and Palermo is also a big city, which will help Trapani gather popularity. Trapani's fan base is not stable. To put it bluntly, championship fans are the majority. Trapani now attracts fans because of its style and achievements. If it moves back to Trapani, can it still gather so much popularity? ! Will it cause the loss of fans?

Popularity is money. The ticket revenue of Trapani is millions every year, and all the money is lost!

These issues are not something Hugo is thinking about at this moment, he has thought about them before, but now his uncle is eagerly looking forward to Trapani's return, and Hugo really wants to return to Trapani!

Now Hugo was also a little touched by Mosuto's eagerness, he was so sincere!

"Mr. Mayor, let me think about it again!" Hugo said sincerely, "And my uncle is also one of the people who made the decision!"

"I'll convince him!" Mosuto replied. The connection between Palermo and Trapani is getting closer and closer. Hugo once discussed the integration process with them, but the things involved are very complicated.

Hugo's ultimate idea is to merge the province of Trapani and the city of Palermo. This involves changing the administrative regions of Sicily, which is quite complicated and difficult to handle!

At this time, the game on the court also started. Today's referee team is from Denmark. The referee is the famous Nelson. Nelson has a "grievance" with the English. He sent off Beckham during the 1998 World Cup, and then In this year's Champions League group stage, he also sent Rooney off the field.

But generally speaking, his law enforcement level is good, so after the last controversy, UEFA chose the referee with great caution this time.

After the last round, UEFA investigated Trapani's post-match remarks and imposed penalties. Morek was punished for inappropriate remarks. Nelson was also under great pressure in this game!

The Scots are proud that Rangers have reached the knockout tournament. Many visiting team fans traveled to Palermo today. Not only did the away team seats at the stadium be filled to capacity, there were also Rangers fans gathering outside the stadium!

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