My name is Colani

Chapter 45 A good start

Rich only then remembered a factor that seriously affected the team. The head coach was Hugo, a second-generation rich man, and one of the main strikers was also this second-generation rich man. Oh, too optimistic, I forgot about this funny guy! Rich couldn't even talk to him!

"Uncle Ricardo, Hugo still knows himself. Maybe he won't let himself play in the second half! I see that he trains for three days and two days. Today, he will definitely not be able to run half a game!" Morek said, "He should know that today is not as casual as the friendly match against Palermo!"

"Damn it!" Hugo slowly got up from the ground with a curse. Today was a big embarrassment. He was also embarrassed in the last friendly match, but that was not in front of his hometown elders. Today, there are more than 2,000 local fans on the scene. Some fans watched him grow up, and some fans are his peers.

The more embarrassing it was, the more Hugo wanted to tell everyone that it was an accident. It is worth mentioning that the match against Palermo was completely different from today's match. Palermo's strength was of course much higher than Trapani's. Trapani could create fewer opportunities and was at a disadvantage throughout the game. In other words, Hugo would not be embarrassed too many times, and he could get by with just making up the numbers.

Today was different. Trapani's strength was obviously much higher than the lousy Palazzolo. Allegri was really like a fish in water at the level of Serie C. Under his dispatch, Trapani was in complete control of the situation. Trapani created a lot of opportunities. Toni broke the ice with a header in the 11th minute, helping Trapani to establish an early lead.

But Hugo, in the following half an hour, spit out the cake crazily. Of course, it was all a matter of strength. He was originally bad. Being smart does not mean that you can get started quickly. What's more, this gentleman, as Morek said, was the first to be not positive in his attitude towards training, and he still expected him to have any good performance.

At the end of the first half, Trapani led Palazzolo by one goal with only one goal from Toni, all thanks to Hugo's crazy spitting.

Entering the locker room from the side corner, Hugo always felt that the fans in the stands were whispering. Every smiling face seemed not to bloom for the team's lead, but to laugh at his amateur-level spitting.

"Gigi, I think you'd better not play! If you go on like this, you won't be able to raise your head in front of your hometown folks!" Victor was self-righteous, hugged his brother's shoulders, and whispered to persuade him. He really couldn't bear it. In fact, the embarrassing thing, how to say it, is the most uncomfortable to be embarrassed in front of acquaintances, on the contrary, it feels much better to be embarrassed among strangers.

"Who cares?! I must score a goal on this field today!" Hugo had a dark face, shook his shoulders, and walked into the locker room without looking back.

Allegri and Toni followed behind. Allegri knew that Hugo was not good at playing football. He was very knowledgeable and sounded like an expert, but he was a complete novice on the court. He didn't know that he lacked the most important skill as a striker. He had a very poor understanding of positioning. The opportunity in the fifth minute was his real flash of inspiration. The following opportunities were actually his teammates who helped him to get involved. The opponent's level was not high and easily missed Hugo, allowing Hugo, who was waiting for the opportunity, to get a good chance to shoot. Even so, Hugo, who was not good at shooting, still didn't score a goal.

"Luca, don't pass the ball to him, shoot it yourself!" Allegri said to Toni.

"I can't do anything about it. They all came to double-team me. Gigi's side was empty, so you know..." Toni complained, "I know his level is too poor, but I didn't expect that he could miss the ball even at such a close distance!"

Well, this is the truth. Toni's forced shooting will not be very effective. It is naturally a good choice to pass the ball to the empty space.

"I think if he is on the court, it may be difficult for this team to win a victory!" Allegri shook his head and sighed.

Tony felt the same way. Who can predict what will happen on the court? In the friendly match, Trapani, a pure loser team, tied Palermo. If Trapani cannot expand the score and establish a greater advantage, who knows whether Palazzolo will suddenly counterattack in the second half? !

Everyone in the team knows Hugo's background, but Hugo is so powerful that no one dares to say anything. Hugo, who missed the opportunity in the locker room, was gloomy and embarrassed to say more, and handed the baton to Allegri.

Allegri spoke a lot, and the purpose was very clear. The team must quickly establish the leading advantage in the second half.

After that, Allegri suddenly asked Hugo: "Gigi, I saw you limping when you came off the court. Are you injured?! If you are injured, don't force yourself. You are still young. Don't let any root cause of illness fall on you! Has Janlani checked you?!"

Am I? ! Am I limping? ! Yes, my buttocks still hurt a little, but I don't seem to be limping? ! Hugo was confused!

But when he saw Allegri blinking, hehe, Hugo understood that this guy was giving himself a way out to see if he intended to replace himself!

Should he accept this kindness or not? ! Hugo's mind was working quickly in a flash. Go off the court, damn, I haven't saved my face yet. Palazzolo is so weak, can't I score a goal? !

"Well, it hurts a little, but I think I can still hold on for a while. If I can't do it later, let Vincent come on as a substitute!" Hugo answered Allegri with room for maneuver.

Janlani was the team's temporary doctor. After hearing Allegri's words, he was paid by Hugo and thought Hugo was really injured. He came over to show his courtesy, but Hugo refused and said, "No need to check! I can still hold on! Please help me check when I leave the court later!"

Allegri heard Hugo's response and cursed in his heart, you grandson, I gave you a chance to leave the court, but you are still holding on there. In the second half, you are waiting to hurt others and yourself!

I really had my head squeezed by the door to join your team. I worked hard and worked like a cow and a horse, and only got 100,000, just to help the team upgrade. I met you, a fool. I think this team is finished even if I invest more!

Hugo doesn't care what the players think. Anyway, we must score a goal today, otherwise I won't leave the court!

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and the two teams returned to the court. Hugo was still on the court. Morek muttered, "It seems that it is hard to say whether we can get off to a good start today!"

"We will definitely win today!" Richie was full of confidence. Compared with Morek, Richie obviously knew more about the level of the Serie D league. Compared with the teams in Serie B and Serie A, teams at this level have many shortcomings, or should I say too many shortcomings.

The two teams are slightly stronger in strength, and their control ability will be much stronger than the other side. In the first half, Trapani was completely overwhelmed under Allegri's leadership. Richie didn't believe that Palazzolo had any way to limit Allegri in the second half. Allegri's level in Serie D is like Zidane's level in Serie A. It is difficult for other teams to limit him.

As Richie predicted, Palazzolo committed more fouls on Allegri, but they were not very useful. Allegri was still able to successfully lead the team to control the midfield situation.

Palazzolo could only passively defend, retreating under the command of the head coach and defending in his own half. At this time, Toni's role became more obvious, because Trapani's offensive routine was to use the side pass to make full use of Toni's high point. In the first half, Palazzolo had ideas, and Trapani often gave Toni some feet balls. Toni's speed was slow and he couldn't pass the ball well, which led to him being surrounded frequently, which was not conducive to his performance.

In the second half, Trapani finally had more crosses. Tony's height and strong body played a big role. In the 53rd and 64th minutes, he headed in two consecutive headers, allowing Trapani to lead the opponent by 3 goals. The fans in the stands shouted happily. Sylvia and Aisha also cheered for Tony. Hehe, they said they hoped Trapani would lose, but it was obvious that Sylvia didn't really hope Trapani would lose. She just couldn't stand Hugo's coldness.

Trapani's players breathed a sigh of relief after scoring three goals in a row. The only one who didn't feel relieved was Hugo. After the opponent's intensive defense in the second half, it was not as easy for him to score as Tony. Active running was useless and it was difficult to get any opportunities.

He was very angry and dissatisfied with the players. He began to blame the players for not passing the ball to him. The players had learned to play dumb. If they couldn't pass the ball to him, it would be like a meat bun hitting a dog. It would go nowhere. Obviously, they didn't have the ability to break through, but they wanted to break through and seek death.

And everyone knows Hugo's habits. He gets angry on the court, but off the court, he won't really blame anyone.

The team's substitute striker Piolo was waiting anxiously. He said he would let me go during the halftime break, why didn't you leave the court? !

You want me to leave the court without scoring a goal, no way!

Hugo ran more actively in the second half, but his physical fitness was not so good, and he soon couldn't run anymore, so he became a walking emperor again!

Palazzolo's morale dropped after losing most of the game, but the head coach asked the team to attack again. Everyone is from Sicily, and everyone can understand what Palazzolo's head coach said. It turns out that this old guy doesn't care how much he loses, but hopes that everyone can score a goal, and save some face by scoring a goal away from home.

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