My name is Colani

Chapter 458 186 Three slaps

On May 1st, in Rome, the conference hall of the professional league office building was holding an election for the new chairman of the professional league. Galliani had been the chairman of the professional league for several years and was deeply rooted. However, this time he was strongly opposed by Hugo. In the last meeting, Hugo criticized him for not seeking the welfare of all Serie A but only speaking for the wealthy clubs.

Everyone knows about the power field. Didn’t Galliani also come to power shouting slogans? ! However, after taking the stage, he finally spoke on behalf of Milan-Juventus. The conflict between Inter Milan and them became more and more profound. Hugo was impatient to seize power. There was still a pole below that was occupied by Hugo and Zamparini. The wooed ball will help, and Galliani will not be able to continue this time.

Lao Bei also persuaded him not to run again, so Galliani will not attend as a candidate at all this time.

It was not beyond Hugo's expectation that Galliani would not be a candidate. After all, Bayern had already agreed, so Galliani could only agree. Regardless of his seniority and his reputation in the football world, in the final analysis He is still a high-level wage earner, so he must listen to Lao Bei's words.

But it is still necessary to pull someone to make trouble. Bari's chairman Matarese was pushed out and listed as a candidate together with Zamparini.

Mattarese, the boss, is an official fan, and he is at odds with Hugo. It was obviously Galliani who caused trouble. During this period, Hugo had long heard that this guy was jumping up and down, but he was not worried about this guy at all. , Matarese could not win anyone to support him.

At this meeting, when Matarese appeared among the candidates, Hugo still criticized him unceremoniously: "What qualifications does he have to lead the professional league forward?! Take a good look at Barry under his leadership. Come on! How can such a bad leader become a candidate after going from Serie A to Serie B with a lot of debt?

Regardless of Matarese's blushing face, Hugo continued to say sadly: "Gentlemen, we want to choose a chairman who can lead the professional league as a whole. This is not a place for power struggle, nor is it a place where opportunists should be treated. place! I hope everyone will cast their votes carefully and not let the conspiracy of some speculators succeed!”

"You bastard from Sicily, who do you think is a speculator?!" Matarese finally couldn't bear it any longer. He seemed to have forgotten Hugo's background, put his face in front of Hugo, spitted and cursed!

"Pah!" Hugo was also annoyed. He raised his hand and slapped Matarese so hard that he couldn't find his way.

The heads of the clubs at the meeting were dumbfounded and started fighting? !

The fight started, and Matarese struggled with Hugo like crazy. Matarese was not short, almost the same as Hugo, but Hugo was better because he was young and nimble, and Matarese was at a disadvantage!

Whether you want to watch a good show or don't want things to get too big, you can't just stand around and come and persuade us!

Matarese was beaten until his nose was bruised and swollen, and Hugo's nose also bled. Of course, Hugo was punched by Matarese in the chaos. Matarese suffered even more injuries because Hugo also had an accomplice, Lu. Fan, when trying to break up the fight, kicked Matarese twice.

Matarese was being held up by everyone and couldn't stand up. He probably had to take a moment to get over it!

Since the establishment of the professional league, this is the first time in history that two club bosses have been seen fighting each other, which has opened the eyes of many leaders!

"Madman, he is indeed a madman! Damn, this little bastard is a madman!" Galliani felt sad. He sat motionless in his chair.

At this moment, after both people were persuaded to return to their seats, Galliani said with a smile: "Gentlemen, calm down! We are all gentlemen, why should we do this?! We should get back to the topic, there is no need. Are you dealing with personal grudges at this time?”

Galliani clearly changed the subject, but secretly he accused Hugo of taking revenge. Matarese and Hugo had good memories, but Matarese later rebelled.

Many of you here know this story, so it seems that Hugo really wants to take revenge!

"I think Gigi's suggestion is fine. Some of us here are honest and some are dishonest. In the past, choosing a chairman was just like playing. But now it's different. We have to seriously choose a chairman who is good for the development of our league. It is necessary to recognize the hypocrisy of some people!" Of course Hugo's ally Zamparini would not let Hugo fight alone, and besides, he is the candidate.

Good guy, a few people are noisy again, it's like a vegetable market.

Today, Juventus came to the meeting not with the Big Three, but with Stevens, the serious chairman of their team. When he saw everyone making a fuss, he suggested, "Let's stop talking and make a choice!"

Carlaro, the chairman of the Football Association, also couldn't stand it. Everyone liked to argue too much. Hugo, a bastard, hit people, which made him very angry. Following Stevens's speech, he patted the table in front of him hard to ask everyone to be quiet. Let the elections begin!

Fights are rare, but bickering in meetings is not uncommon. Often during meetings, several groups of people get into trouble.

The situation has calmed down and the election has begun. The candidates are still Mattarese and Zamparini. Each team participating in the meeting has one vote, mainly the teams in Serie A, Serie B and Serie C. Non-professionals have no voting rights. , professional teams below Serie C also have no voting rights.

The voting ended soon, and everyone took a short break. The Football Association staff counted the votes, and Hugo and Matarese stopped making trouble. Hugo ran to Stevens and asked the old man who he had chosen.

"It doesn't matter who I vote for. Anyway, you and Zamparini won't care about my vote!"

Ha, Hugo understood immediately. The Big Three didn't come. Stevens gave the vote to Zamparini with the intention of the Agnelli family.

"Thank you! I won't forget John!" Hugo said with a smile.

Soon after, the results of the votes came out. Zamparini got 67% of the votes, Matarese only got 21%, and 12% of the teams didn't vote for anyone.

Zamparini's face was as smiling as a flower. He was also a fan of officials. He had all the reputations, which was good for him.

Taking out the prepared speech, Zamparini spoke about how to make the league better. Everyone is not stupid, just listen to it!

The only gold content of this speech may be that it revolves around improving the status of small teams. In fact, it doesn't say anything else.

Everyone knows that whether it can be fulfilled depends on Hugo. Only he has the ability to accomplish something that is good for everyone.

The meeting was adjourned, and Zamparini accepted interviews from reporters outside the office building. The birth of the new chairman marked a new beginning.

Galliani went out in a low-key manner and refused the interviews from reporters. He got in the car and drove away. Hugo went out with a smile and accepted interviews from everyone at the door.

"I am satisfied with the results of this election. I believe Mr. Zamparini has the ability to lead the professional league into a new era!"

"New era?! Mr. Colena, you just used the word "new era". Does it mean that the future will be different from the past?!" a reporter asked.

"Of course! There were too many unfairnesses in our league before. The current professional league is a new organization. I believe that the current chairman is more suitable to lead us forward!"

"Do you mean that Mr. Galliani is not doing well?!"

"He is not too bad, but some of his concepts are still too old. In the new era, we need people who are enterprising! He can't see the benefits of the broadcasting rights package to the league. He only considers Milan. I think this is incorrect." Hugo revealed Galliani's position.

The wealthy families signed the original agreement unwillingly, and some people still feel aggrieved about it.

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