My name is Colani

Chapter 483 European Football Club Association

And who controls the football associations of various countries? ! Needless to say, the giants of various countries have a lot of say, so in the end, it has evolved into a huge influence of clubs in various countries on the election of the UEFA president.

Hugo has heard of some of Platini's small ideas. Of course, it is not ruled out that this guy is for political purposes. He wants to reform the Champions League and give small countries more opportunities to participate. This is one of his means of canvassing votes.

Such a strategy will definitely offend football powers. If he does this, it will damage the interests of football powers. Who is willing? !

High-level competitions mean a lot of things and have far-reaching impacts. Money and power are what the football associations of various countries are tirelessly pursuing. Letting small countries have more opportunities to participate in high-level competitions is far-reaching. It is damaging the money and power of football powers!

Who would be happy with his election? The G14 group especially dislikes him and wants to say you go eat shit!

Hugo also wants to say you go eat shit! I support you, and I will be besieged by the whole country of Italy!

Because this matter is not only related to the interests of the giants, many small clubs will also be affected. For example, originally everyone was lucky and the small clubs could show up in Europe. Now you have reduced the quota, we have one less quota, then we have one less opportunity to show up, how can we be happy? !

"Mr. Coleman, I admire everything you have done in Italy!" Platini praised, "Football needs a fair environment!"

"And now our football environment is deteriorating. A few giants have the right to speak, not only in their own country, but also in UEFA. The things involved in Italy's phone gate are not just Italy. This is just the tip of the iceberg!" Platini looked at Hugo seriously.

"It can be said that the world of football is full of deception and unfairness! To be honest, I want to change all this! I came to see you because I think everything you have done proves that you are a fair person, and you are actually creating a new, fair competition environment! I think we have something in common in this regard!"

"We should stand together and do something for European football! I don't think you want to see your team being suppressed by other giants in the European arena in the future, right?!" Platini was sincere or pretending to be sincere.

"Then you should know that if I help you, I will be besieged by the national team, right?!" Hugo asked with a smile.

The income of the Champions League is very important for the participating teams, because they will be divided into a considerable bonus. For the Italian teams with poor financial conditions, even if they go for a walk, they can have a good income. Who would be happy for UEFA to cut their quota!

"This incident will not affect you, and you will not be scolded by everyone!" Platini smiled, "My initial idea is to allocate quotas based on the points in recent seasons. Italian teams have been performing stably in the Champions League over the years and still maintain four quotas, no problem at all!"

It's interesting. If Platini says this, it is very likely that Serie A's European qualification quota can be guaranteed. Hugo believes that Serie A's European performance in recent years should be the best in the world, but he still has concerns!

He is in the Italian football environment, and he doesn't know that the phone gate has dealt a huge blow to the entire Italian football world. Many clubs are involved, and it has also seriously hit the enthusiasm of many local investors. Italian football is about to enter a severe winter, and investment will be reduced. Hugo is not optimistic about the performance of Italian teams in the European war!

Politicians are best at turning their faces. Platini doesn't know what promises he made to small countries. Maybe when he comes to power, he will take action against Italy in a year or two!

To be honest, Hugo extremely distrusts Platini. This person seems a bit fake!

"I heard a rumor that G14 plans to invite your team to join!" Platini looked at the silent Hugo and said again.

Oh, this guy is well-informed, maybe he knew it a long time ago! Hugo suddenly remembered the Champions League final. Well, he felt more and more that Platini said that he knew G14 might try to win him over when he met him.

"There is such a thing! They plan to invite me to join, but I am still considering it. This is actually not bad for Trapani!" Hugo admitted with a smile.

To be honest, Hugo didn't take this matter so seriously. As mentioned earlier, he didn't want to participate in the struggle at the European level, and he saw it clearly from Chelsea's affairs. These days, as long as you have money, you can also walk sideways. People say that Chelsea can't buy big-name stars, but Hugo knows that Shevchenko's deal is about to be completed. Milan has accepted Chelsea's offer. After all, money can change a lot of things.

Hugo has money, why should he participate in that kind of struggle? G14 tries to get benefits from UEFA and FIFA. Hugo doesn't mind it, and maybe he can get a piece of the pie, but there is no need to fight. It's better not to go if he doesn't have a strong voice.

What he really cares about is the football environment in Italy. He feels that as an Italian, he has a greater responsibility to improve the football environment in Italy!

As for Europe, what's the big deal to me? !

"What's the point of you going?!" Platini asked, "In fact, I have an idea. Are you interested?!"

"Huh?!" Hugo looked at Platini curiously.

"European clubs are now in disarray. At the European level, G14 is always the boss. Sometimes Johansson pays too much attention to their interests in the distribution of benefits, while small teams have no say and have to swallow their anger! This situation should be changed. We need fairness. My idea is why we don't set up a European Club Federation. They can deal with UEFA in an official capacity. They represent the overall interests of clubs in European countries, not the interests of certain powerful countries!"

"Gigi, what do you think?! To be honest, I think I will never find a leader like you again. I believe you can definitely lead everyone well!" Platini smiled. This is the second bargaining chip.

The first is to ensure that Italy's European war quota is not affected, and the second is to let Hugo also benefit, you can get power!

Platini's statement greatly increased Hugo's interest. He didn't value power that much, but football status was a good thing. This matter would definitely make Trapani's reputation even higher, and it would be more famous than participating in the G14, because he would be the leader and the initiator. Platini would definitely help him pull a bunch of clubs and set up the framework first.

"Will this organization be under the leadership of UEFA?!" Hugo was concerned about this.

"To be precise, it is not. In form, of course, my idea is! I think it is an independent organization, but the way we solve problems is more through negotiation rather than fighting!" Platini laughed.

Hugo understood what Platini meant. In name, it must be managed by UEFA. Platini hoped that the new organization would negotiate when there were disputes with UEFA, instead of following UEFA and FIFA like G14, and using legal means to make UEFA and FIFA look bad at every turn!

This is an organization established under the "care" of UEFA. It is more about cooperating with UEFA than against it!

"But don't worry, this is an independent organization. I can say for sure that they definitely have a say in the allocation of certain affairs of UEFA. You are a wise man, you should know that such a say is not something that UEFA can decide!" Platini was very honest.

Because after the establishment of this organization, it is difficult to say whether it will be close to UEFA. This is not something that politicians like Platini can control, but for now, this is obviously Platini's big move to mess with G14, because this organization is currently two groups that are completely diametrically opposed to G14.

One is aimed at maintaining the interests of the giants, while the other represents the interests of the quasi-giants and small and medium-sized clubs. Although they also have common interests, there is definitely a struggle now.

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