My name is Colani

Chapter 499 The former boy

The role of a small club is a bit like a leveling account that specializes in trading in the online game world. However, if the player opens a small account to provide what he needs, the leveling account will certainly not be so useful, and the benefits will be lost.

What's more, if Team B is set up to participate in the promotion league, it will inevitably squeeze out the position of others. There are not many places, but it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among other teams.

Given the environment in Italy and the nature of Italians, Shafir's suggestion may not be realized. It is not as simple as Hugo thought.

They can always find a lot of connections. Now that the Italian football world is in chaos, it is even more difficult to reach an agreement easily. However, Hugo thought about it and still felt that it was feasible.

In the early years, there was something in Italy, the associated club, which actually still exists now, but with the outbreak of the phone gate incident, there are signs of collapse.

The interests of the associated clubs are deeply involved, a bit like the second team of a certain giant, which is extremely harmful. After Rossi, the current commissioner of the Football Association, came to power, he has recently promoted the crackdown on associated clubs.

They always have some dishonorable deals behind the scenes, which makes those helpless low-level teams very unhappy. Some affiliated clubs rent seven or eight players from their masters, which is obviously abnormal.

Hugo's proposal for the second team is actually more ruthless, but Hugo's confidence comes from his estimation that the strength of small teams can be almost ignored. Rossi wants to get rid of the affiliated clubs for the health of Italian football. Everyone in power does not only consider his own interests.

Rossi, the commissioner of the Football Association, still wants to do something that is beneficial to the development of Italian football.

Hugo's proposal is also different from the affiliated clubs. The second team will not be as chaotic as the affiliated clubs, and it will not be able to get rid of the master, disrupt the order of the football market, and collude to do some illegal activities.

The second team is not the case. It belongs to the same club as the first team, and the finances are all together. It is transparent and fair, and there is no transaction. It is much easier to check than the affiliated clubs.

For the future of Italian football, Rossi should be supportive!

Hugo and Shafir had a great time talking, and the game at Trapani Stadium soon started. Trapani had played family games before, but that was not a rule. From this summer, it will become a rule.

There will be such a family game every summer in the future. There is also a special area in the stadium for Trapani's youth training players in the children's and teenagers' groups. These players' main job is to study, and training is not every day.

After Shafir came, he changed a lot of rules. What he most strongly opposed was that young players had to receive training every day. He believed that it was more important to cultivate their interest. If they trained every day, they would soon get tired of boring training.

Football training is boring. Even interested players will become tired after two or three years. This is why many players do not like training, and this is why many players do not discuss football at home.

Aesthetic fatigue will be reflected vividly in the football industry!

Keeping the team members always welcoming training with a positive attitude is a problem that every head coach needs to face!

The young players only attend twice a week, and the junior group only attends three times a week at most. The management is also very loose. They can come if they want to, and not come if they don’t want to, but the coaches will instill in them the principle of persistence.

Those who don’t want to persist will not be punished!

The difference between Trapani’s training and other teams is that there is no charge. Instead, the necessary equipment will be provided to the trainees. This is also a Sicilian characteristic. Southerners are poor, so naturally they can’t spend much money to buy equipment for their children.

The situation has been good in the past two years around the city of Trapani. The development of tourism has greatly improved their living standards, but according to statistics, the Sicily region is still below the poverty line in Europe.

Hugo felt warm in his heart when he saw these children wearing Trapani jerseys and watching the game with smiles on their faces. I didn’t do much good, but at least this thing is giving back to my hometown!

Hugo also remembered the little guys who had been hanging out with him during those years. Except for Antonio Perrotta who was the first-team leader of the club, the others were studying in college. Hugo had promised them that as long as they were studious, it would not be a problem to study in the United States or the United Kingdom.

"I finally feel that I have done a good thing!" Hugo pouted and said to Shafir with a smile.

"Haha, that's right, you are the best to them I have ever seen!" Shafir said honestly.

"Our place is poor, I can't let them play football barefoot!" Hugo spread his hands.

"Oh! Beautiful!" Shafir suddenly applauded.

"You are not paying attention when talking to me?!" Hugo also moved his eyes to the game.

"I was watching and listening to you, you are right! What do you think of Angel?!" Shafir pointed at the little player who was performing on the court just now, Angel Di Maria.

"He's good, but he looks too thin. His family was very poor when he was young, so he didn't have enough food!" Hugo shook his head, but he didn't say that Di Maria's skills were bad, but he felt that Di Maria's ability to compete was not strong.

In such a family match, the competition would certainly not be too intense. Perhaps the old players in the first team still hold the idea that they should not hit the children too hard, and let them be proud from time to time.

"Is his family poor?!" This was the first time Shafir heard of this. He had been following Di Maria for some time, but he would never care about Di Maria's family, because Di Maria came to Trapani when he was very young. The Argentine school was a separate school, and Di Maria had a close relationship with Lu Fan.

Shafir had never even met his family, which was something he ignored.

In fact, Di Maria's family would come to Trapani every year, with only one chance, which was Christmas. Because the family was poor, they were unlikely to visit their son often, and Di Maria's apprenticeship contract obviously could not give the family too much money.

Lu Fan still paid for the annual travel expenses, food, drink, and defecation.

"How can his family not be poor?! It was precisely because of poverty that he ran to Sicily and Trapani! So he worked very hard, right?!" Hugo laughed.

"Yes, I have been observing them for a long time, he is very good! I think at this stage, he is comparable to Pedro. I think the team does not need to consider the issue of wingers in the new season. We should give these two kids a chance. You know, Leo took on the main responsibility when he was younger than Pedro!" Shafir said.

"He is too thin! Insufficient confrontation ability! I tell you, he was forced to Hernandez by his parents at the beginning, and Hernandez had no choice but to bring him to Italy! He is the youngest and thinnest among the children. Every time I see him, he is always so thin. Why is that?!" Hugo talked about Di Maria's past.

"You have seen his parents, right?!" Shafir asked.

"Yes, I have!"

"Is his father thin?!"

"Need I say that?! Of course he is thin, just like him, like a bamboo pole!" Hugo rolled his eyes at Shafir. Di Maria certainly looks like his father.

"So, I think you don't know him at all. Being thin is just hereditary. He performed well in the league. I think he has good confrontation ability! If he is in the first team, I think he can adapt well! This is not a problem!" Shafir shook his head.

Hugo watched the game seriously. Di Maria and Pedro were transferred to the first team for summer training this season, but Hugo didn't watch their games seriously, so he repeatedly said that the team needed wingers.

Participating in the team's summer training does not mean that the two of them will stay in the first team. There is a great possibility that they will return to the youth team. Pedro may be loaned out. Di Maria is less than 18 years old and will stay in the youth team to continue to participate in the youth league.

Pedro and Di Maria played on the wings today. After watching for a while, Hugo felt that the two little guys were really good. Pedro was short, but fast and flexible. He had already shown a certain talent in running position. More importantly, this kid was in good physical condition. He didn't seem tired when running up and down, and his attitude was quite positive.

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