My name is Colani

Chapter 55 Fans Representative

Trapani also had fan organizations in the past, but as Trapani's record became worse and worse and it was on the verge of bankruptcy, the fan organizations were also powerless. Last year, the spectators who came to watch the game sometimes did not There were only a few thousand people attending, and the fan organization had never held any activities.

This year is different, Hugo has changed the appearance of the shell, but as Trapani’s performance continues to improve, and Trapani’s management has said on different occasions that our goal is Serie A, we Trapani fans also want to see the world, so driven by the record and bright future, the enthusiasm of fan organizations has also increased, and various fan organizations have also expanded rapidly.

It is quite interesting for these fan organizations to expand their sphere of influence. They cannot do without some means. The fans who come into their sight must first be members of the previous fan organization, not members of Trapani Football Club, and then they have to charge some money. The name is to organize activities, such as gatherings for fans to drink and eat, traveling to away games, etc.

The leaders who control these fan organizations are all bright-minded guys. It stands to reason that the people here don't have much money, but these leaders force the members to pay a membership fee of fifty euros to two hundred euros. Their dues expenditure account Of course Bo is just cheating, and these bosses are just pretending to use it for their own benefit.

Each group does not have too many members, but throughout the year, the leader can get some pretty good benefits.

This is a fan organization, as well as some small vendors who are always smarter. They see that the situation in Trapani is improving now, and with the investment of Hugo from the Colaini family, they also start to make and sell some souvenirs, scarves, etc. , the garment factory they cooperated with Hugo also produced a batch of jerseys and made a lot of money from fans.

Fabio Costa is the leader of the fan organization "People of Trapani". He was originally a street gangster. He is somewhat related to the Colleini family and he was interested in football very early on. He used to be the founder of this fans organization. This organization went into recession last year, but it has come back to life this year. He and his brothers have recruited nearly 100 fan members in total, and the annual membership fee is at least 100 euros. The membership fee alone is about 10,000 euros. Costa made false accounts, and at least 3,000 to 4,000 euros ended up in his pocket.

However, he has heard a very bad news in the past few days. It is said that Trapani will sell tickets starting from its next home game. The price is an eye-popping 10 euros per game. This price is for someone who has always been in the D-League. It’s too damn high for the team, and it’s too damn high for the Trapani fans. 10 euros can buy a lot of food at this time. Maybe some people can eat a little more crudely and eat for three. Four days!

Why? ! Why should you, a broken team, charge like this? If you give me one euro, I don’t even think I want to watch the game live!

Costa thought so, but he also knew that after collecting the tickets, how many people in his group would be willing to continue to be fooled by him? ! He knows that these fans are definitely not willing to spend money to watch football because of habit. Everyone is used to watching football for free every weekend. Now they have to pay for it, which is psychologically unacceptable.

Since not many people will accept it, his fan organization is about to face a depression. He doesn't even have to watch the football. What kind of fan organization should he join, shouting and drinking all day long? !

He doesn't know what other organization leaders think, but he is very concerned about this matter anyway. He hopes that the team will continue the policy of watching games for free, so that he can continue to line his own pockets and continue to deceive those enthusiastic fans.

"Fabio, why do you have time to come to my place today?!" Giorgio's coffee shop did a good job in the evening, and Costa, who was often seen in bars, appeared in the coffee shop today.

Although Giorgio spends a lot of time and energy on the team, his cafe is still open as usual. His wife and eldest son who dropped out of school are in charge of the cafe. In the evening, he will go to the cafe to help after he has a rest. .

"Why can't I come?! I don't want to drink today, I just want some coffee from you!" Costa took out the money, put it on the table, and said with a smile, "Can you sit down and chat for a while?!"

Giorgio looked around and saw that there were not many guests at this time, so he sat down. He felt that Costa must have something to tell him.

"I want to ask you something!" Costa went straight to the point.

"Uh-huh, tell me!" Giorgio said he was all ears.

"I heard that the team is going to start selling tickets. Is that true?" Costa asked.

"Hey, you've heard it all! I wanted to tell you originally! This might not be good news for you! Haha!" Of course Giorgio knew what Costa was doing behind his back and teased with a smile.

"So this is true?!" Costa was a little frustrated.

"It's true. Gigi has already said that the ticket booths will be used at the next home game. He just started to plan to price 20 euros per game. After my persuasion, he changed the price to 10 euros per game!" Joe Gio spread his hands and said, as if to say that selling tickets is none of my business.

"Is he crazy?! He dares to charge such an expensive ticket for such a level!" Costa felt that Hugo must be crazy.

"I don't agree with this. It's time for the team to charge some ticket money. You also have to think about the club. There are 17 home games throughout the year. Even if there are 5,000 spectators in each game, the ticket is 10 euros, tax and municipal fees are deducted. If we can get 200,000 euros from the club’s commission, it’s not bad! After the team is upgraded, we need to further professionalize it, buy players, upgrade the training ground, etc., you think this is free, but 10 euros? It seems a bit expensive!" Giorgio complained, and finally told the truth.

"If you continue like this, no fans will come to the stadium to watch the game!" Costa said with disdain.

"I told Gigi the same thing, but he didn't listen at all!" Giorgio shrugged and said he was helpless. For a moment, Giorgio rolled his eyes and said to Costa, "Fabio, I think You can go talk to Gigi, you are fan representatives, maybe he will listen to your words!"

Giorgio's instigation was not without reason. Even if he tried to think of it, he had no idea why Gigi wanted to sell tickets. Only two people involved knew the reason, one was Hugo and the other was Little Morek.

That night, Morek mentioned the safety issue of the stadium. Hugo finally came up with a trick that made Morek "impressed". The name of this trick was "Collect money!" He set a high ticket price to prevent people from coming. Fans watching the game, to put it bluntly, don't let the place be overcrowded, and naturally the safety problem will be solved.

"Brother, don't you know that this will make the stadium empty?! Our team is rooted among the locals, and the fans are all neighbors. This is not good!" Little Morek also persuaded his cousin in this way! .

However, Hugo said: "Who said this team is rooted here?! This team is rooted here. I am paying for the team to grow, I am paying to build the team, and I rent the stadium. , I bought the players, I built the training ground, and I paid the salaries! I don’t care about the fans’ opinions at all. If you really love this team, let them bleed. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to like it. This team, hurry up and like the Northern Three Bears! Look how good this idea is. I don’t believe they would spend money to watch the game. The capacity of the stadium is just like that. Now I want to invest money to expand the capacity. Possibly, because I don’t have the money! If I can’t expand the capacity, just don’t let them come to the stadium!”

"It's a little too sentimental to say this directly. It's a good idea to set a high ticket price! I already knew I was so smart!" Hugo was not ashamed but proud.

Costa listened to the instigation of general manager Giorgio and suddenly felt that he was something special, right? We are the representatives of the fans. Gigi is awesome, how can he go against the fans? ! After all, we have to consider the feelings of the fans. If I can persuade the boss Jiji not to do this, can my fans organization absorb more people and get more benefits? !

Costa had a sweet dream. Giorgio really didn't like Gigi's current style. He didn't know why. Just like Costa at this moment, he also thought that the fans could have a great influence on Gigi. Giorgio Austria has a deep relationship with the fans and attaches great importance to the local fans. What kind of team is Trapani without the fans? ! Even if it is a team without a source of spiritual strength, he does not want to see the fans being slaughtered, so Costa became the first target of his persuasion.

Then there were the second and third ones. Giorgio privately lobbied the heads of several fan groups, and then after the club posted an announcement about selling tickets, he met with Hugo and said that the fans outside were dissatisfied with the club. I am very dissatisfied with the move to start selling tickets, and some people have already said that they will protest downstairs at the headquarters again.

"Oh, these guys who deserve to be beaten, I didn't deal with them last time, and now they are getting more and more arrogant, right?! Think I am the wooden Jesus in the church?!" Hugo said angrily, the last time a small-scale During the parade, Hugo did not cause trouble for certain people. Will these people come this time? !

"Ahem, Gigi, it's always bad to touch your hometown fans. It will affect your reputation. I think you'd better listen to their opinions!" Giorgio advised.

It seemed like it wouldn’t be a good idea to beat them up. Hugo thought for a moment and said, OK, I’ll make it clear to you country bumpkins in person that the football game is not a free lunch.

Costa and others came to meet Hugo with trepidation. The people they wanted to meet were members of the Colaney family. Last time, someone protested against Hugo for changing the team emblem and the traditional color of the jersey without authorization, but there was no retaliation. , this gave them courage.

Costa and Hugo are still relatives, and he is publicly recommended as the main "negotiator"!

When he saw Gigi, Costa's face was full of smiles, "Master Gigi, do you remember me?! The last time you were injured, I followed my grandfather to see you!"

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