My name is Colani

Chapter 564 Global Ambassador

When looking forward to the upcoming second round of the quarter-finals, Hugo, who was sarcastic about Giorgio's bad character, said firmly: "We will advance! We will definitely advance!"

"Mr. Colaney, are you so sure?!" The reporters were curious.

"Because there are traitors in Barcelona! We have undercovers..." Hugo paused deliberately and said mysteriously, "Mr. Begiristain has already told us how to win!"

The reporters laughed. They all knew what people from the two clubs said before the competition. Before the game against Trapani, Bekiristain, the technical director of Barcelona, ​​publicly expressed his hope to see Trapani. "If they just want to keep the 2-1 score, then our chance will come and we can score two away goals very quickly. According to their playing habits, yes, I guess they will Defensive counterattack! I don’t think they are that kind of team!”

Everyone on earth knows that what Barcelona fears most is defensive counterattacks. Bekiristain just wanted to anger Ranieri and Trapani players so that the duel could proceed in Barcelona's favorite way.

"So, you don't care about the way you win?! Don't you keep saying that you like beautiful football?!" The reporter from World Sports News couldn't bear the laughter of the people around him, and he sarcastically said.

"I like to play beautiful football! And my team also plays beautiful football!" Hugo shrugged.

"Ha, defensive counterattack is actually called beautiful football?! Putting a bus in front of your own door and then waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack?! What kind of beautiful football is this!" Catalan reporters ridiculed again.

"Mr. Reporter, I am standing outside the club with good intentions to accept your interview. It's better for you, but you have become a bully?! Tell yourself, why was Barcelona better than us in the last round?! You want to lose face? It's not shameless! There is only one criterion for beautiful football, and that is scoring goals!" Hugo was not angry at all and mocked the reporter.

In terms of statistics, Barcelona only had the advantage in possession of the ball in the last round, but what else? ! It all falls below, absolutely below.

How could the reporter not know this, so he blushed, stopped talking, and left quietly. Who knew that Hugo would stare at him, and when he saw him about to leave, he immediately shouted: "Who?! You are so sneaky!" You, sneaky, what do you want to do? Now is your chance to learn, why are you running?..."

After all the ridicule, Hugo felt very happy.

To be honest, he doesn't think Trapani under Ranieri is beautiful football. Deschamps also had some ugly games, but not as many as Ranieri.

The strange thing is that Ranieri didn't think this way when he took office, but as his results got better and better, this guy became more and more conservative, paying special attention to defense. If his results were not at the bottom of the box, many offensive players on the team would express dissatisfaction. Satisfied,

Hugo has also been a coach. Ranieri is obviously in a state of worry about gains and losses, and is afraid of losing. The loss to Roma still did not make him relieved. He is now obsessed!

It’s hard to tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing!

Hugo revealed Trapani's determination in front of the media. This was just one part of the psychological warfare between the two teams before the life-and-death battle. Both teams were busy.

The two coaches are the most reserved. With the big game approaching, Rijkaard and Ranieri didn't say anything. What's interesting is the senior management and players. Barcelona's players that day kept saying that we can reverse it, Xavi and Ronaldo. Players such as Erdinho, Puyol, and the returning Eto'o have expressed confidence in the reversal.

Toni, Klose, Victor and others from Trapani all expressed their confidence in advancing.

"I don't think they can come back! I must admit that their attack power is very strong, but we are also a team of equal weight. Our defense is very solid and we will win the game." Victor said when facing Trapani officials He said through gritted teeth on the TV station.

For such an important game, as the team's Champions League home city, the Trapani City Hall and the club took joint actions, and the streets and alleys were filled with Trapani flags.

This game was originally only the second round of the quarter-finals, but because the two teams they faced were originally considered to be the strongest contenders for the Champions League runner-up at the beginning of the season, this game attracted many teams.

Whether they are from Sicily, Italy, or other European countries, fans from all over the world are rushing to the small town of Trapani.

Not to mention the Barbera Stadium, the Trapani Stadium does have tight security, and the violence in Sicily did not affect the enthusiasm of the fans.

Trapani Club has also made some changes to the ticket sales rules. Eighty percent of the tickets are sold online, and only 20% of the tickets are sold offline. The purpose of this is to attract more fans from other places, rather than fans from Trapani and Palermo, so many foreign fans came.

The capacity of Trapani Stadium is limited, only about 20,000. It will be very different if it is replaced by a sea stadium in the future, and more people will bring business opportunities to the city of Trapani.

The relationship between Trapani and Barcelona has never been close, and they poached each other, although they never realized it. Barcelona wanted to poach Messi, and Trapani wanted to poach Xavi.

Therefore, Laporta did not come to Trapani in advance. He came to Trapani on the day of the game, one day later than Barcelona. Barcelona borrowed the training base of Palermo.

On the day of the match, they took a bus from Palermo to Trapani. The fans of Trapani were quite friendly. They just gave him the middle finger and didn't attack their bus.

Hugo called Guardiola and invited him to watch the game. Guardiola wanted to refuse. From the bottom of his heart, he still believed that Barcelona could advance, but it was not easy to say that on the surface, right? !

"Why did you refuse? I invited you to give you the opportunity to observe and learn on the spot! After all, you are a famous player, right?! Aren't you playing in their B team now? It's a good time to learn!" Hugo laughed and scolded.

Guardiola couldn't refuse, so he came. Laporta didn't know what was going on. When he saw Guardiola in the VIP box, he was stunned and felt very uncomfortable.

Guardiola didn't know that Hugo was using him to disgust Laporta. Speaking of the famous players, it was obvious that Guardiola was a famous player from Barcelona, ​​not Trapani.

"Come on, let me introduce you! You all must know him. Pep has a new identity. He is a famous player in Trapani and a global ambassador of our club!" Hugo pulled Guardiola to introduce him to Laporta.

Laporta felt uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. Isn't this uncomfortable? ! Guardiola, his employee, the coach of the youth team, and the famous captain of Barcelona, ​​actually took a leave and ran to Trapani to watch the game, and he became the global ambassador of Trapani!

What's going on? !

Guardiola stared at Hugo in astonishment. What's going on? ! I didn't even know I became a global ambassador. Is there any money for this? !

Laporta didn't expect Guardiola to come here to do this. He said a few words in dissatisfaction, patted his butt and left. Guardiola didn't have the nerve to refute Hugo's face and said nothing.

After Laporta left, Guardiola asked Hugo unhappily: "Gigi, you did this on purpose, didn't you?!"

"What do you mean by intentional?! I don't know what you mean!" Hugo said with his hands spread out.

"You asked me to come here on purpose just to disgust Laporta?!" Guardiola was angry and amused. He was angry that he had become a prop, and amused that only a madman like Hugo would do this on purpose. It was too childish.

"That's not true. I asked you to come here not just to let you watch the game, but to invite you to be the global ambassador of the club!" Hugo shrugged.

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