My name is Colani

Chapter 57: Poverty is not a reason to lower prices

Hugo waved to everyone to calm down. Today the team is training at the training ground. There are only Giorgio, the janitor, and the aunt sweeping the floor. At this time, these people also heard the news and stood beside Hugo. around.

Giorgio looked at the gray-bearded old man and the fat sweeping lady with a guilty conscience. "Gigi, look at the people around you. Don't anger these guys. Even the members of your Colaney family Even if you don’t give me any face, we are now very weak!

"Don't make any noise, let me ask you a question! Who does this team belong to now?!" Hugo asked.

There is no objection to this question. This team belongs to you. Many fans replied, "It belongs to you!"

"Well said, let me ask you another question, do you need money to eat?! Do you need money to go out and take a bus?! Do you need money to watch a movie?!" Hugo asked again.

Isn’t what Hugo asked nonsense? ! But no one answered, are we really fools? ! No, they can easily think that this team does not belong to them, and they have to pay to watch the game.

"You, kid, tell big brother, do you want money when you go out to eat?!" Hugo smiled and grabbed a handsome boy who was being protected by an adult and asked.

"Of course you need money to eat!" The child was still very young and answered correctly.

"Good answer! Be good, brother will buy you candies later!" Hugo patted the child's head and then raised his head and continued. "Yes, even a child knows that you need to pay for food! Don't you know?! My team is mine, not yours. If you want to watch my team play, you have to pay, so Simple truth, don’t you understand?”

"But this team was founded by our fans from the beginning. We never charged money to watch games in the past. This is the rule!" Some fans made a weak voice again.

"Yes, that's it!" some people echoed.

"Yes, we did not charge money in the past, but you know that the team used to be amateur and belonged to everyone. It is natural to not charge money! But it is different now. This is my personal team, and you all admit it. It doesn’t make sense to think that my team still wants to play for free! The times are changing, and the rules need to change now. Is there something wrong with what I said?” Hugo continued to explain the truth.

No matter how you put it, it seems that Hugo is reasonable. In fact, for the grandson of such a powerful family, these people want to change Hugo's decision and can only convince him by reasoning and using violence. Please, this is not advisable, who Neither wants to cause trouble.

"But don't you think the price of ten euros is too expensive?! Look at what we eat and drink at such a high price?!" A certain fan was filled with indignation.

"This price is quite expensive?! Don't I think it's expensive?! Besides, there are many expensive things in this world. There are many things in Sicily, Palermo, and Trapani that you can't enjoy, but you I have never made trouble with them, because you have no reason to make trouble with them! Isn’t this the same situation now? You have no reason to make trouble here. It’s not my problem that you can’t afford it, but your own problem. !”

"I think my team's games are worth the price. You can't say anything! What you should really work hard for is to make more money. If you have never been abroad, make good money and enjoy the exotic customs abroad. Watch the sunrise in Africa. Go and see the aurora in the Arctic, the penguins in the Antarctic, the kangaroos in Australia, and the giant pandas in China! Let’s all think about making money. Trapani is going to start a big construction project now. However, there are many opportunities in coastal tourist cities, so don’t stand here, quickly think about how to make money, and when you are capable, go to the stadium to watch football and contribute to the team. Then you can be proud to say that I It's a Trapani fan! It's gone, it's gone, I don't give out free lunch here!" Hugo waved his hand to chase away the fans, then walked up the stairs, ignoring the stunned ones. fans.

"Evil capitalists!" Someone spat in a low voice and left, followed by a second and third one, and the surrounding fans dispersed just like that.

Giorgio made a false alarm. These people were still rational and did not dare to punch or kick Hugo. Even the slogans were very civilized and they just wanted to watch the football for free.

What Hugo said is wrong. What cannot be afforded are luxury goods, but football games must not belong to the category of luxury goods, because it is a mass sport and many people will come to play. Trapani’s current Tickets are not cheap either.

No matter how wrong you say, it's true. This group of people can't figure it out for the time being. Once they figure it out, they probably don't have the energy to have a debate with Hugo. They can't talk about it for three days and three nights. If they don't mention Hugo, You won’t be willing to do it, maybe even the people who think about it are not willing to do it.

"Look, the folks are still very reasonable!" Hugo went upstairs and said to Giorgio who was following him.

Well, if it weren't for your family's tough background, you might get beaten up, and no one would listen to your fallacy.

"Alas, the folks are not open-minded, and they are used to living in poverty all day long! Giorgio, I will tell you a fact, a fact in the future. If one day our team reaches the height of the Northern Three Bears, do you think the ticket price will be ten euros?! No, we will definitely follow their example. Every game they watch is not only for fans from Milan and Turin, but from all over the world! Trapani's poverty is really not a reason to lower the ticket price, at least in my eyes. The ticket price will only be more expensive in the future. Isn't the first priority of this group of people to make money first?! So I am right! Now Trapani should have "Poverty is shameful!" written all over the streets, and our folks should wake up from their isolation and bad habits!" Hugo enlightened Giorgio, hoping that Giorgio could understand.

What can Giorgio say? Even such a group of people were persuaded by you. I can only say that you are awesome, and everything you say is right!

"That day I told you that we want to build a new stadium. I have been considering the feasibility of this these two days. What do you think of this idea?!" Hugo asked.

"Of course the idea is good, but do you have money?! And where will the land come from?! According to what you said, we will be a successful team in the future. Do you think the city hall will give up the ticket share?! Give up the income from the stadium rental?!" Giorgio certainly thinks this is a good thing, but the first thing involved is the profit issue.

For example, are the teams in the north stupid? ! They also want to own their own stadiums, which can increase a lot of income, but generally speaking, the city hall is not stupid and is unwilling to give up such a share. The annual ticket income is not cheap, so many teams want to own but cannot get the land. The city government will not allow you to build. Yes, they are so cheap!

"I don't have money! But I can find a way to get a piece of land first. If my uncle can't even do this, I will never recognize him as a relative again!" Hugo said fiercely. I helped a lot. If my uncle doesn't even give me a piece of land, I will definitely be very angry and cut off my relationship with him directly.

Giorgio was in a trance and didn't think that the mayor was a member of the Colene family.

"We don't have money now, but we still have money to buy the land. Let's go out and have a good study. We will build a five-star, no, seven-star stadium in the future, and make it a landmark attraction in Trapani. You say that we can make money from tickets, and we can also collect money from tourists when we are free. How cool is that!" Hugo fantasized.

The players of the Trapani team also knew about the ticket price. Of course, outsiders like Toni, Allegri, and Kameni didn't care. It was none of their business. As for the remaining local players, Victor obeyed Hugo's orders. Some other players were a little reluctant, but no one dared to speak. What if Hugo got angry and fired himself? It would cut off the important income of the family, which no one wanted to face.

So everything in the team was normal. Hugo didn't have time to see the players during this period after he came back, because his uncle's matter hung him up, and he killed a lot of brain cells, so he came up with a proposal for his uncle.

In the afternoon after the ticket price incident, Hugo finally went to the training ground. It was really embarrassing to say that he, as the head coach and player, had been absent for several months. If it were another team, he would have been fired long ago. But here he has the final say. Besides, everyone is happy for him to be absent. With him around, the team's performance might be terrible.

"Everyone has done a good job recently!" Hugo appeared at the training ground with a smile.

"That's right! We are in high spirits now. There is no problem with promotion this season!" The number one follower Victor stood next to Hugo.

Recently, they played Marsala. After Hugo came back, Trapani also played an away game to challenge a team in the Campania region. This was an expedition, and the opponent was not bad, but Trapani still won a small victory of 1:0. It happened that Marsala was defeated by the visiting team Gorbissencilento after experiencing the blow in Trapani. This allowed Trapani to continue to expand its lead, which has reached 8 points. If Trapani does not have any accidents, not only the winter championship is set in stone, but also the group championship can be set in stone.

But now, the "accident" is back. Whether an accident will happen or not depends on how this "accident" is handled.

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